Tanggal terbit
Tanggal terbit
Tanggal terbit
June 18, 1994
ISBN 4-09-123371-6
September 7, 2004
ISBN 1-59116-327-7
ISBN 979-637-789-6 ISBN 979-663-790-X
Daftar bab :
- 001. "A Modern-Day Sherlock Holmes" (平成のホームズ)
- 002. "The Great Detective Turned Small" (小さくなった名探偵)
- 003. "The Unwelcome Great Detective" (仲間はずれの名探偵)
- 004. "The Sixth Smokestack" (6本目の煙突)
- 005. "The Other Perpetrator" (もう一人の犯人)
- 006. "From Third-Rate to Great Detective" (迷探偵を名探偵に)
- 007. "The Bloody Case of the Lovely Pop Idol" (血ぬられたアイドル)
- 008. "Resemblance" (あなたに似た人)
- 009. "An Unfortunate Misunderstanding" (不幸な誤解)
July 18, 1994
ISBN 4-09-123372-4
November 3, 2004
ISBN 1-59116-587-3
ISBN 979-663-789-6 ISBN 979-663-512-7
Daftar bab :
- 010. "The Advantageous Shadow" (割のいい尾行)
- 011. "The Perfect Alibi" (完璧なアリバイ)
- 012. "The Picture Speaks" (写真は語る)
- 013. "The Missing Man" (行方不明の男)
- 014. "The Sad Girl" (かわいそうな少女)
- 015. "Follow That Big Man!" (大男を追え!)
- 016. "A Devil-like Woman" (悪魔のような女)
- 017. "The Scary Building" (恐怖の館)
- 018. "The Disappearing Children" (消える子供達)
- 019. "The Underground Room's Nightmare" (地下室の悪夢)
October 18, 1994
ISBN 4-09-123373-2
January 4, 2005
ISBN 1-59116-589-X
ISBN 979-637-789-6 ISBN 979-663-577-1
Daftar bab :
- 020. "The Hatamoto Family" (籏本家の一族)
- 021. "The Secret Of The Impenetrable Room" (密室の秘密)
- 022. "The Location of the Inheritance" (遺産の行方)
- 023. "Family Obliteration" (一族抹殺)
- 024. "Trap-Springer In The Dark" (暗闇の仕掛人)
- 025. "The Dream That Will Not Come True" (かなわぬ夢)
- 026. "Curious Presents" (奇妙な贈り物)
- 027. "The Same Person" (同一人物)
- 028. "The Mystery Of August 3rd" (8月3日の謎)
- 029. "Safe Before Your Eyes" (眼前セーフ)
February 18, 1995
ISBN 4-09-123374-0
March 1, 2005
ISBN 1-59116-632-2
ISBN 979-663-789-6 ISBN 979-663-494-5
Daftar bab :
- 030. "The Armored Knight" (甲冑の騎士)
- 031. "Dying Message" (ダイイング·メッセージ)
- 032. "The Pen That Cannot Write" (書けないペン)
- 033. "Running Into The Two" (はちあわせた二人組)
- 034. "The Four In The Green Car" (グリーン車の四人)
- 035. "The Last 10 Seconds Of Terror" (ラスト10秒の恐怖)
- 036. "Code Sheet Obtained!" (暗号表入手!!)
- 037. "The ABC's of Deciphering" (暗号解読のABC)
- 038. "An Answer And Another Answer" (答えもうひとつの答)
- 039. "The Shining Fish's True Form" (光る魚の正体)
April 18, 1995
ISBN 4-09-123375-9
May 5, 2005
ISBN 1-59116-633-0
ISBN 979-663-789-6 ISBN 979-663-690-5
Daftar bab :
- 040. "The Mysterious And Bandeged Man" (怪人...包帯の男)
- 041. "The First Victim!" (第一の犠牲者!)
- 042. "Ran's In Trouble" (蘭ピンチ!)
- 043. "The Attack In The Dark!" (暗闇の襲撃!)
- 044. "The Identity Of The Murderer!" (殺人鬼の正体!)
- 045. "The Karaoke Killer!" (カラオケ殺人!)
- 046. "Suicide Or Homicide" (自殺か他殺か?)
- 047. "The Mystery Hidden In The Song" (歌に秘められた謎)
- 048. "How Lives Cross" (すれちがい...)
- 049. "An Unfimiliar Visitor" (見知らぬ訪問者.)
- 050. "Escape And Pursuit" (脱出そして追跡.)
