Reka cipta telepon adalah puncak dari kerja yang dilakukan oleh banyak orang, sejarah tersebut melibatkan kumpulan klaim dan perdebatan klaim. Perkembangan telepon listrik modern melibatkan berbagai tuntutan hukum yang didasarkan atas klaim paten dari beberapa individu dan berbagai perusahaan.

Seorang aktor memerankan Alexander Graham Bell berbicara pada telepon model awal.

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  • US 161739  Transmitter and Receiver for Electric Telegraphs (tuned steel reeds) by Alexander Graham Bell (April 6, 1875)
  • US 174465  Telegraphy (Bell's first telephone patent) by Alexander Graham Bell (March 7, 1876)
  • US 178399  Telephonic Telegraphic Receiver (vibrating reed) by Alexander Graham Bell (June 6, 1876)
  • US 181553  Generating Electric Currents (magneto) by Alexander Graham Bell (August 29, 1876)
  • US 186787  Electric Telegraphy (permanent magnet receiver) by Alexander Graham Bell (January 15, 1877)
  • US 201488  Speaking Telephone (receiver designs) by Alexander Graham Bell (March 19, 1878)
  • US 213090  Electric Speaking Telephone (frictional transmitter) by Alexander Graham Bell (March 11, 1879)
  • US 220791  Telephone Circuit (twisted pairs of wire) by Alexander Graham Bell (October 21, 1879)
  • US 228507  Electric Telephone Transmitter (hollow ball transmitter) by Alexander Graham Bell (June 8, 1880)
  • US 230168  Circuit for Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell (July 20, 1880)
  • US 238833  Electric Call-Bell by Alexander Graham Bell (March 15, 1881)
  • US 241184  Telephonic Receiver (local battery circuit with coil) by Alexander Graham Bell (May 10, 1881)
  • US 244426  Telephone Circuit (cable of twisted pairs) by Alexander Graham Bell (July 19, 1881)
  • US 250126 Speaking Telephone by Francis Blake (November 29, 1881)
  • US 252576  Multiple Switch Board for Telephone Exchanges by Leroy Firman (Western Electric) (January 17, 1882)
  • US 474230 Speaking Telegraph (graphite transmitter) by Thomas Edison (Western Union) May 3, 1892
  • US 203016  Speaking Telephone (carbon button transmitter) by Thomas Edison
  • US 222390  Carbon Telephone (carbon granules transmitter) by Thomas Edison
  • US 485311 Telephone (solid back carbon transmitter) by Anthony C. White (Bell engineer) November 1, 1892
  • US 597062  Calling Device for Telephone Exchange (dial) by A. E. Keith (January 11, 1898)
  • US 687499 Telephone Transmitter (carbon granules "candlestick" microphone) by W.W. Dean (Kellogg Co.) November 26, 1901
  • US 815176 Automatic Telephone Connector Switch (for rotary dial phones) by A E Keith and C J Erickson March 13, 1906