Daftar Pokémon

Daftar spesies Pokémon yang diperkenalkan pada generasi I (1996)[nb 1]
Nama[nb 2] Jenis Berkembang dari Berkembang menjadi Catatan
Fushigidane (フシギダネ)
  Rumput / Racun N/A Ivysaur (#0002) Ini adalah salah satu Pokémon pemula Kanto. Ia memiliki bohlam di punggungnya, yang menyimpan nutrisi. Karena umbi dapat berfotosintesis, Bulbasaur dapat bertahan berhari-hari tanpa makan. Seperti garis evolusi lainnya, bohlamnya memiliki tanaman merambat yang digunakan Pokémon sebagai tentakel.
Fushigisō (フシギソウ)
  Rumput / Racun Bulbasaur (#0001) Venusaur (#0003) Ini adalah karakter yang dapat dimainkan di Super Smash Bros. Brawl dan Super Smash Bros. Ultimate sebagai bagian dari petarung "Pokémon Trainer". Bohlamnya telah tumbuh menjadi kuncup, yang digunakannya untuk mengubah sinar matahari menjadi listrik. Kuncupnya berat, sehingga Ivysaur tidak dapat bergerak dengan baik jika telah menyimpan cukup nutrisi, sehingga kaki belakangnya menjadi lebih kuat untuk menahan beban tersebut.
Fushigibana (フシギバナ)
  Rumput / Racun Ivysaur (#0002) Mega Evolution
Ini adalah maskot Pokémon Green dan LeafGreen.[2] Kuncup di punggungnya telah mekar menjadi bunga. Aromanya menenangkan, dan mengubah sinar matahari menjadi energi. Oleh karena itu, Venusaur lebih kuat saat musim panas. Ia memperoleh Mega Evolution di generasi VI, dan Gigantamax form di generasi VIII.
Hitokage (ヒトカゲ)
  Api N/A Charmeleon (#0005) Ini adalah salah satu Pokémon pemula Kanto. Sejak menetas, ada nyala api di ujung ekornya. Masih asing dengan api, Charmander mungkin tidak sengaja membakar dirinya sendiri. Jika apinya padam, maka ia akan mati.
Rizādo (リザード)
  Api Charmander (#0004) Charizard (#0006) Pokémon yang penuh semangat, ia mencari calon lawan dan menyiksa mereka dalam pertempuran. Ia menyerang dengan memuntahkan api dari mulutnya, mengayunkan ekornya, atau mencakar. Apinya berubah menjadi putih kebiruan saat dikobarkan.
Rizādon (リザードン)
  Api / Terbang Charmeleon (#0005) Two Mega Evolutions
Ini adalah karakter yang dapat dimainkan sebagai bagian dari petarung "Pokémon Trainer" di Super Smash Bros. Brawl dan Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, petarung mandiri di Super Smash Bros. untuk Nintendo 3DS dan Wii U, dan maskot Pokémon Red dan FireRed. Apinya cukup panas untuk melelehkan batu-batu besar dan gletser, dan diketahui bahwa ia memicu kebakaran hutan secara tidak sengaja, meskipun ia tidak akan menggunakannya untuk melawan musuh yang lebih lemah. Nyala api di ekornya dapat menyala di bawah air, dan berubah menjadi putih kebiruan jika Charizard marah. Ia memperoleh dua Mega Evolusi di generasi VI, satu tipe Api/Terbang dan satu tipe Api/Naga, dan bentuk Gigantamax di generasi VIII.
Zenigame (ゼニガメ)
  Air N/A Wartortle (#0008) Ini adalah karakter yang dapat dimainkan di Super Smash Bros. Brawl dan Super Smash Bros. Ultimate sebagai bagian dari petarung "Pokémon Trainer", dan salah satu Pokémon pemula Kanto.[3] Setelah menetas, punggungnya perlahan membengkak dan mengeras menjadi cangkang. Ia bersembunyi di dalam cangkangnya untuk berlindung atau tidur, dan bentuknya yang bulat dan berlekuk mengurangi ketahanannya terhadap air sehingga memungkinkannya berenang lebih cepat. Untuk menyerang, ia menyemprotkan air berbusa dari mulutnya.
Kamēru (カメール)
  Air Squirtle (#0007) Blastoise (#0009) Karena lebih besar dan lebih berat daripada Squirtle, ia kesulitan berjalan, dan harus menggunakan telinga dan ekornya yang berbulu sebagai kemudi dan tongkat penyeimbang untuk berenang. Ia menarik diri ke dalam cangkangnya untuk menyerang, mempertahankan diri, dan tidur, meskipun ia tidak dapat menarik ekornya sepenuhnya. Dikatakan mampu hidup hingga 10.000 tahun. Wartortle yang lebih tua memiliki bulu ekor yang lebih gelap, dan mungkin memiliki bekas luka serta ganggang di cangkangnya.
Kamekkusu (カメックス)
  Air Wartortle (#0008) Mega Evolution[4][5][6]
Ini adalah maskot Pokémon Blue.[7] Kedua meriam pada cangkangnya menembakkan pancaran air bertekanan yang cukup kuat untuk menghancurkan dinding baja tebal, dan cukup akurat untuk mengenai kaleng kosong dari jarak lebih dari 160 kaki. Blastoise sendiri dapat melakukan tackling dengan kecepatan tinggi. Pokémon yang kejam, ia sengaja membuat dirinya lebih berat untuk menahan hentakan meriamnya dan menghancurkan lawan-lawannya. Ia memperoleh Mega Evolution di generasi VI dan Gigantamax form di generasi VIII. Kartu perdagangan Blastoise, yang awalnya dibuat sebagai cetakan percobaan sebelum kartu bahasa Inggris komersial, dijual seharga $360.000 pada tahun 2021.[8]
Kyatapī (キャタピー)
  Serangga N/A Metapod (#0011) Kakinya memiliki bantalan isap yang memungkinkannya memanjat lereng, dinding, dan pohon. Untuk melindungi dirinya, ia mengeluarkan bau busuk dari antenanya. Ia menyamarkan dirinya di tumpukan dedaunan, atau mencoba menakuti predator dengan pola mata di tubuhnya. Sepanjang hidupnya, ia memakan ratusan daun yang ukurannya lebih besar. Ketika mendekati evolusi, ia melepaskan kulitnya, menutupi dirinya dengan sutra, dan menjadi kepompong.
Toranseru (トランセル)
  Serangga Caterpie (#0010) Butterfree (#0012) Meski keras, cangkang Metapod dikatakan mudah pecah, sehingga akan semakin mengeras jika terancam agar isi perutnya yang kental dan cair tidak tumpah. Ia menunggu evolusi sementara sel-selnya melakukan restrukturisasi. Ume Aoki, kartunis Jepang yang terkenal dengan karyanya di manga Hidamari Sketch dan anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica, menggunakan kemiripan dirinya cosplay sebagai Metapod dalam karya gambarnya.[9]
Batafurī (バタフリー)
  Serangga / Terbang Metapod (#0011) Gigantamax Sayapnya dilapisi bubuk beracun yang menolak air, yang digunakannya untuk mempertahankan diri dan terbang di tengah hujan. Ia berpindah dari satu bunga ke bunga yang lain untuk mengumpulkan nektar, dan mengoleskan madu ke bulu kakinya untuk dibawa kembali ke sarangnya. Ia menyebarkan sisiknya untuk melindungi Caterpie di dekatnya dari predator. Ia bersaing dengan Cutiefly untuk memperebutkan wilayah. Ia memperoleh Gigantamax form pada generasi VIII.
Bīdoru (ビードル)
  Serangga / Racun N/A Kakuna (#0014) Pemandangan umum di hutan dan daerah berumput, ia memiliki alat penyengat beracun sepanjang dua inci di kepalanya, yang digunakannya untuk mempertahankan diri. Ia mempunyai indra penciuman yang tajam, mampu membedakan daun yang disukainya dan daun yang tidak disukainya dengan hidungnya yang besar. Ia memakan daun-daun yang beratnya setiap hari.
Kokūn (コクーン)
  Serangga / Racun Weedle (#0013) Beedrill (#0015) Kakuna tetap tidak bisa bergerak, tapi bisa mengeluarkan sengatnya untuk membela diri. Proses penataan ulang sel-selnya meningkatkan suhu tubuhnya hingga menjadi panas saat disentuh.
Supiā (スピアー)
  Serangga / Racun Kakuna (#0014) Mega Evolution Kawanan Beedrill membuat sarangnya di hutan, dan menyerang apa pun yang mendekat. Ia menggunakan tiga penyengatnya yang beracun untuk mengalahkan mangsanya dan membawanya pulang. Ia memperoleh Mega Evolution di generasi VI.
Poppo (ポッポ)
  Normal / Terbang N/A Pidgeotto (#0017) Pokémon yang umum dan jinak, ia lebih suka menggunakan pasir yang mengepak di mata lawan daripada bertarung. Kemampuannya dalam menentukan arah memungkinkannya untuk kembali ke rumah dari jarak berapa pun.
Pijon (ピジョン)
  Normal / Terbang Pidgey (#0016) Pidgeot (#0018) Sebagai spesies teritorial, ia akan mematuk dan mencakar lawannya. Ia menggunakan cakarnya untuk membawa mangsa seperti Exeggcute dari jarak lebih dari 60 mil. Ia terbang berputar-putar, mencari mangsa.
