Kelompok minoritas di Turki
Berbagai macam kelompok Minoritas di Turki menyusun komposisi demografi di negara tersebut. Kaum Minoritas di Turki dapat digolongkan menjadi dua bagian, yaitu minoritas secara etnis dan minoritas secara agama. Kaum minoritas terbesar di Turki datang dari golongan minoritas secara etnis, adalah suku bangsa Kurdi dengan persentase mencapai 18% dari keseluruhan populasi penduduk di Turki.[2] Berdasarkan Perjanjian Lausanne yang ditandatangani oleh pihak Turki dan negara-negara blok Sekutu pasca Perang Dunia Pertama, Pemerintah Republik Turki mengakui secara resmi keberadaan beberapa etnis minoritas, seperti etnis Armenia, etnis Yunani, dan keturunan Yahudi. Namun, pengakuan secara resmi ini tidak didapatkan oleh etnis minoritas muslim lainnya. Etnis muslim seperti suku bangsa Kurdi tidak diakui menurut kosntitusi dan undang-undang negara Turki meskipun jumlah orang Kurdi di Turki cukup signifikan, sekitar 18%. Pada umumnya orang-orang Kurdi di Turki digolongkan (dianggap) sebagai orang dari etnis Turki. Generalisasi ini juga seringkali diterapkan pada etnis lainnya, seperti etnis Albania, etnis Yunani Pontos, etnis Arab, etnis Bosnia, suku bangsa Sirkasia, dan suku Chechen.[3][4]
Sebagian besar kaum minoritas secara etnis di Turki (etnis Albania, etnis Bosnia, orang Tatar Krimea, dan berbagai suku bangsa yang tinggal di kawasan Kaukasus termasuk suku bangsa Turki itu sendiri) berasal dari bekas wilayah koloni Kesultanan Utsmaniyah yang mengungsi ke negara Turki akbiat Kesultanan Utsmaniyah mengalami kekalahan dalam perang.[5] Seiring berjalannya waktu para pendatang tersebutsecara alami berasimilasi terhadap budaya dan bahasa setempat serta banyak pula diantara mereka menikah dengan orang Turki dan melanjutkan keturunannya.[4][6]
Walaupun banyak diantara kaum etnis minoritas di Turki tidak mendapatkan pengakuan secara resmi oleh pemerintah Turki, Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu (Lembaga Penyiaran Televisi dan Radio Turki) menyiarkan beberapa program dengan menggunakan beberapa bahasa dari etnis minoritas di Turki.[7] Pelajaran bahasa selain bahasa Turki juga diajarkan di tingkat sekolah dasar.[8]
Tabel statistik populasi kaum minoritas di Turki
Survei resmi Kesultanan Utsmaniyah tahun 1910 | |||||||
Sanjak (distrik) | Etnis Turki | Etnis Yunani | Etnis Armenia | Etnis Yahudi | Etnis Lainnya | Jumlah | |
Istanbul | 135.681 | 70.906 | 30.465 | 5.120 | 16.812 | 258.984 | |
İzmit | 184.960 | 78.564 | 50.935 | 2.180 | 1.435 | 318.074 | |
Aidin (İzmir) | 974.225 | 629.002 | 17.247 | 24.361 | 58.076 | 1.702.911 | |
Bursa | 1.346,387 | 274.530 | 87.932 | 2.788 | 6.125 | 1.717.762 | |
Konya | 1.143,335 | 85.320 | 9.426 | 720 | 15.356 | 1.254.157 | |
Ankara | 991.666 | 54.280 | 101.388 | 901 | 12.329 | 1.160.564 | |
Trebizond | 1.047,889 | 351.104 | 45.094 | Tidak ada | Tidak ada | 1.444.087 | |
Sivas | 933.572 | 98.270 | 165.741 | Tidak ada | Tidak ada | 1.197.583 | |
Kastamon | 1.086,420 | 18.160 | 3.061 | Tidak ada | 1.980 | 1.109.621 | |
Adana | 212.454 | 88.010 | 81.250 | Tidak ada | 107.240 | 488.954 | |
Bigha | 136.000 | 29.000 | 2.000 | 3.300 | 98 | 170.398 | |
Jumlah | 8.192.589 | 1.777.146 | 594.539 | 39.370 | 219.451 | 10.823.095 | |
Persentase | 75,7% | 16,42% | 5,50% | 0,36% | 2,03% | ||
Data Survei Patriak Ekumenis Konstantinopel tahun 1912 | |||||||
Jumlah | 7.048,662 | 1.788.582 | 608.707 | 37.523 | 218.102 | 9.695.506 | |
Persentase | 72,7% | 18,45% | 6,28% | 0,39% | 2,25% |
Survei resmi Kesultanan Utsmaniyah tahun 1910[10] | |||||||
