Perbedaan Utara-Selatan pada bahasa Korea
Bahasa Korea telah berubah antara kedua negara karena lamanya Korea Utara dan Korea Selatan dipisahkan.[1]
Ortografi Korea, seperti yang didefinisikan oleh Korean Language Society pada tahun 1933 dalam "Proposal untuk Ortografi Korea Bersatu" (Hangul: 한글 맞춤법 통일안; RR: Hangeul Matchumbeop Tong-iran) terus digunakan oleh Korea Utara dan Selatan setelah pembebasan Korea Pada tahun 1945, namun dengan pendirian Republik Rakyat Demokratik Korea dan Republik Korea pada tahun 1948, kedua negara telah mengambil kebijakan yang berbeda mengenai bahasa tersebut. Pada tahun 1954, Korea Utara menetapkan peraturan untuk ortografi Korea (조선어 철자법 [Chosŏnŏ Chŏljabŏp] Error: {{Transl}}: unrecognized language / script code: kor (help)). Meskipun ini hanya merupakan revisi kecil dalam ortografi yang menciptakan sedikit perbedaan dari yang digunakan di Selatan, sejak saat itu, bahasa standar di Utara dan Selatan secara bertahap berbeda satu sama lain.
Pada tahun 1960-an, di bawah pengaruh ideologi Juche muncul perubahan besar dalam kebijakan linguistik di Korea Utara. Pada tanggal 3 Januari 1964, Kim Il-sung mengeluarkan ajarannya tentang "Sejumlah Isu dalam Pengembangan Bahasa Korea" (조선어를 발전시키기 위한 몇 가지 문제 Chosŏnŏrŭl Paljŏn Siki'gi Wihan Myŏt' Kaji Munje), dan pada tanggal 14 Mei 1966 tentang topik "Dalam Memajukan Karakteristik Nasional Bahasa Korea dengan benar" (조선어의 민족적 특성을 옳게 살려 나갈 데 대하여 Chosŏnŏŭi Minjokchŏk T'ŭksŏngŭl Olge Sallyŏ Nagal Te Taehayŏ), dimana pada tahun yang sama, aturan "Bahasa Korea Standar" (조선말규범집 Chosŏnmalgyubŏmjip) dikeluarkan oleh Komite Revisi Bahasa Nasional yang berada di bawah kendali kabinet. Sejak saat itu, perbedaan yang lebih penting terjadi antara bahasa standar di Utara dan Selatan. Pada tahun 1987, Korea Utara merevisi peraturan tersebut di atas, dan ini tetap digunakan sampai hari ini. Selain itu, aturan untuk penspasian secara terpisah diletakkan di "Aturan Spasi Standar dalam Menulis Bahasa Korea" (조선말 띄여쓰기규범 Chosŏnmal Ttŭiyŏssŭgigyubŏm) pada tahun 2000 namun sejak saat itu digantikan oleh "Aturan untuk Spasi dalam Menulis Bahasa Korea" (띄여쓰기규정 Ttŭiyŏssŭgigyujŏng), diterbitkan pada tahun 2003.
Korea Selatan terus menggunakan Hangeul Matchumbeop Tong-iran sebagaimana didefinisikan pada tahun 1933, sampai diamandemennya "Ortografi Korea" Hangeul Matchumbeop, bersama dengan "Peraturan Bahasa Standar" 표준어 규정: pyojuneo gyujeong, diterbitkan pada tahun 1988, yang tetap digunakan sampai sekarang.
Seperti artikel fonologi Bahasa Korea, artikel ini menggunakan simbol IPA dalam pipa | | untuk morfofonemik, garis miring / / untuk fonem, dan tanda kurung [ ] untuk alofon. Romanisasi Kata-kata Pan-Korea menggunakan Revised Romanization, dan romanisasi kata-kata Korea Utara menggunakan McCune-Reischauer. Selain itu, demi konsistensi, artikel ini juga secara fonetis mentranskripsikan ㅓ sebagai /ʌ/ untuk fonologi pan-Korea Selatan, dan sebagai /ɔ/ untuk fonologi spesifik Utara.
Hangul (Chosŏn'gŭl)
Huruf hangul (Chosŏn'gŭl) yang sama digunakan untuk menulis bahasa di Utara dan Selatan. Namun, di Utara, goretan lah yang membedakan ㅌ |tʰ| dari ㄷ |t| ditulis di atas bukan di dalam huruf seperti di Selatan.
