Daftar Presiden Niger

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Berikut adalah daftar presiden Niger.

(Tulisan miring menandakan keberlanjutan pemerintahan secara de facto)

Periode Jabatan Pejabat Afiliasi Catatan
10 November 1960 - 15 April 1974 Hamani Diori, Presiden PPN-RDA  
17 April 1974 - 10 November 1987 Seyni Kountché, Presiden Dewan Militer Supreme Militer
10 November 1987 - 17 Mei 1989 Ali Saïbou, Presiden Dewan Militer Supreme Militer Interim to 14 November 1987
17 Mei 1989 - 20 Desember 1989 Ali Saïbou, President of the Supreme Council of National Orientation Military
20 Desember 1989 - 27 Maret 1993 Ali Saïbou, Presiden MNSD  
27 Maret 1993 - 27 Januari 1996 Mahamane Ousmane, Presiden CDS-Rahama Niger's first democratically elected president
27 Januari 1996 - 7 Agustus 1999 Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara, Chairman of the National Salvation Council Military  
7 Agustus 1996 - 9 April 1999 Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara, Presiden UNIRD  
11 April 1999 - 22 Desember 1999 Daouda Malam Wanké, Chairman of the National Reconciliation Council Militer  
22 Desember 1999 - 18 Februari 2010 Mamadou Tandja, Presiden MNSD-Nassara Terpilih kembali pada 2004
18 Februari 2010 - Sekarang Adamou Harouna, De facto Militer


CDS-Rahama Convention Démocratique et Sociale-Rahama
(Democratic and Social Convention-Rahama)
MNSD Mouvement National de la Societé de Développement
(National Movement for the Development of Society) only legal party 1989-1990
MNSD-Nassara Mouvement National de la Societé de Développement-Nassara
(National Movement for the Development of Society-Nassara) center-right
PPN-RDA Parti Progressiste Nigérien-Rassemblement Démocratique Africain
(Nigerien Progressive Party-African Democratic Rally) only legal party 1960-1974
UNIRD Union Nationale des Indépendants pour la Renoveau Démocratique
(National Union of Independents for Democratic Renewal) authoritarian
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