Pijotto (ピジョット)
  Normal / Terbang Pidgeotto (#0017) Mega Evolution Sayapnya cukup kuat untuk terbang dengan kecepatan Mach 2, menimbulkan badai angin yang cukup kuat untuk membengkokkan pohon, dan terbang hingga ketinggian 3.300 kaki di udara. Ia meluncur di udara untuk berburu Pokémon ikan yang tidak menaruh curiga seperti Magikarp. Bulunya yang mengilap menjadikannya pilihan populer di kalangan pelatih. Ia memperoleh Mega Evolution di generasi VI.
Koratta (コラッタ)
  Normal N/A Raticate (#0020) Ia akan membentuk sarang dan berkembang biak di mana pun yang memiliki makanan, yang masing-masing berisi setidaknya 40 Rattata. Koloni menghabiskan sepanjang hari mencari makanan. Spesies yang berhati-hati ini selalu mendengarkan dengan menggerakkan telinganya. Gigi serinya tidak berhenti tumbuh, sehingga ia menggerogoti benda keras, seperti kaki meja dan kusen pintu, agar tetap menempel. Karena kesamaan dan kebiasaan mereka mencuri makanan dan menggerogoti bangunan, ia dan Raticate dianggap spesies invasif. Rattata memiliki tipe Gelap/Normal Bentuk Alolan.
Ratta (ラッタ)
  Normal Rattata (#0019) N/A Ia menggunakan kumisnya untuk menjaga keseimbangan, dan melambat jika dipotong. Kaki belakangnya yang berselaput bertindak sebagai sirip, memungkinkannya berenang di sungai untuk berburu atau melarikan diri dari lawan. Untuk menjaga giginya tetap kokoh, ia mengunyah apa saja, mulai dari mesin hingga beton. Seperti Rattata, Raticate memiliki tipe Gelap/Normal Bentuk Alolan.
Onisuzume (オニスズメ)
  Normal / Terbang N/A Fearow (#0022) Ia bisa terbang dengan cepat, tetapi tidak mahir melakukannya. Tangisannya dapat terdengar dari jarak satu mil, dan ia menggunakannya untuk berkomunikasi dengan Spearow lainnya. Ia terbang di sekitar iklim yang lebih hangat, mencari serangga Pokémon untuk dimakan.
Onidoriru (オニドリル)
  Normal / Terbang Spearow (#0021) N/A Gambar yang menyerupai Fearow dapat dilihat pada mural kuno, menyiratkan bahwa ia belum berevolusi sejak zaman kuno. Staminanya memungkinkannya terbang sepanjang hari, dan leher serta paruhnya yang panjang nyaman untuk memetik serangga dan ikan Pokémon.
Ābo (アーボ)
  Racun N/A Arbok (#0024) Ia menggunakan lidahnya untuk mendeteksi sekelilingnya dan mencari aroma mangsanya. Ia melingkari pepohonan untuk beristirahat di malam hari. Jika tidak ada pohon yang tersedia, ia akan berputar untuk dapat merespons dari arah mana pun. Ia memangsa Pokémon burung dan telur-telurnya serta dapat meregangkan rahangnya untuk menelannya utuh, namun memakan sesuatu yang terlalu besar dapat membuatnya terlalu berat untuk digerakkan.
Ābokku (アーボック)
  Racun Ekans (#0023) N/A Pola di bawah kepalanya mirip dengan wajah, dan berbeda menurut wilayah. Penelitian telah menunjukkan lebih dari 20 pola berbeda. Gulungannya cukup kuat untuk meratakan drum minyak, dan taringnya digunakan untuk menyuntikkan racun ke mangsanya. Ia dapat menggunakan pola atau desisannya untuk mengintimidasi lawan. Jika bagian tubuhnya selain kepala dipotong, bagian tubuhnya yang lain dapat tumbuh kembali dalam beberapa minggu. Ia memangsa Pokémon yang lebih kecil seperti Wooper, atau telur Pokémon burung seperti Pidgey dan Spearow.
Pikachū (ピカチュウ)
  Listrik Pichu (#0172) Raichu (#0026)
Pikachu adalah maskot utama dari franchise Pokémon, serta Pokémon Yellow dan Let's Go, Pikachu!. Ini juga dapat dimainkan di setiap game Super Smash Bros.. Ia mengangkat ekornya untuk memeriksa sekelilingnya, tetapi mungkin tersambar petir dalam posisi ini. Ia mengumpulkan listrik dari atmosfer, dan menggunakannya untuk memanggang buah beri, berkomunikasi dengan Pokémon tipe Listrik lainnya, dan menyerang lawannya. Kelompok Pikachu yang ekornya terangkat secara tidak sengaja dapat menyebabkan badai petir. Cramorant sering menelan Pikachu secara tidak sengaja.
Raichū (ライチュウ)
  Listrik Pikachu (#0025) N/A Ekornya dapat digunakan sebagai penangkal petir untuk mengumpulkan listrik, atau sebagai landasan untuk melindungi dirinya sendiri. Ia dapat menyimpan dan mengeluarkan hingga 100.000 volt, cukup untuk melumpuhkan Copperajah. Untuk menghindari ketegangan fisik, ia akan melepaskan kelebihan listrik ke dalam tanah, sehingga lingkungan di sekitarnya terbakar. Karena berevolusi melalui batu dan Pikachu lebih populer, Raichu jarang terlihat. Ia memiliki tipe Listrik/Psikis Bentuk Alolan. Kedua bentuk Raichu diciptakan oleh Atsuko Nishida.[10]
Sando (サンド)
  Tanah N/A Sandslash (#0028) Berdasarkan Trenggiling Cina, Sandshrew diketahui meringkuk menjadi bola untuk mempertahankan diri. Ia menggali sarangnya ke dalam tanah, dan hanya menggali kembali untuk mencari buah beri dan berburu Pokémon serangga. Sandshrew memiliki tipe Es/Baja Bentuk Alolan.
Sandopan (サンドパン)
  Tanah Sandshrew (#0027) N/A Ia bisa meringkuk menjadi bola runcing untuk berguling, menyerang lawan, dan melindungi diri dari sengatan panas atau serangan. Selain duri di punggungnya, ia dapat menggunakan cakarnya untuk menyerang dan menebas buah beri untuk anak-anaknya. Seperti Sandshrew, ia memiliki Bentuk Alolan bertipe Es/Baja.
Nidoran♀ (ニドラン♀)
  Racun N/A Nidorina (#0030) Telur dari kedua galur Nidoran dapat mengandung Nidoran jenis kelamin apa pun. Ia jinak dan tidak mau berkelahi, namun jika dipaksa, tanduk dan durinya dapat mengeluarkan racun. Ia menggunakan kumisnya untuk memeriksa angin dari predator, dan gigi serinya untuk mengunyah buah beri.
Nidorīna (ニドリーナ)
  Racun Nidoran♀ (#0029) Nidoqueen (#0031) Tanduknya tumbuh lambat dan tidak suka berkelahi, namun jika dipaksa, ia cenderung mencakar dan menggigit lawan. Ia hidup berkelompok dengan keturunan lain dalam garis evolusinya, dan mengunyah makanan untuk anak-anaknya.
Nidokuin (ニドクイン)
  Racun / Tanah Nidorina (#0030) N/A Ia lebih fokus pada pertahanan dibandingkan rekan laki-lakinya, Nidoking. Ia dapat meracuni mangsanya dengan durinya, menyebabkan getaran, atau menjatuhkan lawan dengan tekelnya. Ia melindungi anak-anaknya, menggendong mereka di celah antara duri-durinya, dan menutup liangnya. Sedangkan pada saat masih muda, durinya tidak mengeluarkan racun. Terlepas dari deskripsi Pokédex dan anime, ia dan Nidorina tidak dapat berkembang biak, meskipun Nidoran♀ bisa.[11]
Nidoran♂ (ニドラン♂)
  Racun N/A Nidorino (#0033) Ia mengepakkan telinganya untuk mendeteksi langkah kaki calon lawan. Ia menyuntikkan racun ke mangsanya dengan tanduknya. Ia hidup bersama perempuan, dan mungkin mempertaruhkan nyawanya untuk melindungi perempuan.
Nidorīno (ニドリーノ)
  Racun Nidoran♂ (#0032) Nidoking (#0034) Tanduknya dan paku di sekeliling tubuhnya mengandung racun, dan tanduknya lebih keras dari berlian. Ia menggunakan tanduknya untuk memecahkan batu guna menemukan Batu Bulan, yang dengannya ia berevolusi.
Nidokingu (ニドキング)
  Racun / Tanah Nidorino (#0033) N/A Ia lebih fokus menyerang dibandingkan mitra perempuannya, Nidoqueen. Ekornya dapat merobohkan menara transmisi dan menghancurkan tulang lawannya, tanduknya dapat menghancurkan berlian, dan kulitnya sekeras baja. Jika ia mulai mengamuk, hanya Nidoqueen yang sudah lama tinggal bersamanya yang bisa menenangkannya.
Pippi (ピッピ)
  Peri[nb 3] Cleffa (#0173) Clefable (#0036) Makhluk pemalu, jarang datang, hanya muncul berkelompok menari di bawah bulan purnama. Saat menari, area di dekatnya diselimuti medan magnet.
Pikushī (ピクシー)
  Peri[nb 3] ClePeri (#0035) N/A Ia dan Clefairy dikatakan datang dari bulan, dan menghabiskan malam bulan purnama dengan memandanginya. Pendengarannya sangat tajam, mampu mendengar pin jatuh dari jarak hingga 1.100 yard, sehingga ia tinggal di daerah pegunungan yang tenang. Langkah-langkahnya ringan dan cukup ringan sehingga memungkinkannya berjalan di atas air.
