Arsip |
Wikidata weekly summary #553
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- RKBot. Task/s: Create Wikidata items for "Kulturdenkmal in Hamburg" (heritage monument in Hamburg - Q28661501) from the official list "Denkmalliste Hamburg" (P1822 is the identifier for this list) published as
- Andriy.vBot. Task/s: I need to connect a lot of pages (more than 10 thousand) about russian villages that were created with interwiki links in ukwiki.
- Heinmabot. Task/s: Add GOV ids to Polish places.
- New request for comments:
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC on Wednesday, 18th January 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #74, Urology
- Upcoming
- Tool of the week
- OWL Map - a tool to help in linking Wikidata items with the matching object on OpenStreetMap.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties: NIP, NSR doctor ID, NSR stopplace ID, Nintendo World Report ID, Nintendo-Online ID, Occitanie Livre et Lecture ID, Oh!FM-7 ID, Olympedia venue ID, Ozon person ID, Pixiv Encyclopedia ID, Plazi reference ID, Pocket Gamer ID, Programming Language Database ID, RPG Site game ID, RetroAchievements ID, Rugby League Record Keepers Club player ID, ID, Strong's number, Taiwanese-Japanese Dictionary ID, UVL source ID, UniProt Disease ID, ID, camera lens, image processor, image stabilitzer, ID, minimum focusing distance, user ID, sampling rate, service options
- New property proposals to review: Podbay show ID, Biblissima Authority File, Walt Disney movie ID, NTV program ID, National Grid Balancing Mechanism Unit ID, InfluenceWatch influencer, Los Angeles County Coroner's Office Case Search person ID, Hungarian Football Federation player ID, Magazine Pocket series ID, United States House of Representatives ID, PR Times company ID, NPB umpire ID, Law Insider Legal Dictionary entry, ID, Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ID, CiNii Research ID, Identificador del Catàleg de Patrimoni de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, Green's Dictionary of Slang ID, SysTraitementEauxUsees, WikiRate company ID, The Numbers franchise ID, J.League referee ID, Jeju Dialect Dictionary ID, Military Historical Archive exile army member ID, 1001Tracklists IDs, Ivi IDs, TV Maze person ID, MyAnimeList company ID, VideoGameGeek series-franchise ID, Afisha person ID
- Query examples:
- Development
- The development team took a break during the winter holidays and as a result, no development occurred.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #554
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Bean49Bot 2. Task/s: Adding statements to plwikisource items with no statements.
- RPI2026F1Bot 4. Task/s: Reconstruct npm dependencies.
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- RKBot (approved). Task/s: Create Wikidata items for "Kulturdenkmal in Hamburg" (heritage monument in Hamburg - Q28661501) from the official list "Denkmalliste Hamburg" (P1822 is the identifier for this list) published as
- Andriy.vBot (approved). Task/s: I need to connect a lot of pages (more than 10 thousand) about russian villages that were created with interwiki links in ukwiki.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call January 10, 2023: Egon Willighagen will be introducing us to SARS-CoV-2 queries, a well-documented series of Wikidata queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the pandemic. This work contributes to Wikiproject COVID-19 and documentation is currently available in Japanese, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese. Agenda
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—January 11, 2023. Time: 16:00-17:00 UTC / 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 17:00 CET
- The full version of View it! Tool is out! The new user script uses structured data to display related media in any Wikimedia content pages—including Wikidata items—in an on-wiki image panel or gallery view. Please join the public launch and demo of the full version of this new tool on Thursday, January 12th, 5:00 UTC via Zoom (Meeting ID: 160 454 5329) to learn more and discuss forthcoming editing features.
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC on Wednesday, 18th January 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- About 2 months left to register for the first digital@IANLS workshop: Learn the basics of Wikidata and how to use it in your Neo-Latin research. Event is online, free, and open to all. More info on event and registration.
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #75, Tools
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Videos
- Papers
- "Is GPT-3 a Good Data Annotator?" with experiments based on Wikidata - guided generation of labeled data.
- Slides
- Tool of the week
- Web Hub allows users to navigate between origin and destination on the web using information from Wikidata, primarily on Wikimedia sites.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Digital Dictionary of the German Language completed their first iteration of Lexicographical data donation to Wikidata. The number of German lexemes increased accordingly by 185000.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: travel advisory category, model lexeme, does not use
- External identifiers: NIP, UniProt disease ID, DBpia journal ID, Garuda journal ID, Hungarian Film Archive person ID, person ID, DBpia publisher ID, Disused stations ID, MQWW poet ID, Nîmes cemeteries ID, REGON ID, Shōsetsuka ni Narō user ID, Sinta journal ID, Sinta author ID, SMA ID, Spiritains ID, Strazha ID, Tabelog restaurant ID, TV Maze person ID, ID, VG-lista album ID, Afisha person ID, Catalogo storico ragionato degli scrittori sardi dal IV al XXI secolo ID, Macmillan Dictionary entry (British English), Macmillan Dictionary entry (American English), Wyndham hotel ID, VideoGameGeek series/franchise ID, Plex GUID, Digital Hanja Dictionary ID, Africultures structure ID, Military Historical Archive exile army member ID, The Israeli Opera (English) person ID, J.League referee ID, PodLink ID, VG-lista song ID, Webtoon creator ID, WikiRate company ID, Yahoo! Japan News publisher ID, Concepticon ID, Ès lettres ID, Dictionary of Variant Chinese Characters ID, eBookJapan books ID, STEDT ID, Matrix room, British Music Collection score ID, Nişanyan Sözlük lexeme ID, Green's Dictionary of Slang ID, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Online entry, Anadolu Agency infographic ID, Infopédia entry
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: change of, salary level, applies to property, protected entity, Wikidata property example for qualifiers
- External identifiers: Britannica Kids kids level article ID, Britannica Kids students level article ID, Britannica Kids scholars level article ID, Online Aboriginal Language Dictionary ID, International Encoded Han Character and Variants Database character ID, A Comparative Study of Modern Chinese and Cantonese ID, J-STAGE journal ID, Sens critique contributor ID, competition ID, The Homicide Report person ID, serial ID, identifiant SFMTA, California Birth Index person ID, esid, The Counted person ID, person ID, Roblox experience ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- REST API: Preparing the first release to on January 17th and to Wikidata on January 24th
- Entity Schemas: Continuing to investigate and prototype technical approaches for version 2
- Mismatch Finder: Working on giving mismatch providers access to the reviews of the mismatches they uploaded (phab:T304794)
- Investigated how to best do language switching for the Query Builder and Mismatch Finder. So far they only support it by specifying the language via a URL parameter and not yet via the UI (phab:T324653)
- Query Service:
- Lexeme IDs now have tooltips so you can see the Lemma in the SPARQL code, similar as for Items and Properties (phab:T255245)
- Fixed a bug where the y-axis label on a graph were misaligned and hard to read (phab:T325808)
- Lexicographical data:
- Statements linking to a Sense now also show the language of the Lexeme to make it easier to see for example which language a translation statement refers to (phab:T207392)
- Fixed a bug in the language dropdown on Special:NewLexeme (phab:T324743)
- The Lemma of a Lexeme is now shown in the title of the revision history of the Lexeme as well (phab:T312660)
- Vector 2022 theme: worked on making the search on Wikidata work in this new theme. You can test it on now and next week on Wikidata. (phab:T316093)
- mul language code:
- Continued investigation around how to handle language fallbacks on mobile, which is a blocker for adding this language code (phab:T323098)
- Preventing the addition of descriptions for mul (phab:T313027)
- Constraint violations: Working on also showing them to non-logged in users (phab:T272132)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #555
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- RenmBot 2. Task/s: The bot adds/edits labels/descriptions of Wikidata items in Ukrainian. At the beginning, the bot will correct "проект" to "проєкт" in descriptions. These changes are caused by Ukrainian orthography of 2019 (Q56368731) (see en:Ukrainian orthography of 2019#Major changes to the 1993 orthography).
- Bean49Bot 3. Task/s: Add parent astronomical body to asteroid belt asteroids, required by multiple constraints.
- JhsBot 7. Task/s: Change stress markings on Norwegian Bokmål lexeme IPA transcription (P898) statements.
