Modul:Sports series
Modul ini dinilai sebagai modul beta, dan siap digunakan secara luas. Modul ini masih baru dan harus digunakan dengan hati-hati untuk memastikan bahwa hasilnya sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. |
Modul ini digunakan untuk menampilkan hasil dari seri pertandingan olahraga, contohnya pertandingan kandang-tandang, dalam bentuk tabel. Modul ini juga mendukung hasil pertandingan tunggal hingga seri pertandingan tak terbatas. Templat ini mendukung pertandingan klub domestik dan internasional, serta pertandingan tim nasional. Meskipun diperuntukkan untuk pertandingan sepak bola, templat ini juga dapat digunakan untuk pertandingan olahraga apa pun yang menampilkan seri pertandingan antar tim.
Dalam bentuknya yang paling sederhana, hanya beberapa parameter yang diperlukan untuk membuat tabel.
Pertandingan antarklub internasional
Untuk format dua pertandingan pada antarklub sepak bola internasional, tujuh parameter diperlukan pada setiap baris. Parameter tersebut mencakup nama masing-masing klub dan nama/kode negara asosiasi sepak bola negara, skor agregat, dan skor kedua pertandingan.
{{#invoke:Sports series|main |klub_1|asosiasi_1|agregat|klub_2|asosiasi_2|laga_1|laga_2 }}
Pertandingan antarklub domestik
Untuk format dua pertandingan pada antarklub sepak bola domestik, lima parameter diperlukan pada setiap baris. Parameter tersebut mencakup nama masing-masing klub, skor agregat, dan skor kedua pertandingan.
{{#invoke:Sports series|main|flag=n |klub_1|agregat|klub_2|laga_1|laga_2 }}
Pertandingan antar tim nasional
Untuk format dua pertandingan pada antar tim nasional (timnas) sepak bola, lima parameter diperlukan pada setiap baris. Parameter tersebut mencakup masing-masing nama/kode tim nasional, skor agregat, dan skor kedua pertandingan.
- Tim nasional pria
{{#invoke:Sports series|main|flag=n |{{fb-rt|timnas_1}}|agregat|{{fb|timnas_2}}|laga_1|laga_2 }}
- Tim nasional wanita
{{#invoke:Sports series|main|flag=n |{{fbw-rt|timnas_1}}|agregat|{{fbw|timnas_2}}|laga_1|laga_2 }}
Pertandingan antarklub internasional
- Parameter masukan
{{#invoke:Sports series|main |[[Arsenal F.C.|Arsenal]]|ENG|2–3|[[FC Bayern München|Bayern München]]|GER|2–2|0–1 |[[Atlético Madrid]]|ESP|4–5|[[Borussia Dortmund]]|GER|2–1|2–4 |[[Real Madrid C.F.|Real Madrid]]|ESP|4–4 {{pen.|4–3}}|[[Manchester City F.C.|Manchester City]]|ENG|3–3|1–1 {{aet}} |[[Paris Saint-Germain F.C.|Paris Saint-Germain]]|FRA|6–4|[[FC Barcelona|Barcelona]]|ESP|2–3|4–1 }}
- Tampilan hasil
Tim 1 | Agregat | Tim 2 | Laga 1 | Laga 2 |
Arsenal | 2–3 | Bayern München | 2–2 | 0–1 |
Atlético Madrid | 4–5 | Borussia Dortmund | 2–1 | 2–4 |
Real Madrid | 4–4 (4–3 a.p.) | Manchester City | 3–3 | 1–1 (p.w.) |
Paris Saint-Germain | 6–4 | Barcelona | 2–3 | 4–1 |
Pertandingan antarklub domestik
- Parameter masukan
{{#invoke:Sports series|main|flag=n |[[Valencia CF|Valencia]]|3–3 {{pen.|3–2}}|[[Deportivo Alavés|Alavés]]|2–1|1–2 {{aet}} |[[Atlético Madrid]]|2–5|[[Sevilla FC|Sevilla]]|1–2|1–3 |[[RCD Espanyol|Espanyol]]|1–2|[[FC Barcelona|Barcelona]]|1–0|0–2 |[[CD Leganés|Leganés]]|2–2 ([[Peraturan gol tandang|a]])|[[Real Madrid C.F.|Real Madrid]]|0–1|2–1 }}
- Tampilan hasil
Tim 1 | Agregat | Tim 2 | Laga 1 | Laga 2 |
Valencia | 3–3 (3–2 a.p.) | Alavés | 2–1 | 1–2 (p.w.) |
Atlético Madrid | 2–5 | Sevilla | 1–2 | 1–3 |
Espanyol | 1–2 | Barcelona | 1–0 | 0–2 |
Leganés | 2–2 (a) | Real Madrid | 0–1 | 2–1 |
Pertandingan antar tim nasional pria
