Perang Kappel Kedua (bahasa Jerman: Zweiter Kappelerkrieg) adalah sebuah konflik bersenjata pada tahun 1531 antara kanton-kanton Katolik dan Protestan dari Konfederasi Swiss Lama selama Reformasi di Swiss.

Perang Kappel Kedua
Bagian dari perang agama Eropa

Pertempuran Kappel, 11 Oktober 1531, oleh Johannes Stumpf (1548)
Tanggal9 Oktober – 20 November 1531
LokasiKonfederasi Swiss Lama
Hasil Kemenangan Katolik
Pihak terlibat



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Tagsatzung tahun 1531 di Baden gagal untuk memediasi kedua pihak (gambar 1790-an)

The peace concluded after the First War of Kappel two years earlier had prevented an armed confrontation, but the tensions between the two parties had not been resolved, and provocations from both sides continued, fuelled in particular by the Augsburg Confession of 1530. The Protestant canton of Zürich and Huldrych Zwingli, leader of the Swiss Reformation, feared a military action by Ferdinand I, Archduke of Austria and his brother Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor against Swiss Protestants, and saw the five Catholic cantons of Central Switzerland (Lucerne, Schwyz, Uri, Zug and Unterwalden) as potential allies of the two Habsburg sovereigns.[1] Additionally, the Catholic party accused Zürich of territorial ambitions. While the Federal Diet (Tagsatzung) had successfully mediated in 1529, on this occasion the attempt failed, not least because Zwingli was eager to implement the Reformation throughout the Confederacy.[1]


  1. ^ a b Helmut Meyer: Wars of Kappel di Jerman, Prancis dan Italia di Historical Dictionary of Switzerland daring.
  • W. Schaufelberger, Kappel – Die Hintergründe einer militärschen Katastrophe, in SAVk 51, 1955, 34–61.