Daftar episode Patlabor
List of Patlabor episodes ini perlu diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia. |
Patlabor, sebuah serial yang diciptakan oleh Headgear telah diadaptasi menjadi tiga versi anime antara tahun 1988 hingga 1992, termasuk serial OVA pertama Patlabor: The Early Days, Patlabor: The TV Series dan OVA kelanjutannya, Patlabor: The New Files.
Di tahun 1988, Sunrise memproduksi serial OVA dengan 7 episode, OVA ini adalah latar dari 2 film yang akan dibuat selanjutnya. Setelah kesuksesan OVA tersebut, mereka memproduksi sebuah serial televisi yang ditayangkan di NTV dari tahun 1980 hingga 1990, yang dibuat berdasarkan manga yang dikarang oleh Masami Yuki, dan demikian itu adalah sebuah penceritaan kembali dari serial Patlabor. Sebuah serial OVA kedua, yang merupakan kelanjutan dari serial televisi dirilis dalam bentuk Laserdisc dan kaset VHS dari serial televisi tersebut, dari tahun 1990 hingga 1992.
Ketiga serial anime tersebut dilisensi di dalam format Wilayah 1 oleh Cental Park Media. Ketiganya dirilis dalam bentuk VHS dan DVD. Namun, CPM telah mengajukan pailit bab 11 ada April 2009 dan berhenti beroperasi. Di tahun 2013, Maiden Japan melisensi ulang serial OVA pertama dan kemudian, serial televisinya dalam bentuk DVD dan Blu-ray.
Mobile Police Patlabor: The Early Days
Dari tahun 1988 hingga 1990, Sunrise memproduksi serial OVA dengan 7 episode. Serial ini didistribusikan oleh Bandai Visual dan Tohokushinsha Film di Jepang dan awalnya oleh Cental Park Media lalu dilanjutkan oleh Maiden Japan di Amerika Utara. Dub Inggris diproduksi oleh Matlin Recording di New York City, New York. Jalan ceritanya adalah awal dari serial Patlabor, yang akan diikuti oleh dua film Patlabor, Patlabor: The Movie dan Patlabor 2: The Movie.
Serial ini langsung dirilis kedalam bentuk Laserdisc dan kaset VHS dari 25 April 1988 hingga 25 Juni 1989. Serial ini dirilis dalam bentuk DVD dalam dua volume pada 20 April 2000, dan selanjutnya diterbitkan kembali dalam sebuah set kotak pada 25 Mei 2007. Sebuah set kotak Blu-ray dirilis pada 23 Juli 2010.
No. | Judul | Sutradara | Tanggal Penayangan | |
01 | "Unit Dua, Meluncur!" "Dainishoutai Shutsudou seyo" (第2小隊出動せよ) | Mamoru Oshii | 25 April 1988 | |
Ini adalah hari pertama pembentukan Unit 2 dari Divisi Kendaraan Khusus 2 (SV2). Sayangnya unit tersebut terlihat hanya sebuah tim yang tidak cocok. Noa, seorang gadis yang menyukai labor seditikit berlebihan; Asuma, seorang kadet yang tak mau berada di sana; Ota, seorang maniak senjata; Shinshi, seorang suami yang penurut dengan istrinya; dan Hiromi, Pria besar yang baik. Unit ini dipimpin oleh Kapten Goto, pria yang cenderung santai, namun merupakan ahli siasat dan polisi yang luar biasa. Sayangnya labor patroli baru mereka (atau Patlabor) terjebak kemacetan, dan mereka harus menyiangi sekitar hangar. Mereka segera diluncurkan untuk menangkap labor teroris bersenjata, namun pertama-tama mereka harus mengambil labor mereka dan meluncur ke TKP dari tengah kemacetan. setelah pengambilang labor yang cukup bermasalah, mereka meluncur untuk menangkap labor di taman Ueno, namun kedua labor milik Ota dan Noa diserang. masing-masing kehilangan bagian tangan dan kepala. Asuma menyuruh Noa untuk mengalihkan kemarahannya kembali ke kriminal. Kriminal tersebut sekarang tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk kabur dari amarah Noa. | ||||
02 | "Longshot" (ロングショット) | Mamoru Oshii | 25 Juni 1988 | |
Walikota New York akan datang ke Tokyo untuk melihat Proyek Babylon - sebuah proyek reklamasi jangka panjang di teluk tokyo. Semua pasukan Kepolisian Tokyo ditugaskan untuk melindungi walikota termasuk juga SV2. Untuk menolong mereka, Kepolisian New York mengirim Kanuka Clancy, seorang wanita keturunan Amerika-Jepang yang menyebabkan kecurigaan didalam SV2, dan menarik perhatian kebanyakan anggota pria. Tugas dari SV2 sebagian besar hanya untuk dipamerkan, namun mereka segera menemukan adanya rencana teroris. Asuma menemukan sebuah Kendaraan Pusat Komando Polisi palsu yang berisi misil. Sekarang tergantung kepada Asuma untuk menjinakkannya, dengan bantuan instruksi dari Kanuka lewat radio polisi, namun ia hanya memiliki 10 menit dan tidak mempunyai pengalaman. | ||||
03 | "Jebakan Berumur 450 Tahun" "Yon oku go-sen man nen no Wana" (4億5千万年の罠) | Mamoru Oshii | 25 Juli 1988 | |
Serangkaian peristiwa terjadi di teluk Tokyo termasuk kabel bawah laut yang rusak, dan sebuah mobil yang ditarik dari pinggir dermaga. Apakah ini adalah perbuatan dari monster laut yang sebenarnya? Detektif Matsui dari Kepolisian Metropolitan Tokyo meminta bantuan dari Goto. Shige dan Sakaki membantu mempilotkan sebuah labor kendali jarak jauh, untuk mencari penyebab dari insiden-insiden tersebut. Labor itu hancur, dan Shige yakin bahwa monster itu ada. SV2 ditugaskan untuk membunuh monster tersebut, tetapi mereka menemukan sesuatu yang lebih aneh. Catatan: Episode ini menghormati film Godzilla tahun 1954, dan film-film Kaiju klasik lainnya. | ||||
04 | "Tragedi L" "L no Higeki" (Lの悲劇) | Mamoru Oshii | 25 September 1988 | |
Unit 2 dipanggil untuk membantu menangani penyanderaan disebuah toko video, namun amarah Ota mulai tak terbendung, dan ia menembak setengah toko itu dan menghentikan para kriminal. Goto memutuskan bahwa unitnya perlu latihan ulang dan mengirim mereka kembali ke akademi. Mereka sampai namun anehnya tidak ada kadet di sana. Mereka memutuskan untuk mandi, namun airnya menjadi berwarna darah. Mereka mengetahui bahwa air itu adalah cat dari peluru cat, yang anehnya menakuti instruktur. Malamnya, Ota dihantui oleh gadis hantu yang hanya bilang "Jangan Tembak", dan yang lain melihat sebuah labor berisi kerangka yang berkeliaran dipekarangan akademi. Keesokan harinya, Asuma dan Noa bolos dari pelatihan dan pergi ke warung. Di sana Asuma bertemu dengan pemilik warung yang ia kenal sejak masuk menjadi kadet di akademi. Pemilik warung itu menceritakan bahwa ada kejadian disana beberapa bulan yang lalu. Seorang gadis yang kebetulan menjadi penonton di pertempuran palsu tertembak dan terbunuh oleh sebuah peluru cat dari sebuah pistol labor. Apakah akademi tersebut memang dihantui oleh jiwa gadis tersebut? | ||||
05 | "Hari Terpanjang SV2 (Bagian 1)" "Nika no ichiban nagai Hi (Zenpen)" (二課の一番長い日(前編)) | Mamoru Oshii | 10 November 1988 | |