- Parameter masukan
{{#invoke:Sports series|main|flag=n |{{fb-rt|IDN}}|12–0|{{fb|BRU}}|6–0|6–0 |{{fb-rt|SGP}}|3–1|{{fb|GUM}}|2–1|1–0 |{{fb-rt|MDV}}|2–3|{{fb|BAN}}|1–1|1–2 }}
- Tampilan hasil
Tim 1 | Agregat | Tim 2 | Laga 1 | Laga 2 |
Indonesia | 12–0 | Brunei | 6–0 | 6–0 |
Singapura | 3–1 | Guam | 2–1 | 1–0 |
Maladewa | 2–3 | Bangladesh | 1–1 | 1–2 |
Pertandingan antar tim nasional wanita
- Parameter masukan
{{#invoke:Sports series|main|flag=n |{{fbw-rt|SRB}}|2–3|{{fbw|ISL}}|1–1|1–2 |{{fbw-rt|HUN}}|Pertandingan 2|{{fbw|BEL}}|1–5|27 Agu |{{fbw-rt|BIH}}|Pertandingan 3|{{fbw|SWE}}|0–5|28 Agu |{{fbw-rt|CRO}}|0–8|{{fbw|NOR}}|0–3|0–5 }}
- Tampilan hasil
Tim 1 | Agregat | Tim 2 | Laga 1 | Laga 2 |
Serbia | 2–3 | Islandia | 1–1 | 1–2 |
Hungaria | Pertandingan 2 | Belgia | 1–5 | 27 Agu |
Bosnia dan Herzegovina | Pertandingan 3 | Swedia | 0–5 | 28 Agu |
Kroasia | 0–8 | Norwegia | 0–3 | 0–5 |
-- Modul untuk menampilkan tabel agregat hasil pertandingan olahraga
-- Lihat dokumentasi untuk parameter yang digunakan
local p = {}
-- Function to parse and expand a template with given parameters
local function expandTemplate(frame, templateName, params)
return frame:expandTemplate{ title = templateName, args = params }
-- Function to check the existence of flagTemplate
local function templateExists(templateName)
local title ='Templat:' .. templateName)
return title and title.exists
-- Function to process country codes and variants OR youth team flag templates and age level, dividing parameters by the "+" sign
local function processIcon(iconString)
if not iconString or iconString:match("^%s*$") then
return nil, nil -- Return nil for both iconCode and variant if the input is empty or only whitespace
elseif iconString:find('+') then
local parts = mw.text.split(iconString, '+', true)
local iconCode = parts[1]
local variant = parts[2]
return iconCode, variant
return iconString, nil -- Return the input string as iconCode if no "+" is present
-- Function to determine the correct ordinal suffix for a given number for the heading
local function ordinal(n)
local last_digit = n % 10
local last_two_digits = n % 100
if last_digit == 1 or last_two_digits ~= 11 then
return n
return n
-- Function to clean and process the aggregate score for comparison
local function cleanScore(score)
-- Return an empty string if score is nil or empty to avoid errors
if not score or score:match("^%s*$") then
return ''
-- Function to replace wiki links with their display text or link text
local function replaceLink(match)
local pipePos = match:find("|")
if pipePos then
return match:sub(pipePos + 1, -3) -- Return text after the '|'
return match:sub(3, -3) -- Return text without the brackets
-- Replace wiki links
score = score:gsub("%[%[.-%]%]", replaceLink)
-- Remove MediaWiki's unique placeholder sequences for references
score = score:gsub('"`UNIQ.-QINU`"', '')
-- Remove superscript tags and their contents
score = score:gsub('<sup.->.-</sup>', '')
-- Convert dashes to a standard format
score = score:gsub('[–—―‒−]', '-')
-- Strip all characters except numbers, dashes and parentheses
return score:gsub('[^0-9%-()]+', '')
-- Function to determine the winner based on scores within parentheses (first) or regular format (second)
local function determineWinner(cleanAggregate, matchType, team1, team2, boldWinner, colorWinner, aggregate, isFBRStyle, legs, leg1Score, leg2Score, disableAwayGoals)
local team1Winner, team2Winner = false, false