Rokon (ロコン)
  Api N/A Ninetales (#0038) Saat lahir, ia memiliki satu ekor berwarna putih yang tumbuh menjadi 6 ekor melengkung di ujungnya seiring bertambahnya usia. Ia dapat dengan bebas mengendalikan api, menciptakan gumpalan keinginan yang sering disalahartikan sebagai hantu. Sebelum berevolusi, ekornya bersinar lebih panas dari biasanya. Jika tidak dirawat dengan baik, ekornya akan kusut. Jika dibesarkan dalam usia muda, ia akan mengikuti pelatihnya seperti anak anjing. Ia memiliki tipe Es Bentuk Alolan. Ia telah dipilih sebagai "maskot" untuk Hokkaido, dan ia serta bentuk Alolannya telah ditampilkan dalam corak Air Do Boeing 767 pesawat terbang.[12]
Kyūkon (キュウコン)
  Api Vulpix (#0037) N/A Desainnya terinspirasi oleh rubah berekor sembilan dalam mitos Asia Timur.[13] It can understand human speech, use its Fisik power to control minds, and curse anyone who mistreats it. According to legends, nine saints reincarnated as Ninetales, and each of its tails has a different ability. It has an Es/Peri-type Alolan form.
Purin (プリン)
  Normal / Peri[nb 3] Igglybuff (#0174) Wigglytuff (#0040) Ini adalah karakter yang dapat dimainkan di setiap game Super Smash Bros.. Ia bisa mengembang sendiri seperti balon untuk melayang atau bernyanyi. Panjang gelombang suaranya dapat menyamai gelombang otak orang yang sedang tidur dan Pokémon, sehingga membuat mereka tertidur. Jika musuh tidak tertidur, ia bisa mempertaruhkan nyawanya dengan bernyanyi hingga kehabisan udara. Ia juga terus bernyanyi jika musuh tertidur.
Pukurin (プクリン)
  Normal / Peri[nb 3] Jigglypuff (#0039) N/A Dengan menghirup udara, ia dapat mengembang hingga 20 kali lipat ukurannya, dan melayang. Ia melakukannya untuk menakut-nakuti lawan atau bersaing dengan Wigglytuff lainnya.
Zubatto (ズバット)
  Racun / Terbang N/A Golbat (#0042) Zubat telah berevolusi menjadi tidak memiliki mata atau lubang hidung, sehingga ia menggunakan ekolokasi untuk menemukan jalannya. Ia bersembunyi di tempat gelap saat matahari terbit, karena kulitnya sensitif terhadap cahaya terang. Kelompok Zubat akan berkumpul di udara dingin untuk saling memanaskan tubuh.
Gorubatto (ゴルバット)
  Racun / Terbang Zubat (#0041) Crobat (#0169) Taringnya berlubang seperti sedotan. Ia menggunakannya untuk menusuk kulit mangsanya, tetapi mungkin mematahkannya saat mencoba menggigit Pokémon tipe Baja. Kadang-kadang ia menghisap begitu banyak darah sehingga golongan darahnya berubah sesuai dengan mangsanya, dan beratnya membuat ia tidak dapat terbang, sehingga mudah dimangsa.
Nazonokusa (ナゾノクサ)
  Rumput / Racun N/A Gloom (#0044) Ia mengubur dirinya di dalam tanah untuk menyerap nutrisi dan tidur di siang hari. Jika ditarik keluar, ia mulai menjerit. Pokémon nokturnal ini berkeliaran untuk menyebarkan benih dan menyerap cahaya bulan. Ini adalah salah satu dari sedikit spesies dengan nama ilmiah; "Oddium Wanderus."
Kusaihana (クサイハナ)
  Rumput / Racun Oddish (#0043) Vileplume (#0045)
Bellossom (#0182)
Daunnya dan nektar seperti air liur di mulutnya berbau cukup busuk hingga menyebabkan pingsan dalam radius satu mil, meskipun beberapa orang menikmati baunya, dan beberapa menggunakannya untuk membuat parfum. Ini memperkuat bau saat dalam bahaya, dan berhenti mengeluarkannya saat aman.
Rafureshia (ラフレシア)
  Rumput / Racun Gloom (#0044) N/A Kelopak bunga Vileplume yang besar dapat diguncang atau mekar secara paksa untuk melepaskan awan serbuk sari yang meracuni dan melumpuhkan apa pun di dekatnya, yang digunakannya untuk melemahkan mangsanya sebelum memakannya. Berjalan-jalan menyebabkannya menyebarkan serbuk sari, mengubah udara di sekitarnya menjadi kuning.
Parasu (パラス)
  Serangga / Rumput N/A Parasect (#0047) Paras mempunyai jamur tochukaso yang tumbuh di punggungnya. Mereka menguras unsur hara dari inangnya dan mengendalikannya untuk mengalirkan unsur hara dari pohon. Spora mereka dapat digunakan untuk membuat obat. Di Alola, spora tersebut tidak tumbuh dengan baik.
Parasekuto (パラセクト)
  Serangga / Rumput Paras (#0046) N/A Jamur tochukaso telah sepenuhnya menguras nutrisi tubuh Paras dan mengambil alihnya. Kelompok Parasect akan berkumpul di sekitar pohon, menyedot nutrisi dari pohon tersebut, dan berpindah ke pohon berikutnya ketika pohon tersebut mati. Sporanya dapat dijadikan obat. Parasect di Alola diketahui bersaing dengan Shiinotic, dan memiliki kualitas spora yang lebih rendah. Serangga tersebut sebagian besar sudah mati, jadi membuang jamur akan menyebabkannya berhenti bergerak sepenuhnya.
Konpan (コンパン)
  Serangga / Racun N/A Venomoth (#0049) Ia menggunakan mata majemuknya sebagai radar untuk menemukan mangsa dalam kegelapan, dan dapat menembakkan sinar cahaya darinya. Ia berburu Pokémon serangga kecil di malam hari.
Morufon (モルフォン)
  Serangga / Racun Venonat (#0048) N/A Sayapnya memiliki sisik yang mengeluarkan racun jika bersentuhan dengan kulit lawannya. Sisik yang lebih terang dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan, sedangkan sisik yang lebih gelap beracun. Pokémon nokturnal, ia keluar pada malam hari untuk berburu mangsa. Ia tertarik pada cahaya terang.
Diguda (ディグダ)
  Tanah N/A Dugtrio (#0051) Beberapa petani suka menggunakan Diglett dan Dugtrio untuk membajak tanah agar tanaman dapat tumbuh, dan beberapa menganggap mereka sebagai hama yang memakan tanaman. Tidak ada yang pernah melihat tubuh Diglett secara utuh. Ia memiliki tipe Tanah/Baja Bentuk Alolan.
Dagutorio (ダグトリオ)
  Tanah Diglett (#0050) N/A Dugtrio adalah Diglett tiga kali lipat. Ia dapat menggali dengan kecepatan 60 mil per jam, dan hingga 60 mil di bawah tanah. Seperti Diglett, belum ada yang pernah melihat seluruh tubuhnya. Kadang-kadang, mereka akan berebut kepala mana yang harus dimakan terlebih dahulu. Seperti Diglett, Dugtrio memiliki tipe Tanah/Baja Bentuk Alolan.
Nyāsu (ニャース)
  Normal N/A Persian (#0053)[nb 4]
Salah satu anggota utama Team Rocket dalam serial Pokémon anime. Meowth menarik cakarnya ke dalam cakarnya untuk menyelinap tanpa meninggalkan langkah kaki. Ia menyukai benda-benda bulat dan berkilau, koin adalah mainan favoritnya, yang akan dimainkannya hingga ia tertidur. Ia tidur di siang hari, dan berpatroli di wilayahnya pada malam hari, mencari uang receh. Ia cenderung bertarung dengan Murkrow karena benda berkilau. Memberikan koin kepada Meowth bisa membuatnya lebih bersahabat, namun tetap berubah-ubah. Meowth memiliki bentuk Alolan tipe Gelap, dan Bentuk Galarian tipe Baja, yang berevolusi menjadi Perrserker. Ia memperoleh Gigantamax form di generasi VIII. Meowth adalah Pokémon yang populer di kalangan penggemar serial ini, terutama karena perannya dalam organisasi jahat Team Rocket.[14][15][16][17] Ini telah banyak digunakan dalam promosi serial ini.[18][19][20][21]
Perushian (ペルシアン)
  Normal Meowth (#0052) N/A Bulu dan permatanya membuatnya populer di kalangan orang kaya, namun sikapnya yang berubah-ubah dan tidak peduli membuatnya sulit untuk dipelihara. Meskipun ia akan menyerang siapa pun tanpa provokasi, termasuk pelatihnya, mencabut kumisnya untuk sementara akan membuatnya jinak. Ia memiliki tipe Gelap Bentuk Alolan, dan padanan Galarian di Perrserker, yang kebiasaan barbarnya berbenturan dengan keanggunan dan ego Persia. Seekor Persia dimiliki oleh pemimpin Team Rocket, Giovanni dalam serial Pokémon anime.
Kodakku (コダック)
  Air N/A Golduck (#0055) Ia mengalami sakit kepala terus-menerus. Saat sakit kepala Psyduck semakin parah, ia melepaskan kekuatan psikisnya.k powers.