Sanjak (distrik) | Etnis Turki | Etnis Yunani | Etnis Bulgaria | Etnis Lainnya | Jumlah | ||
Edirne | 128.000 | 113.500 | 31.500 | 14.700 | 287.700 | ||
Kirk Kilisse | 53.000 | 77.000 | 28.500 | 1.150 | 159.650 | ||
Tekirdağ | 63.500 | 56.000 | 3.000 | 21.800 | 144.300 | ||
Gallipoli | 31.500 | 70.500 | 2.000 | 3.200 | 107.200 | ||
Çatalca | 18.000 | 48.500 | Tidak ada | 2.340 | 68.840 | ||
Konstantinopel | 450.000 | 260.000 | 6.000 | 130.000 | 846.000 | ||
Jumlah | 744.000 | 625,500 | 71.000 | 173.190 | 1.613.690 | ||
Persentase | 46,11% | 38,76% | 4,40% | 10,74% | |||
Data Survei Patriak Ekumenis Konstantinopel tahun 1912 | |||||||
Jumlah | 604.500 | 655.600 | 71.800 | 337.600 | 1.669.500 | ||
Persentase | 36,20% | 39,27% | 4,30% | 20,22% |
Tahun | 1914 | 1927 | 1945 | 1965 | 1990 | 2005 |
Muslim | 12.941 | 13.290 | 18.511 | 31.139 | 56.860 | 71.997 |
Krsiten Ortodoks Yunani | 1.549 | 110 | 104 | 76 | 8 | 3 |
Krsiten Ortodoks Armenian | 1.204 | 77 | 60 | 64 | 67 | 50 |
Yahudi | 128 | 82 | 77 | 38 | 29 | 27 |
Lainnya | 176 | 71 | 38 | 74 | 50 | 45 |
Jumlah | 15.997 | 13.630 | 18.790 | 31.391 | 57.005 | 72.120 |
Persentase non-Muslim | 19,1% | 2,5% | 1,5% | 0,8% | 0,3% | 0,2% |
Etnis minoritas
Berikut ini adalah nama-nama etnis minoritas yang terdapat di Turki :
Suku Abdal adalah suku bangsa minoritas yang umumnya dapat ditemukan di kawasan tengah dan barat Semenanjung Anatolia. Suku Abdal masih menjalankan hidup secara berpindah-pindah dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain. Suku Abdal menuturkan bahasa argot dengan versinya sendiri. Pada umumnya suku Abdal menganut kepercayaan Syi'ah dari sekte Alevi.[12]
Orang-orang keturunan Afganistan
Orang-orang Afganistan di Turki sebagian besar berasal dari latar belakang pengungsi. Gelombang migrasi orang-orang Afganistan di Turki pertama kali terjadi pada zaman Perang Soviet–Afganistan. Jumlah orang keturunan Afganistan di Turki tidak diketahui secara pasti, namun sebuah artikel pada koran nasional Turki Hurriyet terbitan tahun 2002 menyatakan terdapat "ribuan" orang-orang keturunan Afganistan tinggal di Turki. Mayoritas orang Afganistan di Turki terdiri dari etnis Persia dan etnis Uzbek.[13]
Orang-orang keturunan Afrika
Kehadiran orang-orang keturunan Afrika di Turki berawal dari sejarah perdanganan budak di Kesultanan Utsmaniyah. Budak-budak Afrika yang dibawa ke Kesultanan Utsmaniyah berasal dari Niger, Arab Saudi, Libya, Kenya, dan Sudan yang umumnya didatangkan melalui Pulau Zanzibar.[14] Wilayah dengan populasi orang keturunan Afrika di Turki adalah Kawasan Aegea, terutama İzmir, Aydın, dan Muğla. Terdapat pula komunitas orang-orang keturunan Afrika di pedesaan dan kota-kota besar di Provinsi Antalya dan Provinsi Adana.[15] Jumlah orang-orang keturunan Afrika di Turki tidak diketahui secara pasti.[16]
Etnis Albania
Laporan Dewan Keamanan Nasional Turki (bahasa Turki: Milli Güvenlik Kurulu, MGK) tahun 2008 menyatakan sekitar 1,3 juta orang yang memiliki darah keturunan Albania menetap di Turki. Lebih dari 500.000 orang keturunan Albania di Turki masih mempertahankan budaya dan bahasa Albania di kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Menurut sumber-sumber lain orang-orang keturunan Albania di Turki mencapai 5 juta orang.[17][18] Sebagian besar dari mereka berasal dari etnis Albania Kosovo/Makedonia dan Cameria Tosk yang melarikan diri dari penganiayaan orang Yunani dan Serbia pasca Perang Balkan. Terdapat juga beberapa orang Albania dari Montenegro dan Albania di Turki.