- Closed request for permissions/Bot: Heinmabot. Task/s: Add GOV ids to Polish places. (approved)
- Closed request for comments: Adopt Help:SitelinksToRedirects as policy (implemented)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC on Wednesday, 18th January 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Wikimedia Research Showcase on January 18. Featuring a presentation of the paper Learning to Predict the Departure Dynamics of Wikidata Editors.
- Next LD4 Wikibase Working Hour on Tuesday 17th January: Update on by Evelien Zandbergen, product manager for at Wikimedia Deutschland.
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #76, Wikipedia
- Past
- LD4-Wikidata Group Call: Wikidata Queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and pandemic, 10th January.
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Videos/Audios
- Mémoires minoritaires, mémoires LGBTI (French): Documenting Queer (LGBTIQ+) history on Wikipedia and Wikidata (Radio/Podcast) (source)
- LIVE Wikidata editing #102 - YouTube
- Wikispore, Wikidata, and Small Wikis with Sam Wilson - YouTube
- Introduction to Wikidata with Alex Lum (2022) - YouTube
- iPres 2022 - Long Paper 153: A Digital Preservation Wikibase - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Auhority Control data to Wikidata item - helps to create Wikidata Items based on authority control records.
- A new Wikidata distributed game that populates instance of statements using a neural network.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- You can apply for a scholarship for Wikimania.
- Call for projects and mentors for Google Summer of Code 2023 and Outreachy Round 26 is ongoing!
- The upcoming steward elections are open for nominations.
- Wikibase Suite: wmde.10 (Mediawiki 1.38) compatible release updates
- Applications are open now for Wikidata Fellowship by Wikimedia Australia
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: does not use: item or concept not used by the subject but that could have been expected, member of Roman tribe: Roman tribe in which one was inscribed
- External identifiers: Infopédia entry, 1001Tracklists track ID, 1001Tracklists DJ ID, 1001Tracklists source ID, MyAnimeList company ID, MQWW work ID, Biblissima Authority File, Kitsu manga ID, Kitsu anime ID, CiNii Research ID, Digital Library of Mathematical Functions ID, United States House of Representatives ID, ComicWalker content ID, The Numbers franchise ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: heir or beneficiary: people or organizations that received, or will receive, (all or part of) the subject's property or title, disinherited: someone who received or will receive no or little the subject's property or title even if otherwise eligible, (partially) the opposite of Wikidata:Property proposal/heir or beneficiary, Northstar Travel’s 10-Tier Classification System: [none], 神奇宝贝百科页面标识符: article name on 52Poké Wiki, a Pokémon encyclopedia, value contains sense: qualifier to indicate the sense of a lexeme part of a monolingual text value, form applies to sense: this form is only or mainly applicable this sense, clan: [none]
- External identifiers: Landgate Object ID, IRIS Trentino-South Tyrol IDs, IRIS Venice IDs, Sinta affiliation ID, Knowledge portal ID, Fréjus et Toulon ID, MangaSeek IDs, Dicionário Priberam ID, Michaelis ID, Dicionário Aulete ID, Dicionário Aberto ID, Léxico ID, Dicio ID, GamesRadar+ ID, Bosworth-Toller's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online ID, Online Etymology Dictionary ID, norsk fangeregister soningsinstitusjon ID, Dictionary of the Russian Language (Ozhegov) ID, Great Encyclopedic Dictionary ID, AllMovie genre ID, Artlog person ID, Artlog institution ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Vector 2020 skin: the search that works properly with Wikidata has been deployed
- Entity Schemas: Making progress on the proof of concept that will help us figure out the technical way forward
- REST API: getting ready to deploy the first version to on February 17th
- Lexicographical data: When linking to a Sense in a statement the language of the Lexeme for that Sense is now also shown. This makes it easier to understand translation statements for example (phab:T207392)
- Constraints: Constraint violations are now also shown to logged out users (phab:T272132)
- Fixing a regression where Wikipedia and co are no longer notified about a disconnected sitelink when the Item that contains the sitelink is deleted (phab:T326082)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #556
- Events
- Past
- Wikidata+Wikibase office hour session log: Telegram office hour 2023-01-18
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call January 24, 2023: We will be discussing plans for 2023, and requesting feedback and ideas for future programming. Based on a previous recommendation to host a discussion on advocacy for Wikidata within libraries, we will introduce and provide time to complete a short survey to foster conversation in a future Group Call. Please come ready to share your thoughts Agenda
- Introductions to Wikidata, online meetings organized by Wikimedia Australia on January 25, 26 and 31
- Past
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Videos
- [Wikimedia Research Showcase] Featuring a presentation of the paper Learning to Predict the Departure Dynamics of Wikidata Editors.
- Podcasts
- Civic Hacker Podcast: Using Wikidata to Connect Constituents With Their Government
- Tool of the week
- Romain de Bossoreille has generated a map named Space Industry around the World using data from The Space Devs, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- [WMDE Survey for Wikidata data Reusers] Help us Improve Wikidata by Sharing Your Experience on Ontology Issues and Data Reuse Impact.
- Second round of Research Fund proposals are under review. They include Wikidata related proposals. Your input is welcome!
- Wikimedia Foundation's Community Survey: The proposals submission and discussion phase is open until February 6th.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Jeju's culture and language ID, J-STAGE journal ID, serial ID, IRIS UNITN author ID, IRIS FBK author ID, IRIS-OpenPub author ID, Muse Open Archive author ID, ARCA author ID, Air Iuav author ID, Intercontinental Dictionary Series unit ID, Hungarian Football Federation player ID, Knowledge portal ID, MangaSeek work ID, MangaSeek magazine ID, MangaSeek award ID, Oroklini Library ID, elexiko ID, Neologismenwörterbuch ID, Deutsches Fremdwörterbuch ID, Sprichwörterbuch ID, Kommunikationsverben ID, Kleines Wörterbuch der Verlaufsformen im Deutschen ID, PR TIMES company ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: attracts (organisms attracted by this taxon), salary level (level of someone's salary), change of (property this process changes), database contains records about (indicate the types of items that the database has records about)
- External identifiers: Plant Finder ID (Chicago Botanic Garden), Norwegian prisoner register detentioncamps ID, Glitchwave franchise ID, Glitchwave game company ID, Glitchwave game ID, Ushakov Dictionary ID, Jiddisch-Nederlands Woordenboek ID, Glitchwave character ID, WW1 fallen/missing soldier ID (MHA), Glitchwave platform ID, Spotify user ID (Jan 2023), Livres Hebdo author ID, Livres Hebdo award ID, Livres Hebdo tag ID, Dictionary of Archives Terminology ID, TikTok place ID, Magazine Pocket series ID, identifiant SFMTA, International Encoded Han Character and Variants Database character ID, Online Aboriginal Language Dictionary ID, Tribal Council number, Aragonario ID (6th version), Rate Your Music venue ID, Rate Your Music concert ID, Dicionário inFormal ID, Qobuz artist numeric ID, TOOI identifier, Fonts In Use ID, Rate Your Music film ID, Rate Your Music film genre ID, NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms entry, Spreaker show ID, Sjøfolk Ship ID, NCI Dictionary of Genetics Terms entry
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikibase REST API: The new API is now available for testing on Test.Wikidata
- Ontology issues: We finalized and published the survey to better understand which types of ontology issues are most problematic for reusers of our data.
- Wikipedia and co: Fixing a regression where there is no entry in recent changes and watchlist when an Item is deleted that was connected to an article on that wiki (phab:T326082)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #557
- Events
- A citation hunt program was organized for secondary school students at IIS School in Dubai as part of the 74th Republic Day celebration of India. 16 students participated, with different mother tongues and from different states of India living as expatriates in Dubai. The goal was to increase references for Wikidata statements based on research. The students were introduced to the importance of protecting India's history on the internet, and were taught how to edit Wikipedia and Wikidata. They were given a special event page on Wikidata with instructions and a list of Wikidata items to add citations to, and they searched for references in their textbooks and search engines to add to the Wikidata items.More details are given here.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour January 30, 2023: The #1Lib1Ref campaign is afoot, so we will be working on adding references to Wikidata statements. We'll have some data for you to work with, but you're welcome to bring your own. We'll be mainly working with adding webpages as sources, but if you want to get experience using books or articles as sources, we recommend bringing some to the session to use as references for Wikidata items you have identified. You are, as always, welcome to bring your own project to work on Event page
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Building a Life Sciences Knowledge Graph with a Data Lake (uses Wikidata as a main source)
- Papers
- Videos
- Interoperable Europe: First workshop on Wikidata and Wikibase
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- is a website that helps to explore the boardroom connections of the largest US companies.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- AfLIA's online course Wikidata is open. Participation is free for all librarians, museums, archives and other information professionals in Africa. Call is open until 7th February 2023 (12 midnight GMT).