Unit 2 sedang liburan. kebanyakan anggota memiliki kegiatan kecuali Goto, yang ingin berduaan saja dengan Shinobu di kantor, dan Asuma yang memutuskan untuk pergi ke pabrik ayahnya. Ia bertemu Jitsuyama, manajer dari pabrik tersebut, dan teman keluarga. Ia mengetahui bahwa Shinohara Heavy Industries sedang mengembangkan sebuah labor militer. Asuma muak dengan hal ini. Jitsuyama menyarankannya untuk menemui ayahnya lebih sering, namun Asuma mengatakan bahwa ia sudah bertemu ayahnya hari ini, dan mereka sudah bertengkar. Ia memutuskan untuk mengunjungi Shinshi, lalu Kanuka, namun mendapat perasaan bahwa ia tidak diinginkan ada disana. Pilihan terakhir hanya Noa, Ia menelepon hanya mengetahui bahwa Noa tinggal di Hokkaido, dan ia harus naik kereta untuk ke sana. Sementara itu di Tokyo, polisi memblokir jalan sebuah truk. Salah satu polisi curiga setelah melihat sebuah labor di balik terpal. Ia menanyakan izin labor, namun truk itu menabrak blokir jalan. Para polisi mengejarnya, namun labor yang berada dibalik truk menembak dan menghancurkan semua mobil. Labor itu milik militer Jepang. Asuma menunggu Noa di restoran. Seorang pria berumur 40-an masuk ke sana dan memesan semangkuk mie dingin, dan dibubuhi dengan cabai rawit. Ia dengan cepat menghabiskannya dan melihat Asuma dengan tatapan dingin. Noa akhirnya datang menjemputnya dan pergi ke rumah orang-tuanya. Di Tokyo, Goto mengatakan alasannya untuk berdua bersamanya adalah karena beberapa orang yang mencurigakan sedang mengawasi SV2. orang tersebut menyadari bahwa mereka diawasi balik oleh Goto. Agar selangkah didepan, Goto meminta Sakaki untuk mengirim satu labor ke pabrik. Malamnya, Goto menelepon Shinobu dari luar rumahnya. Ia memberitahukan Shinobu bahwa ada sebuah truk membawa labor menabrak blokir polisi dan menembak mobil polisi. Dengan militer jepang yang berada ditengah perang, akan butuh waktu beberapa hari untuk menghitung semua labor mereka. Apakah militer sedang merencanakan kudeta? Goto meminta bantuan Shinobu untuk membantunya menggagalkannya. Keesokan harinya, militer pemberontak menginvasi Tokyo. mereka mengambil alih SV2, namun sudah mengirimkan labornya lewat teluk. Shinobu dan divisi 1 bersiaga di markas besar dan menghadang jalan militer. Ia mengatakan ia tidak akan pergi sampai pengepungan berakhir. Noa dan Asuma menonton keadaan di Tokyo lewat Televisi. mereka menunjukkan foto sang pemimpin. Asuma terkejut melihat bahwa dia adalah orang yang sama dengan yang di restoran. Dia adalah Kiyoteru Kai, orang yang Goto kenal cukup lama. Sama dengan yang lainnya, Noa dan Asuma kembali ke Tokyo untuk membantu. | ||||
06 | "Hari Terpanjang SV2 (Bagian 2)" "Nika no ichiban nagai Hi (Kouhen)" (二課の一番長い日(後編)) | Mamoru Oshii | 10 Desember 1988 | |
Unit 2 membuat markas sementara disebuah restoran Shanghai. Hari itu adalah hari kedua pengepungan, namun para pemberontak belum menuntut apapun. Kanuka menyamar sebagai kurir restoran Shanghai, meminta bantuan dari para mekanik. Sakaki memberitahukan Kanuka bahwa ada labor purwarupa yang dipajang di akademi yang bisa mereka gunakan. Salah satu mekanik mendengar bahwa mereka memiliki senjata nuklir. Kanuka kembali ke restoran dan memberitahukan berita tersebut. Sementara itu, Shinobu sedang berbicara dengan petinggi kepolisian melalui konferensi video. Mereka bilang kepadanya bahwa militer Amerika akan datang mengakhiri pengepungan sebelum terjadi perang sipil, dan ia harus mundur. Ia mengatakan bahwa ia tidak akan menuruti perintah mereka. Para petinggi mencurigai Goto karena dia tahu tentang penyergapan dan dia pernah berteman dengan Kiyoteru Kai pada saat kuliah. Polisi mengeluarkan surat perintah penangkapannya. Muak dengan aksi mereka, Shinobu terpaksa meninggalkan ruang konferensi setelah seorang perwira berusaha menahannya. Ota, Kanuka dan Shinshi memutuskan untuk membuat kekacauan dengan labor polisi yang mereka curi dan sebuah senapan helikopter yang Kanuka pinjam dari koneksinya di militer Amerika. Mereka tidak berbuat banyak dan tertangkap. Labor yang mereka curi telah hancur. Asuma dan Noa tiba di Tokyo. Asuma memberitahukan Goto bahwa ia melihat Kai di sebuah restoran di Hokkaido. mendengar berita tersebut, Goto berpikir bahwa ia mengetahui rencana Kai. Goto meminta bantuan dari Matsui. Mereka menghubungi Otoritas Maritim yang memberitahukan mereka bahwa sebuah kapal bernama Safflower telah bertindak mencurigakan di laut. Kapal lain bernama Pasific berada di area yang sama, dan menilai dari foto kapal yang didapat dari mata-mata Amerika, keduanya memiliki peluncur misil. Artinya yang satunya adalah palsu, tapi yang mana? Goto menelepon kapal yang Kai naiki dan menggertaknya. Namun gagal, dan Kai mengirim ultimatum kepada pemerintah; Bubarkan Diet (Parlemen Pemerintah Jepang), larang semua partai politik, dan cabut konstitusi. Jika mereka tidak melakukannya, maka ia akan menembakkan misil. Namun Goto punya rencana. Ia mendapatkan bantuan dari Militer Amerika dan Shinohara Heavy Industries. Apakah ia dapat menghentikan rencana Kai? | ||||
07 | "Ke Utara, SV2!" "Tokushatai, Kita e" (特車隊、北へ) | Naoyuki Yoshinaga | 25 Juni 1989 | |
Sebuah Truk di Pom bensin telah dicuri, ketika seorang saksi melapor ke polisi yang lewat. Supir truk tersebut tampaknya tidak mau dikejar. Polisi mencium sesuatu yang mencurigakan dan menahannya. Ia rupanya adalah simpatisan dari grup teroris Rumah Pantai. Ia mencuri truk yang membawa labor dari Pameran Labor Tokyo. Sayangnya Perusahaan pembuatnya, Shaft Enterprises Europe, tutup mulut tentang apa yang ada di dalam truk. SV2 mencoba menangkap truk di depan sebuah terowongan. Truk tersebut berhasil melarikan diri berkat bantuan simpatisan teroris di dalam labor, yang memaksa masuk kedalam kontainer setelah tidak ada respon dari temannya. Pencuri yang mencuri truk tersebut hanyalah seorang pencuri yang ingin pulang. Ia hanyalah pekerja musiman, ia tidak mau terlibat dalam hal ini. Namun sang teroris membujuknya untuk membantunya. Sayangnya bagi mereka Shaft akan melakukan apapun untuk menyelamatkan isi truk tersebut. |
Patlabor: The TV Series
No. | Title | Ditulis Oleh | Tanggal Penayangan Asli | Tanggal Penayangan Bahasa Inggris | |
01 | "Ingram Aktif" "Ingram kidō" (イングラム起動) | Kazunori Ito | 11 Oktober 1989 | 6 Agustus 2001 | |
Setelah Divisi 2 merusak labor terakhirnya dalam sebuah penangkapan, waktunya untuk peningkatan. Kapten Goto mengirim Asuma dan Ota ke Pabrik Shinohara Heavy Industries di Hachioji untuk mengantarkan labor lama mereka untuk diperbaiki. Mereka bertemu seorang kadet polisi bernama Noa Izumi yang ingin mengikuti tes kemampuan labor patroli. Itu jika dia bisa menemukan gedungnya. Sementara itu seseorang mencuri patlabor yang baru, yaitu AV-98 Ingram dan pengangkutnya. Tentunya Noa tidak ingin seseorang mencuri "pato-chan" miliknya, dan mengerjarnya diikuti oleh Asuma dan Ota. | |||||
02 | "Datangnya Kanuka" "Kanuka ga kita!" (香貫花が来た) | Kazunori Ito | 11 Oktober 1989 | 6 Agustus 2001 | |
Divisi 2 dikirim ke Akademi Kepolisian untuk pelatihan Labor Ingram. Seorang wanita dari Kepolisian New York telah tiba, tampaknya untuk pelatihan labor bersama Divisi 2 selama enam bulan kedepan. Namanya adalah Letnan Kanuka Clancy, wanita Amerika kelahiran jepang. Pelatihan terakhir melibatkan sebuah Turnamen Pertarungan Labor yang akan menentukan siapa yang akan mengendarai kedua patlabor Ingram. Apakah Kanuka bersaing untuk mendapatkan posisi pilot labor? Dengan Kanuka dan Noa berhadapan di ronde terakhir, akankah Noa kehilangan mimpinya untuk mengendarai "Alphonse"? | |||||
03 | "Ini Adalah SV2" "Kochira tokusha nika" (こちら特車二課) | Mamoru Oshii | 1 November 1989 | 6 Agustus 2001 | |