Di Selatan, huruf vokal ㅐ |ɛ|, ㅒ |jɛ|, ㅔ |e|, ㅖ |je|, ㅘ |wa|, ㅙ |wɛ|, ㅚ |ø|, ㅝ |wʌ|, ㅞ |we|, ㅟ |y|, ㅢ |ɰi| dan huruf konsonan ㄲ |k͈|, ㄸ |t͈|, ㅃ |p͈|, ㅆ |s͈|, ㅉ |tɕ͈| tidak diperlakukan sebagai huruf terpisah, sedangkan di Utara mereka diperlakukan sebagai huruf terpisah. Beberapa huruf dan digraf memiliki nama yang berbeda di Utara dan Selatan.
Surat | Nama Korea Utara | Nama Korea Selatan |
ㄱ |g| | 기윽 [kiɯk̚] | 기역 [gijʌk̚] |
ㄷ |d| | 디읃 [tiɯt̚] | 디귿 [diɡɯt̚] |
ㅅ |s| | 시읏 [ɕiɯt̚] | 시옷 [ɕiot̚] |
ㄲ |gg| | 된기윽 [tøːnɡiɯk̚] | 쌍기역 [ssaŋɡijʌk̚] |
ㄸ |dd| | 된디읃 [tøːndiɯt̚] | 쌍디귿 [ssaŋdiɡɯt̚] |
ㅃ |bb| | 된비읍 [tøːnbiɯp̚] | 쌍비읍 [ssaŋbiɯp̚] |
ㅆ |ss| | 된시읏 [tøːnɕiɯt̚] | 쌍시옷 [ssaŋɕiot̚] |
ㅉ |tɕ͈| | 된지읒 [tøːndʑiɯt̚] | 쌍지읒 [ssaŋdʑiɯt̚] |
Nama yang digunakan di Selatan adalah yang ditemukan di Hunmongjahoe (훈몽자회, 訓蒙字會, diterbitkan tahun 1527). Nama yang digunakan di Utara terbentuk secara mekanis dengan pola "letter + 이 + 으 + letter". Juga untuk konsonan tegang, di Selatan, mereka disebut konsonan "ganda" (쌍- /s͈aŋ-/), sedangkan di Utara, mereka disebut konsonan "kuat" (된- /tøːn-/).
- Vokal
- Utara: ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ ㅐ ㅒ ㅔ ㅖ ㅚ ㅟ ㅢ ㅘ ㅝ ㅙ ㅞ
|a ja ɔ jɔ o jo u ju ɯ i ɛ jɛ e je ø y ɰi wa wɔ wɛ we| - Selatan: ㅏ ㅐ ㅑ ㅒ ㅓ ㅔ ㅕ ㅖ ㅗ ㅘ ㅙ ㅚ ㅛ ㅜ ㅝ ㅞ ㅟ ㅠ ㅡ ㅢ ㅣ
|a ɛ ja jɛ ʌ e jʌ je o wa wɛ ø jo u wʌ we y ju ɯ ɰi i|
- Konsonan
- Utara: ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ ㄲ ㄸ ㅃ ㅆ ㅉ ㅇ
|k n t l m p s ŋ tɕ tɕʰ kʰ tʰ pʰ h k͈ t͈ p͈ s͈ tɕ͈ ∅| - Selatan: ㄱ ㄲ ㄴ ㄷ ㄸ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅃ ㅅ ㅆ ㅇ ㅈ ㅉ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ
|g gg n d dd l m b bb s ss ∅/ŋ tɕ tɕ͈ tɕʰ kʰ tʰ pʰ h|
Di Utara, digraf vokal konsonan diperlakukan sebagai huruf dengan hak mereka sendiri dan ditulis setelah akhir huruf konsonan dan huruf hidup sederhana. Di Selatan, digraf muncul di antara huruf-huruf dasar. Misalnya, setelah ㅏ |a| datanglah diftong ㅐ |ɛ|, kombinasi dari ㅏ dan ㅣ |i|; atau setelah ㅗ |o| datang diftong ㅘ |wa| ㅙ |wɛ| dan ㅚ |ø|, yang dimulai dengan ㅗ, dan seterusnya. Juga, huruf konsonan ㅇ (|∅| dan |ŋ|) ditempatkan di antara ㅅ |s| dan ㅈ |tɕ| di Utara saat diucapkan |ŋ|, namun setelah semua konsonan (setelah ㅉ |tɕ͈|) bila digunakan sebagai placeholder yang menunjukkan konsonan awal kosong (untuk suku kata yang dimulai dengan vokal).