- LetsQuiz is a new website generating quizzes using data from Wikidata.
- from WMF Wishathon: The Autosuggest linking Wikidata item after creating an article Wish is complete and the work merged. It is available for testing in Beta, and will be deployed to users with the first train of 2023 scheduled for this week. Learn more about the gadget created at meta
- Building cool apps and services on top of Wikidata's data but running into ontology issues? We'd love to hear from you in this survey to make things better for you.
- Status update on the 2022 Wikidata and Wikibase development plan
- Development plan and activities for 2023 for Wikidata as a platform and the Wikibase ecosystem
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: applies to use with property (qualifier that specifies that the statement refers to usage with the property)
- External identifiers: Dicionário Priberam ID, NPB umpire ID, Magazine Pocket series ID, user, Packagist username, Hackage username, RubyGems username, PyPI username, Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan ID, Ushakov Dictionary ID, Glitchwave franchise ID, Glitchwave game company ID, Glitchwave game ID, Glitchwave platform ID, Glitchwave character ID, Artlog artist ID, pixiv comic work ID, pixiv comic product ID, British Music Collection composer ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: place of resident registration at death (the place or administrative unit where the deceased person was registered as having his or her residence at the time of their death), has instance (thing(s) which this subject describes or encompasses, inverse property of P31), Norwegian media rating (In short, the Norwegian version of Denmark's Medierådet rating (P5970), an age rating system for motion pictures, video, internet and tv content), iconically alludes to (item that is iconically represented in the execution of this lexeme), credits URL (URL of an official webpage with a list of credits and roles attributed to various people, organizations or applications that contribute(d) to this item's existence), alternate universe counterpart (this fictional character/entity is an alternate universe counterpart of the subject), number of penalty kicks scored, precedes/follows various things (this lexeme form appears only when preceding another lexeme form with this phonological feature)
- External identifiers: NCI Drug Dictionary entry, Professional shogi player number, Women's professional shogi player number, LPSA professional shogi player number, esid, Real Academia de Doctores de España ID, ID, GLANSIS ID, ID, Fallout Wiki ID, Base de Dados de Livros de Fotografia profile ID, Vintage Fashion Guild Labels, Enciclopedia dell'Italiano ID, Soprintendenza di Salerno e Avellino place ID, World Loanword Database word ID, numéro d'une installation sportive en France, Waddi Punjabi Lughat entry, Pāia-sadda-mahaṇṇavo entry, VMI Historical Rosters Database ID, Podbay show ID, Walt Disney movie ID, The Counted person ID, Panjab Digital Library ID, eTK ID, eVK2 ID, person ID, World Sailing sailor ID, Internet Game Database franchise ID, Mosfilm IDs, Warsaw Uprising insurgent ID, DOSBox Compatibility ID, HAA member ID, Sindhi English Dictionary ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikibase REST API: The first version of the new API is released on Wikidata now \o/ We'd love to hear your feedback on what to improve next in the API.
- Property Suggester: We updated the data for the Property Suggester so suggestions for new statements to add to an Item should be more in line with current Property usage on other similar Items again.
- Fixed an issue with Item deletions not showing up on Wikipedia and co if they affect an article on that wiki (phab:T326082)
- Vector 2022: Made it possible to add a new sitelink on Wikipedia and co in the new Vector 2022 language selector (phab:T310259)
- Lua: Working on two new Lua functions, getDescriptionByLang (phab:T230839) and getBadges (phab:T305378)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #558
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- BiodiversityBot 3 Task/s: TreatmentBank (Q54857867) is a CC0 resource that contains data on taxonomic treatments, treatment citations, figures, tables, material citations and bibliographic reference. It contains valuables links mapping scholarly articles, taxa and taxonomic treatments. This bot task involves linking research papers on taxa to taxa and related taxonomic treatments.
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- Bean49Bot 4 Task/s: Add Springer Nature person ID and Springer Nature article ID by moving from exact match property.
- Cmtqwikibot Task/s: Adds country of origin (P495) Canada (Q16), with qualifier located in the administrative territorial entity (P131) Quebec (Q176) and reference stated in (P248) CineTV (Q41001657) to works in Quebec.
- SakuraBot Task/s: interwiki maintenance
- JhsBot 7 Task/s: Change stress markings on Norwegian Bokmål lexeme IPA transcription (P898) statements.
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call February 7, 2023: We thought we'd try something different next week, in honor of Valentine's Day month: What's Your Wikidata Passion? What is your central Wikidata interest right now? It can be a work or personal project or just what you like to edit when you have time. We'd love to have an open mic session, completely informal. Please add yourselves to the list on our agenda here if you would like to talk for 5 minutes or so and share your screen, with no need for formal slides. Or just show up and talk on the spur of the moment. This will be a community session where we welcome all to participate! Agenda
- Wiki for Refugees Editathons on the 4th and 11th of February 2023 (Wikimedia Uganda)
- Black History Month 2023: University of Toronto (February 8th)
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #79, Archaeology (see previous challenges: Random concepts #2, Spices)
- Past
- Wikibase Live Sessions (2023.01.26)
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Diff blog: Summary of the results of a recent survey on Wikimedia content partnerships tools by WMSE. The detailed report is available on and as a PDF on Wikimedia Commons.
- A Game of Data
- 'wikishootme' Is Like a Real World Version of Pokémon Go
- Turn the AC on, by Magnus Manske
- Papers
- Unsupervised Entity Linking with Guided Summarization and Multiple-Choice Selection (Uses GPT-3 and Wikidata)
- Visibility Matters: Giving Credit Where It's Due in Natural History Collections, Siobhan Leachman, The Linnean, December 2022
- Falcon 2.0: An Entity and Relation Linking Tool over Wikidata
- The URW-KG: a Resource for Tackling the Underrepresentation of non-Western Writers
- From unstructured texts to semantic story maps
- Videos
- Wikimentor Africa - Creating a website based on Wikidata, without development skills day two (in French) - Part1, Part 2
- Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap, FOSDEM 2023 - YouTube
- Etymology and Wikidata on OpenStreetMap -YouTube
- LIVE Wikidata editing: #103, #104
- Working with ISBNs (in Italian) - 3 part YouTube playlist
- Round table "Women, Science and Wikidata" (in Catalan) - YouTube
- Managing Wikimedia Projects through Wikidata: Geert Van Pamel- Wikimedia Belgium - YouTube
- SEMIC Talks: Wikibase with Dennis Diefenbach - YouTube
- observablehq
- Garden Phylogeny - NCBI breakdown of common garden foods with photographs by Phytotheca
- other
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Let's Quiz is a game that generates random quizzes to test your knowledge & learn something new every day.
- User:Nikki/AddTermboxLanguage.js - makes it easier to add/edit labels to an item in a language other than the ones shown by default.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Building cool apps and services on top of Wikidata's data but running into ontology issues? We'd love to hear from you in this survey to make things better for you.
- Wikimedia developer satisfaction survey 2023, open until Fri, 17 Feb 2023.
- Maintenance on ElasticSearch. As part of this, some Wikibase.Cloud functionality might be disrupted.
- Reminder that the deadline for the Semantic Web Journal Special Issue on Wikidata is approaching (but extended)! Get your journal papers ready for the 14.02.23
- Wikidata surpassed 1 million Lexemes with the addition of etymologi (L1000000)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Happy Planet Index score (The Happy Planet Index (HPI) is an index of human well-being and environmental impact that was introduced by the New Economics Foundation in 2006), credits URL (URL of an official webpage with a list of credits and roles attributed to various people, organizations or applications that contribute(d) to this item's existence), digital equivalent of (the subject is the digital equivalent of what?)