Noa diperkenalkan dengan kehidupan di SV2. Dimulai dengan memuat labornya ke pengangkut, dan hampir gagal melakukannya. Dengan hangar SV2 yang berada di tanah kosong di tengah tanah reklamasi, SV2 harus berimprovisasi dalam mencari makan. Ketika para kru sedang pergi memancing ikan, beternak ayam, menanam tomat, dan menyiangi kebun. Sayangnya ketika para mekanik sedang memancing dengan kapal motor mereka, kapal mereka kandas. Ota berusaha membebaskannya, namun malah menenggelamkan labornya. Sekarang tergantung pada Noa untuk menarik kedua labor dan kapal motornya, namun Sakaki, sang kepala mekanik, tiba-tiba kembali ke hangar dan curiga terhadap apa yang mereka lakukan. Divisi 2 harus berusaha untuk memperlambat Sakaki. | |||||
04 | "Menuju Gunung yang Misterius!" "Ma no yama e ike!" (魔の山へ行けっ!) | Kazunori Ito | 8 November 1989 | 6 Agustus 2001 | |
Sekelompok pendaki menemukan sejumplah pohon tumbang dan sebuah labor rusak di tengah hutan di sebuah gunung. Namun kemudian mereka melihat mahluk besar, yang sepertinya menjadi penyebab kerusakan tersebut. Mereka melaporkan hal itu ke polisi, namun para polisi merasa tidak yakin karena labor yang rusak telah menghilang. Sampai mahluk misterius itu kembali. Kepolisian Metropolitan Tokyo menyerahkan kasus tersebut kepadan SV2. Namun apakah itu hanyalah labor yang menyamar ataukah itu monster sungguhan? para polisi setempat ingin Divisi 2 menangkap monster itu hidup-hidup agar dapat dijadikan objek wisata. Namun dengan Ota yang gatal ingin membunuh mahluk tersebut mereka mungkin hanya akan mendapatkan boneka monster. | |||||
05 | "Pelarian Labor X-10!" "Bōsō reiba X-10!" (暴走レイバーX10(エックステン)) | Hiroyuki Hoshiyama | 15 November 1989 | 6 Agustus 2001 | |
Divisi 2 dipanggil menuju Gunung Fuji oleh markas besar, namun tidak ada penugasan. Kendati bahwa kenyataanya militer mencoba untuk menyamarkan labor mereka dengan menembakkan cat kuning, dan hal semakin jelas bahwa labor tersebut adalah labor percobaan tanpa awak. Sekarang tergantung pada Divisi 2 untuk menghentikannya karena labor tersebut diprogram untuk menghancurkan kota pertama yang ditemui. Namun, jika militer gagal untuk menghentikannya, bagaimana dengan mereka? | |||||
06 | "Menara: SOS" "Za tawa S.O.S." (ザ・タワーSOS) | Naoto Kimura | 22 November 1989 | 11 Juni 2002 | |
Seorang menteri luar negeri sedang melihat proyek menara kota Tokyo, menara dengan ketinggian 1 kilometer yang sedang dalam pengerjaan, ketika sebuah ledakan dan kebakaran melanda. Sayangnya 2 labor pemada kebakaran tersangkut di celah dimana labor bisa masuk, satu-satunya cara adalah turun dari derek atas. Ota membuat masalah, mencoba untuk memaksa masuk dan hampir melukai wartawan dan tim penyelamat dibawah dan tersangkut. Media internasional pun meliput Divisi 2. Sepertinya petinggi kepolisian menganggap hal ini akan menjadi berita baik jika mereka dapat menyelamatkan menteri. Sekarang tergantung kepada Noa untuk menyelamatkan para penyintas. | |||||
07 | "Tipe 97 yang Terkenal Diperbarui" "Eicō no 97 shikikai" (栄光の97(きゅうなな)式改) | Kazunori Ito | 11 Oktober 1989 | 11 Juni 2002 | |
Divisi 1 tengah bersiap untuk mendapatkan Labor Patroli Purwarupa terbaru, yairu SRX-70. Dilengkapi dengan senapan 42mm, labor ini lebih baik dari Ingram dalam segi apapun. Anehnya, perusahaan mengirimkan tim mekaniknya sendiri untuk memperbaiki labor tersebut daripada membiarkan mekanik SV2 memperbaikinya. Kapten Goto mencium hal yang mencurigakan. Tentunya ia mengetahui dari Asuma bahwa perusahaan penyedia labor tersebut, Toyohata, adalah kedok dari perusahaan labor Shaft. Mereka ingin mencuri pola gerakan labor dan data untuk membantu mengembangkan labor militer. Kaptem Nagumo dari Divisi 1 terpaksa harus memutuskan antara menggunakan patlabor model 97 yang sudah usang, atau labor yang baru, yang kemungkinan datanya akan digunakan untuk kebutuhan militer. | |||||
08 | "Padang Rumput Misterius" "Maboroshi no midori" (まぼろしの緑) | Naoto Kimura | 6 Desember 1989 | 11 Juni 2002 | |
Asuma, Hiromi, dan Noa dikirim oleh Kapten Goto menuju desa Onifuri untuk menyelidiki kemungkinan sabotase dalam pengerjaan jalan tol yang baru. Mereka segera mengetahui bahwa sepertinya ada pohon suci di tengah jalan tol yang harus ditebang. Penduduk desa mengatakan ada iblis yang menjaga pohon itu dan mereka akan dikutuk jika memindahkannya, namun Asuma mencurigai adanya labor yang terlibat. Apakah ini hanya penipuan oleh pemilik tanah agar pemerintah membeli tanah lebih banyak dan membuat jalan tol mengelilingi phon itu, atau apakah ada hal lain didalam kutukan itu? | |||||
09 | "Pendaratan Labor Merah" "Jōriku akai reiba" (上陸 赤いレイバー) | Mamoru Oshii | 13 Desember 1989 | 11 Juni 2002 | |
Pihak Keselamatan Publik mendatangi SV2 dan meminta bantuan dalam sebuah kasus. Itchoku Inubashiri, seorang mantan pilot Labor militer yang menjadi teroris grup militan anti proyek Babylon "Rumah Lautan", telah melukai salah satu agen mereka, mencuri senjatanya, dan membajak sebuah taksi menuju Sakata. Mereka memberitahukan Kapten Goto bahwa inubashiri ingin membajak Labor Penyerang milik Soviet, Yaitu L99, dengan nama sandi Doshka, yang secara rahasia berlabuh di kapal di Sakata dalam perjalanan kembali ke Rusia. Rumah Lautan ingin mencurinya untuk tujuan mereka. Para agen membutuhkan bantuan SV2 karena hal ini melibatkan labor. Goto mencium hal yang mencurigakan dengan cerita dari Keselamatan Publik namun meminjamkan Noa dan Asuma, dan memerintahkan mereka untuk membeli Hatahata. Hal ini semakin jelas ketika seluruh mata-mata di Jepang, berada di Sakata, dan mereka disini bukan untuk membeli Hatahata. Apakah ada hal yang dirahasiakan oleh pihak Keselamatan Publik? | |||||
10 | "Jebakan di Malam Natal" "Ivu no wana" (イヴの罠) | Kazunori Ito | 20 Desember 1989 | 11 Juni 2002 | |
Hari itu adalah Malam Natal. Nenek Kanuka telah menghilang. Ia meninggalkan sebuah catatan untuk Kanuka bahwa ia sedang mencari Natal 50 tahun yang lalu. Takut akan hal buruk akan terjadi, Noa, Asuma dan Kanuka pergi mencarinya, namun harus kembali ke SV2 karena panggilan tugas. Detektif Matsui meminta SV2 untuk membantunya dalam sebuah kasus. Kendaraan yang pergi menuju Terowongan Dermaga Tokyo telah menghilang, termasuk mobil patroli. Dan juga seseorang mencoba untuk mengganggu hubungan disekitar area tersebut. Matsui ingin SV2 berbuat sesuatu sebelum militer terlibat. Namun militer sudah dikerahkan. Divisi 1 mencoba memasuki area tersebut, namun gagal untuk merespon pada waktu yang sudah ditentukan. Noa dan Ota memasuki terowongan namun hanya menemukan sisa-sisa dari labor Divisi 1. dan tidak ada jejak dari kru mereka. Tiba-tiba Labor Brocken milik Shaft mengepung mereka dan mulai menyerang... | |||||
11 | "Teror di Malam Natal" "Ivu no senritsu" (イヴの戦慄) | Kazunori Ito | 27 Desember 1989 | 3 Desember 2002 | |
