Hyksos (Mesir heqa khasewet, "penguasa asing"; Yunani Ὑκσώς, Ὑξώς, Arab الملوك الرعاة, raja-raja gembala) adalah masyarakat Asia menyerbu kawasan timur Delta Nil, pada dinasti keduabelas Mesir yang memprakarsai Periode Pertengahan Kedua Mesir Kuno.
Pranala luar
- The Hyksos, Kings of Egypt and the land of Edom based on the 1962 book by David J. Gibson
- Who were the Hyksos
- The Hyksos
- Foreign Rulers of the Nile - a reassessment of the cultural contribution of the Hyksos in Egypt January 2008 Master's thesis abstract by Johanna Brönn of Stellenbosch University. Actual PDF paper is 8 MB long