- External identifiers: Los Angeles County Coroner's Office Case Search person ID, Roblox experience ID, WW1 fallen/missing soldier ID (MHA), RISM siglum, N-Anime anime ID, N-Anime seiyū ID, Livres Hebdo author ID, International Encoded Han Character and Variants Database ID, Artlog institution ID, Barcelona City Council Heritage Catalog identifier, TikTok place ID, Jiddisch-Nederlands Woordenboek ID, Real Academia de Doctores de España ID, AllMovie genre ID, ID, Dictionary of Archives Terminology ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: precedes/follows various things (this lexeme form appears only when preceding another lexeme form with this phonological feature), footnote (for use in the references section of statements: to state which footnote of the source material supports the claim in question), agent of action (thing that does the action), natural enemy (One of the causes of death of this living creatures referred to in this item, which is eaten by that creature), change of (property this process changes), object of action (thing an action is done to), variety of sense (dialect, variety or register of language that the sense applies to), bust/waist/hip measurements (chest measurement; aliases: bust measurement), usage label (list of sets of context label property (Q116547761) (language style (P6191), field of usage (P9488), has quality (P1552), variety of form (P7481), location of sense usage (P6084)). Other individual context label property (Q116547761) statement will be treated as and with this statement.), thesaurus' properties (primary topic of the subject Wikimedia thesaurus)
- External identifiers: Malaysia Federal Legislation act ID, The Hart Island Project person ID, explain xkcd ID, Iowa legislator ID, Jewish English Lexicon ID, Islam Dusunce Atlasi ID, ForPost persons ID, Crimean virtual necropolis persons ID, Museu Paulista iconography ID, Vintage Fashion Guild Labels, Museu Paulista objects ID, Facebook numeric ID, Qobuz album ID (Feb 2023), Patreon user numeric ID,, place ID, Russian Second League player ID, TVer IDs, NPD field-ID
- Query examples:
- Map of disasters by type (source)
- Maps of museums in Malaysia (source)
- Map with place names that gave names to places in Riga (source)
- Area of sovereign states without a river (source)
- Wikidata properties whose URL format matches some format (source)
- People born in the Vatican ( source)
- Shortest rail link between Narvik and Singapore (source)
- Memes (source)
- Top album languages found on Wikidata right now (Week 4, 2023) (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- REST API: adding a new GET /entities/items/{item_id}/descriptions endpoint (phab:T327881)
- Lua: added two Lua functions, getDescriptionByLang (phab:T230839) and getBadges (phab:T305378) that make it easier to get this data on Wikipedia and co
- Lexicographical data: added documentation for the WikibaseLexeme JSON structure (phab:T201489)
- Action API: fixed a bug that prevented the wblistentityusage API module from being used as a generator (phab:T254334)
- Dates: working together with Matěj Suchánek to fix date parsing issues in Czech (phab:T221097)
- Constraints: working on showing constraint clarification messages to make it easier to understand why a constraint violation is happening and how to fix it (phab:T219037)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #559
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- CJMbot (CJMbot lets users upload a CSV file in a certain format. The data inside this file is then validated and processed. New items wil be created based on the data in the CSV file and existing items wil updated by adding statements and references).
- RPI2026F1Bot 5 Task/s: Import dependency and version data from PyPi
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikibase Working Hour February 13, 2023. The February Working Hour will feature a presentation by Steve Baskauf on using VanderBot with Wikibase: The Wikibase API provides a mechanism for programmatic control of uploads, and its behavior is consistent across instances (Wikidata, Structured Data in Commons, and those that are established privately). In this session, Steve will discuss basic interactions with the API and demonstrate using the VanderBot Python application to rapidly upload tabular data to a instance. After performing a mass deletion, Steve will conclude by describing how he's used the Wikibase API to facilitate addition of structured data to Commons. Registration link
- Strategically Using Production Photos to Increase Your Online Discoverability, February 22 and 24, 2023. This two-part workshop presented by CAPACOA will explain how to upload performing arts production photos to Wikimedia Commons and how to document credits in Wikidata.
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #80, Work
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Social reproduction in the French cinema: evidence from Wikidata: Observable notebook which explores social reproduction by occupation in France.
- Data analytics for your list of created articles in The Signpost, February 4, 2023
- DigAMus goes Wikidata
- Papers
- Transformer Based Geocoding
- Videos
- LIVE Wikidata editing #105 - YouTube
- Demo of the Wikibase Export extension - YouTube
- FOSDEM 2023
- Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap (Software for adding links between open data projects)
- Public Transport Data in KDE Itinerary (Querying realtime journey data and dissecting ticket barcodes)
- observablehq
- other
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- User:So9q/openalex-search-link-on-lexemes.js is a userscript that adds a link to Ordia in the Tools section on items.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Graph Builder released a major update, introducing new layouts and visualization ideas. You can read the full changelog here.
- The new Service Level Objective for the Wikidata Query Service has been implemented: the current aim is to maintain a 95% uptime based on a 90 day rolling window. You can read the full announcement here.
- recently introduced a system of tags. Anyone authoring a notebook using data from Wikidata can add the #Wikidata tag:
- provides group features for Mastodon. is a group about Wikidata in general. is a group about Wikidata queries. Anyone can join those groups simply by following them in Mastodon. Anyone can share a message with all members of those groups by mentioning them in a publication in Mastodon or any other application of the Fediverse.
- The hashtag #Wikidata can be used to tag all publications related to Wikidata in Mastodon. Anyone can find recent publications using this tag using the search feature:
- is the official Mastodon account of the Wikidata project.
- You can now vote for your favorite proposals on the Community Wishlist Survey 2023/Wikidata. The voting phase is open until February 24th.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: said to be the same as (lexeme) (some source considers this lexeme to be the same lexeme or a spelling variant of another lexeme)
- External identifiers: Base de Dados de Livros de Fotografia profile ID (identifier for each Brazilian educational institution), federal identifier of street, DOSBox Compatibility ID, Internet Game Database franchise ID, Professional shogi player number, Bosworth-Toller's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary Online ID, Norwegian war prisoner detention camp ID, Qobuz artist numeric ID, Sindhi English Dictionary ID, Dicio ID, Dicionário Aulete ID, GLANSIS ID, Léxico ID, tennis player ID, Encyclopedia of Italian ID, Iowa legislator ID, Rate Your Music film genre ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Zoning symbol (planing zone of the municipality/region/state that applies to the subject), INEP ID, CulturaEduca ID (identifier for each Brazilian educational institution), Manantiales y Fuentes de Andalucia (id for Springs and Fountains of Andalucía)
- External identifiers: Hultschiner Soldaten ID, STS program ID, SACEM ID, IATE entry ID, Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby ID, IRIS UNIPD author ID
- Query examples:
- Number of literary works (Q7725634) by language (P407) in descending order (source)
- Humans that have a 'relationship' with University of Leeds (source)
- Railway stations named after literary works (source)
- Week 6, 2023: Top album languages found on Wikidata right now (source)
- Free software grouped by programming language and instance of (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- [Significant change] Heads-up: Upcoming fixes for date parsing - Thank you Matej for moving this forward!
- Went over the feedback on the first release and deciding on the next routes to add
- Added a new endpoint for getting descriptions (phab:T327881)
- Worked on throwing exceptions when something goes wrong (validation failed, Item not found, etc.) instead of returning an error response object (phab:T327527)
- Entity Schemas: Finished the technical exploration that will unblock the next steps for actual development
- Query Service: Changed URLs with URL-encoded characters to be shown un-encoded for better line-breaks and readability (phab:T327514)
- Query Builder:
- Adding support for a few additional datatypes (phab:T328528)
- Adding a basic language selector to make it easier to switch the language of the page (phab:T328764)
- Constraint checks: Working on showing constraint clarification messages to make it easier to understand how to fix a violation on a statement (phab:T219037)
- Search: Exploring design options for how to make it easier to search for entities other than Items (phab:T327507)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #560
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Cmtqwikibot 2 (Task/s: Add credits (cast and crew) for audiovisual work produced in Quebec based on the Cinémathèque québécoise's catalogue data. Adds reference. Deletes redundant, more general existing statements in certain circumstances.)
- Gabrabot (Bulk upload Maltese lexeme data to wikidata from Gabra.)