Sebuah lembaga Turkish-Albanian Brotherhood Culture and Solidarity Association dibentuk untuk melestarikan tradisi dan budaya Albania. Lembaga ini sering mengadakan festival-festival folklor dan malam budaya Albania di Turki. Organisasi ini berpusat di Bayrampaşa di kota Istanbul dan memiliki tiga cabang yang terletak di Küçükçekmece dan terdapat di Provinsi Ankara dan Provinsi Bursa. Setiap tahun lembaga ini menyediakan kelas-kelas bahasa Albania dan menyelenggarakan perayaan-perayaan untuk memperingati kemerdekaan Albania.
Etnis Arab
Jumlah orang-orang keturunann Arab di Turki berkisar antara 800.000 hingga satu juta jiwa. Sebagian besar etnis Arab di Turki tinggal di provinsi-provinsi yang berbatasan dengan Suriah, terutama di daerah Hatay dimana orang-orang Arab menyusun dua pertiga dari populasi di Hatay. Sebagian besar dari etnis Arab ini menganut agama Islam aliran ahlus sunnah wal jamaah, sebgaian lainnya menganut agama Islam Syi'ah dari sekte Alawi.[19]
Etnis Armenia
Suku bangsa Armenia adalah penduduk asli dataran tinggi Armenia yang sekarang wilayahnya terbagi menjadi wilayah kedaulatan Republik Turki, Republik Armenia, bagian selatan dari negara Georgia, wilayah barat dari negara Azerbaijan, dan bagian barat laut negara Iran.[20] Pada tahun 1880 pemerintah Turki melarang penggunakaan kata "Armenia" di kalangan pers, buku-buku sekolah, dan pemerintahan. Pemerintah Turki mengganti kata "Armenia" dengan istilah lain seperti Anatolia Timur atau Kurdistan bagian Utara.[21][22][23][24] Populasi orang keturunan Armenia di Turki telah mengalami penurunan yang signifikan akibat peristiwa Pembantaian Hamidian dan Genosida Armenia. Diperkirakan lebih dari satu setengah juta etnis Armenia menjadi korban jiwa dalam peristiwa Pembantaian Hamidian dan Genosida Armenia. Sebelum terjadinya genosida, etnis Armenia di Turki pada tahun 1914 tercatat berjumlah 1.914.620 jiwa.[25][26]
Sebelum pecahnya peristiwa genosida terhadap etnis Armenia, diketahui terdapat 2.300 buah bangunan gereja berdiri dan 700 buah sekolah dibanguan dengan jumlah siswa sekitar 82.000 orang.[27] Angka ini belum termasuk jumlah bangunan gereja dan sekolah dari denominasi Protestan dan Paroki Katolik Armenia.[27] Setelah peristiwa genosida etnis Armenia berakhir, diperkirakan 200.000 orang etnis Armenia tersisa di Turki.[28] Saat ini diperkirakan jumlah etnis Armenia di Turki berjumlah sebesar 40.000 hingga 70.000 jiwa.[29][30]
Saat Turki memasuki babak baru sebagai negara Republik sekuler dan mulai membuat berbagai kebijakan untuk mencoba menghapuskan warisan kebudayaan Armenia di Turki. Contoh dari kebijakan-kebijakan tersebut antara lain adalah pemaksaan menggunakan nama belakang ala Turki, perubahan nama-nama geografis, penyitaan properti, hingga penggantian nama binatang.[31] Orang-orang etnis Armenia di Turki sekarang banyak terkonsentrasi di kota paling besar di Turki, Istanbul. Sebagian besar orang-orang etnis Armenia di Turki menjalankan media cetak koran dan sekolah. Mayoritas orang Armenia di Turki menganut agama Kristen Ortodoks Armenia, sebagian kecil lainnya menganut agama Kristen Katolik, Gereja Injili Armenia[27].