local score1, score2
local manualBold = false
local manualColor = false
local isDraw = false
-- Handling for manual bolding
if team1 and type(team1) == 'string' then
manualBold1 = team1:find("'''") and not (team1:gsub("'''", ""):match("^%s*$"))
team1 = team1:gsub("'''", "")
if team2 and type(team2) == 'string' then
manualBold2 = team2:find("'''") and not (team2:gsub("'''", ""):match("^%s*$"))
team2 = team2:gsub("'''", "")
if manualBold1 then
team1Winner = true
manualBold = true
if manualBold2 then
team2Winner = true
manualBold = true
-- Handling for manual coloring of team or aggregate cells
if team1 and type(team1) == 'string' then
manualColor1 = team1:find("''") and not (team1:gsub("''", ""):match("^%s*$"))
team1 = team1:gsub("''", "")
if team2 and type(team2) == 'string' then
manualColor2 = team2:find("''") and not (team2:gsub("''", ""):match("^%s*$"))
team2 = team2:gsub("''", "")
if aggregate then
if aggregate:find("'''") then
aggregate = aggregate:gsub("'''", "")
aggregate = "<strong>" .. aggregate .. "</strong>"
manualColorDraw = aggregate:find("''") and not (aggregate:gsub("''", ""):match("^%s*$"))
aggregate = aggregate:gsub("''", "")
if manualColor1 then
if not team1Winner then
team1Winner = true
manualColor = true
if manualColor2 then
if not team2Winner then
team2Winner = true
manualColor = true
if manualColorDraw then
isDraw = true
manualColor = true
-- Regular winner determination logic if manual bolding or coloring is not conclusive
if not team1Winner and not team2Winner and not isDraw and (boldWinner or colorWinner) then
local parenthetical = cleanAggregate:match('%((%d+%-+%d+)%)')
local outsideParenthetical = cleanAggregate:match('^(%d+%-+%d+)')
if parenthetical then -- Prioritize checking score inside parenthetical
score1, score2 = parenthetical:match('(%d+)%-+(%d+)')
elseif outsideParenthetical then
score1, score2 = outsideParenthetical:match('(%d+)%-+(%d+)')
if score1 and score2 then
score1 = tonumber(score1)
score2 = tonumber(score2)
if score1 > score2 then
team1Winner = true
elseif score1 < score2 then
team2Winner = true
elseif score1 == score2 and legs == 2 and not disableAwayGoals then
-- Apply away goals rule
local cleanLeg1 = cleanScore(leg1Score):gsub('[()]', '')
local cleanLeg2 = cleanScore(leg2Score):gsub('[()]', '')
local _, team2AwayGoals = cleanLeg1:match('(%d+)%-+(%d+)')
local team1AwayGoals = cleanLeg2:match('(%d+)%-+(%d+)')
if team1AwayGoals and team2AwayGoals then
team1AwayGoals, team2AwayGoals = tonumber(team1AwayGoals), tonumber(team2AwayGoals)
if team1AwayGoals > team2AwayGoals then
team1Winner = true
elseif team2AwayGoals > team1AwayGoals then
team2Winner = true
if (colorWinner or isFBRStyle) and legs == 0 then
isDraw = not team1Winner and not team2Winner
return team1, team2, team1Winner, team2Winner, manualBold, manualColor, isDraw, aggregate
-- Function to check if any parameter in a given row is non-nil and non-empty
local function anyParameterPresent(startIndex, step, args)
for index = startIndex, startIndex + step - 1 do
if args[index] and args[index]:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") ~= "" then
return true
return false
-- Function to add a legend to below the table when isFBRStyle is true
local function createFBRLegend()
return mw.html.create('div')
:css('font-size', '90%')
:css('margin-bottom', '0.5em')
:wikitext("Legenda: Biru = tim kandang menang; Kuning = imbang; Merah = tim tandang menang.")
