Serangan Rojava 2019

serangan militer Turki di Suriah utara tahun 2019

Serangan Rojava 2019, yang disebut Operasi Lompatan Damai (bahasa Turki: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı) oleh pemerintah Turki, adalah operasi militer yang sedang berlangsung yang dilakukan oleh Angkatan Bersenjata Turki dan Tentara Nasional Suriah (SNA) terhadap daerah-daerah yang dikontrol Kurdi di bawah Administrasi Otonomi Suriah Utara dan Timur (NES), yang biasa disebut Rojava, dan gerakan bersenjatanya, Pasukan Demokrat Suriah (SDF).

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Pada 6 Oktober 2019, pemerintah Amerika Serikat memerintahkan pasukan Amerika untuk menarik diri dari timur laut Suriah, tempat AS mendukung sekutu Kurdi mereka.[1] Operasi militer dimulai pada 9 Oktober 2019 ketika Angkatan Udara Turki melancarkan serangan udara di kota-kota perbatasan, termasuk Ras al-Ayn.[2]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Menurut juru bicara Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, operasi itu dimaksudkan untuk " memperbaiki demografi " Suriah utara.[3][4] Tindakan Turki mendapat kecaman dari bebagai negara.[5]

Latar Belakang

Setelah berbulan-bulan ancaman Turki untuk secara sepihak menginvasi Suriah Utara, kesepakatan dicapai pada Agustus 2019 antara Turki dan Amerika Serikat, yang memandang Pasukan Demokrat Suriah sebagai salah satu sekutu kunci dalam intervensi militer terhadap ISIL di Suriah. Perjanjian tersebut menetapkan Zona Penyangga Suriah Utara, yang bertujuan untuk menghilangkan ketegangan dengan mengatasi 'masalah keamanan' Turki melalui pemantauan dan patroli bersama, sementara masih memungkinkan NES untuk mempertahankan kendali atas wilayah yang telah di bawah kendali pada waktu itu. [6] [7] Perjanjian tersebut diterima dengan baik oleh AS dan SDF / NES, tetapi Turki pada umumnya tidak puas dengan kesepakatan tersebut. Ketidakpuasan Turki menyebabkan berbagai upaya Turki untuk memperluas area yang dicakup oleh zona penyangga, mengamankan kontrol Turki atas bagian-bagiannya atau memindahkan jutaan pengungsi ke dalam zona tersebut, dengan semua upaya ini gagal dalam menghadapi perlawanan SDF yang tegas dan ambivalensi Amerika.[8]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Terlepas dari dimulainya patroli darat AS-Turki secara resmi, pembongkaran fortrifikasi SDF dan penarikan unit YPG dari bagian-bagian dari zona penyangga, ketegangan terus meningkat ketika Turki mengajukan lebih banyak tuntutan di SDF, yang semuanya ditolak oleh yang terakhir, yang menganggap dirinya telah menerima kompromi yang keras dengan mengizinkan pasukan Turki untuk mengambil bagian dalam patroli bersama dengan rekan-rekan Amerika mereka di Suriah Utara.[9] Ketidakpuasan Turki dengan status quo dari perjanjian tumbuh menjadi permusuhan terbuka, dengan presiden Turki secara terbuka mengajukan ultimatum terhadap SDF.[10] Ultimatum diabaikan dan Turki menyatakan "tenggat waktunya" telah berakhir pada awal Oktober tahun yang sama.[11]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Persiapan serangan

Persiapan untuk serangan dimulai pada awal Oktober, dimulai dengan penarikan pasukan Amerika dari posisi dekat perbatasan Turki, setelah Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdoğan melakukan panggilan telepon dengan Presiden Amerika Serikat Donald Trump tentang rencana operasi militer terhadap wilayah yang dikuasai SDF timur sungai Efrat. [12] [13] Sementara pemerintah AS telah menyatakan tidak mendukung ofensif yang dipimpin Turki, Gedung Putih juga mengumumkan pada 6 Oktober 2019 bahwa itu tidak akan mengganggu, dan akan menarik semua personel AS di daerah itu untuk menghindari potensi. Kebuntuan AS-Turki, karenanya memberi Turki "lampu hijau" tidak resmi untuk memulai ofensif.[1][14] AS juga dilaporkan memotong bantuan ke SDF agar tidak mempersenjatai mereka terhadap sekutu NATO.[15]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Pada 8 Oktober 2019, militer Turki dilaporkan membom sebuah konvoi kendaraan senjata menuju Irak ke Suriah yang ditujukan untuk SDF. Namun SDF tidak membalas serangan itu, dan tidak ada korban yang dilaporkan sebagai akibat serangan udara.[16][17] Pada hari yang sama pasukan khusus Rusia membuka persimpangan di sungai Efrat antara daerah-daerah yang dipegang oleh Pemerintah Suriah dan SDF di Kegubernuran Deir ez-Zor.[18] Sementara SDF mengklaim bahwa militer Suriah sedang bersiap untuk memasuki kota Manbij di timur laut Aleppo, pemerintah Suriah menanggapi dengan mengatakan pembangunan militer Suriah di dekat Manbij sedang dilakukan untuk mencegah militer Turki memasuki kota.[19] Pada hari yang sama pasukan Turki menembaki Ras al-Ayn dan menembakkan senapan mesin di sekitar kota, tanpa informasi tentang korban.[20]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).