Gorudakku (ゴルダック)
  Air Psyduck (#0054) N/A Ia hampir diburu hingga punah oleh para pemburu yang menginginkan permata di dahinya, karena percaya bahwa permata itu akan memberi mereka kekuatan supernatural. Kemampuan psikisnya lebih unggul dari Psyduck. Ia berenang dengan mudah, bahkan di lautan yang ganas dan penuh badai. Diketahui untuk menyelamatkan orang dari kapal yang karam.
Mankī (マンキー)
  Petarung N/A Primeape (#0057) Hampir semua hal akan membuatnya marah, dan ketika ia marah, ia akan segera menyerang, sehingga lawannya tidak punya waktu untuk melarikan diri. Jika ia melarikan diri atau dibiarkan sendirian, kesepian akan membuatnya semakin marah. Jika salah satu Mankey di koloni marah, sisanya akan mengamuk.
Okorizaru (オコリザル)
  Petarung Mankey (#0056) Annihilape (#0979) Marah menyebabkan darah Primeape mengalir lebih cepat dari biasanya, mengencangkan otot-otot tubuhnya, namun membuatnya lebih bodoh. Segala bentuk rangsangan akan membuatnya marah, bahkan saat ia sedang tidur. Ia bisa menjadi sangat marah sehingga ia mati, namun terlihat damai dalam kematian.
Gādi (ガーディ)
  Api N/A Arcanine (#0059) Growlithe ramah, setia, dan memiliki indera penciuman yang kuat, menjadikannya populer sebagai anjing penjaga dan polisi. Tulang Growlithe telah ditemukan di reruntuhan Zaman Batu, menyiratkan bahwa manusia telah menggunakannya sejak saat itu. Hal ini didasarkan pada Shisa. Ia memiliki [[Hisuian Growlithe|Bentuk Hisuian] bertipe Api/Batu.
Uindi (ウインディ)
  Api Growlithe (#0058) N/A Arcanine adalah Pokémon favorit penggemar dan digambarkan memiliki "surai singa... garis-garis harimau [dan] kecepatan macan kumbang".[22][23][24] Telah dikagumi sejak masa lalu karena keindahannya. Ia berlari dengan lincah seperti menggunakan sayap. Arcanine dikenal dengan kecepatannya yang tinggi, karena dikatakan mampu berlari lebih dari 6.200 mil dalam satu hari dan malam. Api yang berkobar di dalam tubuh Arcanine adalah sumber kekuatannya. Legenda menceritakan pertarungannya bersama seorang jenderal dan menaklukkan seluruh negara. Ada begitu banyak cerita lama tentang mereka sehingga Arcanine dibicarakan dan dikategorikan dalam Pokédex sebagai Pokémon Legendaris, meskipun ia adalah Pokémon liar yang umum. Seperti Growlithe, ia memiliki [[Hisuian Arcanine|Hisuian form] bertipe Api/Batu.
Nyoromo (ニョロモ)
  Air N/A Poliwhirl (#0061) Karena kakinya belum berkembang, ia tidak pandai berdiri atau berjalan, sehingga ia lebih suka berenang, meski pelatihnya harus melatihnya berjalan setiap hari. Meskipun ada bahaya, ia ingin muncul di darat, jadi ia melakukan yang terbaik untuk berjalan tertatih-tatih, tetapi ketika musuh menemukannya, ia bergegas kembali ke air. Kulit Poliwag yang tipis membuat bagian dalamnya yang berbentuk spiral terlihat. Jika pusarannya berwarna putih, berarti Poliwag sakit. Meski tipis, kulitnya lentur dan berlendir, sehingga taringnya yang tajam pun bisa memantul. Arah spiralnya cenderung berbeda berdasarkan luas. Pakar Poliwag dapat membedakannya secara sekilas. Di sungai yang airnya berarus deras, ia akan menempel pada batu dengan menggunakan bibirnya yang berfungsi seperti alat penghisap.
Nyorozo (ニョロゾ)
  Air Poliwag (#0060) Poliwrath (#0062)
Politoed (#0186)
Poliwhirl adalah salah satu Pokémon yang paling banyak dipasarkan.[25][26] Ia dapat hidup di dalam atau di luar air, tetapi lebih suka hidup di air yang musuh alaminya lebih sedikit dan mangsanya lebih banyak. Saat keluar air, ia terus-menerus mengeluarkan keringat sehingga tubuhnya selalu basah dan licin karena cairan berminyak. Oleh karena itu, ia dapat dengan mudah lepas dari cengkeraman musuhnya. Kesehatannya terganggu ketika kulitnya mengering, jadi pelatih harus menjaga kelembapannya. Ia pergi ke darat untuk mencari serangga Pokémon, lalu membawanya ke bawah air sehingga dapat memakannya dengan aman. Pola spiral di perutnya bergerak secara halus, dan menatapnya terlalu lama dapat membuat anak-anak dan Pokémon tertidur.
Nyorobon (ニョロボン)
  Air / Petarung Poliwhirl (#0061) N/A A skilled swimmer, it can outswim professional athletes with ease, and children imitate its movements to learn to swim. It is also skilled in martial arts, and strong enough to punch boulders into dust. Despite being adapted to life in Air, it chooses to live in dry land.
Kēshii (ケーシィ)
  Fisik N/A Kadabra (#0064) Even when sleeping, which Abra is for most of its life, it can sense danger with its highly potent Fisik power. When it is in danger, it will teleport to safety. Its powers may be affected by what it is dreaming about.
Yungerā (ユンゲラー)
  Fisik Abra (#0063) Alakazam (#0065) In November 2000, Israeli magician Uri Geller sued Nintendo, claiming Kadabra embodies an unauthorized appropriation of his identity.[27][28][29] However, in 2020, he released a claim that Nintendo could use Kadabra again.[30] Some Kadabra are theorized to have once been human children who could not control their powers. Its Fisik powers can cause clocks to run backwards, or other devEss to stop functioning.
Fūdin (フーディン)
  Fisik Kadabra (#0064) Mega Evolution Its brain cells multiply infinitely with age, amplifying its Fisik powers and allowing it to remember everything since its hatching as an Abra. Its muscles are weak, so it lifts its body with its Fisik powers. It may give its spoons to someone it trusts. It gained a Mega Evolution in generation VI.
Wanrikī (ワンリキー)
  Petarung N/A Machoke (#0067) Machop's muscles never get sore. It trains itself by lifting Graveler. Stronger, more confident Machop will compete with Makuhita.
Gōrikī (ゴーリキー)
  Petarung Machop(#0066) Machamp (#0068) Machoke is typically used for heavy lifting jobs due to its strength.Its belt regulates its power, and it only removes it when faced with a particularly powerful opponent.
Kairikī (カイリキー)
  Petarung Machoke (#0067) Gigantamax Machamp has four arms. It can throw around 500 punches in one second and move mountains with one arm. It has poor reflexes and dexterity, with its arms reacting faster than Machamp can think, and getting tangled up when doing delicate tasks. As with Machoke, its belt regulates its power, with more destructive consequences when removed. It gained a Gigantamax form in generation VIII.
Madatsubomi (マダツボミ)
  Rumput / Racun N/A Weepinbell (#0070) It can plant itself into the Tanah to absorb moisture, but is unable to move while rooted. It can spit acid from its mouth.
Utsudon (ウツドン)
  Rumput / Racun Bellsprout (#0069) Victreebel (#0071) It has a hook on its rear-end that it hooks on trees with and sleeps, but it may fall off if it moves around too much. If it cannot dissolve its prey with acid, it will cut them with its sharp leaves.
Utsubotto (ウツボット)
  Rumput / Racun Weepinbell (#0070) N/A Groups of Victreebel wait in temperate forests for unsuspecting prey to walk into their mouths, mistaking their acid for nectar. The more prey it has consumed, the sweeter its acid smells.
Menokurage (メノクラゲ)
  Air / Racun N/A Tentacruel (#0073) It is 99% composed of Air, with the other 1% being an organ that generates Racun. If its tentacles are broken off, they can grow back quickly. Its body shrivels up while outside of Air, but its Racun does not. Though it is visually similar to Toedscool, the two species are not biologically related.
Dokukurage (ドククラゲ)
  Air / Racun Tentacool (#0072) N/A Its 80 tentacles can grow back or shrink at will, and it uses them to constrict its prey while immobilizing it with Racun. While rare, Tentacruel tend to hunt in groups. Though it is visually similar to Toedscruel, the two species are not biologically related.
Ishitsubute (イシツブテ)
  Batu / Tanah N/A Graveler (#0075) Geodude are proud of their hard bodies, showing them off or competing with Roggenrola, Carbink, or other Geodude to see who is the hardest. Groups of Geodude sit still in mountainous routes, so unsuspecting people often mistake them for ordinary Batus. It has a Batu/Listrik-type Alolan form.
Gorōn (ゴローン)
  Batu / Tanah Geodude (#0074) Golem (#0076) It tumbles down mountains for transportation or fun, breaking most of what it crashes into. It does not mind if pieces of itself fall or are scraped off, as they can grow back. It has a Batu/Listrik-type Alolan form.
Gorōnya (ゴローニャ)
  Batu / Tanah Graveler (#0075) N/A It sheds its skin once a year to grow, which in turn crumbles into nutritious soil. It can withdraw its head and limbs into its hollow shell to roll around and down mountains, trampling whatever it passes through. To avoid crushing property, people dig grooves into mountains to guide it. Older Golem stop shedding and have moss growing on their shells. It has a Batu/Listrik-type Alolan form.