-- Function to format the dashes for aggregate/leg score parameters
local function format_score(s)
s = mw.ustring.gsub(s or '', '^%s*([%d%.]+)%s*[–−—%-]%s*([%d%.]+)', '%1–%2')
s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*([%d%.]+)%s*&[MmNn][Dd][Aa][Ss][Hh];%s*([%d%.]+)', '%1–%2')
s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*(%[%[[^%[%]]*%|[%d%.]+)%s*%-%s*([%d%.]+)', '%1–%2')
s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*(%[[^%[%]%s]*%s+[%d%.]+)%s*%-%s*([%d%.]+)', '%1–%2')
s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*(%[%[[^%[%]]*%|[%d%.]+)%s*&[MmNn][Dd][Aa][Ss][Hh];%s*([%d%.]+)', '%1–%2')
s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, '^%s*(%[[^%[%]%s]*%s+[%d%.]+)%s*&[MmNn][Dd][Aa][Ss][Hh];%s*([%d%.]+)', '%1–%2')
return s
-- Function to rewrite anchor links of match scores
local function rewriteAnchorLinks(text, baselink)
if not text then
return text
return text:gsub('(%[%[)(#[^%[%]]*%|)', '%1' .. baselink .. '%2')
-- Main function that processes input and returns the wikitable
function p.main(frame)
local args = require'Modul:Arguments'.getArgs(frame, {trim = true})
-- Check for section transclusion
local tsection = frame:getParent().args['transcludesection'] or frame:getParent().args['section'] or ''
local bsection = args['section'] or ''
if tsection ~= '' and bsection ~= '' then
if tsection ~= bsection then
return '' -- Return an empty string if sections don't match
local root = mw.html.create()
local matchType = (args.type == 'WNT' or args.type == 'MNT') and 'NT' or (args.type or 'club') -- Set default match type to 'club'
local isWNT = args.type == 'WNT' -- Track if WNT was set
local flagTemplate, flagParam1
local noFlagIcons = false
local fillBlanks = args.fill_blanks and (args.fill_blanks == 'y' or args.fill_blanks == 'yes' or args.fill_blanks == '1' or args.fill_blanks == 'true')
local baselink = frame:getParent():getTitle()
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text == baselink then baselink = '' end
-- Process the font size parameter
local size
if args.font_size then
-- Remove trailing '%' if present and convert to number
size = tonumber((args.font_size:gsub('%s*%%$', '')))
if size then
size = math.max(size, 85) -- Ensure size is at least 85
-- Process flag parameter to determine flag template and variant
if args.flag and args.flag:find('+') then
flagTemplate, flagParam1 = processIcon(args.flag) -- Process flag icons with variants
if args.flag then
flagTemplate = args.flag
elseif isWNT then
flagTemplate = 'fbw' -- Default to {{fbw}} for WNT matches
elseif matchType == 'NT' then
flagTemplate = 'fb' -- Default to {{fb}} for NT/MNT matches
flagTemplate = 'fbaicon' -- Default to {{fbaicon}} for club matches
if args.flag and (flagTemplate == 'n' or flagTemplate == 'no' or flagTemplate == '0' or flagTemplate == 'false' or flagTemplate == 'null' or flagTemplate == 'none' or flagTemplate == 'noflag') then
noFlagIcons = true -- Hide flag icons for club matches
if matchType == 'NT' then
flagTemplate = isWNT and 'fbw' or 'fb' -- Set flagTemplate to "fbw"/"fb", as disabling flags is not allowed for NT
flagParam1 = false
-- Check if flagTemplate exists and adjust if necessary
if matchType == 'NT' and (flagTemplate ~= 'fb' and flagTemplate ~= 'fbw') then
if not templateExists(flagTemplate) or not templateExists(flagTemplate .. '-rt') then