Bahasa standar di Utara dan Selatan berbagi jenis dan jumlah fonem yang sama, namun ada beberapa perbedaan dalam pengucapan yang sebenarnya. Pengucapan standar Korea Selatan didasarkan pada dialek sebagaimana yang diucapkan di Seoul, dan pengucapan standar Korea Utara didasarkan pada dialek seperti yang diucapkan di Pyongyang.
The following differences are recognised in the consonants. In the Seoul dialect, ㅈ, ㅊ and ㅉ are typically pronounced with alveolo-palatal affricates [tɕ], [tɕʰ], [tɕ͈]. In the Pyongyang dialect, they are typically pronounced with alveolar affricates [ts], [tsʰ], [ts͈]. Also, 지 and 시 can be pronounced without palatalisation as [tsi] and [si] in the Pyongyang dialect.
In Sino-Korean words, some of ㄴ |n| and all of ㄹ |l| that come in the beginning of a word are dropped in pronunciation and not written out in the South, but all initial ㄴ and ㄹ are written out in the North. For instance, the common last name 이 [i] (often written out in English as Lee, seemingly staying true to the North Korean typography and pronunciation), is written and pronounced as 리 [ɾi] in North Korean. Furthermore, the South Korean word 여자 [jʌdʑa], meaning woman, is similarly written as 녀자 [njɔdʑa] in North Korea. But as this latter pronunciation was artificially crafted in the 1960s, it is common for older speakers to be unable to pronounce initial ㄴ and ㄹ properly, thus pronouncing such words in the same way as they are pronounced in the South.
The liquid consonant [ɾ] does not come after the nasal consonants [m] and [ŋ]. In this position, ㄹ is pronounced as [n] rather than [ɾ]. But in North Korea, ㄹ before vowels ㅑ, ㅕ, ㅛ, and ㅠ can remain [ɾ] in this context.[2]
Utara | Selatan | Hanja |
침략 [tɕʰimnjak̚] ch'imnyak atau [tɕʰimɾjak̚] ch'imryak | [tɕʰimnjak̚] chimnyak | 侵略 |
협력 [hjɔmnjɔk̚] hyŏmnyŏk atau [hjɔmɾjɔk̚] hyŏmryŏk | [hjʌmnjʌk̚] hyeomnyeok | 協力 |
식료 singnyo atau singryo | singnyo | 食料 |
청류벽 ch'ŏngnyubyŏk atau ch'ŏngryubyŏk | cheongnyubyeok | 淸流壁 |
The following differences are recognised in the vowels. The vowel ㅓ /ʌ/ is not as rounded in the Seoul dialect as it is in the Pyongyang dialect. If expressed in IPA, it would be [ʌ̹] or [ɔ̜] for the one in Seoul dialect and [ɔ] for the one in Pyongyang dialect. Due to this roundedness, speakers of the Seoul dialect would find that ㅓ as pronounced by speakers of the Pyongyang dialect sounds close to the vowel ㅗ /o/. Additionally, the difference between the vowels ㅐ /ɛ/ and ㅔ /e/ is slowly diminishing amongst the younger speakers of the Seoul dialect. It is not well known if this is also happening with the Pyongyang dialect.
The pitch patterns in the Pyongyang and Seoul dialects differ, but there has been little research in detail. On the other hand, in the Chosŏnmal Taesajŏn (조선말대사전), published in 1992, where the pitches for certain words are shown in a three-pitch system, a word such as 꾀꼬리 ([k͈øk͈oɾi] – Korean nightingale) is marked as having pitch "232" (where "2" is low and "3" is high), from which one can see some difference in pitch patterns from the Seoul dialect.