Ponīta (ポニータ)
  Api N/A Rapidash (#0078) When born, it cannot stand properly and runs with its parents to strengthen its legs. It can choose when its flames can burn people or not. It has a Fisik-type Galarian form.
Gyaroppu (ギャロップ)
  Api Ponyta (#0077) N/A As a popular Pokémon, Rapidash is considered "universally appealing" to fans of cute and cool Pokémon alike. Both Ponyta and Rapidash can enable their body's flames to be harmful or harmless as seen in the anime.[31][32][33][34] A competitive Pokémon, if it sees anything faster than it, such as a car or another Pokémon, it will run at up to 150 mph to try to outrun it. At that point, its hooves barely touch the Tanah. It can traverse all of Hisui in a day and a half. The faster it goes, the longer its mane becomes. Otherwise, it can be seen cantering in fields. It has a Fisik/Peri-type Galarian form.
Yadon (ヤドン)
  Air / Fisik N/A Slowbro (#0080)
Slowking (#0199)
Slowpoke is dumb and lazy, to the point of taking up to five seconds to process pain. It lives in the edges of bodies of Air, and uses its tail to fish for prey, but may take a day to notEs that it has already been bitten off. Some cultures believe its yawns bring rain, and worship it. It evolves into Slowbro when a Shellder bites its tail, or into Slowking when it bites its head. It has a Fisik-type Galarian form.
Yadoran (ヤドラン)
  Air / Fisik Slowpoke (#0079) Mega Evolution Slowpoke has fished up a Shellder with its tail, which shocked it into evolving and made it stand on two legs. The Shellder has transformed into a spiral-shaped shell to suck more sweet fluids from the Slowbro's tail. If the Shellder were to detach itself from Slowbro in any way, it will devolve back to Slowpoke. Being slow-witted to begin with, the Slowbro does not feel pain in its tail because of Shellder's seeping Racun. Since its tail has been bitten by Shellder, it has to grudgingly swim for prey instead. Whenever Shellder bites harder on its tail, it gives Slowbro a flash of inspiration, which it forgets a moment later. It gained a Mega Evolution in generation VI. It has a Racun/Fisik-type Galarian form.
Koiru (コイル)
  Listrik / Baja[nb 5] N/A Magneton (#0082) The two magnets on its side are used for discharging attacks and floating. It is attracted to electromagnetic waves from devEss such as Pokégears, and attaches itself to power breakers. Power outages not caused by storms could be the result of a colony of Magnemite feeding on it. It becomes incapable of flight if it out of Listrikity. The two magnets on its side are powerful enough to draw in iron objects from up to 300 feet away, and get stronger the fast they spin. Touching it while it is eating Listrikity will give a full body shock. Its numbers have been decreasing because most modern power lines are buried under the Tanah.
Reakoiru (レアコイル)
  Listrik / Baja[nb 5] Magnemite (#0081) Magnezone (#0462) Formed when several Magnemite fuse together, it tends to raise the temperature up by 3.6 °F within 3.600 ft (1.100 m). It generates strange radio signals. Groups of Magneton tend to gather where sun flares happen. Exposure to one can cause earaches. Its magnetism is so powerful it dries up moisture in its vicinity, and is potentially fatal to devEss like TVs. As a result, large cities have sirens to warn their citizens of Magneton appearances, and trainers are warned to keep Magneton inside their Poké Balls. When it evolves, the Magnemite's brains link up, though they do not become three times smarter. When rain clouds form, they like to gather in high spots where lightning could strike. Sandy Shocks appears to be an ancient relative of it.
Kamonegi (カモネギ)
  Normal / Terbang No evolution[nb 6] It carries around a green onion stalk like a sword. It apparently knows where the best ones are and will fight other Farfetch'd over them. In emergencies, it will eat them, and then run off to find a new one. Farfetch'd were so rare at one point that people bred them to regrow the population. Since it cannot live without it, it will defend its stalk with its life. It has a Petarung-type Galarian form.
Dōdō (ドードー)
  Normal / Terbang N/A Dodrio (#0085) Its short wings make Terbang difficult, so it has instead become a powerful runner, being able to reach speeds of 60 mph. Both heads have identical brains, though it is believed that some Doduo have different brains. It raises and lowers its heads to maintain balance while running. One head will stay on alert while the other sleeps.
Dōdorio (ドードリオ)
  Normal / Terbang Doduo (#0084) N/A The head with the thickest neck is deemed the leader, and has control over the body. The three heads express joy, sorrow, and anger as they plan strategies together. If they cannot agree on something to do or overthink their plans, they will be unable to move. When two heads sleep, one head remains awake. It has three hearts and six lungs, giving it increased endurance, so while it is slower than Doduo, it can run for longer periods of time.
Pauwau (パウワウ)
  Air N/A Dewgong (#0087) It loves swimming around in 14 °F Airs. Its horn is hard enough to bash its way through Es. It has a thick hide covered in warm fur. It goes in Airs up to -40 °F. Though not a great walker, it is a skilled swimmer. It closes its nostrils when it swims. In the daytime, it can be found sleeping on the seabed of shallow Airs. Their presence in the Alolan climate is considered a mystery.
Jugon (ジュゴン)
  Air / Es Seel (#0086) N/A Dewgong can store thermal energy in its body to withstand cold temperatures. At night, it hunts for prey like Wishiwashi, and at day, it sleeps on Es or shallow Air, or sunbathes in beaches. A fisherman once mistook a Dewgong on an Esberg for a mermaid.
Betobetā (ベトベター)
  Racun N/A Muk (#0089) Being mostly composed of Racunous filth, it can squeeze into sewage pipes with ease. Grimer lived mostly in urban cities, factories, and lakes, where it could find waste to consume, though environmental improvements have caused its population to start dwindling. It has a Racun/Gelap-type Alolan form.
Betobeton (ベトベトン)
  Racun Grimer (#0088) N/A It is based on the dorotabō, a one-eyed, three-fingered yōkai that rises from the mud of neglected, overgrown rEs fields. Muk is covered in a toxic filthy sludge so vile that any land it walks through becomes inhospitable for up to three years. A drop of its body fluid can turn a pool rancid or leave a person bedridden for days. Its nose has devolved, so it cannot smell anything. It feeds on anything repugnant and filthy, like sewer Air. Its numbers have started declining since people have begun cleaning up towns, and because some people think it may go extinct, sludge pools are being built to prevent this. Like Grimer, it has a Racun/Gelap-type Alolan form.
Sherudā (シェルダー)
  Air N/A Cloyster (#0091) Tugging on its tongue, which is always sticking out, will startle it into opening its shell. It opens and closes its shell in rapid succession to propel itself backwards. Shellder have been known to seek out Slowpoke's tails, inadvertently causing them to evolve into Slowbro. Biting its head will instead cause it to evolve into Slowking. It and Cloyster are related to the Shellos line.
Parushen (パルシェン)
  Air / Es Shellder (#0090) N/A It normally keeps its shell closed unless it is attacking. It uses the same projectile system — swallowing seaAir and ejecting it from the front or rear — to shoot its spikes and swim. Its internal anatomy has yet to be seen.
Gōsu (ゴース)
  Hantu / Racun N/A Haunter (#0093) It hides under structures to stop the wind from blowing away its gaseous body. It engulfs prey of any size with its gas, Racuning it through its skin or suffocating it.
Gōsuto (ゴースト)
  Hantu / Racun Gastly (#0092) Gengar (#0094) Because of its ability to slip through walls, Haunter is said to be from another dimension. It saps its victims' life by licking them with its cold, gaseous tongue. Those licked by it grow weaker with each passing day, shaking uncontrollably until they die. If one trips and falls for no apparent reason or hear a sound when no one is around, it may be a Haunter. Because it fears the light and revels in the Gelap, it may be on the verge of extinction in cities that stay brightly lit at night. On moonless nights, Haunter searches for someone to curse.
Gengā (ゲンガー)
  Hantu / Racun Haunter (#0093) Mega Evolution

Gigantamax Form

Gengar seeps into the shadows of people and Pokémon to scare them for fun or eat their life force. A sudden chill of 10 °F or cooler may be a Gengar trying to curse someone. Gengar will lurk in whatever Gelap corner of a room it can find and wait for its chance to catch its prey. It likes to attack people in mountains. Sometimes, Gengar will pose as people's shadows. It apparently wishes for a traveling companion. Since it may have once been human, it tries to create one by taking the lives of other humans. Initially created by Satoshi Tajiri and Ken Sugimori,[35][36] it has become one of the most popular Pokémon, placing tenth on the Google Pokémon of the Year 2020 poll.[37] Kotaku's Zack Zwiezen said Gengar was "one of [their] favorite gen 1 designs", calling it a "great design [because] it's simple, yet not boring or generic".[38] Gengar has appeared in many Pokémon spin-offs or crossovers, including Pokkén Tournament[39] and Pokémon Unite.[40] It gained a Mega Evolution in generation VI and a Gigantamax form in generation VIII.