flagTemplate = isWNT and 'fbw' or 'fb'
elseif not noFlagIcons and flagTemplate ~= 'fbaicon' then
if not templateExists(flagTemplate) then
flagTemplate = 'fbaicon'
local legs = (args.legs == '1' or args.legs == 'n' or args.legs == 'no' or args.legs == 'false' or args.legs == 'null' or args.legs == 'none' or args.legs == 'single' or args.legs == 'one') and 0 or tonumber(args.legs) or 2
if legs and legs < 0 then
legs = 2
local teamWidth = (tonumber(args['team_width']) and args['team_width'] .. 'px') or '250px'
local scoreWidth = (tonumber(args['score_width']) and args['score_width'] .. 'px') or '80px'
local boldWinner = not (args.bold_winner == 'n' or args.bold_winner == 'no' or args.bold_winner == '0' or args.bold_winner == 'false' or args.bold_winner == 'null')
local colorWinner = args.color_winner and (args.color_winner == 'y' or args.color_winner == 'yes' or args.color_winner == '1' or args.color_winner == 'true')
local matchesStyle = args.matches_style
local isFBRStyle = matchesStyle and matchesStyle:upper() == "FBR"
local isHA = args.h_a == 'y' or args.h_a == 'yes' or args.h_a == '1' or args.h_a == 'true'
local disableAwayGoals = args.away_goals == 'n' or args.away_goals == 'no' or args.away_goals == '0' or args.away_goals == 'false' or args.away_goals == 'null'
local tableClass = 'wikitable'
local tableStyle = 'text-align: center;'
if args.collapsed and (args.collapsed == 'y' or args.collapsed == 'yes' or args.collapsed == '1' or args.collapsed == 'true') then
tableClass = 'wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed'
tableStyle = 'width: 100%; text-align: center;'
if args.nowrap and (args.nowrap == 'y' or args.nowrap == 'yes' or args.nowrap == '1' or args.nowrap == 'true') then
tableStyle = tableStyle .. ' white-space: nowrap;'
if size then
tableStyle = tableStyle .. ' font-size: ' .. size .. '%;'
-- Create the table element
local table = root:tag('table')
if then
table:attr('id', -- Optional id parameter to allow anchor to table
-- Add FBR legend if isFBRStyle is true
if isFBRStyle and legs == 0 then
isHA = true
-- Add a caption to table if the "caption" parameter is passed
if args.caption then
-- Count number of columns
local colCount = 3 + legs
-- Add a title row above column headings if the "title" parameter is passed
if args.title then
local titleRow = table:tag('tr')
:attr('colspan', colCount)
:attr('scope', 'colgroup')
:css('text-align', 'center')
-- Create the header row with team and score columns
local header = table:tag('tr')
local defaultTeam1 = isHA and 'Tim kandang' or 'Tim 1'
local defaultTeam2 = isHA and 'Tim tandang' or 'Tim 2'
:attr('scope', 'col')
:css('text-align', 'right')
:css('width', teamWidth)
:wikitext(args['team1'] or defaultTeam1)
:attr('scope', 'col')
:css('width', scoreWidth)
:wikitext(args['aggregate'] or legs == 0 and 'Hasil' or 'Agregat')
:attr('scope', 'col')
:css('text-align', 'left')
:css('width', teamWidth)
:wikitext(args['team1'] or defaultTeam2)
-- Add columns for each leg if applicable
if legs > 0 then
for leg = 1, legs do
local legHeading
-- Check if "legN" parameter is present
if args['leg' .. leg] then
legHeading = args['leg' .. leg]
-- Check if "leg_prefix" parameter is present
if args.leg_prefix then
-- Check if leg_prefix is y, yes, 1, or true