Inflected words
어 / 여
In words in which the word stem ends in ㅣ |i|, ㅐ |ɛ|, ㅔ |e|, ㅚ |ø|, ㅟ |y|, ㅢ |ɰi|, in forms where -어 /-ʌ/ is appended to these endings in the South, but -여 /-jɔ/ is instead appended in the North. In actual pronunciation, however, the [j] sound often accompanies the pronunciation of such words, even in the South.
Inflected word | North inflection | South inflection | Meaning |
피다 [pʰida] | 피여 [pʰijɔ] p'iyŏ | 피어 (펴) [pʰiʌ] ([pʰjʌ]) pieo (pyeo) | bloom |
내다 [nɛːda] | 내여 [nɛjɔ] naeyŏ | 내어 [nɛʌ] naeeo | take out |
세다 [seːda] | 세여 [sejɔ] seyŏ | 세어 [seʌ] seeo | count |
되다 [tøda] | 되여 [tøjɔ] toeyŏ | 되어 (돼) [tøʌ (twɛ)] doeeo (dwae) | become |
뛰다 [t͈wida] | 뛰여 [t͈wijɔ] ttwiyŏ | 뛰어 [t͈wiʌ] ttwieo | jump |
희다 [çida] | 희여 [çijɔ] hiyŏ | 희어 [çiʌ] hieo | white |
ㅂ-irregular inflections
In the South, when the word root of a ㅂ-irregular inflected word has two or more syllables (for example, 고맙다 [komap̚t͈a] gomapda), the ㅂ is dropped and replaced with 우 in the next syllable. When conjugated to the polite speech level, the ㅂ-irregular stem resyllabifies with the 어요 -eoyo conjugation to form 워요 -woyo (as in 고맙다 gomapda → 고마우 gomau → 고마워요 gomaweoyo), appearing to ignore vowel harmony. ㅂ is not replaced with 우 in the North (as it also was in the South before the 1988 Hangeul Matchumbeop). The vowel harmony is kept in both the South and the North if the word root has only one syllable (for example, 돕다 [toːp̚t͈a] topta/dopda).
Inflected word | North inflection | South inflection | Meaning |
고맙다 [komap̚t͈a] | 고마와 [komawa] komawa | 고마워 [komawʌ] gomawo | thankful |
가깝다 [kak͈ap̚t͈a] | 가까와 [kak͈awa] kakkawa | 가까워 [kak͈awʌ] gakkawo | near |
Indication of tensed consonants after word endings that end with ㄹ
In word endings where the final consonant is ㄹ |l|, where the South spells -ㄹ까 |-l.k͈a| and -ㄹ쏘냐 |-l.s͈o.nja| to indicate the tensed consonants, in the North these are spelled -ㄹ가 |-l.ka|,-ㄹ소냐 || instead. These etymologically are formed by attaching to the adnominal form (관형사형 gwanhyeongjahyeong) that ends in ㄹ, and in the North, the tensed consonants are denoted with normal consonants. Also, the word ending -ㄹ게 |-l.ɡe| used to be spelt -ㄹ께 |-l.k͈e| in the South, but has since been changed in the Hangeul Matchumbeop of 1988, and is now spelt -ㄹ게 just like in the North.
Sino-Korean words
Initial ㄴ / ㄹ (두음법칙[頭音法則, dueum beopchik], "initial sound rule")
Initial ㄴ |n| / ㄹ |l| appearing in Sino-Korean words are kept in the North. In the South, in Sino-Korean words that begin with ㄹ which is followed by the vowel sound [i] or the semivowel sound [j] (when ㄹ is followed by one of ㅣ |i|, ㅑ |ja|, ㅕ |jʌ|, ㅖ |je|, ㅛ |jo| and ㅠ |ju|), ㄹ is replaced by ㅇ |∅|; when this ㄹ is followed by other vowels it is replaced by ㄴ |n|. In the North, the initial ㄹ is kept.
North | South | Hanja | Meaning |
리성계 [ɾisɔŋɡje] Ri Sŏnggye | 이성계 [isʌŋɡje] I Seonggye | 李成桂 | Yi Seong-gye |
련습 [ɾjɔːnsɯp̚] ryŏnsŭp | 연습 [jʌːnsɯp̚] yeonseup | 練習 | practice |
락하 [ɾakʰa] rak'a | 낙하 [nakʰa] naka | 落下 | fall |
랭수 [ɾɛːŋsu] raengsu | 냉수 [nɛːŋsu] naengsu | 冷水 | cold water |
Similarly, in Sino-Korean words that begin with ㄴ |n| and is followed by the vowel sound [i] or the semi-vowel sound [j] (when ㄴ is followed by one of ㅣ |i|, ㅕ |jʌ|, ㅛ |jo| and ㅠ |ju|), in the South, this ㄴ is replaced by ㅇ |∅|, but this remains unchanged in the North.