Iwāku (イワーク)
  Batu / Tanah N/A Bajaix (#0208) It usually lives underTanah. As it grows, the stone portions of its body harden to become similar to a diamond, but colored black. Despite its large body being over 26 feet long, it can squirm its way through the Tanah at 50 mph. As it digs through the Tanah, it eats hard objects, which makes its body more solid. Diglett may use the tunnels it burrows as homes. Onix has a magnet in its brain, which acts as a compass so that it does not lose direction while it is tunneling. As it grows older, its body becomes increasingly rounder and smoother. It evolves into Bajaix when traded while holding a Metal Coat.[41][42][43][44]
Surīpu (スリープ)
  Fisik N/A Hypno (#0097) Drowzee's design is based on the dream-eating tapir Baku. It puts people to sleep with its hypnotism and eats their dreams through their noses. It can get sick from eating nightmares. If one sleeps by it frequently, it might show them dreams it ate in the past. If someone has forgotten their dreams, Drowzee may have eaten them. It remembers every dream it has eaten, and rarely eats the dreams of adults because children's are tastier.
Surīpā (スリーパー)
  Fisik Drowzee (#0096) N/A Hypno's design is based on the dream-eating tapir Baku and a hypnotist. Hypno holds a pendulum in its hand. The arcing movement, the rhythm of the swinging, and glitter of the pendulum help lull the foe into a deep state of hypnosis, even if they have recently woken up. Allegedly, there once was an incident in which it took away a child it hypnotized. When hungry, it puts humans it meets to sleep, then feasts on their dreams and carries away anyone having good dreams. While an extremely dangerous Pokémon, it rarely harms people, and those who have problems sleeping call it their savior. In Alola, Komala is Hypno's main target, taking priority over humans. There are Hypno that assist doctors with patients who cannot sleep. Hypno's Pokédex entries have led it to becoming the subject of creepypastas.[45]
Kurabu (クラブ)
  Air N/A Kingler (#0099) Krabby and Kingler live near the edge of Air, usually in beaches. It can shroud its body in foam to look bigger than it is. If damaged or lost in battle, its pincers grow back quickly, though it has trouble balancing without them.
Kingurā (キングラー)
  Air Krabby (#0098) Gigantamax Its left claw has grown twEs as big as its right, and is now strong enough to break Cloyster shells open. However, swinging it can cause balancing issues and tire it out. Kingler are said to communicate with each other by waving their pincers around. It gained a Gigantamax form in generation VIII.
Biriridama (ビリリダマ)
  Listrik N/A Electrode (#0101) It is believed that Voltorb was created when a Poké Ball was hit with an energy pulse. When agitated or tapped, it will explode. Sometimes, humans will mistake a stray Voltorb for a Poké Ball, touch it, and get shocked or exploded. It has an Listrik/Rumput-type Hisuian form.
Marumain (マルマイン)
  Listrik Voltorb (#0100) N/A Electrode resembles an upside-down Poké Ball, though its actual relation to them has yet to be confirmed. Unlike Voltorb, it can control its explosions, but will still explode at any time and for any reason. Groups of Electrode live in power plants and eat their Listrikity, causing blackouts. Like Voltorb, it has an Listrik/Rumput-type Hisuian form.
Tamatama (タマタマ)
  Rumput / Fisik N/A Exeggutor (#0103) Though it may look like eggs, Exeggcute are actually clusters of seeds. When cracks increasingly appear on the seeds, Exeggcute is close to evolution. When disturbed, they quickly gather and attack in swarms. If one is separated from the group, the six will quickly regroup with telepathy. Although they are the same size as others, Alolan Exeggcute are heavier than others, as their shells are packed full. They are often hunted by Pidgeotto and Crabrawler, but uses psychokinesis to drive it off.
Nasshī (ナッシー)
  Rumput / Fisik Exeggcute (#0102) N/A It is a coconut tree-esque Pokémon based on the jinmenju, and the favorite Pokémon of Tsunekazu Ishihara, president and CEO of The Pokémon Company, having used it throughout the deSeranggaging phase of Pokémon Red and Green.[46] Its three heads think independently of each other, and become unable to act if they disagree on what to do. They communicate via telepathy. Sometimes, one of the heads grows so big that it falls off and becomes an Exeggcute. Its cries are noisy due to each head thinking about something else. Exeggutor are friendly, and only engage their enemies with Fisik power when they need to. It has a Rumput/Naga-type Alolan form.
Karakara (カラカラ)
  Tanah N/A Marowak (#0105) Cubone wears the skull of its deceased mother. Since it never removes said skull, no one has ever seen Cubone's real face. The stains on the skull it wears are made by the tears it sheds. When it thinks of its deceased mother, it weeps loudly, and Mandibuzz that hear its cries will attack it from the air.
Garagara (ガラガラ)
  Tanah Cubone (#0104) N/A The bone it holds is its key weapon. It throws the bone like a boomerang to knock out targets. Originally a Cubone, it overcame its mother's death and became rough and aggressive. Some say that a Marowak graveyard exists somewhere in the world. It carries out vengeance on its natural enemy, Mandibuzz, as it throws bones to try to take it down. They thump their bones rhythmically to communicate among themselves, with nearly 50 different rhythmic patterns. It has a Hantu/Api-type Alolan form.
Sawamurā (サワムラー)
  Petarung Tyrogue (#0236) N/A Hitmonlee's design is based on headless men. It may also be based on Kabandha. Its English name is derived from actor and martial artist Bruce Lee, while its Japanese name is derived from kickboxer Tadashi Sawamura. When in a hurry, its legs strengthen progressively. Its balance lets it attack from any stance. Some call it the "Kick Master". After a battle, it rubs down its springy legs to overcome fatigue. Its legs can stretch to double its length. Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan did not have a distinct evolutionary line until Tyrogue and Hitmontop were conceived. Hitmonlee evolves from Tyrogue if it has higher Attack than Defense.
Ebiwarā (エビワラー)
  Petarung Tyrogue (#0236) N/A Its English name is derived from actor and martial artist Jackie Chan, while its Japanese name is derived from boxer Hiroyuki Ebihara. It can punch fast enough to slEs air and hard enough to break Batus, though it needs to rest for a couple minutes after doing so. It winds it arms to punch harder, and punches in a corkscrew fashion. A Hitmonchan is said to possess the spirit of a boxer who had been working towards a world championship. It evolves from Tyrogue if it has higher Defense than Attack.
Beroringa (ベロリンガ)
  Normal N/A Lickilicky (#0463) Instead of its hands, it uses its long, prehensile tongue. It paralyzes Serangga Pokémon by licking them, and eats them whole. If not immediately washed, its licks can cause itchy rashes. Its tongue can stretch up to 6 inches, and when it does, its tail quivers and contracts. It has nerves that run through its tongue, so it can use it freely. It licks filthy things to clean them, but its saliva is still smelly and grimy, so they do not end up much cleaner. Whenever Lickitung comes across something new, it licks it to memorize the taste and texture of that thing. When its saliva is boiled, it becomes a strong adhesive.
Dogāsu (ドガース)
  Racun N/A Weezing (#0110) Koffing is based on air pollution and meteorites. It mixes its toxins with the rotting trash it eats to make Racunous gases. Sometimes, it can over-inflate itself and explode.
Matadogasu (マタドガス)
  Racun Koffing (#0109) N/A Said to form when two Koffing fuse. Weezing will nest in unkept, unsanitary places, usually houses, and raid their trash. Its two heads have different toxins, and it makes its Racunous gas stronger and smellier by pushing it between said heads. It has a Racun/Peri-type Galarian form. Despite this, Kantonian Weezing were once a common sight in Galar, and produced stronger gases than other regions' Weezing.
Saihōn (サイホーン)
  Tanah / Batu N/A Rhydon (#0112) Because it is not good at turning, Rhyhorn runs in a straight line, smashing everything in its path, destroying anything in its way. Though it can knock a block of Baja down without much care, its head may be sore the next day. Its massive bones are 1,000 times harder than those of humans, and it can easily knock a trailer Terbang. As a Pokémon with a one-track mind, when it starts running, it will not stop until it falls asleep. Rhyhorn's brain is so small and dense that it usually forgets why it may be running.
Saidon (サイドン)
  Tanah / Batu Rhyhorn (#0111) Rhyperior (#0464) Rhydon was the first Pokémon created by Game Freak.[47] Unlike Rhyhorn, it is bipedal. Protected by an armor-like hide, it can survive in lava over 3,600 °F (−15,778 °C) and take direct hits from cannonballs. By rapidly rotating its drill-like horn, it can punch holes through boulders and diamonds, while one sweep of its tail can topple a building. Its brain developed when it began walking on its hind legs.
Rakkī (ラッキー)
  Normal Happiny (#0440) Blissey (#0242) The eggs it carries in its pouch can heal its eaters and make them happier. For this reason, they are often employed in Pokémon Centers.
Monjara (モンジャラ)
  Rumput N/A Tangrowth (#0465) Its whole body is covered with thick blue vines, concealing its identity. It will tangle and get entangled with nearly anything. Tangela's vines snap off painlessly and easily if they are grabbed, allowing it to escape. The lost vines grow back the next day. The vines of a Tangela have a distinct scent, and in some parts of Galar, are used as herbs.
Garūra (ガルーラ)
  Normal N/A Mega Evolution The female raises its young in its belly pouch for around three years, and during this time, the baby rarely ventures out. The young leaves home once it learns to find food, and its mother begins to miss it. To avoid crushing the baby, it sleeps standing up. A young Kangaskhan playing on its own is not to be disturbed or caught, as its mother will be supervising it. There are records of a lost human child being raised by a childless Kangaskhan. They live in groups. It gained a Mega Evolution in generation VI.
Tattsū (タッツー)
  Air N/A Seadra (#0117) Horsea and Seadra are based on seahorses.[48] It feeds on Serangga Pokémon and moss. It can Api Air from its mouth to attack foes in or out of Air, or ink to deter attackers. By spinning its body, it can create whirlpools.
