Wikipedia:Penyalahgunaan jangka panjang/Airlangga Yudhoyono

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ai-bounces@lists.wikimedia.orgkepada saya4 menit yang laluDetailThe results of your email command are provided below.- Original message details:From: "Airlangga Yudhoyono S_A-P, S_T-HAN" <>Subject: Fwd: Detail akun di WikipediaDate: Sun, 16 Apr 2023 06:15:20 +0700Message-ID: <>- Results:Ignoring non-text/plain MIME partsNo such command: detailNo such command: ==template==No such command: style="automatic:auto;">No such command: council/directory/wikiprojectNo such command: =airlangga_yudhoyono.tni-mil.idNo such command: =No such command: =No such command: =No such command: =No such command: =No such command: =- Ignored:|collaboration =|portal        = Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.Id|portal2       =Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil-Example-Mailer|portal3       = Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Ac.Id|notes         = Google-Chrome}}Templat {{Facebook}} tidak dilengkapi ID dan tidak ada di Wikidata.

Penyalahgunaan jangka panjang/Airlangga Yudhoyono
Tanggal pendirian09 Mei 1991
ProdukWikipedia Scholarships
Anak organisasiWikipedia

This Is About Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.Id is a publicly supported non-profitorganization.[1] The FFE's focus is toprovide funds for higher education to students in Indonesia who areacademically gifted and from low-income families.==Incumbents=====Presidentand Vice President==={| class="wikitable"|-!colspan="2"|President!colspan="2"|Vice President |-|align="right"|Joko Widodo| align="right"|Berkas:Joko Widodo 2019official portrait.jpg| align="left"|Berkas:Ma'ruf Amin 2019official portrait.jpg| align="left"|Ma'ruf Amin|}===Ministersand Coordinating Ministers=======Coordinating Ministers===={|class=wikitable|-! Photo! Position! Name|-| [[File:Templat:Header navbar community{| cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" style=3D"width:100%; border:1px #D9C=EB8solid;"|-| colspan=3D"2" style=3D"border-bottom:1px #BFB1A3 solid;padding-left:5px;background:#397BCE;color:white;text-align:center;" |

WikiProject directory

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This is the main  directory of WikiProjectsand related administration pages on EnglishWikipedia. Due to the high volume of WikiProjects (over 2,000), thisdirectory has been split into several "sub-directories" based on the projects' scope.  You can alsouse the Special:Search box below to locate WikiProjects and sub-pages.

Tipe kotak input "3Dfulltextbgcolor=3Dwhitewidth=3D30prefix =3D Wikipedia:WikiProjectsearchbuttonlabel=3D Search WikiProjectsbreak=3Dnoplaceholder=3De.g. Women scientists" tak dikenal. Harap gunakan "create", "comment", "search", "search2", atau "fulltext".

New to WikiProjects? See FAQs about WikiProjects for theanswers to the most common inquiries. The WikiProject guideline page outlines generally acceptedprotocols and conventions.Adding to the listings or changing entries! The directories sub-pageslistings are constructed using the{{Wikipedia:WikiProjectCouncil/Directory/WikiProject}} template; full instructions and adefinition of "inactive WikiProject" are availablehere.---------- Pesan yang diteruskan ----------Dari: *Airlangga Yudhoyono S_A-P, S_T-HAN* <>Tgl: Minggu, 09 April 2023Subjek: fdw: "" <>Telusuri Gambar Maps Play YouTube Berita Gmail Drive Lainnya =C2=BBOpsi | Akun Google | Setelan | Bantuan | LogoutLihat opsi penelusuran Buat filterTulis EmailFolderKotak Masuk (436)Berbintang Surat TerkirimDraf (7)Semua EmailSpam (1)Tong SampahKontakLabelEdit label =C2=AB Kembali ke Kotak Masuk          Mau Diapakan?Tandai sudahdibacaTandai belum dibacaTambahkan bintangHapus bintangJangan tampilkan =E2==80=B9Lebih baru 123 dari ratusan Lebih lama =E2=80=BA Luaskan semua    Cetak    =JendelabaruYour proposal: Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.IdKotak Masuk   Wikimania 202326 Maret 2023 pukul 16.29Wikimania 2023<>26 Maret 2023 pukul 16.48Balas ke: Wikimania 2023 <>Kepada: pamulihansbc093@gmail.comBalas | Balas kesemua | Teruskan | Cetak | Hapus | Tampilkan versi asliWikimania 2023Your proposal: Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.IdHi!We have received your proposal "Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.Id" toWikimania 2023. We will notify you once we have had time to consider allproposals, but until then you can see and edit your proposal at do not hesitate to contactus if you have any questions!The Wikimania 2023 organisersFull proposalcontent:Proposal title: Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.IdAbstract: pretalx APIAirlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.Id Api Root Event List GET OPTIONS Event ListGET /api/events/ HTTP 200 OK Allow: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS Content-Type:application/json Vary: Accept[ { "name": { "en": "HCS Conference" },"slug": "hcs-conference-2022", "is_public": true, "date_from":"2024-04-22", "date_to": "2024-04-24", "timezone": "UTC", "urls": { "base":"", "schedule": "", "login": "", "feed": "" } }, { "name": {"de": "LED 23", "de-formal": "Tagung der Fachgruppen =E2=80=9ESoziale Arbei=t in derLehre=E2=80=9C, =E2=80=9ESoziale Arbeit und Digitalisierung=E2=80=9C und ==E2=80=9EEthik und Soziale Arbeitder DGSA" }, "slug": "led-23", "is_public": true, "date_from":"2023-11-24", "date_to": "2023-11-24", 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"","schedule": "", "login": "", "feed": "" } }, { "name": { "de":"DemoKon", "en": "DemoCon" }, "slug": "democon", "is_public": true,"date_from": "2023-03-26", "date_to": "2023-03-28", "timezone":"Europe/London", "urls": { "base": "","schedule": "", "login": "", "feed": "" } }, { "name": { "de": "NR-Fachkonferenz: Ungleichheit ==E2=80=93Ein Wort, viele Facetten" }, "slug": "ungleichheit", "is_public": true,"date_from": "2023-03-24", "date_to": "2023-03-24", "timezone":"Europe/Berlin", "urls": { "base": "", "schedule": "", "login": "", "feed": "" } }, { "name": {"de": "GestaltWas! 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WikiProject directory