- MsynBot 12 (import missing GND ID (P227) identifier based on linked VIAF cluster)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call February 21, 2023: Jim Hahn and John Mark Ockerbloom will be presenting on Penn Libraries' Linked Data Vision. They will discuss their framework for activities and goals around linked data, which includes both existing standards and new functionality. Additionally, they will share successes and areas where progress has not yet been made. The presentation will cover projects with Wikidata tie-ins, such as the Digital Scriptorium Wikibase project and the Deep Backfile copyright information project. The presenters also plan to have ample time for conversation with those interested in using linked data to bring new functionality to their libraries. Agenda
- Wikidata and Wikibase - SEMIC workshop 2 physical hands-on workshop in Brussels on the 23rd of February (Register here)
- If you are interested in organizing or joining the Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 satellite events, you can apply for funds by March 20 via the Rapid Grants maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation.
- Call for papers for the 10th Wiki Workshop in 2023 is out. Submit your 2-page abstracts by March 23.
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #81, Eye
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blog posts
- Videos
- Notebooks
- Tool of the week
- User:Nikki/DisplayColourSwatches.js is a userscript that adds color swatches under color statements.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Blog Series on Wikibase Community via Tech-News
- Freelance technologists are needed to import personal profiles for politically exposed people (PEPs) into Wikidata
- The voting phase of the Community Wishlist Survey 2023 ends on February 24. Don't forget to vote for Wikidata proposals!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- stamp perforation (type of perforation for a series of stamps)
- Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) value of a country)
- transcribed by (person who has made a copy of a manuscript text)
- External identifiers: Encyclopedia of Italian ID, Iowa legislator ID, Rate Your Music film genre ID, Fallout Wiki ID, Museu Paulista iconography ID, Museu Paulista objects ID, Spreaker show ID, TVer series ID, TVer tarento ID, Padua Research Archive author ID, Rate Your Music film ID, Fonts in Use ID, Rate Your Music venue ID, place ID, Jeju Dialect Dictionary ID, Soprintendenza di Salerno place ID, Online Aboriginal Language Dictionary ID, Mosfilm movie ID, Mosfilm person ID, Adventure Game Studio game ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Syoboi Calendar series ID, Digital Daijisen ID (goo dictionary), La grammatica italiana ID, Akademi Kernewek ID, Sky News topic ID, Faber Music music ID, Faber Music composer ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Finished work on endpoints for getting labels and descriptions (phab:T325647, phab:T327881)
- Started work on makign it possible to get statements from an Item based on the Property ID instead of just the statement ID (phab:T309021)
- Entity Schemas: finalized technical investigation and making plan for the next steps
- Working on more validation for valid URIs for units, globes and calendar models (phab:T102840)
- Query Builder:
- Adding support for additional data types (phab:T328528)
- Adding a language selector to make it possible to switch the UI language (phab:T329487)
- Constraint: Putting finishing touches on showing the constraint clarification messages in the constraint violation popup (phab:T219037)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #561
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- DoggoBot (Task/s: Fix constraint violations of arXiv classification (P820))
- ScikingBot (Task/s: The bot is going to fix interwiki links for the Lombard Wikipedia)
- fromCrossrefBot (Task/s: Importing licenses for 1.45 million CC licensed papers from the Crossref April 2022 dump.)
- Closed requests for permissions/Bot:
- Cmtqwikibot 2 (Task/s: Add credits (cast and crew) for audiovisual work produced in Quebec based on the Cinémathèque québécoise's catalogue data. Adds reference. Deletes redundant, more general existing statements in certain circumstances.)
- MsynBot 12 (Task/s: import missing GND ID (P227) identifier based on linked VIAF cluster)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Bug Triage Hour on dates input, March 13th: Following up on an issue on date parsing in the Czech language (T221097), fixed earlier in February, we would like to look at the changes induced by this fix together, check how the date input parsing works in your language, and identify some possibly remaining issues.
- Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service Team—March 1st, 2023. Time: 16:00-17:00 UTC / 08:00 PST / 11:00 EST / 17:00 CET
- Eager to discover the potential of Wikidata and Wikibase for semantics? SEMIC is organising a series of workshops that are very much hands-on. Join the first workshop online on 24 January 2023 from 14:00 to 16:00 (CET) via Webex. Register for the first event via this link!
- Open Data Day Taiwan 2023 March 3rd - 4th
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #82, Restaurant
- Past
- Wikibase Live Session: February 2023 log
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Tool of the week
- AutosuggestSitelink is a gadget that suggests Wikidata items for possible linking with a Wikimedia site page, using interwiki linking.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Inconsistencies on WDQS data - data reload on WDQS
- Survey Results: Wikibase.Cloud user research. The goal of the research was to uncover usergroups and usecases.
- Wikibase Suite Survey is now open! The goal is to understand what role Wikibase plays in your organization and identify what you need from Wikibase based on how you currently make use of it.
- Wikibase.Cloud logo is now available on Wikimedia Commons.
- Wikimedia Deutschland job openings
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- Norwegian media rating (age rating system for motion pictures, video and tv content used in Norway)
- External identifiers: National Grid Balancing Mechanism unit ID, SACEM Museum artist ID, WSJ article ID, InfluenceWatch influencer, World Sailing sailor ID, WiKirby ID, SFMTA ID, Full Fact ID, Hungarian National Namespace place ID (new), Hungarian National Namespace person ID (new), Rate Your Music concert ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- rebuilt (year or date when the structure was reconstructed, rebuilt, repurposed or replaced by similar one (if the new and old structures have separate items, use P167/P1398 links instead))
- External identifiers: Faber Music composer ID, Wise Music Classical composer ID, Wise Music Classical catalogue ID, Boosey & Hawkes music ID, A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles entry ID, L’Équipe team ID, ID, L’Équipe coach ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- We added a way to get all statements on an Item for a given Property ID via a filter (phab:T309021)
- We made it possible to configure the server for the "Try it out" button on the OpenAPI spec (phab:T329606)
- Query Builder:
- We added support for additional datatypes. Lexeme (phab:T329204), Sense (phab:T329206) and URL (phab:T329824) are already available now. Form (phab:T329205) and Property (phab:T329207) are in progress.
- We continued the work on making it possible to switch the UI language (phab:T329487)
- Constraints: We added support for showing constraint clarifications in constraint violation pop-up (phab:T219037)
- We finished restricting unit/calendar/globe URIs to sensible values (phab:T102840)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #562
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Mbchbot 3 (Task/s: Adding missing YouTube channel ID (P2397) statements to YouTube handle (P11245) claims that are missing that mandatory qualifier)
- MidleadingBot 4 (Task/s: Add social media followers (P8687) statements for Baidu Tieba name (P11196))
- Biondibot (Task/s: Import us patent from a csv file)
- bitbotje (Task/s: Property MovieMeter film ID (P1970) has a suggested constraint that the item should have a Dutch ('nl') label. The MovieMeter website has suitable labels and provides an API for structured data access. I have a script that reads the relevant section in Wikidata:Database reports/Constraint violations/P1970 and for each listed item does an API call to and adds a label.)
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- DoggoBot (Task/s: Fix constraint violations of arXiv classification (P820))
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call March 7, 2023: Lydia Pintscher and Silvan Heintze will tell us about the new Wikidata REST API and Silvan will demonstrate some of its aspects. Agenda
- Do you want to present at Wikimania 2023? Program submissions are open now until the end of day Tuesday 28 March.
- Wiki Workshop 2023 Call for Papers. The call is for extended abstracts (2 pages) of ongoing or completed work. The deadline is March 23.
- Wikimedia Hackathon 2023: Call for projects & sessions is now open! The deadline to submit sessions is April 4th. The final schedule will be made public on April 15th.
- Bug Triage Hour on dates input, March 13th: Following up on an issue on date parsing in the Czech language (T221097), fixed earlier in February, we would like to look at the changes induced by this fix together, check how the date input parsing works in your language, and identify some possibly remaining issues.