Assyrians were once a large ethnic minority in the Ottoman Empire, but following the early 20th century Assyrian Genocide, many were murdered, deported, or ended up emigrating. Those that remain live in small numbers in their indigenous South Eastern Turkey (although in larger numbers than other groups murdered in Armenian or Greek genocides) and Istanbul. They number around 30,000.
Today, the existence of Bosniaks in the country is evident everywhere. In cities like İstanbul, Eskişehir, Ankara, İzmir, or Adana, one can easily find districts, streets, shops or restaurants with names such as Bosna, Yenibosna, Mostar, or Novi Pazar.[32] However, it is extremely difficult to estimate how many Bosniaks live in this country. Some Bosnian researchers believe that the number of Bosniaks in Turkey is about four million. Turkish politicians are aware of the large number of Bosniaks living in Turkey, and, referencing this in 2010, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said: "There are more Bosniaks living in Turkey than in Bosnia."[33]
There are at least 34,000 Britons in Turkey.[34] They consist mainly of British citizens married to Turkish spouses, British Turks who have moved back into the country, students and families of long-term expatriates employed predominately in white-collar industry.[35]
People identifying as Bulgarian include a large number of the Pomak and a small number of Orthodox Bulgarians.[36][37][38][39][40] According to Ethnologue at present 300,000 Pomaks in European Turkey speak Bulgarian as their mother tongue.[41] It is very hard to estimate the number of Pomaks along with the Turkified Pomaks who live in Turkey, as they have blended into the Turkish society and have been often linguistically and culturally dissimilated.[42] According to Milliyet and Turkish Daily News reports, the number of Pomaks along with the Turkified Pomaks in the country is about 600,000.[43][42] According to the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Bulgarian Orthodox Christian community in Turkey stands at 500 members.[44]
Central Asian Turkic peoples
They are about 30,000 Kazakh people living in Zeytinburnu-Istanbul. It is known that there are Kazakh people in other parts of Turkey, for instance Manisa, Konya. In 1969 and 1954 Kazakhs migrated into Anatolia's Salihli, Develi and Altay regions.[45] Turkey became home to refugee Kazakhs.[46] The Kazakh Turks Foundation (Kazak Türkleri Vakfı) is an organization of Kazakhs in Turkey.[47] Kazakhs in Turkey came via Pakistan and Afghanistan.[48] Kazak Kültür Derneği (Kazakh Culture Associration) is a Kazakh diaspora organization in Turkey.[49]
Turkey's Lake Van area is the home of Kyrgyz refugees from Afghanistan.[50] Turkey became a destination for Kyrgyz refugees due to the Soviet war in Afghanistan from Afghanistan's Wakhan area[51] 500 remained and did not go to Turkey with the others.[52] Friendship and Culture Society of Kyrgyzstan (Кыргызстан Достук жана Маданият Коому) (Kırgızistan Kültür ve Dostluk Derneği Resmi Sitesi) is a Kyrgyz diaspora organization in Turkey.[53]
They were airlifted in 1982 from Pakistan where they had sought refugee after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan at the end of 1979. Their original home was at the eastern end of the Wakhan Corridor, in the Pamirs, bordering on China. It is not known how many Kyrgyz still live in Van and how many have moved on to other parts of Turkey.