Operasi dimulai pada 9 Oktober 2019, dengan serangan udara Turki dan howitzer yang menargetkan SDF mengadakan kota Tell Abyad, Ras al-Ayn di mana ribuan orang dilaporkan telah melarikan diri dari kota,[21] Ain Issa dan Qamishli . Tanggal tersebut adalah peringatan pengusiran pemimpin PKK Abdullah Öcalan dari Suriah pada tahun 1998, oleh pemerintah Hafez al-Assad.[22][23][24][25][26][27] Kurdi mengumumkan bahwa mereka menghentikan semua operasi terhadap ISIS untuk menghadapi serangan Turki.[28]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Menanggapi penembakan lintas perbatasan, juru bicara SDF mengklaim bahwa Turki menargetkan warga sipil. [29] Enam roket kemudian diluncurkan di kota Nusaybin di Turki sebagai tanggapan oleh PKK, dan dua dilaporkan mengenai kota Ceylanpınar di Turki.[30][31][32] SDF juga mengumumkan sebagai tanggapan atas dimulainya operasi Turki mereka akan menghentikan operasi anti-ISIL,[33] dan bahwa dua warga sipil telah terbunuh.[34]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Pada akhir hari itu, militer Turki mengumumkan bahwa fase dasar operasi telah dimulai dari tiga poin - termasuk Tell Abyad.[35]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Sebelum fajar pada pagi hari 10 Oktober 2019, militer Turki secara resmi memulai serangan darat terhadap SDF; mereka juga mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah mencapai 181 target di Suriah utara, dan 14.000 pemberontak yang didukung oleh Turki juga dilaporkan mengambil bagian dalam serangan yang dipimpin Turki.[36]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).


Reaksi di Turki

Sehari sebelum operasi, semua partai oposisi Turki kecuali Partai Demokrat Rakyat (HDP) memilih untuk memperpanjang mandat militer di Suriah. Pemimpin partai oposisi Meral Akşener ( Partai İyi ) dan Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu (Partai Rakyat Republik) menyatakan dukungan mereka untuk operasi militer.[37] Akşener dan Kılıçdaroğlu secara langsung diberitahu tentang operasi oleh Presiden Erdogan setelah diluncurkan.[38]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The HDP condemned the operation, calling it an "extremely dangerous and wrong step" and stating that "Turkey is being dragged into a dangerous and deep trap".[39]

The 2019 Rojava offensive, called Operation Peace Spring (Turkish: Barış Pınarı Harekâtı)by the Turkish government, is an ongoing military operation conducted by the Turkish Armed Forces and Syrian National Army (SNA) against Kurdish-controlled areas under the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (NES), commonly called Rojava, and its armed wing, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Reaksi di Suriah

  •   Syrian Government – The government strongly condemned the Turkish attack, dubbing it a "disgraceful breach of international law and UN resolutions that respect Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity".[40]
  •   Syrian Democratic Forces – An SDF spokesman told Al-Jazeera regarding the offensive, "Threats made by Turkey to attack the area is not something new, they have constantly done it for years. We as Syrian Democratic Forces take the matter into account and are fully prepared to fiercely respond to any imminent attack on Syrian soil."[41]
  • Templat:Country data Syrian Opposition Jaysh al-Izza - Jaysh al-Izza's leader criticzed fighters leaving Idlib to take part in the Turkish-led operation against SDF, on twitter, saying they should instead remain in Idlib to retake areas lost to the government in an offensive in August.[42]