- Wikidata Lab XXXVI: Participatory Machine Learning in Wikimedia: ORES - 8 March 2023, on YouTube
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Two years of explicit CiTO annotations (Q116676168), include how Wikidata and Scholia visualize citation typing annotations explain why research is cited
- Videos
- Open Data Day Taiwan 2023 recorded livestreams: Day 1; Day 2
- Wikidata for History of Science projects, by Martin Poulter - YouTube
- How to add Wikidata properties using PetScan in Finnish Wikipedia via categories - YouTube
- How to add Wikidata properties using PetScan in Finnish Wikipedia 2 - YouTube
- LD4P3 - Browsing Across Music With Obtainable Wikidata - YouTube
- Extracting political data & relations from Wikidata - YouTube
- Operation of Wikidata and its centralized management of metadata linked to multiple databases (in French) - YouTube
- Wikidata and higher education and research libraries (in French) - YouTube
- Wikidata supporting open student research projects in plant chemistry - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- wikidata-todo is a tool that helps you find Commons categories with files, where none of the files are used on Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The WMDE Wikibase.Cloud team is currently seeking individuals who are interested in participating in interviews regarding the pressing issue of data modeling. Please reach out if you'd like to participate.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- Lighthouse Directory page (group string for the item in The Lighthouse Directory)
- colocated with (event sharing location, facility or organization with another, typically larger event)
- External identifiers: NCI Drug Dictionary ID, HAA member ID, Spotify user ID, Vintage Fashion Guild label, Biographical Dictionary of Emigrants of Georgia ID, Fréjus et Toulon ID, Swiss Games Garden game ID, ERA ID, Sky News topic ID, Russian Second League player ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: FLOW ID, Electrodoc person ID, electrocd artist ID, Wattpad username, Virksomme ord ID, Identifier for an item in the norwegian database for political adresses ID, Kinoglaz film ID, DBpia article ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikibase REST API:
- The statements endpoint now supports filtering by Property ID like ?property=P123 (phab:T309021)
- We started working on GET /entities/items/{item_id}/aliases (phab:T327882)
- We started working on including sitelink URLs in GET /entities/items/{item_id} (phab:T330252)
- Community Wishlist Survey: We reviewed the results and what we can do to address some of the wishes.
- Query Builder:
- We continued work on the language selector to make it possible to switch the UI language (phab:T328764)
- We have added support for the datatypes for Form (phab:T329205) and Property (phab:T329207)
- Search: We are looking deeper into how we can make it possible to search for Properties, Lexemes and EntitySchemas in the search box, not just Items (phab:T321543)
- Wikibase REST API:
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #563
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- BorkedBot 10 (Import values of subject named as (P1810), start time (P580), number of subscribers (P3744), point in time (P585), has quality (P1552) (You must be 18+ to view this community (Q83807365), private subreddit (Q72970624), restricted subreddit (Q99518895), quarantined subreddit (Q66364374)) (if applicable), end time (P582) (if applicable), based on subreddit (P3984)).
- Bitbotje 2 (Task/s: remove redundant item aliases)
- HubaishanBot (The Bot will import some data from GeoNames (Q830106), Geographic Names Server (Q1194038), OpenStreetMap (Q936) and Yemen General Census of Population, Housing and Establishments 2004 (Q12202700) for only Yemen places these data includes: location, refs, names, population, sub administrative territorial, shared borders. all data imported with me in local database and checked.)
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- bitbotje (Task/s: Property MovieMeter film ID (P1970) has a suggested constraint that the item should have a Dutch ('nl') label. The MovieMeter website has suitable labels and provides an API for structured data access. I have a script that reads the relevant section in Wikidata:Database reports/Constraint violations/P1970 and for each listed item does an API call to and adds a label.)
- New request for comments:
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #84, Carnival
- Past
- Open Data Day 2023 edit-a-thon by Wikidata:WikiProject Kerala - March 10-11th 2023
- Ongoing
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Videos
- Podcasts
- WIKIMOVE Episode #9 - Abstract Wikipedia. The guests are Lydia Pintscher and Denny Vrandečić.
- Tool of the week
- Open Etymology Map - is an interactive map that shows the etymology of names of streets and points of interest. (blogpost in Polish)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Modrinth project ID, Akademi Kernewek ID, Wattpad username, The Counted person ID, L’Équipe team ID, Hart Island Project person ID, explain xkcd ID, La grammatica italiana ID, CurseForge project ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: University of Barcelona authority ID, IRIS private universities (2) IDs, Deutsche Synchronkartei Person-ID, IRIS Lazio IDs, Napster album ID, AIBA ID, Athletic Bilbao profile ID, Epson Tour player ID, WPGA Tour Australasia player ID, Litres author ID, Artist Directory ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Query Builder: We continued the work on making it possible to switch the language of the UI (phab:T328764)
- EntitySchemas: We started the development of version 2 with some underlying cleanup and technical improvements.
- We worked on getting full URLs for sitelink data in the responses (phab:T330252)
- We worked on a dedicated way to get the aliases of an Item (phab:T327882)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #564
- Events
- Upcoming: WikiCite Monthly Meeting, online on 28 March 2023 at 16:00 UTC. Information and notes
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- In this week's update by the Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions team, they are asking where the right place to store and maintain Abstract Wikipedia should be. All of the options involve Wikidata to some extent, some more, some less. If the content of Abstract Wikipedia is hosted on Wikidata, that would lead to an increased scope for the Wikidata community (and likely more contributors joining). But that is a decision the Wikidata community needs to be involved in as well. (Also, if you are interested, the Abstract Wikipedia updates might be worth to follow.)
- Papers
- Videos
- Notebooks
- Country diversity of external links domain names in Wikipedia in French an analysis of all domain names in Wikipedia in French by country associated to the website.
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- User:BrokenSegue/shorten.js makes statements boxes for a particular property scrollable if it is too tall.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A new Wikidata Query Service scaling update has been published. It outlines the WDQS current state and summarizes the suggestions with the most impact we’re exploring now, with a few in-progress.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: STS program ID, Electronic library, Deutsche Synchronkartei person ID, A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles entry ID, Syoboi Calendar series ID, Malaysia Federal Legislation act ID, Moscow University Herbarium ID, Digital Daijisen ID (goo dictionary), Pakistan Sign Language Dictionary ID, IRIS UNICAMPUS author ID, IRIS UNIECAMPUS author ID, IRISanRaf author ID, Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby ID, NTV program ID, Faber Music music ID, Faber Music composer ID, Boosey & Hawkes music ID, Wise Music Classical work ID, IATE ID, Jewish English Lexicon ID, Wise Music Classical composer ID, Rate Your Music work ID, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate field ID, Epson Tour player ID, Digital Bhashakosha page number, competition ID, Electrodoc person ID, Archivarta ID, CassiOpeA author ID, IRIS UNIROMA2 author ID, IRIS UNIROMA3 author ID, Sjøhistorie ship ID, electrocd artist ID, köztérkép ID, ForPost person ID, Crimean virtual necropolis persons ID, eTK ID, eVK2 ID, Ivi title ID, Ivi person ID, Saint Petersburg Conservatory person ID, Hungarian National Namespace organisation ID (new)
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- system requirements (system requirements for video game or software)
- External identifiers: Brazzers ID, Universo del corpo ID, Zeneszö international artist ID, artist ID, Tekściory artist ID, Merchbar electronic dance music artist ID, BSDB player ID, The Athletic team ID, The Athletic player ID, GSAFD ID, Feminae ID, IFTTT service ID, stock keeping unit, Federiciana ID, LIBRA Unine ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas: We are preparing for adding a new datatype and other changes by improving tests, documentation, etc.
- Date input: We did a bug triage hour around issues with date parsing and improved it for Japanese dates (phab:T214002)
- Ontology issues: We started evaluating the survey responses for the survey about different types of ontology issues reusers are facing. More work is needed before we have results.
- REST API: We finished work on including the URL of an article in sitelink data (phab:T330252) as well as providing all aliases of an Item (phab:T327882)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #565
- Events
- Upcoming:
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour March 27, 2023: We will be creating items related to notable book podcasts. You are, as always, welcome to bring your own project to work on.Event page
- WikiCite Monthly Meeting, online on 28 March 2023 at 16:00 UTC. Information and notes
- Wikidata Query Service backend update office hours will be held on Jitsi on 27 March 2023 at 17:00 UTC (link to the Etherpad) and 28 March 2023 at 10:00 UTC (link to the Etherpad)
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #86, Clothes
- Upcoming:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Normalizing company names (and more) with SPARQL and Wikidata by Bob DuCharme
- Musings on the Wikidata backend by Magnus Manske
- Announcing Our 2023 Wikidata Fellows by Wikimedia Australia and Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand
- Presentation of Generic Unified List Processor by Magnus Manske
- How linked data can help with anonymization by Sri Kalidindi
- Notebooks
- Collecting a dataset of 481,437 SPARQL queries from Wikidata. See the csv file and the parquet file.