Turkey is home to 45,000 Uzbeks.[54] In the 1800s Konya's north Bogrudelik was settled by Tatar Bukharlyks. In 1981 Afghan Turkestan refugees in Pakistan moved to Turkey to join the existing Kayseri, Izmir, Ankara, and Zeytinburnu based communities.[45] Turkish based Uzbeks have established links to Saudi-based Uzbeks.[55]
Turkey is home to 50,000 Uyghurs.[56] A community of Uyghurs live in Turkey.[57][58] Kayseri received Uyghurs numbering close to 360 via the UNHCR in 1966–1967 from Pakistan.[59] The Turkey-based Uyghur diaspora had a number of family members among Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan based Uyghurs who stayed behind while the UNHCR and government of Turkey had Kayseri receive 75 Uyghurs in 1967 and 230 Uyghurs in 1965 and a number in 1964 under Alptekin and Bughra.[60] We never call each other Uyghur, but only refer to ourselves as East Turkestanis, or Kashgarlik, Turpanli, or even Turks.- according to some Uyghurs born in Turkey.[61][62]
A community of Uyghurs live in Istanbul.[63] Tuzla and Zeytinburnu mosques are used by the Uyghurs in Istanbul.[64][65] Piety is a characteristic of among Turkey dwelling Uyghurs.[66][67]
Istanbul's districts of Küçükçekmece, Sefaköy and Zeytinburnu are home to Uyghur communities.[68] Eastern Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association is located in Turkey.[69] Abdurahmon Abdulahad of the East Turkistan Education Association supported Uzbek Islamists who protested against Russia and Islam Karimov's Uzbekistan government.[70] Uyghurs are employed in Küçükçekmece and Zeytinburnu restaurants.[71][72] East Turkistan Immigration Association,[73] East Turkistan Culture and Solidarity Association,[74] and Eastern Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association are Uyghur diaspora organizations in Turkey.[75]
According to Milliyet, there are approximately 2.5 million Circassians in Turkey.[43] However such assumptions have no basis. According to scholars and EU there are three to five million Circassians in Turkey.[76][sumber mendukung?] The closely related ethnic groups Abazins (10,000[77]) and Abkhazians (39,000[78]) are also counted as Circassians. The Circassians are a Caucasian immigrant people; the vast majority of them have been assimilated and only 20% still speak Circassian. In Turkey, they are usually Sunni (Hanafi) Muslim.
The Greeks constitute a population of Greek and Greek-speaking Eastern Orthodox Christians who mostly live in Istanbul, including its district Princes' Islands, as well as on the two islands of the western entrance to the Dardanelles: Imbros and Tenedos (bahasa Turki: Gökçeada and Bozcaada). Some Greek-speaking Byzantine Christians have been assimilated over the course of the last one thousand years.
They are the remnants of the estimated 200,000 Greeks who were permitted under the provisions of the Treaty of Lausanne to remain in Turkey following the 1923 population exchange,[79] which involved the forcible resettlement of approximately 1.5 million Greeks from Anatolia and East Thrace and of half a million Turks from all of Greece except for Western Thrace. After years of persecution (e.g. the Varlık Vergisi and the Istanbul Pogrom), emigration of ethnic Greeks from the Istanbul region greatly accelerated, reducing the 119,822 [80]-strong Greek minority before the attack to about 7,000 by 1978.[81] The 2008 figures released by the Turkish Foreign Ministry places the current number of Turkish citizens of Greek descent at the 3,000–4,000 mark.[82] According to Milliyet there are 15,000 Greeks in Turkey,[43] while according to Human Rights Watch the Greek population in Turkey was estimated at 2,500 in 2006.[83] According to the same source, the Greek population in Turkey was collapsing as the community was by then far too small to sustain itself demographically, due to emigration, much higher death rates than birth rates and continuing discrimination.[83] In recent years however, most notably since the economic crisis in Greece, the trend has reversed. A few hundred to over a thousand Greeks now migrate to Turkey yearly for employment or educational purposes.[84][85]
Christian Greeks were forced to migrate. Muslim Greeks live in Turkey today. They live in cities of Trabzon and Rize.
Since 1924, the status of the Greek minority in Turkey has been ambiguous. Beginning in the 1930s, the government instituted repressive policies forcing many Greeks to emigrate. Examples are the labour battalions drafted among non-Muslims during World War II as well as the Fortune Tax levied mostly on non-Muslims during the same period. These resulted in financial ruination and death for many Greeks. The exodus was given greater impetus with the Istanbul Pogrom of September 1955 which led to thousands of Greeks fleeing the city, eventually reducing the Christian Greek population to about 7,000 by 1978 and to about 2,500 by 2006 before beginning to increase again after 2008.