Reaksi internasional

Negara anggota PBB

  •   United States – President Donald Trump stated that "the United States does not endorse this attack and has made it clear to Turkey that this operation is a bad idea." [43] Trump has threatened to devastate the economy of Turkey if they do "anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits".[44] However, Trump defended his decision to withdraw American troops, arguing that the Kurds "didn't help us in the second world war, they didn't help us with Normandy as an example".[45] Trump also stated: "Alliances are very easy. But our alliances have taken advantage of us". Secretary of State Mike Pompeo denied that the U.S. had given a 'green light' for Turkey to attack the Kurds. However, Pompeo defended the Turkish military action, stating that Turkey has a "legitimate security concern" with "a terrorist threat to their south".[46] Senator Lindsey Graham warned that he would "introduce bipartisan sanctions against Turkey if they invade Syria". He said he would also "call for their suspension from NATO if they attack Kurdish forces who assisted the U.S. in the destruction of the ISIS Caliphate".[47]
  •   Egypt – Egypt condemned Turkey's offensive. It also called for the UN Security Council to halt "any attempts to occupy Syrian territories" or "change the demographics in northern Syria". In addition, it called for an emergency meeting of the Arab League.
  •   Iran – Foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has voiced opposition to the offensive viewing it as a violation of Syria's sovereignty.[48] However regarding the US withdrawal from Syria Zarif commented saying the US was an "irrelevant occupier in Syria", and said that Iran would be willing to mediate tensions between Syria and Turkey.[49] In addition, Iran's parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani cancelled his scheduled trip to Turkey.[50]
  •   Russia – President Vladimir Putin called a meeting of the Security Council of Russia on 8 October to discuss the issue.[51] He spoke to Erdoğan by phone the next day; Putin urged his Turkish partners to carefully consider the situation so as not to damage the overall efforts to resolve the Syrian crisis.[52] The Russian government also stated that Turkey has a right to defend itself however called upon foreign militaries with what it described as an illegal presence in Syria to leave.[53]
  •   Iraq – President Barham Salih condemned the operation, stating that "Turkey’s military incursion into Syria is a grave escalation; will cause untold humanitarian suffering, empower terrorist groups. The world must unite to avert a catastrophe, promote political resolution to the rights of all Syrians, including Kurds, to peace, dignity & security".[54]
  •   Finland – In response to the offensive, Finland announced they would cease arms exports to Turkey.[55] Turkish Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu reportedly reacted laughing and said: "They did good. It's not important for us."[56]
  •   Saudi Arabia – The government of Saudi Arabia condemned Turkey's actions in a statement, saying that the operation "has negative repercussions on the security and stability of the region".[57] The Saudi foreign ministry also claimed that the offensive is a violation of Syria's unity, independence and sovereignty.[58]
  •   United Kingdom – In a telephone call with US President Donald Trump, Prime Minister Boris Johnson described the offensive as an "invasion" and expressed "serious concern".[59]
  •   France – Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian condemned the unilateral Turkish operation in northeast Syria on 9 October 2019, and declared "(It is ) is [sic] jeopardising the anti-Islamic State coalition’s security and humanitarian efforts and is a risk for the security of Europeans. It has to end".[60]
  •   Canada - On 9 October 2019, Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland stated on Twitter that Canada "firmly condemns Turkey’s military incursion into Syria today."[61]
  •   United Arab Emirates - The UAE stated that they condemn the offensive in the strongest terms and condemn Turkish interference in the Arab Gulf.
  •   Bahrain - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain strongly condemned the military attack by Turkey on areas in northeast of Syria.

Organisasi supranasional

  •   United Nations – The UN cautioned regarding the offensive calling for the protection of civilians. Panos Moumtzis, the UN's Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, commented saying "Any (military) operation that takes place at the moment has to take into account to ensure that we don’t see any further displacement."[62]
  •   European Union – High Representative Federica Mogherini issued a declaration on behalf of the EU on 9 October 2019 stating that "In light of the Turkish military operation in north-east Syria, the EU reaffirms that a sustainable solution to the Syrian conflict cannot be achieved militarily. The EU calls upon Turkey to cease the unilateral military action."[63]
  •   NATO – Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Turkey is "at the forefront of the crisis and has legitimate security concerns", having suffered terrorist attacks and hosting millions of refugees. He added that NATO was informed by Turkish authorities about the ongoing operations in Northern Syria. He further stated that it was "important to avoid actions that may further destabilise the region, escalate tensions, and cause more human suffering." He called on Turkey to "act with restraint" and said that the gains made against ISIS should not be jeopardized.[64]