|-| style="vertical-align:top; background:white; padding:1.2em;"|

This is the main  directory of WikiProjectsand related administration pages on EnglishWikipedia. Due to the high volume of WikiProjects (over 2,000), thisdirectory has been split into several "sub-directories" based on the projects' scope.  You can alsouse the Special:Search box below to locate WikiProjects and sub-pages.

Tipe kotak input "fulltextbgcolor=whitewidth=30prefix = Wikipedia:WikiProjectsearchbuttonlabel= Search WikiProjectsbreak=noplaceholder=e.g. Women scientists" tak dikenal. Harap gunakan "create", "comment", "search", "search2", atau "fulltext".

New to WikiProjects? See FAQs about WikiProjects for theanswers to the most common inquiries. The WikiProject guideline page outlines generally acceptedprotocols and conventions.Adding to the listings or changing entries! The directories sub-pageslistings are constructed using the{{Wikipedia:WikiProjectCouncil/Directory/WikiProject}} template; full instructions and adefinition of "inactive WikiProject" are availablehere.- Results:Ignoring non-text/plain MIME partsNo such command: fdw: such command: =3d=3dtemplate=3d=3dNo such command: style=3d"automatic:auto;">No such command: council/directory/wikiprojectNo such command: =3dairlangga_yudhoyono.tni-mil.idNo such command: =3dNo such command: =3dNo such command: =3dNo such command: =3dNo such command: =3dNo such command: =3d- Ignored:|collaboration =3D|portal        =3D Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.Id|portal2       =3DAirlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil-Example-Mailer|portal3       =3D Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Ac.Id|notes         =3D Google-Chrome}}Templat {{Facebook}} tidak dilengkapi ID dan tidak ada di Wikidata.

Penyalahgunaan jangka panjang/Airlangga Yudhoyono
Tanggal pembubaran3D
Produk3DWikipedia Scholarships
Anak organisasi3DWikipedia
Dana abadi3D
Situs web3D 

This Is About Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.Id is a publicly supported non-profitorganization.[2] The FFE's focus is toprovide funds for higher education to students in Indonesia who areacademically gifted and from low-income families.=3D=3DIncumbents=3D=3D=3D==3D=3D Templat:Header navbar community{| cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" style=3D"width:100%; border:1px #D9C=EB8solid;"|-| colspan=3D"2" style=3D"border-bottom:1px #BFB1A3 solid;padding-left:5px;background:#397BCE;color:white;text-align:center;" |

WikiProject directory

|-| style=3D"vertical-align:top; background:white; padding:1.2em;"|

This is the main  directory of WikiProjectsand related administration pages on EnglishWikipedia. Due to the high volume of WikiProjects (over 2,000), thisdirectory has been split into several "sub-directories" based on the projects' scope.  You can alsouse the Special:Search box below to locate WikiProjects and sub-pages.

Tipe kotak input "3Dfulltextbgcolor=3Dwhitewidth=3D30prefix =3D Wikipedia:WikiProjectsearchbuttonlabel=3D Search WikiProjectsbreak=3Dnoplaceholder=3De.g. Women scientists" tak dikenal. Harap gunakan "create", "comment", "search", "search2", atau "fulltext".

New to WikiProjects? See FAQs about WikiProjects for theanswers to the most common inquiries. The WikiProject guideline page outlines generally acceptedprotocols and conventions.Adding to the listings or changing entries! The directories sub-pageslistings are constructed using the{{Wikipedia:WikiProjectCouncil/Directory/WikiProject}} template; full instructions and adefinition of "inactive WikiProject" are availablehere.---------- Pesan yang diteruskan ----------Dari: *Airlangga Yudhoyono S_A-P, S_T-HAN* <>Tgl: Minggu, 09 April 2023

Riwayat IP

  1. ^ "Airlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.Id". Templat:Header navbar community{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%; border:1px #D9CEB8solid;"|-| colspan="2" style="border-bottom:1px #BFB1A3 solid;padding-left:5px;background:#397BCE;color:white;text-align:center;" |
    WikiProject directory
    |-| style="vertical-align:top; background:white; padding:1.2em;"|
    This is the main  directory of WikiProjectsand related administration pages on EnglishWikipedia. Due to the high volume of WikiProjects (over 2,000), thisdirectory has been split into several "sub-directories" based on the projects' scope.  You can alsouse the Special:Search box below to locate WikiProjects and sub-pages.
    Tipe kotak input "fulltextbgcolor=whitewidth=30prefix = Wikipedia:WikiProjectsearchbuttonlabel= Search" tak dikenal. Harap gunakan "create", "comment", "search", "search2", atau "fulltext".
    New to WikiProjects? See FAQs about WikiProjects for theanswers to the most common inquiries. The WikiProject guideline page outlines generally acceptedprotocols and conventions.Adding to the listings or changing entries! The directories sub-pageslistings are constructed using the{{Wikipedia:WikiProjectCouncil/Directory/WikiProject}} template; full instructions and adefinition of "inactive WikiProject" are availablehere.
  2. ^ [3D "3DAirlangga_Yudhoyono.Tni-Mil.Id"] Periksa nilai |url= (bantuan). 3D.