There have been Jewish communities in Asia Minor since at least the 5th century BC and many Spanish and Portuguese Jews expelled from Spain came to the Ottoman Empire (including regions part of modern Turkey) in the late 15th century. Despite emigration during the 20th century, modern-day Turkey continues to have a small Jewish population of about 20,000.[43]
Ethnic Kurds are the largest minority in Turkey, composing around 20% of the population according to Milliyet, 18% of the total populace or c. 14 million people according to the CIA World Factbook, and as much as 23% according to Kurdologist David McDowall.[1][87] Unlike the Turks, the Kurds speak an Iranian language. There are Kurds living all over Turkey, but most live to the east and southeast of the country, from where they originate.
In the 1930s, Turkish government policy aimed to forcibly assimilate and Turkify local Kurds. Since 1984, Kurdish resistance movements included both peaceful political activities for basic civil rights for Kurds within Turkey, and violent armed rebellion for a separate Kurdish state.[88]
Agama Minoritas
In Turkey, Atheism is the biggest group after Islam. The percentage of atheists according to polls apparently rose from about 2% in 2012[89] to approximately 6% in 2016.[90]
Turkish cities Edirne and İstanbul are in the holy places of this religion. Estimate Bahá'í population in Turkey is 10,000 (2008) [91]
Orthodox Christians
Orthodox Christianity forms a tiny minority in Turkey, comprising far less than one tenth of one percent of the entire population. The provinces of Istanbul and Hatay, which includes Antakya, are the main centres of Turkish Christianity, with comparatively dense Christian populations, though they are very small minorities. The main variant of Christianity present in Turkey is the Eastern Orthodox branch, focused mainly in the Greek Orthodox Church.
Protestants comprise far less than one tenth of one percent of the population of Turkey. Even so, there is an Alliance of Protestant Churches in Turkey.[92][93] The constitution of Turkey recognizes freedom of religion for individuals. The Armenian Protestants own three Istanbul Churches from the 19th century.[93] On 4 November 2006, a Protestant place of worship was attacked with six Molotov cocktails.[94] Turkish media have criticized Christian missionary activity intensely.[95]
There is an ethnic Turkish Protestant Christian community most of them came from recent Muslim Turkish backgrounds, rather than from ethnic minorities.[96][97][98][99]
Roman Catholics
There are around 35,000 Catholics, constituting 0.05% of the population. The faithful follow the Latin, Byzantine, Armenian and Chaldean Rite. Most Latin Rite Catholics are Levantines of mainly Italian or French background, although a few are ethnic Turks (who are usually converts via marriage to Levantines or other non-Turkish Catholics). Byzantine, Armenian, and Chaldean rite Catholics are generally members of the Greek, Armenian, and Assyrian minority groups respectively. Turkey's Catholics are concentrated in Istanbul.[butuh rujukan]
In February 2006, Catholic priest Andrea Santoro, an Italian missionary working in Turkey for 10 years, was shot twice at his church near the Black Sea.[100] He had written a letter to the Pope asking him to visit Turkey.[101] Pope Benedict XVI visited Turkey in November 2006.[102] Relations had been rocky since Pope Benedict XVI had stated his opposition to Turkey joining the European Union.[103] The Council of Catholic Bishops met with the Turkish prime minister in 2004 to discuss restrictions and difficulties such as property issues.[104] More recently, Bishop Luigi Padovese, on June 6, 2010, the Vicar Apostolic of Turkey, was killed.
There have been Jewish communities in Asia Minor since at least the 5th century BC and many Spanish and Portuguese Jews expelled from Spain were welcomed to the Ottoman Empire (including regions part of modern Turkey) in the late 15th century. Despite emigration during the 20th century, modern-day Turkey continues to have a small Jewish population. There is a small Karaite Jewish population numbering around 100. Karaite Jews are not considered Jews by the Turkish Hakhambashi.
The exact number of Alawites in Turkey is unknown, but there were 185 000 Alawites in 1970.[105] As Muslims, they are not recorded separately from Sunnis in ID registration. In the 1965 census (the last Turkish census where informants were asked their mother tongue), 180,000 people in the three provinces declared their mother tongue as Arabic. However, Arabic-speaking Sunni and Christian people are also included in this figure.
Alawites traditionally speak the same dialect of Levantine Arabic with Syrian Alawites. Arabic is best preserved in rural communities and Samandağ. Younger people in Çukurova cities and (to a lesser extent) in İskenderun tend to speak Turkish. Turkish spoken by Alawites is distinguished by Alawites and non-Alawites alike with its particular accents and vocabulary. Knowledge of Arabic alphabet is confined to religious leaders and men who had worked or studied in Arab countries.