Noa bertarung dengan labor Brocken, namun Ota dan Kanuka dikalahkan. Labor Phantom telah muncul dan menggunakan gelombang elektromagetik menyebabkan Ingram berhenti berfungsi. Labor itu juga memiliki senjata sinar yang menghancurkan tangan labor milik Ota. Ota tertangkap dan dibawa oleh Labor Brocken. Noa terpaksa mundur karena kala jumlah. Ia lalu bertemu dengan Kapten Fuwa dari militer. Fuwa sedang melaksanakan misi rahasia untuk menghentikan labor-labor yang menyerang. Ota lalu menemukan dirinya terkunci di dalam sebuah ruangan hotel bersama dengan anggota Divisi 1, polisi, dan warga sipil lainnya. Sementara itu sisa dari Divisi 2 berkumpul kembali dan Goto memutuskan untuk menggunakan strategi baru. Goto yakin bahwa biang dari operasi ini sedang bersembunyi disana dan memerintahkan SV2 untuk menemukannya. Detektif Matsui dan Shinshi yang ditugaskan untuk mencari nenek Kanuka telah menemukannya. Ia bilang kepada mereka bahwa ia tidak ingin melihat Kanuka tewas dalam pertempuran seperti suaminya dalam perang Korea, dan ingin membawa Kanuka kembali ke Hawaii. Noa kembali bertarung untuk membantu militer, namun ia harus berhadapan dengan Labor Phantom sendirian... | |||||
12 | "Siang Ota yang Bermasalah" "Ota madoi no gogo" (太田 惑いの午後) | Michiko Yokote | 10 Januari 1990 | 3 Desember 2002 | |
Ota disiapkan oleh bibinya untuk bertemu dengan seorang gadis. Ayano Fuji adalah seorang gadis yang sangat cantik yang menyukai labor. Setelah pertemuan pertama yang bermasalah, Ota terkejut karena dia ingin melihatnya lagi. Apakah ini awal dari kisah romantis? Apa yang dia lihat dari Ota? Walau seperti biasanya, Cinta tidak pernah berjalan mulus. | |||||
13 | "Pelan-Pelan, Yang Mulia" "Tenka oteyawarakan!" (殿下 お手柔らかに) | Naoto Kimura | 17 Januari 1990 | 3 Desember 2003 | |
SV2 menerima tamu seorang Pangeran muda dari negeri Oasis, negeri timur tengah yang kaya akan minyak. Pangeran tersebut disana untuk melihat bagaimana Labor Patroli bekerja, dan berharap untuk menirunya di negerinya. Keberadaan pangeran cukup mengganggu di SV2, namun Noa dan Alphonse menarik perhatiannya, dan mereka segera berteman. Sementara itu seseorang telah mencuri labor Brocken yang ditahan dari kasus Terowongan Dermaga Tokyo. Apakah ini berhubungan dengan kedatangan Pangeran? Apakah seseorang ingin melukai sang pangeran? | |||||
14 | "Kau Menang!" "Anta no kachi!" (あんたの勝ち!) | Mamoru Oshii | 24 Januari 1990 | 3 Desember 2003 | |
Divisi 2 dipaksa untuk mengikuti Turnamen Judo Kepolisian dan kalah. ditengah pertarungan mereka dipanggil untuk bertugas. Masalahnya adalah pergelangan kaki Ota terkilir, dan Asuma tidak bisa berbicara. Kapten Goto memerintahkan Kanuka untuk menjadi komando Noa. Hal ini tidak berjalan baik, dan Noa membangkang perintah Kanuka untuk menembak dan keadaan menjadi lebih buruk. Noa dan Kanuka bertengkar lebih hebat setelah kejadian itu. Kapten Goto memiliki satu rencana agar mereka kembali bersatu, yaitu mengajak mereka ke Rumah Minum. Sebuah pertandingan minum dimulai antara Noa dan Kanuka, dan anggota Divisi 2 lainnya juga mabuk. Apakah rencana Goto akan berhasil? | |||||
15 | "Paus yang Menyanyikan Lagu" "Uta wo utatta kujira" (歌を唄ったクジラ) | Michiko Yokote | 31 Januari 1990 | 11 Februari 2003 | |
Seekor Paus Bungkuk memasuki Teluk Tokyo dan membuat media dan masyarakat heboh. Dibawah tekanan publik, pemerintah memutuskan untuk menyelamatkan paus itu dan membentuk sebuah komite. Divisi 2 dipanggil untuk menyediakan pengamanan karena ratusan penonton berada di pinggir teluk. Komite penyelamatan mencoba beberapa kali untuk memancing paus itu keluar, namun tetap saja kembali lagi. Kenapa paus itu tetap kembali ke air yang tercemar di teluk itu? | |||||
16 | "Divisi 2 Menyeberangi Lautan" "Shōtai umi wo wataru" (小隊 海を渡る) | Tetsuko Takahashi | 7 Februari 1990 | 11 Februari 2003 | |
Divisi 2 sedang menjalankan tugas di Festival Salju Sapporo di Hokkaido. Sekelompok teroris bernama "Pasukan Pelindung Bumi" merencanakan penyerangan di festival tersebut. Dua labor telah dicuri, ada kemungkinan akan digunakan dalam penyerangan. Selain berhadapan dengan teroris, SV2 harus mengatasi masalah dengan anak kecil yang mengganggu mereka. Dia baru saja pindah dari Tokyo karena rumahnya dihancurkan oleh Labor. Dahulu, ia menyukai Labor, sekarang ia membencinya. Noa cukup kecewa menyadari bahwa mungkin Alphonse lah yang merusak rumahnya. | |||||
17 | "Target, Kapten Goto" "Mokuhyō ha Gotō taichō" (目標は後藤隊長) | Michiko Yokote | February 14, 1990 | February 11, 2003 | |
Kapten Goto menerima surat ancaman, seseorang merusak makan siangnya dan ia menemukan kotoran kucing di dalam sepatunya. Untuk mencari tahu siapa yang melakukannya dan mengapa, para anggota Divisi 2 mencoba untuk mengingat perilaku anehnya, dengan mengetesnya dengan tujuan melihat apa ada yang salah dengannya. Hal ini menjadi serius ketika seseorang menjatuhkan pot bunga ke mobil Kapten Goto dan salah satu misi SV2 disabotase ketika salah satu pengangkut mengalami kerusakan pada hidroliknya. Divisi 2 sekarang tahu bahwa ada orang ingin melukai Goto, namun hanya Goto yang tahu siapa orang tersebut, tampaknya ia tidak takut sama sekali. | |||||
18 | "Aku Suka Noa-senpai" "Suki suki Noah senpai" (スキスキ野明先輩) | Hibari Arisu | 21 Februari 1990 | 11 Februari 2003 | |
Penyanyi idola Kana Matsumoto bergabung dengan SV2 selama seminggu untuk belajar mengoperasikan labor. Ini adalah rencana bagian Humas yang ramai dibicarakan oleh petinggi kepolisian, namun Noa sedikit gelisah melihat Kana mengendarai Alphonse. Yang lain terlihat senang melihat bintang besar tinggal sebagai anggota SV2, terutama Ota, yang merupakan penggemar nomor satu. Setelah Kana hampir merusak Alphonse, ia memohon kepada Noa agar mau melatihnya. Noa awalnya enggan, namun akhirnya melakukannya dengan serius. Sayangnya, sekelompok kriminal ingin menculik Kana, namun tak sengaja menculik Noa. Mereka ingin menukarnya dengan salah satu Ingram. Divisi 2 harus menyelesaikan masalah ini sebelum Kapten Goto mengetahuinya. | |||||
19 | "Shadow in Geo-Front" "Jiofuronto no kage" (ジオフロントの影) | Yutaka Izubuchi | February 28, 1990 | May 13, 2003 | |
Workers on the underground Tokyo Geo-City Project uncover a series of limestone caverns. However one of the workers is a member of the Earth Defense Army, militant anti-Project Babylon terrorist group. He has set off a bomb and threatens to set off more in a aim to destroy the project. The SV2 are called in to help. Noa along with Kanuka who has anti-terrorist and bomb disposal training, set off in their Labors to defuse the bombs and apprehend the criminal. While searching for the bombs they come across a large creature in the water which attacks them. Meanwhile Captain Goto manages to apprehend the criminal. He discovers that he has set up a large bomb near the ocean entrance of Tokyo Geo-City that will cause the whole area to be flooded. Unfortunately Division 2 has lost contact with Noa and Kanuka and they can't tell them about the bomb. Meanwhile Kanuka and Noa have their hands full trying to get away from a monster that keeps attacking them. | |||||
20 | "Movement in the Dark" "Kuroi taidō" (黒い胎動) | Kazunori Ito | March 7, 1990 | May 13, 2003 | |