Gerakan regional lainnya

Lihat pula


  1. ^ a b "Trump makes way for Turkey operation against Kurds in Syria". BBC News. 7 October 2019. Diakses tanggal 10 October 2019. 
  2. ^ Bethan McKernan (9 October 2019). "Turkey launches military operation in northern Syria". The Guardian. 
  3. ^ "After US green light, Turkey prepares military operation in Syria". Arab News. 7 October 2019. 
  4. ^ "Turkey to Launch Military Operation in Syria Ahead of US Withdrawal". Al Bawaba. 
  5. ^ "World reacts to Turkey's military operation in northeast Syria". Al Jazeera. 
  6. ^ "Safe Zone: Existing Project But Deferred Details". Enab Baladi (dalam bahasa Inggris). 2019-08-29. Diakses tanggal 2019-10-09. 
  7. ^ Kurdistan24. "SDF command reveals details about buffer zone in northeast Syria". Kurdistan24 (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-10-09. 
  8. ^ "Turkey says U.S. stalling on Syria 'safe zone', will act alone if needed". Reuters (dalam bahasa Inggris). 2019-09-10. Diakses tanggal 2019-10-09. 
  9. ^ "Erdoğan cites U.S.-Turkey disagreement over safe zone as joint patrols begin in Syria". Ahval (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-10-09. 
  10. ^ "Turkey to initiate own plans if safe zone deal fails". TRT World. 18 September 2019. 
  11. ^ "Turkey's Syria 'safe zone' deadline expires". (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-10-09. 
  12. ^ Simkins, J. D. (October 8, 2019). "Trump on pulling US troops out of Syria: 'We're not a police force'". Military Times. 
  13. ^ Crowley, Michael; Gall, Carlotta (October 8, 2019). "In Trump, Turkey's Erdogan Keeps Finding a Sympathetic Ear". 
  14. ^ Gold, Danny; Hussain, Murtaza (October 8, 2019). "Trump Turned His Back on Syrian Kurds. Here's How They View Their New Precarious Position". 
  15. ^ Hubbard, Ben; Gall, Carlotta (9 October 2019). "Turkey Launches Offensive Against U.S.-Backed Syrian Militia". The New York Times. 
  16. ^ "Turkey 'launches airstrike' against Kurds on Syria-Iraq border – reports". RT International. 
  17. ^ "Report: Turkish warplanes bombing Kurdish targets in northeast Syria". Ynetnews. July 10, 2019. 
  18. ^ Desk, News (October 7, 2019). "Russian Special Forces open new Euphrates crossing between SDF, SAA lines: photos". Al-Masdar News. 
  19. ^ Desk, News (October 8, 2019). "Kurdish-led SDF claim Syrian Army is preparing to capture Manbij". Al-Masdar News. 
  20. ^ "The Turkish forces target the vicinity of Ras Al-Ayn area by shells and heavy machineguns, in conjunction with the arrival of new batches of factions loyal to Turkey to the latter's territory in the frame of the anticipated military operation • The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights". October 8, 2019. 
  21. ^ "Civilians flee Syrian border towns as Turkish warplanes, artillery kick off offensive". 9 October 2019. 
  22. ^ McKernan, Bethan (October 9, 2019). "Turkey launches military operation in northern Syria". 
  23. ^ Turkey-Syria border: All the latest updates]
  24. ^ "Turkey starts military operation against Kurdish forces in northern Syria - Xinhua |". 
  25. ^ "ISIS' resurgence in Syria may have already begun". Ahval. 
  26. ^ "ISIS fightback begins as sleeper cells carry out new attacks, notorious radio station relaunches and jihadi brides regroup amid Turkey's Syria invasion". The Sun. 9 October 2019. 
  27. ^ Osborne, Simon (9 October 2019). "Syria crisis: Suicide attack sparks fears of new ISIS terror campaign after US withdrawal". 
  28. ^ Raf, Sanchez (9 October 2019). "Kurds abandon fight against Isil as Turkey attacks with air power and artillery deep into Syria". 
  29. ^ "Turkey begins military offensive in Syria: Live updates". October 9, 2019. 
  30. ^ "YPG/PKK'lı teröristlerin attığı roket Nusaybin'e düştü | STAR". 
  31. ^ "Nusaybin ve Ceylanpınar'a havan mermisi düştü!". 
  32. ^ "Turkey launches assault on Syrian Kurdish forces". 
  33. ^ "EXCLUSIVE-US-backed Syrian forces halt counter-Islamic State operations -sources". 
  34. ^ "Turkey launches Syria offensive with air strikes". 9 October 2019. 
