
“We are not retreating, we are advancing in another Direction.”

Oliver P. Smith
re-quoted by: Douglas MacArthur

“Suara-suara itu tak bisa dipenjarakan, di sana bersemayam kemerdekaan...”

Widji Thukul

"The object of war is not to die for your country..., it's to make other bastard die for his."

George S. Patton

"The inherent vice of Capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings...,
The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."

Winston Churchill

“The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a millions is a statistic.”

Joseph Stalin

“I can fight only for something that I love. I can love only what I respect. And in order to respect a thing, I must at least have some knowledge of it.”

Adolf Hitler

Layout terinspirasi dari This is a printing office,
oleh Beatrice Warde