July 18, 1995
ISBN 4-09-123376-7
July 5, 2005
ISBN 1-59116-838-4
Daftar bab :
- 051. "The Truth Under The Mask" (仮面の下の真実)
- 052. "Three Visitors" (三人の訪問客)
- 053. "Alibis Of The Three" (三人のアリバイ)
- 054. "Answering Machine Mystery" (留守番電話の謎)
- 055. "Words On The Chest" (タンスの言葉)
- 056. "Formation! The Detective Boys" (結成!少年探偵団)
- 057. "Mysterious Brothers" (ナゾの兄弟)
- 058. "Moving Corpse Mystery" (動く死体の謎)
- 059. "Festival Night" (祭りの夜)
- 060. "A Perfect Alibi" (アリバイは完璧!?)
November 18, 1995
ISBN 4-09-123377-5
September 8, 2005
ISBN 1-59116-978-X
Daftar bab :
- 061. "The Photo Trap" (写真のワナ)
- 062. "The Invitation To Tsukikage Island" (月影島への招待状)
- 063. "The Piano's Curse" (ピアノの呪い)
- 064. "Left-Behind Music" (残された楽譜)
- 065. "The Hellfire Secret" (業火の秘密)
- 066. "Blood-Stained Button" (血染めのボタン)
- 067. "The Secret Of The Name!!" (名前の秘密!!)
- 068. "Shinichi's Sweetheart!!" (新一の恋人!!)
- 069. "Meitantei Ran" (名探偵 蘭!?)
- 070. "A Time Limit On Life" (命の時間切れ!?)
December 9, 1995
ISBN 4-09-123378-3
November 15, 2005
ISBN 1-4215-0111-2
Daftar bab :
- 071. "Found at Last!!" (ついに見つけた!!)
- 072. "The Baron of the Night" (闇の男爵(ナイトバロン))
- 073. "The Virus Of Fear" (恐怖のウイルス)
- 074. "Underneath the Mask" (仮面の下)
- 075. "Ran's Tears" (蘭の涙)
- 076. "The Wind's Trick!?" (風のいたずら!?)
- 077. "Secret Of The Spot Of The Fall" (落下地点の秘密)
- 078. "The Bride's Tragedy" (花嫁の悲劇)
- 079. "The Forbidden Lemon Tea!?" (禁断のレモンティー!?)
- 080. "A Reason to Kill" (殺しの理由)
January 18, 1996
ISBN 4-09-123379-1
January 17, 2006
ISBN 1-4215-0166-X
Daftar bab :
- 081. "A Dangerous Game Of Hide-And-Seek" (危ないかくれんぼ)
- 082. "Follow The Voice!!" (声を追え!!)
- 083. "What! Really" (えっ!本当!?)
- 084. "Kogorou's Class Reunion" (小五郎の同窓会)
- 085. "An Unexpected Hint" (意外なヒント)
- 086. "The Two Benkei Standing Deaths" (弁慶の仁王立ち)
- 087. "Choosing A Groom" (花婿選び)
- 088. "The Encroching Shadow" (忍び寄る影)
- 089. "Another Body" (死体がもうひとつ...)
- 090. "Random Murder" (無差別殺人!?)
April 18, 1996
ISBN 4-09-123380-5
March 21, 2006
ISBN 1-4215-0316-6
Daftar bab :
- 091. "The Water Time-Difference Trick" (水の時間差トリック)
- 092. "The Great Detective Of The West" (西の名探偵)
- 093. "Double Reasoning" (二人の推理)
- 094. "The Great Detective Of The East" (東の名探偵...!?)
- 095. "The Great Detective Of The East Appears!" (東の名探偵現る!?)
- 096. "A Burning Body" (熱いからだ)
- 097. "A Psychopath Prowls" (忍び寄る殺人鬼)
- 098. "An Additional Person" (もう一人の乗客)
- 099. "Snowstorm Tragedy" (吹雪が呼んだ惨劇)
- 100. "The Last Words" (最後の言葉)
July 18, 1996
ISBN 4-09-125041-6
May 16, 2006
ISBN 1-4215-0441-3
Daftar bab :
- 101. "A Table Cloth that Talked" (話すテーブルクロス)
- 102. "A Death During a Live Broadcast" (生放送中の死)
- 103. "Illusionary Road" (幻の道)
- 104. "Flash News" (緊急推理ショー)
- 105. "An Important Person!?" (大事な人!?)