Private security firms have started to use Labors in security work. One of these firms is Holly Security Services, who have been invited to test out their new Labor the Saturn (formally Schaft's SRX-70) against the Self-Defence Force. But Holly Security Services (HSS) is actually another front for Shaft. Kurosaki is here incognito as a negotiator for HSS to test out the new version of the Phantom, providing him the perfect alibi. Destruction of a military Labor by the Phantom Labor hits the front page of every newspaper. Meanwhile at the SV2, the spare Labor is going back to the factory for improvements. Jitsuyama is on hand to pick up the Labor, and suggests Asuma should visit his father. Asuma is a little upset with this and walks away in a bad mood. Noa tries to talk with Asuma about it, but he won't open up and this causes a major fight between the two of them. Meanwhile The Phantom Labor appears off the coast of Oshima. Captain Fuwa of the military is called in again to fight the Labor covertly. Division are ordered to take on the Labor, even though Captain Goto knows the who thing has been set up to provide battle data for the Phantom Labor. Before heading off to Oshima, Goto sends Asuma to the factory to pick up the Labor. He won't be there to help Noa. Noa is quite upset at the fact she hasn't patched things up with him yet, and that he won't be there. | |||||
21 | "Phantom Again" "Bōrei futatabi" (亡霊(ファントム)ふたたび) | Kazunori Ito | March 14, 1990 | May 13, 2003 | |
The Phantom Labor lands and is heading towards Sashiki. It has already destroyed one of the Holly Security Services Labors. Captain Fuwa and her military Labor team plan to lure the Phantom Labor into the military training grounds to destroy it. Division 2 arrive, but are ordered not to get involved, if at all possible. As Captain Fuwa's team are dropped from a military plane they are immediately attacked by the Phantom Labor's beam weapon, even before they land. One of the Labors is damaged but they still continue on with their plan. Kanuka decides that they should be the ones leading the Phantom Labor into the training ground. The plan certainly works but Ota is attacked and is severely beaten. Captain Fuwa manages to save Ota by forcing the Phantom Labor away. Ota notices that there is a second armed Labor lurking around helping it. Meanwhile Kurosaki decides that he needs more battle data. He instructs his team to get the Phantom Labor to steal Noa's movement disc at any cost. Noa is now the sole target of the Phantom labor. She has to fight it alone without any backup. Even if she does win she still may have to deal with the second Labor. | |||||
22 | "Labor and Flower" "Hana to reiba" (花とレイバー) | Michiko Yokote | March 21, 1990 | May 13, 2003 | |
The Tokyo Metropolitan Police are holding a Public Safety Awareness Week. Division 2 are holding a seminar on Labor safety when a Yakuza boss decides to take an interest in what they're doing. He introduces himself to Noa and Kanuka. Are the Yakuza trying to intimidate them? But he seems quite friendly and even invites them to his house to show off his Labor collection. All he wants to know is how set the defaults on his Labors so he can use them. Noa shows him but is a little concerned. He rewards the SV2 with gifts, but for a police unit to receive gifts from a Yakuza boss, well that's ruat with danger. The relationship begins to get a bit stronger, and the boss becomes so enthralled with piloting Labors he decides to do help out the SV2! The Yakuza are now helping to stop crime. Trouble brews when a rival Yakuza boss gets jealous and wants a piece of the action. This could lead to a gang war. Noa and Kanuka must stop them before blood is shed. | |||||
23 | "Kanuka's Report" "Kanuka repōto" (香貫花レポート) | Hibari Arisu Naoyuki Yoshinaga | April 4, 1990 | August 12, 2003 | |
Kanuka's stay with the SV2 is up. She must now return to the New York Police Department. She explicitly states she doesn't want a farewell party. However several members of Division 2 have other ideas. They literally break into her apartment to give her a surprise party. But Shinshi accidentally discovers a report she has been working on for the NYPD. It's a report on Division 2 and there is a dossier on every member. The report however does not give Division 2 a good review. Far from it. Eventually when they reach Ota's dossier, it is so bad he practically destroys the lounge room and the computer, and Kanuka is due back any minute. This is somewhat of a clip episode, but with mostly new material. Trivia: Kanuka's portable computer is modeled after the Apple's Macintosh Portable; the only notable difference is the color, black instead of white. | |||||
24 | "Farewell Kanuka" "Saraba Kanuka" (さらば香貫花) | Kazunori Ito | April 11, 1990 | August 12, 2003 | |
Kanuka is finally heading back to New York. The team feel like they have disgraced themselves so Noa is the only one there to see her off. Before the plane takes off a strange man (who looks like a cat) named Ginji Nekowatari enters the cockpit and tells the pilot that he has a bomb on board. He demands the release of one of the "Home of the Sea" terrorists currently in custody. Unfortunately Kanuka has had to check her gun in with the pilot before she boarded. She decides to disguise herself as an air hostess to get closer to the terrorist and move freely about the plane. Although it probably won't take much to fool this terrorist. | |||||
25 | "Storm of Spring" "Haru no arashi" (春の嵐) | Michiko Yokote | April 18, 1990 | August 12, 2003 | |
With the departure of Kanuka, Shinshi has been given the unenviable job of being Ota's backup. Things are not going well. Shinshi just can't control him and he won't listen to any of his orders. Maybe he isn't cut out for this work. An opportunity comes up for him to return to his old line of work; computer programming. The job sounds good, he'll get three times more than what he's getting now and he'll be the head of his own department. But can he turn his back on his colleagues, his job and resign from the police force? | |||||
26 | "I'm Takeo Kumagami" "Watashi ga Kumagami Takeo desu" (私が熊耳武緒です) | Michiko Yokote | April 25, 1990 | August 12, 2003 | |
A new member is a about to join Division 2. Her Name is Takeo Kumagami. She's an excellent cop, good at cooking, a great typist, great with computers, has mastered the basic pattern movements of the Ingram in less than a day and was even scouted by Interpol but turned the offer down. Why on Earth is she here at the SV2? Captain Gotoh is thinking of changing some of the positions in his team. Is Kumagami trying to take Noa's position? Will changing the team be a problem for morale? | |||||
27 | "A Calling Voice in the Dark" "Yami ni yobu koe" (闇に呼ぶ声) | Kazunori Ito | May 2, 1990 | January 13, 2004 | |
Division 2 are out on a training mission at a group of abandoned buildings set for demolition. They are training for urban combat and hostage situations. Everything seems to be going fine until the nightshift comes. Local residents claim that the buildings are haunted. Voices can be heard at night and a ghostly group of samurai can sometime be seen. Shinshi discovers that disaster and death have always befell the area, with many deaths due to earthquakes, especially the big one which happened four years prior. One night Captain Goto's computer malfunctions and the word "Help!" scrolls across his screen continually. Then he is attacked by a man with a sword who vanishes! Later, Ota feels someone "tugging" at his Labor and Noa sees a ghostly vision of a young boy. Are these mysterious occurrences the work of spirits? Is the site cursed? | |||||
