Rumah Sakit Medistra

rumah sakit di Indonesia

Rumah Sakit Medistra adalah rumah sakit swasta yang berlokasi di Jakarta Selatan.

Rumah Sakit Medistra
LokasiJalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 59,
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Asuransi kesehatanPerawatan Kesehatan dan Rawat Jalan
JenisRumah sakit swasta
PatronPresdir Dr. Handaya,Sp.OG
Dir. Dr. Agung Budisatria, MM
Unit Gawat Darurat0215210201
Dibuka28 November 1991
Pranala luar

Indonesia’s Top Private Hospital With The Best Specialists in Their Fields

MEDISTRA HOSPITAL is a private hospital that commenced its operation on November 28, 1991. Located in the heart of Jakarta, Medistra is equipped with advanced medical technologies delivering excellent facilities and services by highly regarded specialist.

In line with rapid development of health technology, Medistra continuously upgraded its facilities and improves the quality of services.

With 40 outpatient clinics with the average attendance of 90,000 patients annually, Medistra is proud to have internationally well-known Doctors and Senior Professors.

Medistra’s 5 center of excellence lies in Cardiovascular, Digestive Disease & GI Oncology, Orthopedic and Neuroscience, and Tropical & Infectious Diseases. Supported by well trained and compassionate staff, we are highly experienced in handling VVIP patients and expatriates.

Vission & Mission


To be a national, regional, and international referral hospital which prioritize quality and patient safety based on honesty, professionalism and respect for others.


To comprehensively develop quality and integrated health service.

To establish national, regional and international business networking in providing health service.

To provide health service focusing on patient.

To improve Hospital Human Resources through science, skill, attitude and behavior.

Our Center of Excellence

Sebagaimana rumah sakit pada umumnya, RS Medistra juga melayani berbagai bentuk perawatan seperti rawat inap, rawat jalan, poliklinik umum, poliklinik spesialis, dan pemeriksaan penunjang (radiologi, endoskopi, laboratorium, fisioterapi atau pemeriksaan kesehatan (medical check up))[1].

Layanan unggulan dari RS Medistra antara lain  :

  • Layanan spesialis jantung
  • Layanan spesialis onkologi / cancer care
  • Layanan spesialis orthopedi
  • Layanan spesialis Gastroentero Hepatology
  • Layanan Tropical & Infectious diseases


  1. ^ "Pelayanan & fasilitas RS Medistra". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2007-05-15. Diakses tanggal 2007-05-25. 

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