- 106. "The Weapon Of The Crime" (凶器のありか)
- 107. "The Two Mysteries" (二つの謎)
- 108. "The Fasting Room" (修行の間)
- 109. "The Sakura Blossoms and the Hole in the Wall" (桜と壁の穴)
- 110. "The Power Of Levitation" (宙に浮く力)
September 18, 1996
ISBN 4-09-125042-4
July 18, 2006
ISBN 1-4215-0442-1
Daftar bab :
- 111. "Dr. Agasa's Treasure Box" (博士の宝箱)
- 112. "The Black Sun" (黒い太陽)
- 113. "The Truth About the Treasure" (宝の正体)
- 114. "An Unexpected Meeting" (突然の遭遇)
- 115. "The Whereabout of the Bomb" (爆弾の行方)
- 116. "Conan's Mistake" (コナンの誤算)
- 117. "The Meeting at Microft" (マイクロフトでの集い)
- 118. "The Woman Who Knew Too Much" (知りすぎていた女)
- 119. "The Mysterious Explosion" (ナゾの爆発)
- 120. "The Lie is Revealed" (見破られたウソ)
December 10, 1996
ISBN 4-09-125043-2
September 19, 2006
ISBN 1-4215-0443-X
Daftar bab :
- 121. "The Revalation" (本当の姿)
- 122. "The Witnesses Are" (目撃者は...!?)
- 123. "The Triplets" (三つ子の容疑者)
- 124. "A Really Sad Brothership" (哀しき兄弟の絆)
- 125. "The Falling Body" (落ちる死体)
- 126. "A Suspicious Suicide" (疑惑の自殺)
- 127. "Flowers And Butterfly" (花と蝶)
- 128. "The Runaway" (逃亡者)
- 129. "The Tragedy Of The Monster Gomera" (怪獣ゴメラの悲劇)
- 130. "A Silhouette Which Disappear" (去りゆく後ろ姿)
March 18, 1997
ISBN 4-09-125044-0
November 21, 2006
ISBN 1-4215-0444-8
Daftar bab :
- 131. "Found the Picture" (写真があった!!)
- 132. "The Telephone's Number" (電話の数字)
- 133. "The Case is Just Beginning!?" (事件はこれから!?)
- 134. "Question In Dead Leaves" (落葉の中の尋問)
- 135. "In The Mother's Chest" (母さんの胸の中!?)
- 136. "Conan Grin" (コナンの笑み...)
- 137. "Yukiko Grin" (有希子の笑み...)
- 138. "One More Person..." (もう一人の...)
- 139. "Unexpected Crew" (奇妙な集まり)
- 140. "The Last Guest" (最後の客)
June 18, 1997
ISBN 4-09-125045-9
January 16, 2007
ISBN 1-4215-0445-6
Daftar bab :
- 141. "Gone!?" (ない!?)
- 142. "The Disappearing Rope" (消えた凶器)
- 143. "Truth From Tears" (涙で語る真実)
- 144. "Their Voices Are Alike!?" (声が似てる!?)
- 145. "What They Are After" (狙うは...)
- 146. "A Duet!?" (デュエット!?)
- 147. "Licking His Finger!?" (指をペロッ!?)
- 148. "She Used Magic!?" (魔法を使った!?)
- 149. "A Devil's Calling" (悪魔の呼び声)
- 150. "The Blood-Stained Bandage 血染めの包帯)
August 9, 1997
ISBN 4-09-125046-7
March 20, 2007
ISBN 1-4215-0881-8
Daftar bab :
- 151. "White Murder" (白き殺人者)
- 152. "Truth of the Telephone" (真実の電話)
- 153. "Bonds of Flame" (炎の絆)
- 154. "The School's Mystery" (学校の不思議)
- 155. "Someone's There!?" (誰かいる!?)
- 156. "Chance Meeting" (邂逅)
- 157. "Annihilation" (消滅)
- 158. "Presence" (気配)
- 159. "Finale" (終極)
- 160. "The Machination of the Potter" (陶芸家達の企み)
November 18, 1997
ISBN 4-09-125047-5
May 15, 2007
ISBN 1-4215-0882-6
Daftar bab :
- 161. "The Unmoving Evidence" (動かぬ証拠)
- 162. "Killed by a Sound" (音で殺す!?)
- 163. "Three Puzzled Tricks" (三つの謀)
- 164. "Lost Weapon" (逃げた凶器)
- 165. "Who Could I Forget It" (忘れちゃいけない)
- 166. "What Should We Do" (どうしよう!?)
- 167. "The Cuckoo Clock" (時計が...)
- 168. "The Demon Appears" (鬼が出た!?)
- 169. L·N·R)
- 170. The Actors Gathered 役者が揃った)
January 17, 1998
ISBN 4-09-125048-3
July 17, 2007
ISBN 1-4215-0883-4
Daftar bab :
- 171. "It Must Be Similar" (同じはずなのに...)
- 172. "Two Rooms" (二つの部屋)
- 173. "First Love" (初恋の人...)
