Simbol Islam

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Islam adalah agama Abrahamik monoteis yang hanya mengakui satu Tuhan, yakni Allah dan Muhammad adalah nabi terakhir utusan Allah. Agama ini menjadi agama terbesar kedua yang dianut penduduk Bumi, dengan jumlah pengikut 1,9 miliar orang serta membentuk 24,4% penduduk Bumi.

Representasi kaligrafi untuk syahadat


Simbol Gambar Sejarah dan penggunaan
Bulan sabit dan bintang Bulan sabit dan bintang dahulu terkait dengan lambang Kekhalifahan Utsmaniyah yang kelak dijadikan sebagai simbol umum Islam, khususnya di dunia Barat. Dalam Unicode: (U+262A )
Bulan sabit (Hilal) Bulan sabit banyak digunakan sebagai lambang di panji-panji militer Islam sebagai tandingan dari panji-panji Tentara Salib. Bulan Sabit Merah banyak digunakan sebagai pengganti Palang Merah, dan awalnya digunakan dalam Perang Rusia-Turki (1877–1878). Dalam Unicode: (U+263D )
Allah Adalah Tuhan dalam agama Islam dan digunakan oleh seluruh umat Muslim tanpa memandang bahasa yang dituturkan. Ditulis dalam kaligrafi Islam serta menjadi simbol universal Islam dalam dunia Islam. Dalam Unicode: (U+FDF2 )
Syahadat Sebagian dari syahadat muncul dalam Al-Qur'an secara terpisah, tetapi tidak pernah dalam bentuk yang lengkap. Digunakan dalam hadis serta bendera atau lambang dari negara Islam atau organisasi Islamisme.
Rub al-hizb Tanda bintang ini digunakan untuk menandai satu hizb al-Qur'an. Juga digunakan sebagai bendera atau lambang khususnya Fez pada masa Kesultanan Mariniyah. Dalam Unicode: (U+06DE ۞ )
Khatim Khatim diyakini sebagai stempel dari Nabi Muhammad. Istilah ini diyakini untuk menandai status Nabi Muhammad sebagai nabi terakhir Islam dan tidak ada lagi nabi sesudahnya.
Sujud Tilawah Dalam al-Qur'an tanda ini menunjukkan ayat-ayat sajadah. Pembacanya disyariatkan untuk sujud. Dalam Unicode: (U+06E9 ۩ )

Warna dan bendera


Prajurit-prajurit Muslim dan kafilah mereka menggunakan warna polos (umumnya hitam atau putih) sebagai bendera pengenal, kecuali panji Ar-Rayah dan Al-Liwa Muhammad yang menuliskan syahadat yang dituliskan di atasnya.[1] Dalam generasi selanjutnya, para pemimpin Muslim menggunakan bendera hijau, hitam, atau putih tanpa tulisan atau simbolisme. Sementara itu Kekhalifahan Umayyah berperang dengan panji putih dan emas. Kekhalifahan Abbasiyah menggunakan bendera hitam (kebiruan) dan berperang dengan panji hitam. Kekhalifahan Fathimiyah menggunakan bendera hijau serta putih. Diriyah menggunakan bendera putih dan hijau dengan syahadat. Sejumlah negara Teluk memiliki bendera merah. Empat warna Pan-Arab, putih, hitam, hijau, dan merah mendominasi warna bendera negara Arab.[2][3]


  •   Green – The silk and pillows of Jannah are believed to be green.[4][5]
  •   White – Considered the purest and cleanest color in Islam and the color of the flag of Muḥammad, the Young Eagle.[6][7]
  •   Black – The color of Jahannam as well as the color of the Black Standard.[8][9][10]

Panji Hitam

Panji Hitam

The Black Standard is one of the flags flown by Muhammad in Muslim tradition. It was historically used by Abu Muslim in his uprising leading to the Abbasid Revolution in 747 and is also associated with the Abbasid Caliphate. It is also a symbol and is associated with Islamic eschatology (heralding the advent of the Mahdi).[Note 1] The Black Banner, which is different from the flag used by ISIL. Scholars have interpreted ISIL's use of a similar black flag in attempts to their claim to re-establishing a Caliphate.

Simbol lainnya

Star and Crescent

The Ottoman flag

The crescent is usually associated with Islam and regarded as its symbol. The crescent and star symbol became strongly associated with the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. By extension from the use in Ottoman lands, It became a symbol also for Islam as a whole, as well as representative of western Orientalism. "Crescent and Star" was used as a metaphor for the rule of the Islamic empires (Ottoman and Persian) in the late 19th century in British literature.[11] This association was apparently strengthened by the increasingly ubiquitous fashion of using the crescent and star symbol in the ornamentation of Ottoman mosques and minarets.[12] By contrast, the majority of religious Islamic publications emphasize that the crescent is rejected "by some Muslim scholars".[13] The "Red Crescent" emblem was adopted by volunteers of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as early as 1877 during the Russo-Turkish War; it was officially adopted in 1929.[14]

After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1922, the crescent and star was used in several national flags adopted by its successor states. In 1947, after the independence of Pakistan, flag of Pakistan was white crescent and star with a green background. The crescent and star in the flag of the Kingdom of Libya (1951) was explicitly given an Islamic interpretation by associating it with "the story of Hijra (migration) of our Prophet Mohammed"[15] By the 1950s, this symbolism was embraced by movements of Arab nationalism such as the proposed Arab Islamic Republic (1974).[16]

Rub el Hizb

The Rub el Hizb is used to facilitate recitation of the Quran. The symbol determines every quarter of Hizb, while the Hizb is one half of a juz'. The symbol is also found on a number of emblems and flags, such as that of the Marinid Sultanate.


