Pisang cavendish

Revisi sejak 14 Maret 2018 17.20 oleh (bicara) (s)
Pisang Cavendish
Pisang Cavendish
Klasifikasi ilmiah
Musa spp.

Pisang Cavendish merupakan komoditas buah tropis yang sangat popular di dunia, di Indonesia, pisang ini lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Pisang Ambon Putih.[1] Pisang Cavendish banyak dikembang biakan menggunakan metode kultur jaringan.[2] Keunggulan bibit pisang hasil kultur jaringan dibandingkan dengan bibit dari anakan adalah bibit kultur jaringan terbebas dari penyakit seperti layu moko akibat Pseudomonas solanacearum dan layu panama akibat Fusarium oxysporum cubense.[2] Dalam kultur jaringan pisang, sampai saat ini yang banyak dikenal adalah kultur dengan eksplan bonggol.[1]


Walter Scott was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 15, 1771. His father was a farmer and his mother, Anne Rutherford, was the daughter of Dr. John Rutherford, who was one of the founders of the medical school of Edinburgh. Mrs. Scott was fond of poetry and anecdotes and it was from her that Walter received inspiration. Walter was one of ten children. The other children's only claim to fame was that they had, "good health and untamable spirits." In contrast, Walter was afflicted at twenty-one months with something which a biographer describes as, "a paralytic affection, super induced, or at least aggravated by scrofulous habit of body. "It is sufficient to say that it made him lame and doubtless pushed him into more academic pursuits. He spent much time with his grandparents, but it was "Aunt Jenny" who took a special interest in him and influenced him to write. His visits to an uncle, Dr. Rutherford, professor of botany at the University of Edinburgh, brought him into contact with scholarly people. His parents were very religious and imposed strict piety upon all their children. Walter was never very deeply affected religiously, however. His works, which contain much about the church, seek neither to elevate nor to censure it, but rather to depict it, for it was history and not philosophy that interested him most. His first novel, Waverly, was published anonymously. Although Scott probably never intended that "Laurence Templeton" should be taken as a real person, he was attempting to remain in anonymity by the use of the name. His publishers persuaded him to allow further novels to be designated as "by the author of Waverly," and for this reason some of his novels were called the "Waverly Novels." Although he published biographies of Swift and Dryden and some history, as well as poems and novels, his chief claim to distinction is his contribution to Romanticism and the historical novel. He suffered from many physical ailments, one particularly serious one in adolescence, which made him, in his own words, "a glutton of books." Scott became seriously ill before Ivanhoe was finished and dictated much of it from his sickbed. His popularity, both socially and as a writer, was almost unparalleled. He was married in 1797 to Margaret Charlotte Carpenter, who bore him three sons and two daughters. Scott received his title and baronetcy from King George IV in the spring of 1820. He died, Sir Walter Scott, in September 21, 1832 at Abbotsford.

Kondisi pertumbuhan

Suhu merupakan faktor utama untuk pertumbuhan tanaman Pisang Cavendish.[3] Suhu optimum untuk pertumbuhannya adalah sekitar 27° C, dan suhu maksimumnya 38° C.[3] Tanaman ini tumbuh di daerah tropis dan subtropis, pisang ini tidak dapat tumbuh di dataran tinggi, ketinggian di atas 1600 m dpl. Kebanyakan pisang tumbuh baik di lahan terbuka, tetapi kelebihan penyinaran akan menyebabkan terbakar-matahati (sunburn).[3] Tanaman ini juga sangat sensitif terhadap angin kencang karena dapat menyebabkan daunnya rusak dan robek, distorsi tajuk dan merobohkan pohonnya. Untuk pertumbuhan yang optimal, curah hujan yang diperlukan sekitar 200-220 mm, dan kelembapan tanahnya tidak kurang dari 60-70% dari kapasitas lapangan.[3] Tanah yang paling baik untuk pertumbuhan Pisang Cavendish adalah tanah liat yang dalam dan gembur serta yang memiliki pengeringan dan aerasi yang baik.[3] Tanaman ini toleran terhadap pH 4,5-7,5.[3]


Ivanhoe takes place about a hundred years after the Battle of Hastings, which gave the Normans rule over the Saxons in England. The brave and respected King Richard of England became prisoner while fighting the Crusades abroad. In his absence, the nobles made their weaker neighbors tenants, and Richard's brother John oversaw it all in his attempt to take the throne.

The Saxon noble Cedric, the father of Ivanhoe, is a strong supporter of Saxon heritage and rights. He threw out his son when he fell in love with Cedric's ward, the Lady Rowena. Cedric hoped to marry her to Athelstane, thus forming a powerful Saxon alliance. Ivanhoe goes to fight with King Richard, and is next seen as the masked victor at a tournament. He is wounded during the tournament, but the Jewess Rebecca and her father Isaac take him in. Rebecca is a practicing healer, and she takes good care of him. She also falls in love with him, but resists her urges.

Among Prince John's men are Maurice De Bracy, Front-de-Boeuf, and Brian de Bois-Guilbert. De Bracy likes Lady Rowena, so he and his men take her and her family prisoner. Bois-Guilbert likes Rebecca, and so he aids De Bracy in this evil endeavor. They take the women, their families, and the wounded Ivanhoe to Front-de-Boeuf's castle.

King Richard also makes an appearance at the tournament, dressed in disguise. He meets up with Friar Tuck and Robin Hood's men, and he aids them in their plan to take the castle and free the prisoners. They win the castle, which an old enemy of Front-de-Boeuf's burns to the ground. Front-de-Boeuf dies, De Bracy is taken prisoner, and Bois-Guilbert escapes with Rebecca. During a scuffle over Rebecca (whom he mistakes for Rowena), Athelstane is killed.

Bois-Guilbert is a member of the religious order of Templars, and he takes Rebecca to their headquarters. Unfortunately, the group's Grand Master returns, and is very angry about the Templar's sinful behavior. He accuses Rebecca of sorcery, and sentences her to death. Her only hope is that a knight will challenge the Templars and Bois-Guilbert, who has agreed to testify and fight opposite her cause. Rebecca gets a message out to Ivanhoe, who is attending Athelstane's funeral. King Richard patches things up with Ivanhoe and his father Cedric, and just after Cedric agrees Ivanhoe and Rowena may marry, Athelstane appears. He was not dead, but nearly buried alive by priests greedy for the funeral money. Fortunately for Ivanhoe, Athelstane does not fight for Rowena; he wishes the couple nothing but the best. Shortly after, Ivanhoe leaves to save Rebecca.

At the Templars' headquarters, Ivanhoe fights Bois-Guilbert. The Templar dies, not from battle, but from his own wild passions. Rebecca is free, and Ivanhoe and Rowena marry. Rebecca expresses her gratitude to the happy Lady Ivanhoe before leaving with her father for Grenada. Ivanhoe lives a happy life with his wife, and goes on to do more of the King's work. Richard arrests many of Prince John's men, and has some put to death. He does nothing to his brother, who eventually comes into power when King Richard dies in battle.


  1. ^ a b Nisa C, Rodinah. 2005. Kultur jaringan beberapa kultivar buah pisang (Musa paradisiacal L.) dengan pemberian campuran hormon NAA dan kinetin. Bioscientiae 2: 23-36.
  2. ^ a b Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama bio
  3. ^ a b c d e f Prihatman K. 2000. Pisang (Musa spp.). [terhubung berkala]. http://www.aagos.ristek.go.id/pertanian/pisang.pdf [10 Feb 2009].