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- is Transparency Intl. Russia's project to track politicians assets (mentioned by OpenSanctions)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Hungarian National Namespace organisation ID (new), University of Barcelona authority ID, Kinoglaz film ID, MobyGames game ID, MobyGames company ID, MobyGames group ID, Feminae record ID, Alexandria UniSG person ID, OpenStreetMap node ID, ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- ISCED Attainment (ISCED attainment is the UNESCO main classification of educational level, it is used to map each level to the global classification used by UNESCO. This is useful because the same local level can mean different things in different countries. It identifies the specific levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) Attainment model. Has two sub qualifiers - code and label.)
- first performance by (performer or performing group for the first performance of a work)
- External identifiers: Enciclopedia delle scienze sociali ID, Boomplay album ID, Ticino Scienza ID, AML ID, Arabic Ontology form ID, NHF club ID, L'Histoire par l'image ID, Sinta affiliation ID
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Emoji
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas: We started working on the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements (phab:T214884)
- Query Builder: We finished the work on the language selector so you can swithc the interface language of the tool (phab:T328148) It will be available on the site in the next days.
- Wikibase REST API: We implemented the functionality to provide an Item's label, description or aliases in a specific language (phab:T323173)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #566
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- RPI2026F1Bot 6 (Task: Auto create month/year pages for Wikidata:Requests for deletions/Archive)
- IngeniousBot 3 (Task: Adding identifiers to album items, based on existing identifiers)
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- Bitbotje 2 (Task: remove redundant item aliases)
- MidleadingBot 4 (Task: Add social media followers (P8687) statements for Baidu Tieba name (P11196))
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Past
- Query Service Office Hours February 2022 community meetings (Etherpads: Meeting #1, Meeting #2)
- WikiCite callabout scientific articles in the bigger Wikidata picture (notes, slides)
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge (previous challenge: #84, Bones)
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call April 4, 2023: Magnus Manske will discuss Wikidata editing tools and tools that use linked data from other sources (eg GND, VIAF) to integrate in Wikidata. Agenda
- Past
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- In Search of Queer Narratives Through the Centuries (French), John Samuel, SASS Queer 2023, INSA Lyon, (organized by the association EXIT Lyon), March 29 2023: Talk on documenting queer history on Wikidata
- Extracting Data from Wikidata Using SPARQL and Python
- A Study of Concept Similarity in Wikidata
- Can you trust Wikidata?
- Videos
- Wiki In Africa - Wikidata Office Hour Session by Yamen Bousrih - YouTube
- LIVE Wikidata editing #108 - YouTube
- Reuse of Wikidata Data - Open Data Day Taiwan 2023 (in Chinese) - YouTube
- Adding sitelinks to Wikidata in Mobile view (in Hausa) - YouTube
- Introduction to Wikidata (OBO Academy Tutorial) - YouTube
- WikiArchives/Wikidata/Wikibase by Léa Lacroix, Nicolas Vigneron and Gilliane Kern (in French) - YouTube
- A (very) short introduction to Wikidata - YouTube
- Creating a News Signal from a Wikidata Entity - YouTube
- Sustainable Open Data using Wikidata - (Everything Open 2023) - YouTube
- Wikibase and Semantic MediaWiki Knowledge Graphs as part of Linked Open Data - YouTube
- Notebooks
- Tool of the week
- User:Zvpunry/WikibaseEcho.js is a userscript that shows the labels of entities in your notifications.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- student retention rate (Proportion of first-year students at the educational institution who return for their second year)
- External identifiers: Newguineaworld ID, Ticino Scienza IBSA Foundation ID, China movable cultural relic ID, JMdict sequence number, TASVideos game ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Kinoglaz person ID, Tatoeba sentence ID, IRIS private universities (3) IDs
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas: We are continuing the development of a new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements (phab:T214884)
- Search: We are doing user testing with prototypes for search that makes it easier to find Properties, Lexemes and EntitySchemas (phab:T321543)
- REST API: We are workng on making it possible to create, or replace, a label or a description in a given language (phab:T323813)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #567
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- RPI2026F1Bot 7 (Add start time (P580) as qualifiers to subreddit (P3984))
- BotFunast (Task: The bot is already operational in the Tachelhit Wikipedia. One of its main tasks is editing template tags and categories, and creating new ones when necessary, based on a csv database (that you can find in github) . When adding new pages though, a common problem is to link those to Wikidata. This can be unfeasible by hand in a reasonable amount of time, when hundreds of pages, e.g. categories, are added at once. The idea is to have the bot approved for Wikidata, so it can link the pages to their counterparts in other languages automatically.)
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- RPI2026F1Bot 6 (Task: Auto create month/year pages for Wikidata:Requests for deletions/Archive)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC on Wednesday, 19th April 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Registration for Wiki Workshop 2023 on May 11, 2023 has started.
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #87, Beach
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Celebrating the impacts of Wikimedia Fulfulde Community on Wikidata
- How Open Data can help you out in more diverse situations!
- Auto-GPT: An Autonomous GPT-4 Experiment
- Mismatch Finder: Resolving Mismatches in Wikidata’s 100 Million Items
- The Whelming - Cram as cram can, by Magnus Manske
- Finding Impossible Witches: Part One The Search Begins
- Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons as Linked Data Hubs: Dissemination of KU Leuven Libraries’ digitized collections
- Papers
- Videos
- LIVE Wikidata editing #108 - YouTube
- Bootstrap a News Signals Dataset using Wikidata SPARQL Query Service - YouTube
- SEMIC community: Third workshop on Wikidata and Wikibase - YouTube
- Wikidata The Making Of trailer Web Conference 2023 - YouTube
- [Open Data Day Taiwan 2023] Wikidata Community Workshop Day 1 (in Chinese) - YouTube
- Notebooks
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Pauken! ("to cram" in German) - is a tool lets you learn words in different languages, based on images.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Mozilla launched the Responsible AI Challenge, in case someone wants to apply with a great Wikidata-supported project.
- Wikimedia Deutschland job openings
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- information sign (property for the image of a (historical or other) information sign or board)
- location URL match pattern (regex pattern of URL that individual shops/amenity within a chain can be matched against)
- External identifiers: INEP ID, Facebook numeric ID, Aligulac player ID, U.S. Epigraphy Project ID, Artist Directory ID, LIBRA Unine ID, Litres author ID, NHF club ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- orchestration (the instruments used in a musical composition or arrangement in notated form)
- part of other combined lexeme (qualifier on P5238 to indicate that a component appearing in a compound lexeme actually comes from the appearance of another compound lexeme)
- External identifiers: MEL residence ID, Kress Collection Digital Archive ID, IRIS Lombardy IDs
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Superheroes with a degree in the humanities (source)
- Places of discovery of objects held in the Musée de Bretagne (colored according to the period of the object) (source)
- People with far apart reported death dates (source)
- Top album languages found on Wikidata right now (source)
- Articles in a specific venue citing retracted articles (source)
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Minecraft: Creates and maintains items for the video game Minecraft, along with items for user-generated content (like mods).
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas: We continued the work on creating a new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements (phab:T332139)
- Query Builder: We are putting finishing touches on the language selector so you can switch the language of the UI (phab:T328148)
- We continued the work on making it possible to create or replace, a label or a description in a given language" (phab:T323813)
- The new endpoints for getting labels, descriptions and aliases respectively are now online. Example:
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #568
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Kristbaumbot 1 (Task: Add identifiers from Wörterbuchnetz to German lexemes)
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC on Wednesday, 19th April 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call, Tuesday, April 14, 2023 - Indigenous Artists and Wikidata: Report launch and discussion. Agenda.
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #88, Mountain
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Indigenous Artists and Wikidata: Explorations and Consultations Report; English-language edition, Édition en langue française
- Wikipedia's Race and Ethnicity Gap and the Unverifiability of Whiteness, Michael Mandiberg, Social Text (2023) 41 (1 (154)): 21–46.
