tanda bahaya kode Morse untuk meminta pertolongan
SOS adalah nama untuk tanda bahaya kode Morse internasional. (· · · - - - · · ·). Tanda ini pertama kali digunakan oleh pemerintah Jerman pada 1 April 1905, dan menjadi standar di seluruh dunia sejak 3 November 1906. Dalam kode Morse, tiga titik adalah kode untuk huruf S dan tiga garis adalah huruf O. Dalam penggunaannya, SOS sering dihubungkan dengan singkatan kata "Save Our Ship," "Save Our Souls," "Survivors On Ship," "Save Our Sailors" "Stop Other Signals", dan "Send Out Sailors".
- "The Wireless Telegraph Conference", The Electrician, November 27, 1903, pages 157-160, 214.
- Final Protocol, First International Radio Telegraphic Conference, Berlin, 1903.
- Regelung der Funkentelegraphie im Deutschen Reich, Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, April 27, 1905, pages 413-414.
- German Regulations for the Control of Spark Telegraphy, The Electrician, May 5, 1905, pages 94-95.
- Robison, S. S., "Manual of Wireless Telegraphy for the Use of Naval Electricians", 1st edition, 1906.
- 1906 International Wireless Telegraph Convention, U.S. Government Printing Office.
- "The International Radio-Telegraphic Convention", Electrical World, January 12, 1907, pages 83-84.
- Notable Achievements of Wireless, Modern Electrics, September, 1910, page 315.
- Collins, Francis A., Some Stirring Wireless Rescues, from "The Wireless Man", 1912, pages 104-141.
- Turnball, G. E., "Distress Signalling", The Yearbook of Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, 1913, pages 318-322 (includes text of "Circular 57").