Templat:Year in Asia/doc

Revisi sejak 3 Januari 2017 00.00 oleh Argo Carpathians (bicara | kontrib) (Dari WP:EN)
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  • {{{1}}} (first unnamed parameter): The year (required; if unspecified or not numeric an error message is given)
  • {{{title}}}: A custom title (default: "<year> in Asia", linked if an article with that name exists)
  • {{{state}}}: "expanded", "collapsed" or "autocollapse" (see {{collapsible option}})

Furthermore, the link to each country can be individually set using the following parameter names. If set to nothing it omits the country entirely. These parameters also work if a country is omitted by default because it didn't exist in the given year.

Negara saat ini (kode ISO 3166-1)
  • AF – Afganistan
  • SA – Arab Saudi
  • AM – Armenia
  • AZ – Azerbaijan
  • BH – Bahrain (juga sebagai koloni Britania Raya)
  • BD – Bangladesh
  • BT – Bhutan
  • BN – Brunei
  • MM – Burma (Myanmar)
  • PH – Filipina
  • GE – Georgia
  • IN – India
  • ID – Indonesia
  • IR – Iran
  • IQ – Irak
  • IL – Israel
  • JP – Jepang
  • KH – Kamboja
  • KZ – Kazakhstan
  • KR – Korea Selatan
  • KP – Korea Utara
  • KW – Kuwait
  • KG – Kirgizstan
  • LA – Laos
  • LB – Lebanon
  • MY – Malaysia
  • MV – Maladewa
  • EG – Mesir
  • MN – Mongolia (juga sebagai negara dengan pengakuan terbatas)
  • NP – Nepal
  • OM – Oman
  • PK – Pakistan
  • QA – Qatar
  • RU – Rusia
  • SQ – Singapura
  • CY – Siprus (juga sebagai koloni Britania Raya)
  • LK – Sri Lanka
  • SY – Syria
  • TJ – Tajikistan
  • TH – Thailand
  • TL – Timor Leste
  • CN – Tiongkok
  • TR – Turki
  • TM – Turkmenistan
  • AE – Uni Emirat Arab
  • UZ – Uzbekistan
  • VN – Vietnam
  • YE – Yaman (juga untuk Yaman Utara)
  • JO – Yordania
Dependensi saat ini (kode ISO 3166-1)
  • IO – Teritori Samudra Hindia Britania
  • CX – Pulau Natal
  • CC – Pulau Cocos (Keeling)
  • HK – Hong Kong
  • MO – Makau

Negara dengan pengakuan terbatas (kode ISO 3166-1 yang ditugaskan pengguna)

  • XAB – Abkhazia
  • XNK – Nagorno-Karabakh
  • XSO – Ossetia Selatan
  • PS – Palestina
  • XNC – Siprus Utara
  • TW – Taiwan (juga sebagai negara yang tidak diakui)

Former countries (kode ISO 3166-1 dan ISO 3166-3)

  • SKM – Sikkim
  • SU – Uni Soviet
  • VD – Vietnam Utara
  • YMD – Yaman Selatan

Former countries (kode ISO 3166-1 yang ditugaskan pengguna)

  • XLK – Ceylon (diubah menjadi Sri Lanka)
  • XNL – Hindia Belanda
  • XFN – India Perancis
  • XFI – Indochina Perancis
  • XIQ – Kemandatan Irak
  • XPS – Kemandatan Palestina
  • XSY – Kemandatan Suriah
  • XBY – Kekaisaran Bizantium
  • XMN – Kekaisaran Mongol
  • XOT – Kekaisaran Utsmaniyah
  • XGB – Koloni Aden
  • XKR – Korea
  • XMA – Malaya Britania
  • XMY – Malaya (diubah ke Malaysia)
  • XIN – Raj Britania
  • XCN – Tibet
  • XJO – Transjordan
  • XVN – Vietnam Selatan

It's technically possible to input non-integer years like 1976.5, but that wouldn't make much sense, and year articles are not likely to exist for such years.


{{Year in Asia|2000}}

Contoh dengan judul kustom dan pranala:

{{Year in Asia|2000|title=Title|ID=Custom link for Indonesia}}

Note the (red) custom link for Indonesia.

Kode untuk menambahkan negara

* {{Year in Asia/expr|{{{1}}}|{{{Code|♦}}}|Years|name=Country name}}

where "Code" is a unique country-specific parameter name, "Years" is a series of years identifying periods of existence of a country (see below), and "Country name" is the country name that should be used for links. If the short-form name that should be displayed is different (for example "Georgia (country)" vs. "Georgia"), the parameter |disp=display name should be added; for countries whose names require the article "the" the parameter |the=the is available. The sub-template {{Year in Asia/expr}} automatically compares the input year with the year criteria and creates the link.

"Years" is a series of up to six unnamed parameters where each pair of two identifies a time period in which the country existed. Omit either for an unbounded interval (since the first year or until the second year). Some examples:

Code Interval Country included in years
* {{Year in Asia/expr|{{{1}}}|{{{Code|♦}}}|1100|1300|name=Name}} [1100, 1300) 1100–1300
* {{Year in Asia/expr|{{{1}}}|{{{Code|♦}}}|1100|1300|1500|1700|name=Name}} [1100, 1300), [1500, 1700) 1100–1300 and 1500–1700
* {{Year in Asia/expr|{{{1}}}|{{{Code|♦}}}|1100|name=Name}} [1100, +∞) since 1100
* {{Year in Asia/expr|{{{1}}}|{{{Code|♦}}}||1300|name=Name}} (−∞, 1300) until 1300
* {{Year in Asia/expr|{{{1}}}|{{{Code|♦}}}|1100|1300|1500|name=Name}} [1100, 1300), [1500, +∞) from 1100 until 1300 and after 1500
* {{Year in Asia/expr|{{{1}}}|{{{Code|♦}}}||1100|1300|name=Name}} (−∞, 1100), [1300, +∞) before 1100 and after 1300
* {{Year in Asia/expr|{{{1}}}|{{{Code|♦}}}|name=Name}} (−∞, +∞) always

By design, each interval includes the left endpoint and excludes the right endpoint. A country with the coding from the first example would therefore be listed if the input year is 1100, but not if the input year is 1300.


This template uses two Templat:Parser parser functions for each included country. Because {{#ifexist}} is an expensive parser function, only 500 of these may be used on a given page (see Wikipedia:Template limits). Depending on the number of countries in the given year, this template can therefore be transcluded only a few times on the same page, and if a page already uses a lot of expensive parser functions, adding it may cause the page to be automatically added to Category:Pages with too many expensive parser function calls.