Alevis are the biggest religious minority in Turkey. Nearly 15%[106]-25% of all Turkish population is in this group. They are mainly Turk but there are significant Kurd and Zaza populations who are Alevi[107]
Lihat pula
- ^ a b CIA World Factbook: Turkey
- ^ "Who are the Kurds?". BBC News (dalam bahasa Inggris). 2017-10-31. Diakses tanggal 2017-12-10.
- ^ Saunders, Robert A. (2011). Ethnopolitics in Cyberspace: The Internet, Minority Nationalism, and the Web of Identity (dalam bahasa Inggris). Lexington Books. ISBN 9780739141946.
- ^ a b sitesi, Türkiye'nin lider haber. "Türkiye'deki Kürtlerin sayısı!". MİLLİYET HABER - TÜRKİYE'NİN HABER SİTESİ. Diakses tanggal 2017-12-11.
- ^ sitesi, Türkiye'nin lider haber. "Türkiye'deki Kürtlerin sayısı!". MİLLİYET HABER - TÜRKİYE'NİN HABER SİTESİ. Diakses tanggal 2017-12-11.
- ^ "Alleged Coup Leader in Turkey 'Born in Kosovo' :: Balkan Insight". Diakses tanggal 2017-12-11.
- ^ "TRT - Anasayfa". TRT (dalam bahasa Turki). Diakses tanggal 2017-12-11.
- ^ "Turkey 'to allow Kurdish lessons'". BBC News (dalam bahasa Inggris). 2012-06-12. Diakses tanggal 2017-12-11.
- ^ Pentzopoulos, Dimitri (2002). The Balkan exchange of minorities and its impact on Greece. C Hurst & Co. hlm. 29–30. ISBN 978-1-85065-702-6.
- ^ Pentzopoulos, Dimitri (2002). The Balkan exchange of minorities and its impact on Greece. C. Hurst & Co. Publishers. hlm. 31–32. ISBN 978-1-85065-702-6.
- ^ Icduygu, A., Toktas, S., & Soner, B. A. (2008). The politics of population in a nation-building process: Emigration of non-Muslims from Turkey. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(2), 358-389.
- ^ Abdal by Peter Alford Andrews pages 435 to 438 in Ethnic groups in the Republic of Turkey / compiled and edited by Peter Alford Andrews, with the assistance of Rüdiger Benninghaus (Wiesbaden : Dr. Ludwig Reichert, 1989) ISBN 3-88226-418-7
- ^ "Archived copy". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2010-06-01. Diakses tanggal 2017-12-10.
- ^ "Turks with African ancestors want their existence to be felt". 2008-08-27. Diakses tanggal 2017-12-11.
- ^ "Yerleşim Yerleri ve Göç". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 18 February 2009. Diakses tanggal 2017-12-10.
- ^ Afrika'nın kapıları İzmir'e açılıyor Diarsipkan 17 February 2009 di Wayback Machine., Yeni Asır, 21 November 2008. Diakses tanggal 2017-12-10.
- ^
- ^ Robert A. Saunders. Ethnopolitics in Cyberspace: The Internet, Minority Nationalism, and the Web of Identity. Lexington Books. hlm. 98.
- ^ Turkey: A Country Study, Federal Research Division, Kessinger Publishing, June 30, 2004 - 392 pages. Page 140 [1].
- ^ Modern History of Armenia in the Works of Foreign Authors [Novaya istoriya Armenii v trudax sovremennix zarubezhnix avtorov], edited by R. Sahakyan, Yerevan, 1993, p. 15 (in Russian)
- ^ Blundell, Roger Boar, Nigel (1991). Crooks, crime and corruption. New York: Dorset Press. hlm. 232. ISBN 9780880296151.
- ^ Balakian, Peter. The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response. HarperCollins. hlm. 36. ISBN 9780061860171.
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Animal name changes: Red fox known as Vulpes Vulpes Kurdistanica becomes Vulpes Vulpes. Wild sheep called Ovis Armeniana becomes Ovis Orientalis Anatolicus Roe deer known as Capreolus Capreolus Armenus becomes Capreolus Cuprelus Capreolus.
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