- Videos
- Let's Connect Learning Clinic: Basic Lexeme with Asaf Bartov - YouTube
- "Wikidata as a Seed for Web Extraction"presentation at the WWW 2023 conference - YouTube
- IFLA SCITECH Webinar: Mismatch Finder: Resolving Mismatches in Wikidata’s 100 Million Items - YouTube
- Wikidata Workshop (adding books) (in Portuguese) - YouTube
- Wikidata + Books Workshop (how to add books to Wikidata) - YouTube
- Open Data Day Taiwan 2023 (Wikidata workshop Day 2 (in Chinese) - YouTube
- Notebook
- Twitter thread
- Tool of the week
- Query Chest is a tool that allows you to store Wikidata queries if they are too long for to shorten it.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The visual of the upcoming WikidataCon is out (announcement and details)
- Christos started a Wikibase to collect and organise existing research-related resources about Wikibase. Feel free to add to it.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Patreon user numeric ID, Team Fortress Wiki ID, Federiciana ID, person ID, Aisberg author ID, OPENBS author ID, Bicocca Open Archive author ID, IRInSubria author ID, player ID, Boomplay album ID, IRIS HUNIMED author ID, IRIS UNISR author ID, PubliCatt author ID, FantLab dictor ID, Portráidí ID, ID, Warsaw Uprising insurgent ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Atlante Geopolitico ID, Musée Fabre ID, Musées Grand Est ID, Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris author ID, Shipbucket drawing ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports:
- Deleted properties - Deleted properties that were used in items.
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas: We are continuing the work on creating the new datatype that allows linking to EntitySchemas in statements. It will be available on test systems next. (phab:T332139)
- QueryBuilder: We are putting finishing touches on the language selector so you can switch the UI language of the Query Builder. (phab:T328764)
- Wikibase REST API: We continued working on making it possible to create or replace labels and descriptions in a iven language. (phab:T323813)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #569
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- AddLetterboxdFilmIdBot (Task: Adding Letterboxd Film ID (P6127) statements to items which already have a TMDB Film ID (P4947))
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- Kristbaumbot 1 (Task: Add identifiers from Wörterbuchnetz to German lexemes)
- New request for comments:
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour April 24, 2023: Would you like to know how to join and use Telegram? Two regular Wikidata Telegram users will provide an introduction to Telegram and its available Wikidata channels. They will discuss how they use it, how it can provide help with Wikidata work, and how it can facilitate connections with other Wikidata users Event page
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #89, Ear
- Past
- Wikidata+Wikibase office hour session log: Telegram office hour 2023-04-19
- Upcoming
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Documenter l'histoire queer sur Wikidata (Documenting Queer History on Wikidata - French), John Samuel, Panel: Queer Data : les plateformes numériques d'archives, Collectif Archives LGBTQI+, Paris, 23 April 2023
- Hypotheses in urban ecology: building a common knowledge base
- Videos
- Using PetScan and Wikidata Terminator, Mooré Wikimedia Community (in Mooré)
- Wikidata Atlas: Putting Wikidata on the Map
- Notebooks
- Twitter thread
- Tool of the week
- User:Nikki/colour icons.css - is a Userscript to add colour to the editing icons. It uses green for add/save, yellow for edit, red for remove, orange for cancel and blue for help.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikibase newbie docs are here (to help to onboard new Wikibase users easier).
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- handled, mitigated, or managed by (approach or method that can be used to address an issue or problem)
- holds diplomatic passport of (country of the diplomatic passport held by the person)
- External identifiers: Dailymotion video ID, Databáze sérií ID, Universo del corpo ID, Enciclopedia delle scienze sociali ID, AML ID, AniList character ID, Amarkosh ID, author ID, Podcast Index ID, SINTA affiliation ID, Hall of Light developer ID, Hall of Light publisher ID, Hall of Light artist ID, Kinoglaz person ID, Michaelis ID, Kino1TV ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: KPU Plant Database ID, SoccerPunter team ID, HAL non-registered author ID, Master's degree Mon master ID, Dizionario dei prodotti DOP e IGP ID
- Query examples:
- Administrative subdivisions with more than 10 million inhabitants (source)
- Rivers in France over 50 km long (source)
- List of mental disorders (source)
- Paintings once owned by Red Flag Names (source)
- Top album languages found on Wikidata right now (Week 16, 2023) (source)
- Place of birth of humans with Github username (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- REST API: We continued work on making it possible to create or replace a label, or a description in a given language (phab:T323813)
- EntitySchemas: We continued working on the new datatype for linking to EntitySchemas. It is now available on beta in a very bare-bones version but not ready for wider testing yet. (phab:T332139)
- Ontology issues: We are evaluating the results of the survey we ran earlier this year.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #570
- Discussions
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- ForgesBot (Task: Add licensing information to software forges entries in accordance to what is found in the corresponding Wikipedia page. It is used as a helper in the context of the Forges project)
- BEANS Bot (Task: Use protocol (P2700) instead of of (P642) to specify the protocol used in port (P1641) statements.)
- Closed request for permissions/Bot:
- AddLetterboxdFilmIdBot (Task: Adding Letterboxd Film ID (P6127) statements to items which already have a TMDB Film ID (P4947))
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- Events
- Upcoming events
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call May 2, 2023: Fudie Zhao will be presenting on Wikidata in Digital Humanities projects. Agenda
- Ongoing
- Weekly Lexemes Challenge #90, Sewing
- Past
- Wikibase Live session (April 2023)
- Upcoming events
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Creating Map Visualizations with Wikidata and Python, 24 April 2023, Jelle Vankerkvoorde
- Videos
- Open data and Wikidata: revolutionizing scientific research (in Spanish) - YouTube
- Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #109 - YouTube
- Using MixandMatch gadget - YouTube
- Back having fun with lexemes! by Mahir256 - Twitch
- EMWCon Spring 2023 -YouTube
- Workshops
- Aligning Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology Foundry ontologies with Wikidata Workshop at 16th Annual International Biocuration Conference (2023) (Q111430238)
- Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
- Wikimentor Africa workshop - Learn how to report bugs, make feature requests and manage your tasks
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Twitter Wikipedia Badge - is a Chrome extension for verifying a Twitter username using Wikidata. (code, Tweet)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- WeChangEd is an ERC-funded research project and online database by Ghent University, about women editors in Europe. The database shows stories about women editors and their publications, and is powered by Wikidata and
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Channel One Russia Worldwide program ID, LSJ Wiki ID, Wastewater treatment plant in France ID, Musées Grand Est ID, INSPIRE-HEP literature ID, Musée Fabre ID, Arabic Ontology form ID, WPGA Tour Australasia player ID, Technic Platform modpack ID, Tatoeba sentence ID, Quranic Arabic Corpus root id
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Wood Database ID, Akadem organization ID, player ID, team ID, Diritto on line ID, Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma place ID, BSWW player ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Piano Rolls
- Newest properties:
- Development
- EntitySchemas: We are still working on the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements. (phab:T214884)
- Wikibase REST API: We're fixing several smaller issues like phab:T335578 and phab:T335581.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #571
- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Infrastruktur (RfP scheduled to end after 12 May 2023 14:16 UTC)
- Events
- Upcoming: October 09 - 11, 2023, Leipzig, Germany - workshop on handling and modelling mathematical research data — Wikidata, Wikibase and Scholia are all in scope
- Ongoing: Weekly Lexemes Challenge #91, Family (2/n)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blog: VocalEyes and Wikidata: Making accessibility information easily available
- Papers
- Wikidata: The Making Of (by Denny Vrandečić, Lydia Pintscher and Markus Krötzsch)
- The SciQA Scientific Question Answering Benchmark for Scholarly Knowledge
- Videos: Back having more fun with Lexemes! by Mahir256 - Twitch
- Tool of the week
Open Burial Map - Interactive map showing the details of burial places based on OpenStreetMap and Wikidata.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: Britannica Kids kids level article ID, Britannica Kids students level article ID, Britannica Kids scholars level article ID, TOOI identifier, Chess Programming Wiki ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- character in this lexeme (character(s) this lexeme consists of)
- External identifiers: none
- General datatypes:
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- (Breaking Change Announcement) Changes to the wblistentityusage API module
- (Breaking Change Announcement) Entity Labels Added to Parsed Edit Summaries in API Requests
- (Breaking Change Announcement) Inconsistencies in the response of `list=wbsubscribers` API Query module
- Query Builder: The Query Builder now has a language selector so you can change the interface language.
- Date parsing: Input of dates in notations common in Asia, especially Japan, is now improved. (phab:T214002)
- EntitySchemas: We are continuing the development of the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements. (phab:T214884)
- Wikibase REST API: We finished the work on the endpoint for replacing a label of description of an Item. (phab:T323813)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!