  35. ^ "Barış Pınarı'nda kara harekatı da başladı". 
  36. ^ "Turkey-Syria border: All the latest updates". 
  37. ^ "How Turkey's Syria offensive is being received by opposition parties". 
  38. ^ "Erdoğan muhalefet liderlerini bilgilendirdi" (dalam bahasa Turki). 
  39. ^ "A new military front in Northern Syria will deepen the deadlock". 
  40. ^ Desk, News (2019-10-09). "Syrian gov't slams new Turkish operation in Syria". AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-10-09. 
  41. ^ "Turkey: Preparations 'complete' for Syria military action". 
  42. ^ "الرائد جميل الصالح on Twitter: "أقول للذي ترك أرضه التي سُلبت منهُ وذهب لتحرير مناطق لغرض سياسي ، ريف حماة أحقُ بتجهيزك هنا القتال وهنا حق استرداد الأرض .."". 10 October 2019. 
  43. ^ Washington, Bethan McKernan Julian Borger in; Sabbaghdefence, Dan; editor, security (9 October 2019). "Turkey unleashes airstrikes against Kurds in north-east Syria". 
  44. ^ Blake, Aaron (10 October 2019). "'They didn't help us with Normandy': Trump abandons the Kurds — rhetorically if not literally". The Washington Post. Diakses tanggal 10 October 2019. 
  45. ^ Singh, Maanvi (October 9, 2019). "Trump defends Syria decision by saying Kurds 'didn't help us with Normandy'". The Guardian. Diakses tanggal October 10, 2019. 
  46. ^ Rogin, Ali (9 October 2019). "Turkey had 'legitimate security concern' in attacking Syrian Kurds, Pompeo says". PBS Newshour. Diakses tanggal 10 October 2019. 
  47. ^ "Lindsey Graham turns on Trump over 'disaster' Syria move". The Independent. 7 October 2019. 
  48. ^ "Iran opposes military action in Syria, Zarif tells Turkey". 
  49. ^ "US is "Irrelevant Occupier in Syria" - Iran's Foreign Minister Zarif". 
  50. ^ "Turkey-Syria border: All the latest updates". 
  51. ^ "Meeting with Security Council permanent members". President of Russia. 
  52. ^ "Telephone conversation with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan". President of Russia. 
  53. ^ "Explainer: Turkish operation may redraw map of Syrian war once again". 9 October 2019. 
  54. ^ Salih, Barham (2019-10-09). "Turkey's military incursion into Syria is a grave escalation; will cause untold humanitarian suffering, empower terrorist groups. The world must unite to avert a catastrophe, promote political resolution to the rights of all Syrians, including Kurds, to peace, dignity & security". @BarhamSalih (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-10-09. 
  55. ^ عاجل (2019-10-09). "Suomi tuomitsee Turkin hyökkäyksen Syyriaan – asevientiluvat Turkkiin jäädytetään". Uutiset (dalam bahasa Suomi). Diakses tanggal 2019-10-09. 
  56. ^ ""Finlandiya, Türkiye'ye silah satışını durdurdu"". Halk TV. 9 October 2019. 
  57. ^ Ministry  🇸🇦, Foreign (2019-10-09). "#KSA pointed out that the seriousness of this aggression on northeastern Syria has negative repercussions on the security and stability of the region, especially undermining the int'l efforts in combating ISIS organization". @KSAmofaEN (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-10-09. 
  58. ^ "Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt condemn Turkey's aggression on Syria". (dalam bahasa Inggris). 
  59. ^ Prime Minister's Office, PM call with President Trump: 9 October 2019, accessed 10 October 2019
  60. ^ "France says Turkey operation jeopardises security and humanitarian efforts". 9 October 2019. 
  61. ^ "Canada condemns Turkey's military action against Kurdish forces". Reuters. October 9, 2019. 
  62. ^ "U.N. calls for protecting civilians in northeast Syria". October 7, 2019. 
  63. ^ "Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on recent developments in north-east Syria". 9 October 2019. 
  64. ^ [1] by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the joint press point with the President of the Council of Ministers of Italy, Giuseppe Conte
  65. ^ "KRG Statement on developments in Northeastern Syria". Kurdistan Regional Government (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 9 October 2019.