Hi welcome to the Indonesian Wikipedia! Are you Polish and do you speak Indonesian? Well nice to see you around here anyway. I think Poles are a nice Central or Eastern people. Especially when I compare Poles with the sometimes arrogant Czechs ..., not that I don't like them on the contrary. They are just not as friendly as Poles. I hope you are not a Czech ;-) Meursault2004 10:25, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Hello, i answer in German (i saw you understand German and my English is poor) :-) Ja, ich bin Pole und kein Tscheche :-), danke für die netten worte uber meine Landsleute :-) Vieleicht uberrascht dich das, aber ich kann kein Indonesich, ich habe mir die worter in anderen artikeln in Indonesischer Sprache herausgesucht - ich hoffe ich habe keine Fehler gemacht :-) In Indonesien leben auch Polen, schade das keiner von ihnen den weg nach Wikipedia fand, um hier mehr informationen uber Polen zu schreiben :-) Gibt es ein worterbuch Indonesich-English oder Indonesich-Deutsch im internet? Dann konnte ich versuchen noch mehr grund-informationen im Artikel Polen zu schreiben. Du kannst mir auf Englisch anworten ich verstehe alles, ich kann nur schlecht selbst auch English schreiben :-)--Polska 14:06, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)

Okay I'll answer in English then, as my German is poor ;-) But my Dutch is much better! Well Czechs are sometimes arrogant and annoying but I must admit they can play soccer very well! They have so far the best team in the EC 2004 in Portugal, the only one that never lost or tied ;-)
Yes indeed I was rather surprised that you can alter Indonesians text without knowing the language :-) You must be able to recognise patterns well. Luckily Indonesian doesn't have any cases, so it is fairly easy to learn ;-)
The Bleszinsky family is the most famous Polish family in Indonesia. There are at least three movie stars coming from this family: Marek, Theresia and Tamara. The father of this three persons was a naturalised Polish while the mother is Indonesian (I think Sundanese). He recently passed away (some two years ago).
You can try www.google.com to find German-Indonesian and English-Indonesian dictionaries. I found quite a few.
I'm also interested in Polish history and especially the relationship between Germans and Poles. I think this is a love-hate relationship. Many Germans are of Polish (or other Slavic) descent, but they tend to deny it. It reminds me of the relationships between some peoples in Indonesia.
Well see you later! Meursault2004 21:56, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)