Modul:ProyekWiki Bahasa/pemeliharaan/peta/rawdata/2
local p = {}
local json = require('mw.text').jsonDecode
local urlEncode = require('mw.uri').encode
function p.fetchData()
-- Define the SPARQL endpoint URL and the query
local endpointUrl = ''
local sparqlQuery = [[
SELECT ?id ?idLabel ?head
(SAMPLE(?pop) AS ?populasi)
(SAMPLE(?ison) AS ?iso)
(SAMPLE(?glotton) AS ?glotto)
(SAMPLE(?img) AS ?img_)
(SAMPLE(?gmbr) AS ?gmbr_)
(MIN(?partyId) AS ?geo)
-- The rest of your query goes here
?id wdt:P31 wd:Q34770 .
?id wdt:P279 ?head .
?id wdt:P625 ?geo .
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'id' .
?head rdfs:label ?headLabel .
?id rdfs:label ?idLabel .
OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P220 ?ison . }
OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P1394 ?glotton . }
OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P18 ?img . }
OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P1098 ?pop . }
OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P1846 ?gmbr . }
?link schema:about ?head .
?link schema:isPartOf <> .
?link2 schema:about ?id .
?link2 schema:isPartOf <> .
-- Add the remaining parts of your WHERE clause here
GROUP BY ?id ?idLabel ?head ?headLabel ?link2 ?link ?geo
-- Build the URL with the encoded query
local url = endpointUrl .. '?query=' .. urlEncode(sparqlQuery) .. '&format=json'
-- Fetch data from Wikidata
local result = mw.http.request {
url = '',
headers = { ['Accept'] = 'application/sparql-results+json' },
method = 'GET'
-- Decode JSON response and return it
local data = json(result.body)
return data
function p.showData()
local data = p.fetchData()
-- Convert data into wikitext or HTML for display
local output = ""
for _, item in ipairs(data.results.bindings) do
output = output .. "* " .. item.idLabel.value .. ": " .. item.populasi.value .. "\n"
return output
return p