Purwosari village history

 before the formation of Purwosari village.long ago there were 2 villages namely Korgan Sambong Village which was ruled by a lurah named SUMOTARIYO bin MANGUN KATAM and Glagahsari Prayungan Village which was ruled by a lurah named SROBO.

Due to the problem of the economic crisis, the social community between the two villages is very severe, the population is experiencing serious food shortages and many people have died due to starvation.

One day SUMOTARIYO came to SROBO and said "we must unite our villages to help each other in finding food and we will elect a new leader in our village"Hearing SUMOTARIYO's words, SROBO immediately agreed.

Finally in ± 1918 the two villages were merged into one named Desa PURWOSARI which was ruled by a lurah named SIDIK SASTRO DIHARJO.The name PURWOSARI itself is taken from the word PURWO which means the beginning / first / beginning and SARI which means something that is clean / core. So the word PURWOSARI means the beginning / beginning taken from something that is clean. Which means that the initial formation/occurrence of something is taken from something that is already clean/core. For example, if a honey bee makes a house, it only takes the essence of the flower, not the dregs.