American Broadcasting Company

Stasiun Televisi, & Radio Amerika Serikat Yang Dimiliki Oleh The Walt Disney Company

ABC (American Broadcasting Company) dibentuk tahun 1943. ABC merupakan stasiun televisi dan radio Amerika Serikat. ABC juga menyediakan berita di internet. Layanan televisi ini tersedia di Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Meksiko, dan Karibia.

American Broadcasting Company
Nama sebelumnyaNBC Blue Network
JenisJaringan radio dan
Jaringan televisi terestrial
SloganStart Here
NegaraAmerika Serikat
KetersediaanAmerika Serikat, Kanada, Meksiko, Filipina, Jepang, Korea Selatan, Jerman, Italia, Prancis, Belgia, negara-negara di Eropa (termasuk Spanyol, dan Islandia), Timur Tengah dan Karibia. Juga diterima di wilayah internasional (termasuk Malaysia dan Singapura)
Pendiri(as independent company)
Edward Noble
Tanggal peluncuran12 Oktober 1943 (radio network)
19 April 1948 (television network)
PemilikThe Walt Disney Company (sejak 1996)
Induk perusahaanDisney-ABC Television Group
Tokoh kunciRobert Iger, CEO of The Walt Disney Company
Anne Sweeney, co-chair Disney Media Networks and President, Disney-ABC Television Group


1960an dan 1970an

  • 1963: "The New ABC"
  • 1964: "Wild World of Entertainment"
  • 1965: "Turn on the Excitement!"
  • 1966: "7 Nights To Remember"
  • 1967: "A Very Special Season"
  • 1968: "Find Your Own Thing!"
  • 1969: "Meet Us in September"
  • 1970: "Let's Get Together on ABC"
  • 1971-1973: "This is the Place to Be"
  • 1974: "Hello, America"
  • 1975: "Welcome to the Bright New World of ABC"
  • 1976: "Let Us Be the One"
  • 1977-1978, 1979-1980: "Still The One"
  • 1978: "We're the One!"



  • 1990-1991: "America's Watching ABC"
  • 1992: "It Must Be ABC"
  • 1993: "Watched by more people than any other network"
  • 1994: "The American Broadcasting Company"
  • 1995: "Get with the Program!"
  • 1996: "Nobody does it like ABC"
  • 1997: "TV is Good"
  • 1998: "We Love TV"
  • 1999–2007: "America's Broadcasting Company"


  • 2000: "America's #1 Broadcasting Company"
  • 2000: "Definitely ABC"
  • 2001: "America's Favorite Network"
  • 2001: "Only Americans" (digunakan setelah peristiwa 11 September)
  • 2003: "Celebrating 50 Years of Television"
  • 2004: "Welcome to the New ABC"
  • 2005: "Only on ABC"
  • 2007-sekarang: "Start Here"
  • 2008: "Start Fresh"
  • 2008: "The Fun Starts Here"

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ABC Kids

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