Kematian Subhas Chandra Bose

Revisi sejak 13 Juni 2021 17.16 oleh Tri Ardiansyah (bicara | kontrib) (→‎top)
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Pemimpin nasionalis India Subhas Chandra Bose tewas terbakar pada 18 Agustus 1945 setelah pesawat Jepang-nya jatuh di Taihoku, Formosa yang diduduki Jepang (sekarang Republik Tiongkok).[1][a][2][b] Namun beberapa pendukungnya, khususnya di Bengal, menyangkalnya pada waktu itu, dan mulai mencari fakta dan kenyataan dari kematiannya.[3][c][4][d][5][e] Teori-teori konspirasi bermunculan terkait kematiannya dan masa hidupnya,[6][f] menciptakan berbagai mitos tentang Bose.[7][g]

Sebuah monumen untuk Subhas Chandra Bose yang berdiri di Kuil Renkōji, Tokyo. Patung dada Bose yang terdapat di kuil tersebut terdapat di sebuah pagoda emas. Bose meninggal pada 18 Agustus 1945. Patung dadanya didatangkan ke Jepang pada awal September 1945; setelah upacara peringatannya, patung dada tersebut diterima oleh kuil tersebut pada 18 September 1945.



Catatan penjelas



  1. ^ "If all else failed (Bose) wanted to become a prisoner of the Soviets: 'They are the only ones who will resist the British. My fate is with them. But as the Japanese plane took off from Taipei airport its engines faltered and then failed. Bose was badly burned in the crash. According to several witnesses, he died on 18 August in a Japanese military hospital, talking to the very last of India's freedom."[1]
  2. ^ "The retreat was even more devastating, finally ending the dream of liberating India through military campaign. But Bose still remained optimistic, thought of regrouping after the Japanese surrender, contemplated seeking help from Soviet Russia. The Japanese agreed to provide him transport up to Manchuria from where he could travel to Russia. But on his way, on 18 August 1945 at Taihoku airport in Taiwan, he died in an air crash, which many Indians still believe never happened."[2]
  3. ^ "British and Indian commissions later established convincingly that Bose had died in Taiwan. These were legendary and apocalyptic times, however. Having witnessed the first Indian leader to fight against the British since the great mutiny of 1857, many in both Southeast Asia and India refused to accept the loss of their hero."[3]
  4. ^ "There are still some in India today who believe that Bose remained alive and in Soviet custody, a once and future king of Indian independence. The legend of 'Netaii' Bose's survival helped bind together the defeated INA. In Bengal it became an assurance of the province's supreme importance in the liberation of the motherland. It sustained the morale of many across India and Southeast Asia who deplored the return of British power or felt alienated from the political settlement finally achieved by Gandhi and Nehru.[4]
  5. ^ "On March 21, 1944, Subhas Bose and advanced units of the INA crossed the borders of India, entering Manipur, and by May they had advanced to the outskirts of that state's capital, Imphal. That was the closest Bose came to Bengal, where millions of his devoted followers awaited his army's "liberation." The British garrison at Imphal and its air arm withstood Bose's much larger force long enough for the monsoon rains to defer all possibility of warfare in that jungle region for the three months the British so desperately needed to strengthen their eastern wing. Bose had promised his men freedom in exchange for their blood, but the tide of battle turned against them after the 1944 rains, and in May 1945 the INA surrendered in Rangoon. Bose escaped on the last Japanese plane to leave Saigon, but he died in Formosa after a crash landing there in August. By that time, however, his death had been falsely reported so many times that a myth soon emerged in Bengal that Netaji Subhas Chandra was alive—raising another army in China or Tibet or the Soviet Union—and would return with it to "liberate" India.[5]
  6. ^ "Rumours that Bose had survived and was waiting to come out of hiding and begin the final struggle for independence were rampant by the end of 1945."[6]
  7. ^ "Marginalized within Congress and a target for British surveillance, Bose chose to embrace the fascist powers as allies against the British and fled India, first to Hitler's Germany, then, on a German submarine, to a Japanese-occupied Singapore. The force that he put together ... known as the Indian National Army (INA) and thus claiming to represent free India, saw action against the British in Burma but accomplished little toward the goal of a march on Delhi. ... Bose himself died in an airplane crash trying to reach Japanese-occupied territory in the last months of the war. His romantic saga, coupled with his defiant nationalism, has made Bose a near-mythic figure, not only in his native Bengal, but across India. It is this heroic, martial myth that is today remembered, rather than Bose's wartime vision of a free India under the authoritarian rule of someone like himself."[7]


  1. ^ a b Bayly & Harper 2007, hlm. 2a.
  2. ^ a b Bandyopādhyāẏa 2004, hlm. 427.
  3. ^ a b Bayly & Harper 2007, hlm. 2b.
  4. ^ a b Bayly & Harper 2007, hlm. 22.
  5. ^ a b Wolpert 2000, hlm. 339–340.
  6. ^ a b Bayly & Harper 2007, hlm. 2.
  7. ^ a b Metcalf & Metcalf 2010, hlm. 210.



Templat:Teori konspirasi