Hi, my screen name is NoneSee. Born In Medan and live most of my life in Jakarta, Indonesia. Please feel free to leave questions and inquiries on my talk page.
Usia saya di Wikipedia Indonesia 16 tahun, 1 bulan dan 22 hari
Personal(Keterangan Pribadi)
Single mom with 3 three lovely girls, love to travel around the world and spread the hospitality exchange spirit.
Wiki Contributions (Kontribusi Wiki)
Proposed articles about Hospitality Exchange for Wikipedia Indonesia for its Indonesian language new term as Jaringan Silaturahmi, after months of discussions, Her writing was approved :)
Wiki writer in some of Hospitality Exchange Organizations which read by over 3000 Indonesian member.
Article; Profile of Nancy Margaretha Hospitality Exchange volunteer; title "UNO VOCE INDONESIANA", on "Ill Monferrato"; Monferrato Italia Newspaper, Febuary 2007
Quoter: Back 'Euro' Pack 1000$ 6 Bulan keliling Eropa by Marina Silvia K [[1]] , [2]
1 of 5 Speakers for Indonesia Backpaker anniversary attended with over 150 people Jakarta.[3], [4]
Held Open House Seminar about traveling and hospitality Exchange attended with over 100 traveler guests on Jakarta's Hospitality Club Work Camp 911. [5]
Articles, Inspirational profile,Jalin Persaudaraan dengan Traveller,Koran Jakarta,19 February, 2009
Supporting traveling with Hospitality Exchange concepts on book of 'Backpacking Hemat ke Australia', wrote By Elok Dyah ;Inilah Buku Wisata Murah ke Australia Kompas Newspaper Review 15 November 2009
Article; Profile of Nancy Margaretha "Traveling Rame-Rame" on Femina Magazine, Indonesia November 2009
Article; Self Profile "Petualang" on Femina Magazine Special 2010 Year Edition, Indonesia, December 2009