North | South | Hanja | Meaning |
니승 [nisɯŋ] nisŭn | 이승 [isɯŋ] iseun | 尼僧 | priestess |
녀자 [njɔdʑa] nyŏja | 여자 [jʌdʑa] yeoja | 女子 | woman |
These are thus pronounced as written in the North as ㄴ |n| and ㄹ |l|. However, even in the South, sometimes in order to disambiguate the surnames 유 (柳 Yu [ju]) and 임 (林 Im [im]) from 유 (兪 Yu [ju]) and 임 (任 Im [im]), the former may be written or pronounced as 류 Ryu ([ɾju]) and 림 Rim 林 ([ɾim]).
Hanja pronunciation
Where a Hanja is written 몌 |mje| or 폐 |pʰje| in the South, this is written 메 |me|, 페 |pʰe| in the North (but even in the South, these are pronounced 메 /me/, 페 /pʰe/).
North | South | Hanja | Meaning |
메별 |mebjɔl| mebyŏl | 몌별 |mjebjʌl| myebyeol | 袂別 | sad separation |
페쇄 |pʰeːswɛ| p'eswae | 폐쇄 |pʰjeːswɛ| pyeswae | 閉鎖 | closure |
Some hanja characters are pronounced differently.
North | South | Hanja |
거 |kɔ| kŏ | 갹 |kjak̚| gyak | 醵 |
외 |ø| oe | 왜 |wɛ| wae | 歪 |
Also in the North, the hanja 讐 is usually pronounced as 수 su [su], except in the word 怨讐/원쑤 wŏnssu ("enemy"), where it is pronounced as 쑤 ssu [s͈u]. It is thought[oleh siapa?] that this is to avoid the word becoming a homonym with 元帥 ("military general"), written as 원수 wŏnsu |wɔ|.
Compound words
Sai siot (사이 시옷, "middle ㅅ")
When forming compound words from uninflected words, where the so-called "sai siot" is inserted in the South: this is left out in the North, but the pronunciation is the same as in the South.
North | South | Pronunciation | Meaning |
저가락 |tɕɔ.ka.lak| | 젓가락 |tɕʌs.ka.lak| | 젇까락 [tɕʌt̚k͈aɾak̚] chŏtkkarak/jeotkkarak or 저까락 [tɕʌk͈aɾak̚] chŏkkarak/jeokkarak |
chopsticks |
나무잎 |ʰ| | 나뭇잎 |na.mus.ipʰ| | 나문닙 [namunnip̚] namunnip | (tree) leaf |
Word stems in compound words
While the general rule is to write out the word stem from which the compound word is formed in its original form, but in cases where the etymological origin is no longer remembered, this is no longer written in original form. This happens both in the North and in the South. However, whether a compound word is seen to have its etymological origin forgotten or not is seen differently by different people:
North | South | Meaning |
옳바르다 |ɯ.ta| | 올바르다 |ɯ.ta| | upright |
벗꽃 |pɔs.k͈otɕʰ| | 벚꽃 |pʌtɕ.k͈otɕʰ| | cherry blossom |
In the first example, in the South, the 올 |ol| part shows that the etymological origin is forgotten, and the word is written as pronounced as 올바르다 [olbaɾɯda] olbareuda, but in the North, the first part is seen to come from 옳다 olt'a |olh.ta| and thus the whole word is written 옳바르다 olbarŭda (pronounced the same as in the South). Conversely, in the second example, the South spelling catches the word as the combination of 벚 beot and 꽃 kkot, but in the North, this is no longer recognised and thus the word is written as pronounced as 벗꽃 pŏtkkot.
In the South, the rules of spacing are not very clearcut, but in the North, these are very precise. In general, compared to the North, the writing in the South tends to include more spacing. One likely explanation is that the North remains closer to the Sinitic orthographical heritage, where spacing is less of an issue than with a syllabary or alphabet such as Hangul. The main differences are indicated below.