Shīdora (シードラ)
  Air Horsea (#0116) Kingdra (#0230) It can swim in any direction by flapping its fins and tail. It creates whirlpools to exhaust its prey, and eats it whole. Male Seadra will take care of newborn Horsea. While doing so, the Racun on the tips of its fins becomes thicker and stronger than usual.
Tosakinto (トサキント)
  Air N/A Seaking (#0119) Goldeen and Seaking are based on goldfish.[48] Goldeen was originally intended to have a pre-evolution called "Gyopin"[butuh rujukan] If kept in an aquarium, it will use its horn to break out. Swimmers have to be careful in Air, so that Goldeen do not ram into them.
Azumaō (アズマオウ)
  Air Goldeen (#0118) N/A Seaking is known to be able to swim against streams and up Airfalls. It will use its horn to bore holes into Batus to lay eggs in. Fans of Seaking's horn and fins are known to fight each other.
Hitodeman (ヒトデマン)
  Air N/A Starmie (#0121) It is a basic Pokémon which resembles a starfish with a mechanical center on its body, housing a red jewel. This organ is known as its core. As long as the jewel is unharmed, it can regenerate the rest of its body.
Sutāmī (スターミー)
  Air / Fisik Staryu (#0120) N/A Starmie has a second on its back, which is semi-attached, being able to spin around independently of the front star. Starmie has a red jewel core, which resembles a cut precious stone and seems to shine with the seven colors of the rainbow when looked at from different angles, but usually shows up red more than any other color. It can also emit Listrikal waves from its core powerful enough to reach the furthest parts of the universe.
Mr. Mime
Bariyādo (バリヤード)
  Fisik / Peri[nb 3] Mime Jr. (#0439) N/A[nb 7] Despite its name, there are female Mr. Mime. Its a skilled mime that loves to pantomime. It can create barriers by vibrating the air with its fingertips. If it is interrupted or its audience is unimpressed, it will slap them with its broad hands. It has an Es/Fisik-type Galarian form.
Sutoraiku (ストライク)
  Serangga / Terbang N/A Scizor (#0212)
Kleavor (#0901)
IGN and GamesRadar have praised Scyther's "cool" design.[49][50][51] With its ninja-like movements, Scyther can create afterimages of itself. It can slEs thick logs with a single stroke. On rare occasions, it flies with its wings. It is proud of its speed. While young, they live together deep in the mountains, training themselves in Petarung with their scythes and moving at high speeds.
Rūjura (ルージュラ)
  Es / Fisik Smoochum (#0238) N/A Jynx has spawned controversy due to aspects of its design being similar to blackface, leading Game Freak to change the color of its skin from black to purple.[52][53][54][55][56] When Pokémon Yellow was rereleased on the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console, the in-game sprite of Jynx was edited to reflect this change.[56] Jynx's appearance is a purple humanoid with blond hair and a dress. It can put opponents to sleep by kissing them. Jynx can communicate with what appears to be a human-like language, though it has yet to be deciphered, so they usually opt to communicate with dance-like movement instead.
Erebū (エレブー)
  Listrik Elekid (#0239) Electivire (#0466) Groups of Electabuzz gather near power plants or places likely to be struck by thunder to feast on their Listrikity. For this reason, they are often placed in houses as lightning rods. Power plants employ the use of Tanah-type Pokémon to prevent Electabuzz from eating their energy and causing blackouts, though they are usually the fault of the companies running them. In the Gelap, it glows a whitish-blue color.
Būbā (ブーバー)
  Api Magby (#0240) Magmortar (#0467) While Magmar was voted the eighth best Api-type Pokémon by the Official Nintendo Magazine readers,[57] GamesRadar had criticized its design multiple times, noting that its forehead resembles a butt.[58][59] Magmar are found in and around active volcanoes. Its body temperature is 2,200 °F. It dislikes cold places, so it blows flames to make the environment suitable for itself. Its appearance is often obscured by the flames that cover it. It can heal and rest itself by dipping its body into lava. In battle, Magmar blows out flames from all over its body to intimidate its opponent. When it breathes, Its temperature rises, and when it sneezes, flames shoot out. Magmar dispatches its prey with Api, but may accidentally burn said prey to a charred crisp.
Kairosu (カイロス)
  Serangga N/A Mega Evolution It was originally supposed to have an evolution called "Plux" in generation II. Some speculated that this unused design was reworked into Heracross.[60] Pinsir can use its pincers to crush, toss, bludgeon, or tear anything up to twEs its size. Captured prey is kept in place by the piercing thorns and sheer strength of Pinsir's horns, and will not be released until they are torn in half. If it cannot be torn in half, it tosses it around. In addition to hunting prey, it also tends to enjoy tree sap. Pinsir live in temperate forests or jungles, and burrow their way underTanah or inside trees to avoid the cold. In Alola, it has a rivalry with Vikavolt, yet gets along with Heracross. In other regions, however, it competes with Heracross for food. Pinsir are known to judge each other based on their pincers, which also determine its popularity with the opposite gender based on how thick it looks. It gained a Mega Evolution in generation VI.
Kentarosu (ケンタロス)
  Normal No evolution When attacking, it violently charges while whipping itself with its three tails. Like Rhyhorn, it will not stop running until it hits something. Although powerful, it can only charge in a straight line. They fight each other by locking horns to prove their strength, and the leader prides itself with its battle-scarred horns. If there are no opponents, it will charge into thick trees, knocking them down. Historically, people have ridden Tauros for ages, a practEs said to have started in Alola. Tauros in Alola actually have a calm side, most likely due to the climate. Tauros in Galar, however, are more volatile and will not let people ride on them. It has three Paldean forms.
Koikingu (コイキング)
  Air N/A Gyarados (#0130) Magikarp is mostly useless in the games, until it evolves into Gyarados. Magikarp is based on the common carp.[48] At level 15, Magikarp learns Tackle. Until then, it only knows Splash and cannot be taught any other moves. Magikarp is virtually useless in battle as it can only splash around. In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than the descendants that exist today. Despite its weakness, it is actually a hardy and fertile Pokémon that can survive in any body of Air. Its swimming muscles are weak, so it gets easily washed away by currents, so places where Air pools like seas, lakes, rivers, and shallow puddles will have many Magikarp stuck in them. It may jump on rare occasions, but never more than seven feet, making it easy for predators like Pidgeotto to catch it mid-jump. In rare occasions, a Magikarp living for many years can leap up a mountain.
Gyaradosu (ギャラドス)
  Air / Terbang Magikarp (#0129) Mega Evolution When Magikarp evolves into Gyarados, its brain cells undergo a structural transformation, said to be the cause of its violent nature. Throughout history, it would appear and burn cities, villages and towns down in rampages lasting around a month. There are some regions where it is called "the deity of destruction". Despite its Terbang type, Gyarados cannot actually fly. It gained a Mega Evolution in generation VI.
Rapurasu (ラプラス)
  Air / Es N/A Gigantamax Lapras have gentle hearts. Poachers have driven Lapras to the point of near-extinction, though recent protection regulations have instead made it an overabundant species. It loves transporting people on its back, and can actually understand human speech thanks to its high intelligence. Lapras will sing with other Lapras as a form of communication, or by itself when happy. Lapras is based on the Loch Ness Monster and the plesiosaur, and in early versions of Red and Blue was named "Ness".[61] It gained a Gigantamax form in generation VIII. Many regions in Japan have utilized Lapras' image to encourage tourism.[62][63][64] Lapras has been well received by critics, and has appeared on several lists of the best Pokémon of all time.[65][66][67]
Metamon (メタモン)
  Normal No evolution Appearing as an amorphous blob, Ditto is capable of transforming into an exact copy of anything it sees by altering its genetic code. However, this transformation is often imperfect.[68] The specific imperfections vary from Ditto to Ditto. It does not get along with others of the same species, as they will both fruitlessly try to transform into each other. Ditto rose in popularity with Gold and Silver, where it was able to "breed" with any other Pokémon that is able to breed, becoming vital for the franchise's competitive scene. It cannot breed with itself, though.[69] Due to its similarities to Mew, a longtime rumor arose that it was a failed clone. However, this fan theory has been denied by Game Freak.[70]
Ībui (イーブイ)
  Normal N/A Multiple[nb 8]
Eevee is often considered among the "cutest" Pokémon in the franchise.[71][72][73][74] Due to this, Eevee is featured on various Pokémon-related merchandise.[75][76][77] It is the mascot of Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! Eevee has exclusive evolution styles, where each evolution requires special requirements to occur, resulting in 8 different Pokémon. Eevee and its evolutions are sometimes referred to as "Eeveelutions". Eevee is mostly found in highly populated areas like cities and towns. Its unstable genes allow it to adapt to most habitats, and even to its trainer, to the point of eventually adopting a face similar to theirs. In generation VIII, it gained a Gigantamax form.
Shawāzu (シャワーズ)
  Air Eevee (#0133) N/A Its genes and DNA are nearly identical to Air, so it can melt away into it to hide from foes or prey. If its fins begin to mutate, it means rain is coming in a couple of hours. It now has the ability to freely control Air. It evolves from Eevee using a Air Stone.[78] Vaporeon became the ambassador for Air Day in Japan in 2023.[79]
Sandāsu (サンダース)
  Listrik Eevee (#0133) N/A It accumulates negative ions in the air to dish out 10,000 volt discharges. It is a moody Pokémon, easily becoming sad or angry, and its spiky fur can be launched to pierce enemies when it bristles. Jolteon's cells emit a low amount of Listrikity, which is amplified by its needle-like fur. If its hair stands on end, it is about to discharge. The crackling sound of Listrikity can be heard when it exhales.