if args.leg_prefix == 'y' or args.leg_prefix == 'yes' or args.leg_prefix == '1' or args.leg_prefix == 'true' then
legHeading = 'Laga ' .. leg
legHeading = args.leg_prefix .. ' ' .. leg
-- Check if "leg_suffix" parameter is present and does not equal y, yes, 1, or true
elseif args.leg_suffix and args.leg_suffix ~= 'y' and args.leg_suffix ~= 'yes' and args.leg_suffix ~= '1' and args.leg_suffix ~= 'true' then
legHeading = args.leg_suffix .. ' ' .. ordinal(leg)
legHeading = 'Laga ' .. ordinal(leg)
:attr('scope', 'col')
:css('width', scoreWidth)
local step = (matchType == 'NT' and 3 or (noFlagIcons and 3 or 5)) + legs -- Determine the step size based on the match type and presence of flag icons
local i = 1
while anyParameterPresent(i, step, args) do
local rowIndex = math.floor((i - 1) / step) + 1
local headingParam = args['heading' .. rowIndex]
-- Add a heading above a given row in the table
if headingParam then
local headingRow = table:tag('tr')
:attr('colspan', colCount)
:css('text-align', 'center')
:css('background', 'whitesmoke')
:wikitext('<strong>' .. headingParam .. '</strong>')
local row = table:tag('tr')
local team1, team2, aggregateScore, team1Icon, team2Icon, team1Variant, team2Variant
local team1Winner, team2Winner, manualBold, manualColor, isDraw = false, false, false, false, false
local leg1Score, leg2Score = false, false
local team1Asterick, team2Asterick = false, false
-- Process rows for both national team and club matches
if matchType == 'NT' then
team1 = args[i]
if team1 and team1:match("^%s*%*") then
team1 = team1:gsub("^%s*%*", "")
team1Asterick = true
team1, team1Variant = processIcon(args[i])
aggregateScore = args[i+1]
team2 = args[i+2]
if team2 and team2:match("^%s*%*") then
team2 = team2:gsub("^%s*%*", "")
team2Asterick = true
team2, team2Variant = processIcon(args[i+2])
team1 = args[i]
if noFlagIcons then
aggregateScore = args[i+1]
team2 = args[i+2]
team1Icon, team1Variant = processIcon(args[i+1])
aggregateScore = args[i+2]
team2 = args[i+3]
team2Icon, team2Variant = processIcon(args[i+4])
-- Name the 1st/2nd leg scores for two-legged ties
if legs == 2 then
if matchType == 'NT' or noFlagIcons then
leg1Score = args[i+3]
leg2Score = args[i+4]
leg1Score = args[i+5]
leg2Score = args[i+6]
-- Clean the aggregate score
local cleanAggregate = cleanScore(aggregateScore)
-- Format and rewrite anchor links for aggregate score
aggregateScore = format_score(aggregateScore)
if baselink ~= '' then
aggregateScore = rewriteAnchorLinks(aggregateScore, baselink)
-- Determine the winning team on aggregate
team1, team2, team1Winner, team2Winner, manualBold, manualColor, isDraw, aggregateScore = determineWinner(cleanAggregate, matchType, team1, team2, boldWinner, colorWinner, aggregateScore, isFBRStyle, legs, leg1Score, leg2Score, disableAwayGoals)
-- Add background-color for winning team if set by user
local team1Style = 'text-align: right;'
local team2Style = 'text-align: left;'
if team1Winner and (colorWinner or manualColor) then
team1Style = team1Style .. ' background-color: #CCFFCC;'
if team2Winner and (colorWinner or manualColor) then
team2Style = team2Style .. ' background-color: #CCFFCC;'
-- Generate text to display for each team
local team1Text, team2Text
if matchType == 'NT' then
if flagParam1 then -- Check whether youth team flag template with age level is used
