Halo, {{subst:BASEPAGENAME}}.

Selamat datang di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia![[Kategori:Wikipediawan yang bergabung bulan {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}]]


Selamat menjelajah, kami menunggu suntingan Anda di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia!

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Meursault2004 00:23, 2 Oktober 2005 (UTC)


Hi Stephen!

I just noticed we were at work on Tolkien more or less simultaneously. I do hope I did not interfere with your work, and anyway, my Indonesian is so rudimentary that I would be glad if you made any corrections which would doubtless be necessary.

Best regards, Bessel (Bessel Dekker 22:02, 11 Desember 2005 (UTC))

No problem, Bessel. We can do it together. It will be easier if more people are involved in it :-) --Stephensuleeman 22:49, 11 Desember 2005 (UTC)
Excellent! 03:07, 12 Desember 2005 (UTC)


Halo, karena Anda pengguna yang aktif di Wikipedia, mungkin Anda juga berminat berkontribusi di Wikiquote bahasa Indonesia, Wiktionary bahasa Indonesia, Wikibooks bahasa Indonesia dan Wikisource bahasa Indonesia. borgx (kirim pesan) 05:17, 14 Desember 2005 (UTC)

Terima kasih. Saya akan coba. --Stephensuleeman 05:21, 14 Desember 2005 (UTC)


Saya melihat anda menulis artikel Kauman, Pasar Kliwon. Apakah ini sama dgn yg ada di artikel Kota Surakarta? Maksud saya, kalau sama, bahan2nya bisa saja digabungkan. Hayabusa future 09:09, 16 Desember 2005 (UTC)

Saya tidak menulis artikel itu, melainkan cuma menyuntingnya sedikit. Lalu saya menemukan bahwa di dalamnya terdapat tulisan mengenai Kauman Yogyakarta; karena itu saya memecahnya menjadi dua. Kalau memang bahan tentang Kauman, Pasar Kliwon itu sama, saya setuju untuk digabung saja. --Stephensuleeman 18:37, 16 Desember 2005 (UTC)

Saya sendiri krg tahu apakah sama atau tidak, soalnya belum pernah ke sana. Kalau begitu dibiarkan saja dahulu. Hayabusa future 04:58, 17 Desember 2005 (UTC)

Hi Stephen, I noticed that you put my name on the list of "tokoh Indonesia keturunan Tiong hoa", thanks. But how did you know about me? Did we ever meet, if so when and where? Sorry for not remembering. You may have noticed too, that I adjusted the information a bit. Looking forward to hear from you. June Beckx

Dear June, No, I never met with you, but I have heard about you a long time ago. I remember you came to visit Jakarta a few years ago, and I read about you in an Indonesian newspaper. Thanks for adjusting the information :-) I have very little information about you and your work. --Stephensuleeman 22:10, 17 Desember 2005 (UTC)

Dear Stephen, thank you for reacting. Since it turned out that we have never met before, your answer leaves me with a lot of questions, which I would like to discuss. If you don't mind I'd rather communicate through e-mail. I have thought about it before, but couldn't, since I had no clue as to who you were and what your e-mail address was. June Beckx, june@beckx.com

Masashi Tashiro

Hallo, Mr. Stephensuleeman! Thank you for editting Masashi Tashiro's article. Would you edit it more and more if you are OK? (I can't speak Indonesian.) -- Hatto 10:30, 18 Desember 2005 (UTC)

My pleasure :-) -- 10:48, 18 Desember 2005 (UTC)