Patung adalah benda tiga dimensi karya manusia yang diakui secara khusus sebagai suatu karya seni. Orang yang menciptakan patung disebut pematung. Tujuan penciptaan patung adalah untuk menghasilkan karya seni yang dapat bertahan selama mungkin. Karenanya, patung biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan yang tahan lama dan sering kali mahal, terutama dari perunggu dan batu seperti marmer, kapur, dan granit. Kadang, walaupun sangat jarang, digunakan pula bahan berharga seperti emas, perak, jade, dan gading. Bahan yang lebih umum dan tidak terlalu mahal digunakan untuk tujuan yang lebih luar, termasuk kayu, keramik, dan logam.

Patung David karya Michelangelo, salah satu karya patung terkenal

ERADICATING THE WORLD OF THE SATANIC MAFIA KNOWN AS THE TI.CIA These bastards have used children like a spare parts department and as a means to intimidate and torture people for refusing to meet their demands. They are the worst men on Earth just extensions of Satan.

"We'll kidnap your daughter and turn her into a prostitute" was the threat I received from the TI.cia. My daughter, Mercedes, was one year old at the time.

19th June 2009 I suggest the next thing we do is close down all the banking facilities / pawn brokers /loan shark finance companies and life assurance companies linked on a scale considered more than minimal to the TI.cia (Turkish India Heroin Mafia Terrorist Network) across India and surrounding countries. Any people receiving part payment of salary cheques and the banks note a significant withdrawal at the date of clearing should be suspect of Mafia interference "Demanding Money With Menaces" and the families checked to see if they still have all their children in their possesion etc.

The same applies elsewhere in Asia Europe Scandinavia and North and South America and australia, Russia etc.

Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek-Steinway-Einstein-Munch-Van Gogh- Gauguin-Da Vinci–Kennedy-Nesbitt + LVMH - Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton) UN Human Rights Ambassador Bangkok Thailand



เช็คด่วน!!! หนุ่มคนนี้ที่เค้าเป็นกิ๊กคนล่าสุดแตงโม.....(โอ้ว...หล่อกินได้) 

Re : เช็คด่วน!!! หนุ่มคนนี้ที่เค้าเป็นกิ๊กคนล่าสุดแตงโม.....(โอ้ว...หล่อกินได้)

ความคิดเห็นที่ #65: 18 มิ.ย. 09, 23:42 น อ้างถึง แก้ไข ลบทิ้ง แยกกระทู้Block  

HOW THE TI.cia OPERATE THEIR SATANIC Another scam of theirs is to arrive at the home of a target family declaring they are the Social Services and they then confiscate the children. They often claim to be the POLICE and even wear Police Uniforms matching the genuine police. Stopping people in road blocks is another scam don't be fooled by the orange and white cones etc anyone can buy these opposite the Centyral Criminal Court in bangkok. They also falsly declared them selves as UN representative and even based themselves in one disused UN building near Khao San Road. They have people trained at duplicating voices in preparation to steal the ID of other people andquite often they kill the target family by arranging accidenbts, car accidents, commercial aviation accidents (never mind the other 200 passengers the TI.cia could not care less about them). THEY STOLE/ABDUCTED 44,000 CHILDREHN IN INDIA ALONE IN 2007. THIS MEANS THEY TRIED TO BLACKMAIL/TORTURE/MANIPULATE/ROB,RAPE AND DECIMATE ANOTHER 44.000 FAMILIES. THEY TOTALLY RUIN FAMILIES AND NATIONS THEY MUST BE DESATROYED UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY. THEY LOOTED SERBIA AND COMMITTED GENOCIDE THERE THEN BLAMED MOLOSOVITCH.



เช็คด่วน!!! หนุ่มคนนี้ที่เค้าเป็นกิ๊กคนล่าสุดแตงโม.....(โอ้ว...หล่อกินได้) 

Re : เช็คด่วน!!! หนุ่มคนนี้ที่เค้าเป็นกิ๊กคนล่าสุดแตงโม.....(โอ้ว...หล่อกินได้)

ความคิดเห็นที่ #66: วันนี้ 10:07 น อ้างถึง แก้ไข ลบทิ้ง แยกกระทู้Block  

There is still no sign of the people missing now for 2 or 3 years. I hope they have not rellied upon or trusted anyone here in Bangkok to advise them since I found out most of them have been telling lots and lots of lies about me in return for money. There is still a problem with two or three people prtending to be the same person as though by now I would not have realised. They are absolute bastards ruining mylife for personal gain I hate them and want all of them put in prison for ruining my life and losing me some of my children. They lying bastards claiming i am not allowed near my children a total utter outright false claim I have never ever been denied access to my children in any country except Thailand where some gangsters blocked my access to the children, Just arrest them and place them in prison for ten or twenty years. They have poisoned me with some type of acid recently. I think they put it in the Ovaltine chocolate drinks.

Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh-Jellinek-Steinway-Einstein-Munch-Van Gogh- Gauguin-Da Vinci–Kennedy-Nesbitt + LVMH - Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton) UN Human Rights Ambassador Bangkok Thailand

Dimasa lalu patung dijadikan sebagai berhala, simbol Tuhan atau Dewa yang disembah. Tapi seiring dengan makin rasionalnya cara berfikir manusia, maka patung tidak lagi dijadikan berhala melainkan hanya sebagai karya seni belaka. Fenomena pemberhalaan patung ini terjadi pada agama-agama atau kepercayaan-kepercayaan yang politheisme seperti terjadi di Arab sebelum munculnya agama samawi. Lihat juga arca. Mungkin juga dalam Hindu kuno di India dan Nusantara, dalam agama Buddha di Asia, Konghucu, kepercayaan bangsa Mesir kuno dan bangsa Yunani kuno.[butuh rujukan]

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