28 | "Suspicious Duo" "Ayashii futari" (怪しいふたり) | Kazunori Ito | May 9, 1990 | January 13, 2004 | |
On their day off, Noa and Asuma head out to the city and end up in a game arcade. Asuama spots a Patlabor game, but both he and Noa are beaten by it. A man named Utsumi shows up claiming his company created the game and then proceeds to clear all the levels. Noa decides she won't be beaten and tries again, and fails. A young boy named Bud shows up and says he'll avenge Noa. Noa can't believe even a kid is better at this game than she is. Utsumi and Bud are actually employees of Schaft. They're getting read to make their next move. Utsumi and Kurosaki are heading up the Griffin project. An experimental Labor with battle capabilities higher than most military Labors. The Labor has been created to develop components for other Labors. The first part of their plan involves testing out Division 2. Utsumi sends out a Saturn Labor to cause havoc on a construction site hoping that Division 2 will show up. | |||||
29 | "SV2 Wiped Out!" "Tokusha nika kaimetsu su!" (特車二課 壊滅す!) | Mamoru Oshii | May 23, 1990 | January 13, 2004 | |
With the SV2 hangars being out in the middle of an isolated reclaimed landfill, getting food has always been a problem. The Shanghai Restaurant is the only place that will deliver to them. In what should have been a typical order, the food doesn't arrive. p¿ the delivery boy has disappeared with the order. Ota rings the restaurant to complain and ends up insulting them. Eventually the hunger gets to them and Ota is forced to apologise. But the restaurant now says it doesn't want to go out at night because of the stray dogs that live on the reclaimed land and that there is no one to deliver the food. Fed up after waiting hours and hours, Ota says he will provide an escort for the restaurant but he doesn't return. A few hours later the mechanics take off to find Ota, but they also don't return. Where have they gone and why don't they return? | |||||
30 | "Griffin was Here!" "Gurifon sanjō!" (グリフォン参上!) | Kazunori Ito | May 30, 1990 | January 13, 2004 | |
Fuwa's team. Her Labor's movement disc is ripped out of her Labor. The mysterious black Labor leaves a message written in the sand: "The Griffin has Arrived". The Schaft team is delighted with the results, although some think that Bud is a dangerous pilot who takes too many risks. Utsumi now wants to take on Division 2 so that he can capture an Ingram to study it and for its movement data. Shinobu meets her old friend Fuwa for a meal. Captain Fuwa takes the opportunity to ask Shinobu if she knows anything about a Labor called the Griffin that can mimic human movement. Meanwhile news comes though that the police chief is thinking of creating two new divisions. But all four divisions would get new economy Ingrams being developed by Shinohara Heavy Industries. This means Division 2's old Ingrams would have to go. Captain Goto isn't too sure this is a good idea. Are the Labors worse than the current ones? There's only one place to find out; The Tokyo International Labor Show. | |||||
31 | "Tragedy in Rain" "Ame no sangeki" (雨の惨劇) | Satoshi Namiki | June 6, 1990 | April 6, 2004 | |
Division 2 are on hand to provide security at the Tokyo International Labor Show. Utsumi and Bud meet Noa and Asuma again while looking at the new Economy Ingram. Utsumi realises for the first time that they're from Division 2. Bud and Utsumi are actually there to plot their attack on them. Asuma decides to test the new Ingram without telling Captain Gotoh. Ota unhappy at the situation decides to challenge him with his Ingram. Suddenly a truck collides with the Labors and gas starts pouring out creating a smoke screen. The Griffin Labor smashes out of the truck and starts attacking Ota. Noa is unable to help him as Asuma is using her movement disc in the Economy Ingram. Both Ingram labors are defeated and an injured Asuma passes the disc back to Noa. The Griffin attempts to take Ota's moment disc, but Noa begins to fight. Rain causes the smoke screen to disperse and Bud is given orders to retreat. To everyone's amazement the Griffin Labor takes off and flies like a jet. Meanwhile Kumagami sees a car nearby and asks them to leave the area. Inside is Utsumi who is giving Bud directions via radio. Kumagami recognises him as Richard Wong. Utsumi's driver panics and shoots Kumagami and they flee from the scene. | |||||
32 | "Reunion" "Saikai" (再会) | Kazunori Ito | June 13, 1990 | April 6, 2004 | |
The members of the SV2 discuss yesterday's events. How could the Labor fly, and who has manufactured it? At least they have demonstrated to headquarters that the Economy Ingram isn't good enough for police work, and thankfully Asuma and Kumagami are both in a satisfactory condition in hospital. Meanwhile the remains of the Griffin are found in the Chiba Mountains. In reality, Schaft have faked the crash landing and, destruction of the Labor and have taken Bud and the Griffin to a safe place. Kumagami gives Detective Matsui a description of Richard Wong for a police sketch. Asuma who is visiting Kumagami's room sees the picture and identifies him as Utsumi. Asuma suddenly makes the connection between him, Schaft and the Griffin. Matsui goes to Schaft to talk to Utsumi. The manager finds out the police are after Utsumi and immediately orders the cancellation of the project. But he knows that Utsumi won't give up without a fight and calls in Schaft Security Systems, or Three-S for short. They are essentially a private army for Schaft, and have a bad reputation for getting things done no matter what the cost. With Three-S coming to Japan, Kanuka returns to the SV2 to investigate why Three-S are there. With Asuma out of action for a while, Kanuka becomes Noa's backup. | |||||
33 | "Hounds of SCHAFT" "Shafuto no inu tachi" (シャフトの犬たち) | Kazunori Ito | June 20, 1990 | April 6, 2004 | |
Utsumi and Kurosaki are cornered by Three-S, but escape with the Griffin. The division manager of Schaft orders Three-S to capture them. Captain Gotoh discovers that the crash was faked, and the Griffin Labor is still out there somewhere. Noa is upset at the news. She doesn't want to fight it. After Three-S track's Utsumi down, he decides to take the Griffin and flees to Tokyo to show what it can do. Matsui is in pursuit and tells Gotoh that they will be entering by boat through the "Castle Gate", the entrance to the Babylon Project. Three-S know this too and plan to stop Utsumi there. Division 2 plan to head Three-S off before they get a chance to attack. Unfortunately Ota's Ingram is still out of commission, so Noa will have to go it alone. | |||||
34 | "The Battle of the Gate" "Jōmon no tatakai" (城門の戦い) | Kazunori Ito | June 27, 1990 | April 6, 2004 | |