Bound nouns
Before bound nouns (North: 불완전명사: purwanjŏn myŏngsa/不完全名詞 "incomplete nouns"; South: 의존 명사: uijon myeongsa/依存名詞 "dependent nouns"), a space is added in the South but not in the North. This applies to counter words also, but the space is sometimes allowed to be omitted in the South.
North | South | Meaning |
내것 naegŏt | 내 것 nae geot | my thing |
할수 있다 halsu itta | 할 수 있다 hal su ittda | to be able to do |
한개 hangae | 한 개 han gae | one thing (counter word) |
Before auxiliaries, a space is inserted in the South but not in the North. Depending on the situation, however, the space may be omitted in the South.
North | South | Meaning |
먹어보다 mŏgŏboda | 먹어 보다/먹어보다 meogeo boda/meogeoboda | to try to eat |
올듯하다 oldŭt'ada | 올 듯하다/올듯하다 ol deutada/oldeutada | to seem to come |
읽고있다 ilkkoitta | 읽고 있다 ilkko ittda | to be reading |
자고싶다 chagosip'ta | 자고 싶다 jago sipda | to want to sleep |
In the above, in the rules of the South, auxiliaries coming after -아/-어 or an adnominal form allow the space before them to be omitted, but the space after -고 cannot be omitted.
Words indicating a single concept
Words formed from two or more words that indicate a single concept in principle are written with spaces in the South and without spaces in the North like Japanese and Chinese.
North | South | Meaning |
국어사전 kugŏsajŏn | 국어 사전 gugeo sajeon | Korean dictionary |
경제부흥상황 kyŏngjepuhŭngsanghwang | 경제 부흥 상황 gyeongje buheung sanghwang | state of economic recovery |
서울대학교 인문대학 Sŏultaehakkyo Inmuntaehak | 서울 대학교 인문 대학/서울대학교 인문대학 Seoul Daehakgyo Inmun Daehak/Seouldaehakgyo Inmundaehak | Faculty of Humanities of Seoul National University |
Perhatikan bahwa karena aturan spasi di Selatan sering tidak diketahui, tidak diikuti, atau pilihan, ejaan bervariasi dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Misalnya, kita ambil contoh kata 국어 사전 gugeo sajeon, orang yang melihat ini sebagai dua kata akan menambahkan spasi, dan orang yang melihat ini sebagai satu kata akan menulisnya tanpa spasi. Dengan demikian, spasi bergantung pada bagaimana seseorang melihat apakah termasuk "satu kata", dan kenyataannya standarisasi spasi tidak menjadi masalah.
In the North, names of leaders 김일성 (Kim Il-sung), 김정일 (Kim Jong-il) and 김정은 (Kim Jong-un) are always set off from surrounding text, typically by bolding the characters, increasing the font size, or both.
The standard language in the South (표준어/標準語 pyojuneo) is largely based on the Seoul dialect, and the standard language (문화어/文化語 munhwaŏ) in the North is largely based on the Pyongyang dialect. However, both in the North and in the South, the vocabulary and forms of the standard language come from Sajeonghan Joseoneo Pyojunmal Mo-eum 사정한 조선어 표준말 모음 published by the Korean Language Society in 1936, and so there is very little difference in the basic vocabulary between the standard languages used in the North and the South. Nevertheless, due to the difference in political systems and social structure, each country is constantly adding different words to its vocabulary.
Differences due to the difference in political system or social structure
Utara | Selatan | Arti |
조선반도 (朝鮮半島) Chosŏnbando | 한반도 (韓半島) Hanbando | Semenanjung Korea |
조국해방전쟁 (祖國解放戰爭) Choguk'aepangjŏnjaeng | 한국 전쟁 (韓國戰爭) Hanguk jeonjaeng | Perang Korea |
소학교 (小學校) sohakkyo | 초등학교 (初等學校) chodeunghakkyo | Sekolah Dasar |
동무 (同務) tongmu | 친구 (親舊) chingu | Teman |
The word 동무 tongmu/dongmu that is used to mean "friend" in the North was originally used across the whole of Korea, but after the division of Korea, North Korea began to use it as a translation of the Russian term товарищ (friend, comrade), and since then, the word has come to mean "comrade" in the South as well and has fallen out of use there.
