The Secert of NIMB is Don Bluth's first feature length movie, and considered by many to be his masterpiece. The story focuses on a mouse named Ms. Frisby, who does favors to mutant rats in return for medicine for her sick son Timothy. The comedian Dom DeLuise is a crow, and Hermione is a shrew. Eventually, the sluts at MGM decided to make a sequel, in which Timothy, after recovering from his sickness, does exactly what she does in the in first movie, although for no appearent reason. Many consider the sequel a disgrace to the original and perhaps the worst piece of crap ever, rivialed only by Plan 9 from Outer Space and G-Force.
(In case you didn't got the title, it stands for Nation-wide Institute for Mental or otherwise Horrible People. I hope I was of any help :D)
A young fox named Kody the Fox is adating a parody of the movie set in the tranquil residence of Turkey. This contists of the ferret being the hero, who does a favor to the mutant Turkish animals (including the heroic weasel, Austin). The ex-terrorist John threatens to destroy the whole residence. He has two pets: Fox (John's pet cat) and Jennar (John's rabid pet gray husky who is the main antagonist of the parody).