The Griffin lands on the far side away from where Division 2 are, and they have race to the other side. Meanwhile Three-S attempt to ambush the Griffin but several of their Labors are destroyed. Asuma, who has been discharged from hospital, watches the events on TV and tries to find a way to get to the scene. He has been ordered not to go. Sasaki decides he can come with him to deliver a back up battery by helicopter. Noa goes in to attack but Momoko Sakuryama's TV crew arrive and she can't take a shot at the Griffin because they're in the way. Three-S decide to blow up the Griffin by getting one of its Labors to attach explosives to it. The Griffin attacks Noa, she responds by hitting it with her shotgun, which goes off and almost hits her. The battle between Noa and the Griffin continues. Kanuka eventually removes Momoko and her crew so that Noa can shoot the Griffin. She shoots and the Griffin dodges and the bullets hits the Three-S Labor carrying the explosives, causing a massive fireball. | |||||
35 | "Griffin Down" "Gurifon otsu" (グリフォン墜つ) | Kazunori Ito | July 4, 1990 | July 6, 2004 | |
The fight continues, and Noa manages to backflip the Griffin. By now the Griffin is starting to malfunction. It's still putting up a fight though, smashing Noa's main camera. Ota tries to help Noa by firing his Labor gun with the help of Yamazaki, and manages to shoot out its main camera. Both machines are heavily damaged, and the fight will probably not go on for much longer. Utsumi orders Bud to escape. The Griffin flies off but crashes in Tokyo Bay. Bud is saved, however the Griffin sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Asuma, who's been giving instruction to Noa all this time, rushes over to Noa's battered Ingram to see her crying inside. Utsumi cuts a deal with Schaft to avoid having Three-S chase him, and escapes Japan with Bud. Though Kanuka's investigation is unresolved, it is over for now, and she bids the SV2 farewell again. | |||||
36 | "Noa's Adventure" "Noa no bōken" (野明の冒険) | Satoshi Namiki | July 11, 1990 | July 6, 2004 | |
Division 2 return to the Police Academy to hone their fighting skills. Noa is getting a little depressed at the fact Ota is much better than her, and she's not getting much credit for her work. One night she sets off to get dinner for everyone, and sees a few ¥10,000 notes floating down a stream. She sees this as a big chance to prove herself and follows the trail of money upstream. Noa doesn't return to the Training Grounds, and the team are worried. They come across a local policeman who tells them a robbery has taken place. This behaviour is quite unlike her and Division 2 are now quite worried and begin to search for her. | |||||
37 | "Safety on Sales" "Anshin uri masu" (安心売ります) | Satoshi Namiki | July 18, 1990 | July 6, 2004 | |
After Ota damages a number of cars on a call-out, the SV2's insurance company sends in an investigator to check up on the SV2 due to their high amount of claims. Naoyo Yamada, a middle aged woman from the insurance company asks Division to re-create the crime. After the re-creation, she still can't decide if they should have their insurance renewed or not, so she decides to stay until their next mission. Though they apprehend the criminal without any damage, unfortunately the clean up is a total disaster. Ota is ordered to move the criminal's truck, but in the process causes several cars to have an accident which in turn cause a massive pile up. Then Ota accidentally crushes a child's bike. Will the SV2 be running without insurance, or is there hope yet? | |||||
38 | "Underground Labyrinth Case" "Chika meikyūbukken" (地下迷宮物件) | Mamoru Oshii | July 25, 1990 | July 6, 2004 | |
Mysterious things have been happening at the SV2. Food and alcohol have been disappearing over the time. One night somebody steals two of the chickens. This causes fights amongst mechanics, some even blame each other. But who's the culprit? Nightly patrols commence and a man is discovered running from the greenhouse that hoses the tomato plants. The entire SV2 gives chase, but he mysteriously disappears. Morning brings the discovery of a manhole. Apparently there is a maze of tunnels underneath the landfill that was used to transport material for the site many years ago. They were abandoned long ago and thought to be disused, but the criminal is using the tunnels to escape. Ota and Shinshi are sent down to find him, but after several hours they fail to make contact. The rest of Division 2 follow, but are having a difficult time with all the cats and rats down there, and also the fact they are completely lost. But to add to their woes there is something else lurking down in the water... | |||||
39 | "Mass Production Plan" "Ryōsanki keikaku" (量産機計画) | Satoshi Namiki | August 1, 1990 | March 8, 2005 | |
Shinohara Heavy Industries completes a new prototype version of the Economy Ingram. Noa, Gomika, and Ota are sent to help test it out and give feedback to the engineers. Noa gives the now model a fairly average score, to which Ota accuses her of bias, because she seems to love the Ingram so much. But it seems to be an improvement over the Ingram in some ways, but needs some improvement. Jitsuyama, who is heading up the project, implements the changes and all three notice the results straight away, even though Noa is still quite skeptical. Shinohara Heavy Industries are very pleased with the results. They are so confident that they suggest that they should have a mock fight between the prototype Labor and the Ingram. Noa is chosen to battle the new Economy Ingram much to Ota's disappointment. | |||||
40 | "Shore Watch Out Order" "Engan keibi meirei" (沿岸警備命令) | Shigeyoshi Sugama | August 8, 1990 | March 8, 2005 | |
Near a shrine on the coastal village of Shikura, a fishing boat has an accident and catches fire. The locals claim a sea monster named Plessie is behind it all. The coast guard order Division 2 to look into the matter. Soon the media get involved (including Momoko Sakurayama), and tourists start coming to the area in hope of catching a glimpse of the monster. The locals however seem to be rather well prepared for this onslaught of tourists. Is it all just a hoax to get the tourist buck? | |||||
41 | "Save the Terrorists" "Terorisuto wo sukue" (テロリストを救え) | Satoshi Namiki | August 15, 1990 | March 8, 2005 | |
Division 2 are on hand to provide security for the Babylon Project Conference, an obvious target for terrorists. Gotoh sees two men running down a hall way after hearing a scream from the cleaning lady who has just found the men sleeping in the toilet. Gotoh tries to stop them but they enter a lift and head to the top of the building. Unfortunately the two bumbling terrorists set off the bomb they are carrying, and partly blow up the restaurant on a platform on the top of the building, making it very unstable. Both Division 2 Labors are sent up to arrest the terrorists. But they have taken the barman as hostage. Worse yet, one of them threatens Division 2 with a stick of dynamite, only to have explode. The restaurant is now extremely unstable and could fall at any minute. They have an extra problem. If the restaurant falls off the building, it will hit a jet fuel pipe directly below which leads to the airport and could cause a massive explosion. Noa and Ota not only have to stop the restaurant from toppling, they have to save the barman and terrorists inside. | |||||