Seal of the Prophets (Khatim) a title used in the Qur'an and by Muslims to designate Muhammad as the last of the prophets sent by God.


La ilaha illallah, Muhammad rasulullah (Tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah, Muhammad adalah Rasul Allah). Putih dengan kaligrafi Syahadat digunakan sebagai bendera Afganistan.

Syahadat adalah rukun Islam yang pertama dan muncul dalam azan. Artinya, "Aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Tuhan selain Allah, dan aku bersaksi bahwa Muhammad adalah Nabi dan Utusan Allah."

Bendera agama dengan inskripsi tersebut muncul sejak abad pertengahan, serta muncul sebagai miniatur oleh ilustrator abad ke-13 Yahya bin Mahmud al-Wasiti. Ilustrasi abad ke-14 dari Sejarah Bangsa Tatar karya Hayton dari Corycus (1243) menampilkan baik bangsa Mongol dan Seljuk menggunakan variasi panji perang.

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Catatan kaki

  1. ^ It is important to note that the set of aḥādīth which refer to "the black banners from the East" as the sign of the Mahdi were graded ḍaʿīf (weak). Bahari and Hassan 2014, hlm. 1–6


  1. ^ Dari Ibnu Abbas radiya-llahu 'anhu: “Panji Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم berwarna hitam dan benderanya berwarna putih, tertulis di dalamnya Lā Ilāha Illallāh Muhammad Rasulullāh (HR. at-Ṭabrānī dalam al-Awsaṭ)
  2. ^ Islamic flags Diarsipkan 2007-06-10 di Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ Saudi Aramco World : Flags of the Arab World
  4. ^ "Surah Al-Insan - 21". (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 7 December 2021. 
  5. ^ "Surah Ar-Rahman - 76". (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 7 December 2021. 
  6. ^ "Hadith on Clothing - Recommendation to wear white clothing". Faith in Allah (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 7 December 2021. 
  7. ^ An-Nasā’ī has narrated in his book al-Sunan al-Kubra, and at-Tirmidhi has narrated on authority of Jaber that Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم entered Makkah with his white banner.
  8. ^ Muwaṭṭaʾ Mālik, Book 57 ḥadīth 2: Malik related to me from his paternal uncle Abu Suhayl ibn Malik from his father that Abu Hurayra said, "Do you think that it [the Hellfire] is red like this fire of yours? It is blacker than tar."
  9. ^ Aḥmad, Abū Dawūd, and an-Nasā’ī in his book al-Sunan al-Kubar have narrated on authority of Yunus bin Obeid, the slave of Muhammad Bin al-Qassem that he said: Muhammad Bin al-Qassem sent me to al-Baraa bin Azeb to ask him about the banner (rāya) of Prophet Muhammad: what is it? He said: “it was a black square from Namira.”
  10. ^ "Surah Ali 'Imran - 106". (dalam bahasa Inggris and Arab). Diakses tanggal 7 December 2021. 
  11. ^ e.g. A. Locher, "With Star and Crescent: A Full and Authentic Account of a Recent Journey with a Caravan from Bombay to Constantinople"; Andrew Haggard, "Under Crescent and Star" (1895).
  12. ^ "Mosque and minaret are surounted by crescents; the air glowing over the Golden Horn is, as it were, full of moons." Hezekiah Butterworth, The Zigzag Series (1882), p. 481.
  13. ^ "Many Muslim scholars reject using the crescent moon as a symbol of Islam. The faith of Islam historically had no symbol, and many refuse to accept it." Fiaz Fazli, Crescent magazine, Srinagar, September 2009, p. 42.
  14. ^ Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi, "What Is The Significance Of The Crescent Moon In Islam?". Diakses tanggal September 21, 2017. 
  15. ^ The symbolism of the star and crescent in the flag of the Kingdom of Libya (1951-1969) was explained in an English language booklet, The Libyan Flag & The National Anthem, issued by the Ministry of Information and Guidance of the Kingdom of Libya (year unknown, cited after Jos Poels at FOTW, 1997) as follows: "The crescent is symbolic of the beginning of the lunar month according to the Muslim calendar. It brings back to our minds the story of Hijra (migration) of our Prophet Mohammed from his home in order to spread Islam and teach the principles of right and virtue. The Star represents our smiling hope, the beauty of aim and object and the light of our belief in God, in our country, its dignity and honour which illuminate our way and puts an end to darkness."
  16. ^ Edward E. Curtis, Black Muslim religion in the Nation of Islam, 1960-1975 (2006), p. 157.

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