Klub Perahu Kolese Jesus (Oxford)

Klub Perahu Kolese Jesus (Oxford) adalah sebuah klub perahu bagi anggota dari Kolese Jesus, salah satu kolese konstituen dari Universitas Oxford. Klub pertama kali terbentuk secara resmi di tahun 1835, akan tetapi perkumpulan dayung sudah ada sebelum organiasi secara resmi terbentuk, tercatat Kolese Jesus pertama kali berpartisipasi dalam suatu lomba antar anggota kolese di Oxford tahun 1815. Kala itu Kolese Jesus bertanding melawan Kolese Brasenose. Pada masa awal dayung di Oxford, Kolese Jesus merupakan salah satu kolese awal yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam lomba. Baik tim putra maupun putri belum pernah mendapatkan gelar Head of the River yang didapatkan dengan memenangkan perlombaan Eight Week (Lomba dayung antar kolese di Oxford).

Klub Perahu Kolese Jesus
The blade of an oar, coloured green
Warna dayung klub
Koordinat51°44′37″N 1°15′00″W / 51.743503°N 1.249915°W / 51.743503; -1.249915
Home waterSungai Thames (dikenal di Oxford sebagai The Isis)
Berdiri1815 (tidak resmi), 1835 (resmi)
  • Peter Todd (Presiden)[1]
  • Ruedi Baumann (Anggota senior)[2]
Head of the RiverTidak pernah juara
TorpidsPutri: 1980 hingga 1983
UniversitasUniversitas Oxford
AfiliasiBritish Rowing
Klub Perahu Kolese jesus (Cambridge) (Kolese saudara)
Situs webjcbc.jesus.ox.ac.uk

Beberapa orang anggota kolese pernah membawa nama almamater bertanding melawan Universitas Cambridge pada perlombaan dayung Boat Race dan Henley Boat Races nomor Putri. Barney Williams, seorang pendayung berkebangsaan Kanada yang berkuliah di Kolese Jesus pernah memenangkan medali perak pada Olimpiade Musim Panas tahun 2004 dan ikut serta pada kejuaraan Boat Race tahun 2005 dan 2006. Terdapat beberapa alumni lainnya yang pernah bergabung dalam Klub Perahu Kolese Jesus dan sukses di bidang lain, diantaranya adalah John Sankey, yang menjadi seorang Lord Chancellor, Alwyn Williams, yang menjadi Uskup Durham, dan Maurice Jones, yang menjadi kepala di Kolese St David, Lampeter. Seorang lagi alumni pendayung dari Kolese Jesus, James Page diangkat sebagai sekretaris di Amateur Rowing Association (Asosiasi Dayung Amatir di Britania) dan pelatih di klub dayung Universitas Oxford dan Cambridge.

Gudang kapal Klub Perahu Kolese Jesus digunakan bersama dengan Klub Perahu Kolese Keble yang terletak di Christ Church Meadow, di tepi Isis (sebutan untuk Sungai Thames di kampus Oxford). Berdiri sejak tahun 1964 dan dulunya merupakan sebuah tongkang yang ditambatkan ke tepi sungai yang biasa digunakan oleh penonton dan anggota klub. Tongkang terakhir di Kolese telah dibeli oleh salah satu Livery Company di City of London pada tahun 1911. Sekarang tongkang tersebut beralih fungsi menjadi sebuah restoran terapung di atas Sungai Thames wilayah Richmond, London dan telah diwarnai dengan warna tema dari Kolese Jesus, yaitu hijau dan putih.


Sebuah penggambaran pakaian Klub Perahu Kolese Jesus tahun 1840-an

The early records of the club have been lost, but there are references to a Jesus College boat in material that survives from the early 19th century.[3] There are references to "pleasure boating" at Oxford in letters and poems written in the late 18th century, but races between crews from different colleges did not start until the early 19th century.[4] Rowing in eights (boats with eight oarsmen, each pulling one oar, and steered by a coxswain) began at Eton, where there is a record of the school owning three eights by 1811, and then progressed to Oxford. The first record of an inter-college race, between eights from Jesus College and Brasenose College, dates from 1815.[5] These may have been the only two colleges who had boats racing at that time, and the Brasenose boat was usually victorious.[6] There were few rowers, and races between fours (boats with four oarsmen and a coxswain) tended to attract more interest than races between eights.[7] Students would row to the inn at Sandford-on-Thames, a few miles south of Oxford, and race each other on the way back.[6] The races would start at Iffley Lock and finish at King's Barge, off Christ Church Meadow. Flags hoisted on the barge would indicate the finishing order of the crews.[5] Crews would set off one behind the other, the trailing boat(s) trying to catch, or "bump", the boat ahead. The bumped boat and the bumping boat would then drop out and the bumping boat would start the next day's race ahead of the bumped boat. The aim was to become the lead boat, known as Head of the River. For identification, crews wore college colours and emblazoned the rudder of the boat with the college coat of arms. Crews from Jesus College painted leeks (an emblem of Wales) on their oars for further distinction.[8] In early races, some rowers wore high hats while others, including the Jesus crews, wore Tam o'shanters in college colours (green with a white band for Jesus); crews from Jesus College wore these until at least 1847.[9]


  1. ^ "JCBC Committee". 2018. Diakses tanggal 14 Februari 2022. 
  2. ^ "Oxford University Rowing Clubs: Jesus". Oxford University Rowing Clubs (OURCs). 2008. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 27 September 2011. Diakses tanggal 14 Februari 2022. 
  3. ^ The club's records were lost by the time that Sherwood wrote his book in 1900: Sherwood, p. x (Introduction)
  4. ^ Sherwood pp. 1–2, 8
  5. ^ a b Sherwood, p. 8
  6. ^ a b Hardy, p. 229
  7. ^ Sharp, p. 25
  8. ^ Sharp, p. 26
  9. ^ Sherwood, p. 87