- 174. "The Burning Truth" (燃える真実)
- 175. "Unlock Your Heart" (心は開く!?)
- 176. "The New Student" (転校生は...)
- 177. "The Lady In Black" (黒ずくめの女)
- 178. "Code Name Sherry" (コードネーム·シェリー)
- 179. "The Girl Made Of Lies" (偽りの少女)
- 180. "Checkmate" (チェックメイト)
April 18, 1998
ISBN 4-09-125049-1
September 18, 2007
ISBN 1-4215-0884-2
Daftar bab :
- 181. "Why" (どうして...)
- 182. "The Writer that Disappeared" (蒸発した文士)
- 183. "Climax of Half" (1/2の頂点)
- 184. "In France" (フランスにて...)
- 185. "The Living City" (食いだおれの街)
- 186. "The Fourth Wallet" (四人目の財布)
- 187. "In The Wallet" (財布の中の...)
- 188. "The Secret of the Driving License" (免許証の秘密)
- 189. "The Endangered Ball" (狙われたボール)
- 190. "The 56 Thousand Hostages" (5万6千人の人質)
July 18, 1998
ISBN 4-09-125050-5
November 20, 2007
ISBN 1-4215-0885-0
Daftar bab :
- 191. "The Eye From Far Away" (遠くからの眼)
- 192. "Run Away" (逃げろ!)
- 193. "In The Middle Of The Snow" (雪原の中で...)
- 194. "Suspect Behaviors" (怪しい動き)
- 195. "Search" (探索)
- 196. "From The Sky" (発露)
- 197. "Goodbye" (サヨナラ...)
- 198. "Tangible Proof" (証拠が見える)
- 199. "Sisterly Love" (姉思い...)
- 200. "Invitation To An Isolated Castle" (孤城ヘの誘い)
October 17, 1998
ISBN 4-09-125491-8
January 15, 2008
ISBN 1-4215-1456-7
Daftar bab :
- 201. "And Again" (そしてまた...)
- 202. "Countdown" (カウントダウン)
- 203. "Ivory Tower" (象牙の塔)
- 204. "The Initial Call" (最初の挨拶)
- 205. "Midair Sealed Chanber" (大空の密室)
- 206. "The Last Trump Card" (最後の切り札)
- 207. "Hidden Within The Depth Of The Heart" (胸に秘めて...)
- 208. "The Sakurada Gate" (桜田門の変!?)
- 209. "The Inspector Leads The Investigation" (警部の推理)
- 210. "An Unexpected Rival" (意外な敵)
- 211. "A Nice Day In Tokyo" (東京日和)
February 18, 1999
ISBN 4-09-125492-6
March 18, 2008
ISBN 1-4215-1674-8
Daftar bab :
- 212. "Uneasiness" (おそろいや)
- 213. "The Evidence" (証拠は...)
- 214. "The Last Laugh" (かかった獲物)
- 215. "The Northbound Train" (北斗星)
- 216. "Search The Train" (馬脚を露わす1?)
- 217. "To be continued..." ()
- 218. "The Last Station" (終着駅)
- 219. "Go On, Sonoko!" (それゆけ園子)
- 220. "The Sleeping Beauty" (眠り姫)
- 221. "The Prince With A Kick" (蹴撃の貴公子)
April 17, 1999
ISBN 4-09-125493-4
May 20, 2008
ISBN 1-4215-1675-6
Daftar bab :
- 222. "The Last Movie" (チネ·チッタ)
- 223. "The Truth In The Mirror" (鏡の中の真実)
- 224. "Dreamland" (夢の場所)
- 225. "Gray Planner" (影の計画師)
- 226. "The Motive Thickens" (殺意は燃えて...)
- 227. "The Unintentional Target" (意外な標的)
- 228. "Disappearing Among The Waves" (波涛に消ゆ...)
- 229. "This Is The Truth" (これが真実)
- 230. "The Witness Survived" (証人生還)
- 231. "Investigation Begins!" (捜査開始!!)
July 17, 1999
ISBN 4-09-125494-2
July 15, 2008
ISBN 1-4215-1676-4
Daftar bab :
- 232. "Finding Evidence" (現場検証)
- 233. "Count Down" (カウントダウン)
- 234. "Another Half Year" (あと半年)
- 235. "In the Dark" (闇の中...)
