{{copyvio-revdel |url = <!-- The url of the site the article was in infringement of, or a text explanation of where the source(s) can be verified. --> |url2 = <!-- The url of a second site the article was in infringement of (optional). --> |url3 = <!-- The url of a third site the article was in infringement of (optional). --> |start = <!-- The number of the first (oldest) revision to be deleted. --> |end = <!-- The number of the last (newest) revision to be deleted (optional). --> |start2 = <!-- First (oldest) revision of another range to be deleted (optional). --> |end2 = <!-- Last (newest) revision of another range to be deleted (optional). --> |start3 = <!-- First (oldest) revision of another range to be deleted (optional). --> |end3 = <!-- Last (newest) revision of another range to be deleted (optional). --> |start4 = <!-- First (oldest) revision of another range to be deleted (optional). --> |end4 = <!-- Last (newest) revision of another range to be deleted (optional). --> |CopyPatrol = <!-- The permalink of the ''detection'' of the copyright violation by the CopyPatrol interface (optional). --> |comment = <!-- A space for comments about the requested revdel for the reviewing administrator, which are not already expressed using the fields above (optional). --> }}
Versi tanpa komentar
{{copyvio-revdel |url = |url2 = |url3 = |start = |end = |start2 = |end2 = |start3 = |end3 = |start4 = |end4 = |CopyPatrol = |comment = }}