team1Text = (not team1Asterick and team1 ~= "" and team1 ~= nil) and (expandTemplate(frame, flagTemplate .. '-rt', {flagParam1, team1, variant = team1Variant})) or (team1 ~= nil and team1 or "")
team2Text = (not team2Asterick and team2 ~= "" and team2 ~= nil) and (expandTemplate(frame, flagTemplate, {flagParam1, team2, variant = team2Variant})) or (team2 ~= nil and team2 or "")
else -- Use standard national team flag template without age level
team1Text = (not team1Asterick and team1 ~= "" and team1 ~= nil) and (expandTemplate(frame, flagTemplate .. '-rt', {team1, variant = team1Variant})) or (team1 ~= nil and team1 or "")
team2Text = (not team2Asterick and team2 ~= "" and team2 ~= nil) and (expandTemplate(frame, flagTemplate, {team2, variant = team2Variant})) or (team2 ~= nil and team2 or "")
team1Text = noFlagIcons and (team1 or '') or ((team1Icon ~= "" and team1Icon ~= nil) and ((team1 or '') .. ' ' .. expandTemplate(frame, flagTemplate, {team1Icon, variant = team1Variant})) or (team1 or ''))
team2Text = noFlagIcons and (team2 or '') or ((team2Icon ~= "" and team2Icon ~= nil) and (expandTemplate(frame, flagTemplate, {team2Icon, variant = team2Variant}) .. ' ' .. (team2 or '')) or (team2 or ''))
-- When set by user, adds blank flags when string is used for a team instead of national team flag template
if fillBlanks then
if matchType == 'NT' then
if team1Asterick then
team1Text = team1Text .. ' <span class="flagicon">[[Berkas:Flag placeholder.svg|25x17px|link=]]</span>'
if team2Asterick then
team2Text = '<span class="flagicon">[[Berkas:Flag placeholder.svg|25x17px|link=]]</span> ' .. team2Text
elseif not noFlagIcons then
if not team1Icon or team1Icon == "" then
team1Text = team1Text .. ' <span class="flagicon">[[Berkas:Flag placeholder.svg|25x17px|link=]]</span>'
if not team2Icon or team2Icon == "" then
team2Text = '<span class="flagicon">[[Berkas:Flag placeholder.svg|25x17px|link=]]</span> ' .. team2Text
-- Create aggregate score cell with conditional styling
local aggregateStyle = 'text-align: center;'
if isFBRStyle and legs == 0 then
if team1Winner then
aggregateStyle = aggregateStyle .. '; background-color: #BBF3FF;'
elseif team2Winner then
aggregateStyle = aggregateStyle .. '; background-color: #FFBBBB;'
elseif isDraw then
aggregateStyle = aggregateStyle .. '; background-color: #FFFFBB;'
elseif isDraw then
aggregateStyle = aggregateStyle .. '; background-color: #FFFFBB;'
-- Create rows for aggregate score and team names, bolded if set by user
row:tag('td'):cssText(team1Style):wikitext((team1Winner and (boldWinner or manualBold) and team1Text ~= '') and ('<strong>' .. team1Text .. '</strong>') or team1Text)
row:tag('td'):cssText(team2Style):wikitext((team2Winner and (boldWinner or manualBold) and team2Text ~= '') and ('<strong>' .. team2Text .. '</strong>') or team2Text)
-- Add columns for each leg score if applicable
if legs > 0 then
for leg = 1, legs do
local legIndex = i + 4 + leg + (matchType == 'NT' and -2 or (noFlagIcons and -2 or 0))
local legScore = args[legIndex]
if legScore ~= "null" then
-- Format and rewrite anchor links for leg scores
legScore = format_score(legScore)
if baselink ~= '' then
legScore = rewriteAnchorLinks(legScore, baselink)
-- Write cells for legs
row:tag('td'):css('text-align', 'center'):wikitext(legScore)
i = i + step
return tostring(root)
return p