Differences in words of foreign origin
South Korea has borrowed a lot of English words, but North Korea has borrowed a number of Russian words, and there are numerous differences in words used between the two coming from these different borrowings.[3][4] Even when the same English word is borrowed, how this word is transliterated into Korean may differ between the North and the South, resulting in different words being adapted into the corresponding standard languages. For names of other nations and their places, the principle is to base the transliteration on the English word in the South and to base the transliteration on the word in the original language in the North.
North | South | Meaning | ||||
Korean | Transliteration | Origin | Korean | Transliteration | Origin | |
뜨락또르 | ttŭrakttorŭ | Rus. трактор (traktor) | 트랙터 | teuraekteo | Eng. tractor | tractor |
스토킹 | sŭt'ok'ing | Br. Eng. stocking | 스타킹 | seutaking | Am. Eng. stocking | stocking |
뽈스까 | Ppolsŭkka | Pol. Polska | 폴란드 | Pollandeu | Eng. Poland | Poland |
Perbedaan kosa kata lainnya
Perbedaan lainnya antara bahasa standar di Utara dan Selatan disebabkan oleh perbedaan antara dialek Seoul dan Pyongyang.
Utara | Selatan | Arti | ||
Joseongul | Transliterasi | Hangeul | Transliterasi | |
강냉이 | kangnaeng-i | 옥수수 | oksusu | jagung |
달구지 | talguji | 수레 | sure | gerobak sapi |
케사니 | kesani | 거위 | geowi | angsa |
마치 | mach'i | 망치 | mangchi | palu |
부루 | puru | 상추 | sangchu | selada |
우 | u | 위 | wi | di atas |
Kata-kata seperti 강냉이 gangnaeng-i dan 우 u juga kadang terdengar dalam berbagai dialek di Korea Selatan.
Ada juga beberapa kata yang hanya ada di Utara. Kata kerja 마스다 masŭda (untuk istirahat) dan bentuk pasifnya 마사지다 masajida (harus dipatahkan) tidak memiliki kata-kata yang sama persis di Selatan.
Masalah مسألة
Selama Olimpiade Musim Dingin 2018, kedua negara memutuskan untuk bermain bersama untuk tim hoki es nasional wanita Korea. Hal ini mendatangkan masalah bagi atlet Korea Selatan yang berkomunikasi dengan atlet Korea Utara karena Korea Selatan menggunakan kata-kata yang dipengaruhi Inggris dalam kosakata pasca-perang mereka, terutama untuk hoki, sementara Korea Utara yang terisolasi menggunakan kosakata buatan sendiri untuk kosakata pasca-perang mereka.[5]
Perbedaan bahasa juga menimbulkan tantangan bagi peneliti maupun bagi puluhan ribu orang yang telah membelot dari Utara ke Selatan sejak Perang Korea. Para pembelot menghadapi kesulitan karena mereka kekurangan kosa kata, menggunakan aksen yang berbeda, atau tidak berasimilasi secara budaya, namun mungkin tidak mengerti lelucon atau referensi tentang budaya pop.[5]
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Rujukan روجوكان
- ^ Sang-Hun, Choe (30 August 2006). "Koreas: Divided by a Common Language". The New York Times/ International Herald Tribune. Diakses tanggal 16 August 2016.
- ^
- Karya yang berkaitan dengan Article 24 in Chapter 8 of the revised Compendium of Korean Language Norms 2010 di Wikisource (Korea)
- ^ Bärtås, Magnus; Ekman, Fredrik (2014). Hirviöidenkin on kuoltava: Ryhmämatka Pohjois-Koreaan [All Monsters Must Die: An Excursion to North Korea] (dalam bahasa Suomi). Diterjemahkan oleh Eskelinen, Heikki. Helsinki: Tammi. hlm. 64–65. ISBN 978-951-31-7727-0.
- ^ Strother, Jason (19 May 2015). "Korean Is Virtually Two Languages, and that's a Big Problem for North Korean Defectors". PRI. Diakses tanggal 16 August 2016.
- ^ a b Siles, Matt (2 February 2018). "Koreas' unified women's hockey team has exposed a key difference between South and North — their language". Los Angeles Times. Diakses tanggal 5 February 2018.