42 | "Return of the Men" "Kaette kita otoko tachi" (帰ってきた男たち) | Michiko Yokote | August 22, 1990 | March 8, 2005 | |
Captain Gotoh and Police Chief Fukushima are investigating robberies of Automatic Teller Machines. It's obvious that Labors have been used in these crimes. Strange graffiti is left in chalk at the scene of each crime. Gotoh believes it is somehow connected to the crimes. He also discovers that the same Home of the Sea terrorists they have dealt with before could be behind these robberies. The SV2 must stop the criminals before they strike again. | |||||
43 | "Working Ladies" "Hataraku ojōsan" (はたらくお嬢さん) | Hibari Arisu Tetsuko Takahashi | August 29, 1990 | August 9, 2005 | |
Under Chief Fukushima's orders, Division 2 is forced to appear on a TV program. Momoko Sakurayama's TV show "The Working Girl" focuses on women in the workplace, and Noa will be the next subject. Fukushima believes it will be great PR for Division 2. Everything seems to be going well until Division 2 are called out to stop a man from committing suicide. He threatens to crash his Labor into fuel depot. Unfortunately Momoko decides to stand between Division 2 and the criminal to do her report, and he takes her hostage with his Labor. It's up to Noa to save her, otherwise it will be more bad press for Division 2. | |||||
44 | "CLAT Forever" "CLAT yo eien ni" (CLATよ永遠に) | Kazunori Ito | September 5, 1990 | August 9, 2005 | |
Shige has been sent to train with the New York Police Labor Division. Once he gets in New York, he accidentally insults a cab driver, who tries to shoot him a machine gun. Kanuka saves him by shooting the cab with a bazooka. Things get weirder when he gets to the labor hangar. The New York Labor team headquarters is actually an underground base under Hudson Bay. The team are called Crime Labor Attack Team, or CLAT for short. And the team members certainly do look very familiar to a certain police Labor team in Japan... | |||||
45 | "Freedom to Choose a Job" "Shokugyōsentaku no jiyū" (職業選択の自由) | Michiko Yokote | September 12, 1990 | August 9, 2005 | |
The SV2 are invited to see a public military demonstration by Captain Fuwa's air-drop Labor team. They are even given a guided tour of the Labors hangars by one of her subordinates. Noa takes an interest in the Helldiver, a top of the line military Labor. Fuwa notices, and offers Noa the chance to take it out for a run. The military is looking for pilots, and Fuwa sees potential in Noa. She gives her the manuals for the Helldiver, and asks to meet again with her. Noa is quite interested, but does she really want to leave her friends and colleagues at the SV2? A mistake on a mission has her seriously considering the job offer. | |||||
46 | "It's Name, Zero" "Sono na ha zero" (その名はゼロ) | Kazunori Ito | September 19, 1990 | August 9, 2005 | |
Division 1 are finally getting a new Labor; the Shinohara AV-Zero. After a mock fight with Ota in his Ingram, and Gomika in the new Zero, everyone is impressed with the new Labor. With its neural network, it can automatically dodge debris on the ground. There is much discussion about how much the new machine has outclassed the Ingrams. Later Division 2 are sent out to stop a rampaging Labor. It walks through an open plan shopping mall, but Noa manages to stop it in a car park without causing major damage. However a VIP's car was apparently scratched in the incident, and he has complained to the Police Chief. The members of Division 2 discuss what happened and are little concerned as this could mean reorganisation for the SV2. Noa is very upset at what has been said and locks herself in Alphonse's cockpit. | |||||
47 | "Condition Green" "Kondeishon gurīn" (コンディション・グリーン) | Kazunori Ito | September 26, 1990 | August 9, 2005 | |
The media shower praise on Division 1. The Zero Labor is a complete success and a hit with the public. Division 2's confidence is severely shaken. Noa goes home to her parents in Hokkaido to escape her problems. Asuma who is very worried about her, goes to cheer her up and persuade her to come back to Tokyo. Asuma and Noa arrive back, only to be immediately mobilised. A terrorist is hiding in a fuel depot. With both Division 1 and 2 at the scene, will the Zero find the terrorist Labor first, or will an Ingram? Noa is absolutely determined to prove her worth as a policewoman. |
Patlabor: The New Files
The episodes were released as OVAs alongside the TV series on Laserdisc and VHS from Bandai Visual from November 22, 1990 to June 6, 1992.[1][2] They were later released on DVD on August 25, 2000 and on Blu-ray on September 24, 2010.[3][4] Central Park Media licensed the New Files series and released them on to subtitled VHS under the U.S. Manga Corps label. They later released one DVD volume with English audio before releasing a boxset containing all 16 episodes.[5] Only 4 episodes of the series were dubbed, the rest were subtitled only. Maiden Japan has licensed the OVA series and will be re-released on Blu-ray and DVD on February 17, 2015.[6]
No. | Title | Written by | Original release date |
01 | "Griffin Resurrected" "Gurifon fukkatsu" (グリフォン復活) | Kazunori Ito | November 22, 1990 |
02 | "A Bad Day" "Saiyaku no hi" (災厄の日) | Michiko Yokote | December 25, 1990 |
03 | "Schaft's Counterattack" "Gyakushū no shafuto" (逆襲のシャフト!) | Kazunori Ito | January 24, 1991 |
04 | "90% Viewer Rate" "Shichō ritsu 90%" (視聴率90%) | Hibari Arisu | February 21, 1991 |
05 | "The Greatest Showdown in History" "Shijō saidai no kessen" (史上最大の決戦) | Kazunori Ito | April 25, 1991 |
06 | "Black Trinary" "Kuroi sarensē" (黒い三連星) | Mamoru Oshii | May 23, 1991 |
07 | "Game Over" | Kazunori Ito | June 23, 1991 |
08 | "The Seven Days of Fire" "Hi no nana nichikan" (火の七日間) | Mamoru Oshii | July 25, 1991 |
09 | "VS (Versus)" "VS (Bāsasu)" (VS(バーサス)) | Michiko Yokote | August 22, 1991 |
10 | "It's Called Amnesia" "Sono na wa amunejia" (その名はアムネジア) | Mamoru Oshii | September 26, 1991 |
11 | "The Day Goma Came in from the Rain" "Ame no hi ni ki ta goma" (雨の日に来たゴマ) | Kazunori Ito | November 21, 1991 |
12 | "Our Karuizawa" "Ni nin no karuizawa" (二人の軽井沢) | Kazunori Ito | December 19, 1991 |
13 | "The Dungeon Again" "Danjon futatabi" (ダンジョン再び) | Mamoru Oshii | January 23, 1992 |
14 | "Snow Rondo" "Yuki no rondo" (雪のロンド) | Yutaka Izubuchi | February 20, 1992 |
15 | "The Woman Who Came from the Stars" "Hoshi kara ki ta onna" (星から来た女) | Kazunori Ito | March 19, 1992 |
16 | "All Quiet from the SV2" "Dai ni shōtai ijō nashi" (第二小隊異状なし) | Kazunori Ito | April 23, 1992 |
- ^ "機動警察パトレイバー S-1". Amazon.co.jp. Diakses tanggal 8 April 2013.
- ^ "機動警察パトレイバー(S-15)". Amazon.co.jp. Diakses tanggal 8 April 2013.
- ^ "機動警察パトレイバー NEW OVA SERIES [DVD]". Amazon.co.jp. Diakses tanggal 8 April 2013.
- ^ "機動警察パトレイバー NEW OVA BD-BOX". Amazon.co.jp. Diakses tanggal 8 April 2013.
- ^ "Patlabor New Files on 3 DVDs". Anime News Network. Diakses tanggal 21 March 2013.
- ^ "Maiden Japan Adds Patlabor The New Files OVA". Anime News Network. 2014-10-22.