Walter Julius Veith (lahir tahun 1949) adalah seorang ahli zoologi yang berasal dari Afrika Selatan, penulis dan pembicara dalam Gereja Advent yang dikenal karyanya dalam bidang nutrisi, kreasionisme dan eksegesis Alkitab bersama Amazing Discoveries media ministry yang menayangkan program televisi internasional di Amerika Utara pada Galaxy 19.

Walter Julius Veith
Afrika Selatan
PekerjaanProfesor, pastor, penulis, penginjil, pembicara
Dikenal atasPembicara bagi Amazing Discoveries mengenai nutrisi, kreasionisme, dan "peristiwa-peristiwa akhir zaman."
Situs web ;

Profesor Veith adalah profesor departemen zoologi pada University of Cape Town dan mengajar pada departemen medical bioscience. Dalam waktu itu departemen ini diberi hadiah grant Royal Society London untuk riset zoologi.[1]

Setelah bergabung dengan Gereja Advent ia menolak teologi dan mendukung kreasionisme[2][3] dan harus melepaskan jabatan pengajar University of Cape Town.

Sebagai pendukung kreasionisme[4] ia berbicara pada forum internasional mengenai topik ini dan topik lain, termasuk pemahaman evangelikal Alkitab dengan komitmen pada Textus Receptus KJV tetapi bukan posisi 'KJV Only' ("hanya KJV").[5] Ia juga mempromosikan diet vegetarian dan kepercayaan akan penggenapan segera Akhir Zaman menurut Alkitab dan Kedatangan Kedua Yesus Kristus.


  • Something different. Vegan cookery. More great, tasty recipes. Nuremberg: Shosh, 1993
  • Rediscover diet. The influence of diet on our health. Stuttgart: Scientific Publishing Company, 1996 ISBN 3-8047-1468-4, (Also published as Diet and Health, Stuttgart 1998, ISBN 3-88763-068-8 ). Presents insights on health from his own research and seminars on nutrition and the impact of diet on human health and disease
  • The Genesis Conflict. Amazing Discoveries, Delta BC 2002, ISBN 0-9682363-5-9. A study of evolutionary theory and the evidences of Creation found in the natural world. In this book Veith discusses the biblical version of the creation account and argues in support of its veracity, maintaining that the geological and paleontological data does not support gradual evolution, but rather imply catastrophism, which is consistent with the Genesis account.
  • On the truth is what matters. Amazing Discoveries, Heroldsberg 2003, ISBN 3-9809109-0-3, (Original title: Truth Matters - Escaping the Labyrinth of Error). An analysis of current religious and political developments on the basis of biblical texts, claiming that the Papacy, Freemasonry, and the United Nations (among other institutions) are anti-Christian oriented organizations.


  1. Veith, W. J. 1974. Reproductive biology of Chamaeleo pumilis pumilis with special reference to the role of the corpus luteum and progesterone. Zool. Afr. 9: 161-183.
  2. Veith, W. J. 1979 The Chemical composition of the follicular fluid of the viviparous teleost Clinus Superciliousus, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 63A; 37-40
  3. Veith, W. J., 1979, Reproduction of the live-bearing teleost Clinus Superciliosus. S. Afr. J. Zool. 14:208-211
  4. Veith, W. J., 1980, Viviparity and embryonic adaptions in the teleost Clinus Superciliosus. Can J. Zool. 58:1-12
  5. Veith, W. J. and S. R. Malecha. 1983. Histochemical study of the distribution of lipids, 3 alpha- and 3 beta-hydrosteroid dehydrogenase in the androgenic gland of the cultured prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) (Crustacea; Decapoda). S. Afri. J. Sci. 79:84-85.
  6. Manie, T., Khan, S., Brozel, V.S., Veith, W.J. and Gouws, P.A. 1998. Antimicrobial resistance of bacteria isolated from slaughtered and retail chicken in South Africa. Letters in Applied Microbiology 26, 253-258.
  7. Manie, T., Brozel, V.S., Veith, W.J. and Gouws, P.A. 1999. Antimicrobial resistance of bacterial flora associated with bovine products in South Africa. Journal of Food Protection 62, 615-618.

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  1. ^ "Science, Engineering and Technology Programme Evaluation Report 1996-2001" (PDF). hlm. 5. 
  2. ^ "Creation Scientists". Diakses tanggal 2014-03-20. 
  3. ^ "Honorable Mentions - Creation Science Hall of FameCreation Science Hall of Fame". Diakses tanggal 2014-03-20. 
  4. ^ "Creation scientists and other biographies of interest". Diakses tanggal 2014-03-20. 
  5. ^ [1]

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See also 28 Fundamentals#External links