- 236. "The Unbelievable Link" (信じられぬ接点)
- 237. "From the Bottom of Heart" (最後の心)
- 238. "The Secret Corner of Betrayal" (裏切りの街角)
- 239. "The Black Burial Ranks" (漆黒の葬列)
- 240. "The Sudden Parting" (突然の別れ)
- 241. "The Bullet from the Past" (過去からの銃弾)
- 242. "The White World" (白の世界)
October 18, 1999
ISBN 4-09-125495-0
September 16, 2008
ISBN 1-4215-1677-2
Daftar bab :
- 243. "Not Linke the Rest" (仲間外れ!?)
- 244. "The Victim Doesn't Talk" (死者は語らず)
- 245. "The Expiramental Words" (手探りの言葉)
- 246. "The Spider Mansion" (蜘蛛屋敷)
- 247. "Seen Horror" (恐怖を見た)
- 248. "Heiji's Cry" (平次の叫び)
- 249. "Heiji's Anger" (平次の怒り)
- 250. "Unable to Speak" (言葉にできない)
- 251. "Mistaken Detectives" (手負いの探偵団)
- 252. "Ethusiastic Detectives" (心強き名探偵達)
- 253. "One's Trust" (一つの確信)
February 18, 2000
ISBN 4-09-125496-9
November 18, 2008
ISBN 1-4215-1678-0
Daftar bab :
- 254. "An Infatuated Heart" (迷える心)
- 255. "The Intruder's Sudden Arrival" (突然の侵入者)
- 256. "Concealed Truth" (覆われた真実)
- 257. "Revival Under The Threat Of Death" (命懸けの復活)
- 258. "Momentary Rest" (束の間の休息)
- 259. "A Tranquil Time" (穏やかな時間)
- 260. "The Memorable Place" (思い出の場所)
- 261. "Music Strings" (琴線に触れた!?)
- 262. "The Vanishing Sound" (消えた音)
- 263. "Spring Has Come" (春よ来い!?)
- Conan Special Volume-Haibara's friend)
April 18, 2000
ISBN 4-09-125497-7
January 20, 2009
ISBN 1-4215-1679-9
Daftar bab :
- 264. "A Taste Of One's Own Medicine" (身から出た錆)
- 265. "An Important Witness" (重要参考人)
- 266. "Unwavering Resolve" (思い切って)
- 267. "The Witness from 18 Years Ago" (18年前の男)
- 268. "The Imprisoned Policeman" (囚われた刑事)
- 269. "Time's Up" (時効成立)
- 270. "Game Start" (試合開始)
- 271. "TTX..." ()
- 272. "Game Over" (試合終了)
- 273. "Stuck On The Same Boat" (呉越同舟)
July 18, 2000
ISBN 4-09-125498-5
March 17, 2009
ISBN 1-4215-2196-2
Daftar bab :
- 274. "The Shrunken Target" (小さな標的)
- 275. "True Motive" (殺意の真意)
- 276. "A Lying Client" (偽りの人)
- 277. "The Evidence Held" (一握りの証拠)
- 278. "The Horrifying Woman" (恐怖の女)
- 279. "The Mermaid's Curse" (人魚の呪い)
- 280. "The Elder's Prophecy" (命様の予言)
- 281. "The Devil's Arrow" (悪魔の矢)
- 282. "The Last Arrow" (最後の一矢)
- 283. "Uncompensated Heart" (報われぬ心)
- 284. "The Buried Secret" (小さな違和感)
September 18, 2000
ISBN 4-09-125499-3
May 19, 2009
ISBN 1-4215-2197-0
Daftar bab :
- 285. "The Suspicion" (小さな違和感)
- 286. "An Unexpected Motive" (意外な理由)
- 287. "The Invisible Fear" (見えない恐怖)
- 288. "Danger Signal" (危険信号)
- 289. "Concealed Beneath The Truth" (白日の下の潜伏)
- 290. "The Dog Lovers Case" (愛犬家たち)
- 291. "A Tiny Trace" (わずかな足跡)
- 292. "The Disappeared Evidence" (消えなかった証拠)
- 293. "K3" (Kスリー)
- 294. "The Last Possibility" (最後の可能性)
- 295. "Red Card" (レッドカード)
December 18, 2000
ISBN 4-09-125500-0
Jul 21, 2009
ISBN 1-4215-2198-9
Daftar bab :
- 296. "Straight Ball Match" (直球勝負)
- 297. "The Open Closed Arena" (開かれた密室)
- 298. "Time Trap" (時間差の罠)
- 299. "The Meeting" (糾合)
- 300. "Tragedy" (惨劇)
- 301. "Murder" (密殺)
- 302. "Sting" (誑欺)
- 303. "Genta's Misfortune" (元太の災難)
- 304. "Genta's Trap" (元太の罠)
- 305. "On the Bottom" (そこには)
- 306. "Surrounded By Hints" (手がかり包囲網)