Būsutā (ブースター)
  Api Eevee (#0133) N/A It stores Api over 1,650 °F inside its flame sac, then releases it at over 3,000 °F. Its fur is used to air out its body so it doesn't overheat. An omnivore, it roasts berries and prey before eating them.
Porigon (ポリゴン)
  Normal N/A Porygon2 (#0233) Porygon has become notorious for being featured in an episode of the anime that caused widespread epileptic seizures in Japanese viewers.[80] Roughly made about 20 years ago, it is entirely made of programming code. It can enter cyberspace at will. People theorized it could go into space, though no Porygon has managed to do so so far. It has no heartbeat and does not need to eat, though it can eat if food is given. Because of this, people are eager to try it in any environment. Porygon is copy-protected so it cannot be duplicated. It was made with the best technology of 1995, so it has become outdated compared to Pokémon like Genesect and Type: Null. It is still useful in cyberspace, as it goes around making sure no suspicious data exists.
Omunaito (オムナイト)
  Batu / Air N/A Omastar (#0139) Omanyte is an ancient Pokémon that has been regenerated from Helix Fossils by people using modern science. If attacked by an enemy, it withdraws to its hard shell. It can use air stored inside its shell to rise or fall in Air. Omanyte lived in ancient seas. Archeops and Carracosta have been known to prey on it.. The fossils Omanyte have been resurrected from are excavated from areas that were once large oceans. Because some Omanyte manage to escape after being restored or are released into the wild by people, it is gradually becoming an invasive species.
Omusutā (オムスター)
  Batu / Air Omanyte (#0138) N/A Omastar is commonly referred to as "Lord Helix" within the community, as a reference to Twitch Plays Pokémon, where the Pokémon was seen as a good-luck charm.[81] Omastar uses its tentacles to capture its prey. It is believed that it went extinct because its shell grew too large and heavy, causing its movements to become too slow and clumsy. Once wrapped around its prey, it never lets go as it attacks by tearing into it with the sharp beaks that ring its mouth.
Kabuto (カブト)
  Batu / Air N/A Kabutops (#0141) Kabuto is an ancient Pokémon that has been regenerated from a Dome Fossil. However, in extremely rare cases, living examples have been discovered, being identical to their 300 million year-old counterparts. It is said to have inhabited ancient beaches. It protects itself using its hard shell and glowing red eyes.
Kabutopusu (カブトプス)
  Batu / Air Kabuto (#0140) N/A Kabutops were aggressive prehistoric Pokémon that inhabited warm seas. They swam underAir to hunt for prey in ancient times. It was apparently in the process of evolving from being a Air-dweller to living on land, as evident from the beginnings of change in its gills and legs. The exact cause of its extincion is unknown. It swims at speeds of roughly 29 knots, closing in on prey and tearing at its foes with sickle-like forelegs, and drains the foe's body fluids entirely. The discarded body parts become food for other Pokémon. In the Air, it tucks in its limbs to become more compact, then it wiggles its shell to swim faster.
Putera (プテラ)
  Batu / Terbang N/A Mega Evolution A vicious, prehistoric Pokémon, it goes for its opponents' throats with its serrated, saw-like fangs that shred the skin of even Baja-type Pokémon. It went extinct, but it was resurrected by taking its DNA from an Old Amber. It flies by spreading its wings and gliding though the skies, to the point of being referred to as their king. A widely accepted theory is that it went extinct due to a meteor impact. Despite its strength in the air, it is weak and slow on the Tanah. Even modern technology is still unable to make a truly perfect specimen. It is based on pterodactyls and Nagas or wyverns. It gained a Mega Evolution in generation VI.
Kabigon (カビゴン)
  Normal Munchlax (#0446) Gigantamax It is carefree about everything, and it will allow children to play on its vast belly while it sleeps all day. After eating around 900 pounds of food, it goes to sleep for a while. It is a large, obese Pokémon with a bluish-green body and a white circle-shaped belly, white feet and face. It is said to be able to eat nearly anything with little to no side-effects, such as thorny plants or Muk's Racun. Snorlax is commonly used as a roadblock within the games. It gained a Gigantamax form in generation VIII.
Furīzā (フリーザー)
  Es / Terbang No evolution It is part of the Legendary Bird Trio. The naming conventions for this trio are based on their type – Arctic, Zap and Molt – along with 1, 2, 3 in Spanish – uno, dos, tres respectively.

It is said to appear to doomed people who are lost in icy mountains and guide them out. The flapping of Articuno's wings can chill the air around it and cause blizzards. A Fisik/Terbang-type legendary Pokémon is similar to Articuno and shares its name, to the point of being referred to as its Galarian Form, though it is actually an unrelated Pokémon.

Sandā (サンダー)
  Listrik / Terbang No evolution It is part of the Legendary Bird Trio. Its design is inspired by the Indigenous North American myth of the thunderbird.[13] It is said to cause and appear from Gelap and gray clouds in the sky while shedding lightning from its wings. It has the power to control Listrikity, and is said to gain power from thunder storms. It is said that when it rubs its feathers together, lightning will fall immediately after, and there are tales of Zapdos resting in pitch black thunderclouds. As with Articuno, a similar Petarung/Terbang-type Pokémon is referred to as its Galarian form.
Faiyā (ファイヤー)
  Api / Terbang No evolution It is part of the Legendary Bird Trio. Its design is inspired by the Apibird of Slavic folklore.[13] It can make the sky turn red as it flaps its fiery wings. It is said to bring spring early when it arrives to cold lands. If Moltres is injured, it is said to dip itself in magma to burn and heal itself. There are stories that tell of its Api-cloaked wings lighting up paths for those lost traveling in the mountains. A Gelap/Terbang-type Pokémon is referred to as its Galarian form, though as with the rest of the trio, the Pokémon are not actually related.
Miniryū (ミニリュウ)
  Naga N/A Nagaair (#0148) A Dratini continually molts and sloughs off its old skin almost daily. It does so because the life energy within its body steadily builds to reach uncontrollable levels. This allows Dratini to grow longer and longer, even reaching 6 feet in length. In some regions, boots made from the tanned cast-off skin of Dratini are a luxury item. The small lump on a Dratini's forehead is actually an underdeveloped horn. Even though it is rare, after a 10-hour struggle, a fisherman was finally able to pull one up and confirm its existence. Though still weak, it dwells near bodies of rapidly flowing Air, such as the plunge pools of Airfalls to protect it while it repeatedly sheds its skin. It eats whatever food sinks down, and lives a quiet and happy life.
Hakuryū (ハクリュー)
  Naga Dratini (#0147) Nagaite (#0149) Nagaair can grow the wings on its head to fly, but can also fly without them. It stores an enormous amount of energy inside its body, and can alter weather conditions in its vicinity by discharging energy from the crystals on its body. The lakes where Nagaair live are filled with offerings from people and are respected by farmers. Some say that seeing a Nagaair Terbang around at the start of the year is a sign that one will be healthy all year long.
Kairyū (カイリュー)
  Naga / Terbang Nagaair (#0148) N/A Capable of circling the globe in just sixteen hours and with the intelligence of a human, tales of this kindhearted Pokémon leading lost and foundering ships to the safety of land are commonplace. It is said that somewhere in the ocean lies an island where Nagaite gather. Its build that lets it freely fly over raging seas without trouble to rescue drowning people. Observing this, a ship's captain dubbed it "the sea incarnate", and figureheads that resemble Nagaite now decorate the bows of many ships.
Myūtsū (ミュウツー)
  Fisik N/A Two Mega Evolutions It is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Mewtwo was originally a baby Mew, mutated by Dr. Fuji in a lab after years of gene splicing. Even though it has powerful Fisik abilities, scientists failed to give it a compassionate heart, and it turned vicious as a result. It rests to conserve energy, so that it can unleash its full power in battle. In generation VI, it gained two Mega Evolutions; one adapted for physical attacks, and one adapted for special attacks.
Myū (ミュウ)
  Fisik No evolution This mythical Pokémon is so rare, only a few experts worldwide have found it, though a growing number of people have reportedly seen it recently. It apparently originates in South America. It is said that it appears only to those who have a true heart and a strong passion to see it. Its DNA is said to contain the genetic code of every Pokémon and every move. Because of this, many scientists believe that it is the ancestor of all Pokémon. Its fine, small, and delicate hairs can be viewed with a microscope. It is capable of turning invisible at will so that people are unaware of its presence. It is considered one of the original progenitor Pokémon, as all Pokémon are said to have descended from Mew.
Ketsuban (けつばん)
(000[nb 9])
  Normal / Bird[nb 10] No evolution Sebuah penanganan kesalahan yang namanya merupakan singkatan dari "Nomor Hilang", dibuat untuk menangani upaya mengakses data untuk Pokémon yang tidak ada di dalam game, dan muncul sebagai gantinya.[82][83] Namun, karena bug, ini tersedia untuk ditemui pemain dalam keadaan tertentu. glitch khusus ini telah dianggap sebagai salah satu yang paling populer dalam sejarah video game.[84]
  1. ^ "Pokédex". The Pokémon Company International. 2015. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal March 6, 2017. Diakses tanggal October 19, 2015. 
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