Heya, the name's Fafau06.
That's just the name I go by on the net. If you see any Fafau06 on the net, that's probably me (But some are not me! I always have some very telling signs in my account if it is me(And I'll also list all of my known accounts here!))

I'm a pixel artist who dabbles in way too many fields than what is healthy but I also do some translation works in Wikipedia and Wikidata! (It's a good non-paying works!)

I still consider myself to be quite new though in this web here, so any heads up, suggestions and such are appreciated.

Instagram: @fafau_06
Tumblr: fafau06
Discord: Fafau_06 / fafau06#6565
Email: fafau0639@gmail.com

Koordinat::-6.36414, 106.78923

Informasi pengguna Babel
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
id-N Pengguna ini merupakan penutur asli bahasa Indonesia.
tok-N toki mama mi li toki pona.
Pengguna berdasarkan bahasa

en-3This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.