Amnesty Internasional
Amnesty International adalah sebuah organisasi non-pemerintah internasional dengan tujuan mempromosikan seluruh HAM yang terdapat dalam Universal Declaration of Human Rights dan standar internasional lainnya. Amnesti Internasional mengkampanyekan untuk membebaskan prisoner of conscience; untuk memastikan keadilan dan mengadakan persidangan untuk tawanan politik; untuk menghapuskan hukum mati, penyiksaan, dan perlakuan tahanan lainnya yang dianggapnya sebagai kejam; untuk menghilangkan pembunuhan politik dan pemaksaan penghilangan; dan untuk menentang segala pelecehan seluruh hak asasi manusia, baik oleh pemerintah atau oleh grup lainnya.
Pranala luar
Wikiquote memiliki koleksi kutipan yang berkaitan dengan: Amnesty Internasional.
- Amnesty International's website
- Peter Benenson: The Forgotten Prisoners The Observer, May 28, 1961
- William Schulz, Security Is a Human Right, Too, New York Times, April 18, 2004.
- AI's 2004 annual report on human rights abuses (Summary [1])
- AI's 2005 annual report on human rights abuses
Artikel kritikal terhadap AI
- Jonathan V. Last, Calling It Like They See It, FrontPageMagazine, April 3, 2003. Alleges AI has anti-American/Israel bias.
- Christopher Archangelli, Amnesty for Iraq, FrontPageMagazine, April 24, 2003. Alleges AI has anti-American bias regarding Iraq.
- NGO Monitor Criticisms of Amnesty International – Points to a running list of criticism of various NGOs, AI in particular.
- Nabeel Abraham, et al.; International Human Rights Organizations and the Palestine Question, Middle East Report (MERIP), Vol. 18, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1988, pp. 12 – 20. Argues that several organizations, including AI, are biased against Palestinians.
- Nabeel Abraham, Torture, Anyone?, Lies of Our Times, May 1992, pp. 2 – 4. Claims AI and other groups are reticent in describing alleged torture on the part of Israel.
- Dennis Bernstein's interview with Prof. Francis Boyle, CAQ, Summer 2002. Boyle, a former AI-USA board member, threatened to sue AI-USA over its alleged biased coverage.
- Alexander Cockburn, How the US State Dept. Recruited Human Rights Groups to Cheer On the Bombing Raids: Those Incubator Babies, Once More?, CounterPunch newsletter, April 1-15, 1999. Alleges several human rights organizations "fell into line" regarding the bombing of Serbia.
- Michael Mandel, How America Gets Away With Murder: Illegal Wars, Collateral Damage and Crimes Against Humanity, Pluto Press 2004. Alleges AI is selective in defending "human rights", in particular, regarding the US-Iraq war 2003, and the War in the Balkans.
- Paul de Rooij, AI: Say It Isn't So, CounterPunch, October 31, 2002.
- Paul de Rooij, AI: The Case of a Rape Foretold, CounterPunch, November 26, 2003.
- Paul de Rooij, AI: A false beacon?, CounterPunch, October 13 2004. Contains a reading list.
- American Gulag at National Review Online.[2]