
keluarga burung
Revisi sejak 11 Juni 2010 09.55 oleh SieBot (bicara | kontrib) (bot Menambah: pnb:ترکھان چڑی)
Burung penghisap getah berbadan kuning
(Sphyrapicus varius)
Klasifikasi ilmiah

Familia unggas Picidae mencakup Burung pelatuk, Tukik dan Wrynecks. Anggota familia ini dapat detemukan di seluruh dunia, kecuali Australia, Madagaskar, dan wilayah kutub yang beriklim ekstrim. Kebanyakan spesies ini hidup di hutan atau habitat Tanah kayu, meskipun sedikit spesies yang diketahui hidup di area gurun.

Picidae adalah salah satu dari delapan familia dalam ordo Piciformes. Anggota dalam ordo Piciformes mencakup, seperti Cirik-Cirik, puffbirds, Takur, Tukan dan Burung pemandu lebah, sudah secara tradisional berkerabat dengan pelatuk, piculet dan wrynecks. Molekuler yang saat ini dipelajari telah memperkuat pandangan ini.


  • Benz, Brett W.; Robbins, Mark B. & Peterson, A. Townsend (2006): Evolutionary history of woodpeckers and allies (Aves: Picidae): Placing key taxa on the phylogenetic tree. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40: 389 – 399. DOI 10.1016/j.ympev.2006.02.021}}
  • Cracraft, Joel & Morony, John J. Jr. (1969): A new Pliocene woodpecker, with comments on the fossil Picidae. American Museum Novitates 2400: 1-8. PDF fulltext
  • Johansson, U. S. & Ericson, G. P. (2003): Molecular support for a sister group relationship between Pici and Galbulae (Piciformes sensu Wetmore 1960). Journal of Avian Biology 34: 185-197. PDF fulltext
  • Koenig, W. D. & Haydock, J. (1999): Oaks, acorns, and the geographical ecology of acorn woodpeckers. J. Biogeogr. 26(1): 159-165. DOI 10.1046/j.1365-2699.1999.00256.x}} (HTML abstract)
  • Lemaitre, J. & Villard, M. A. (2005): Foraging patterns of pileated woodpeckers in a managed Acadian forest: a resource selection function. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35(10): 2387-2393. HTML abstract
  • Michalek, K. G. & Winkler, H. (2001): Parental care and parentage in monogamous great spotted woodpeckers (Picoides major) and middles spotted woodpeckers (Picoides medius). Behaviour 138(10): 1259-1285. DOI 10.1163/15685390152822210 (HTML abstract)
  • Moore, William S.; Weibel, Amy C. & Agius, Andrea (2006): Mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of the woodpecker genus Veniliornis (Picidae, Picinae) and related genera implies convergent evolution of plumage patterns. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 87: 611 – 624. PDF fulltext
  • Stark, R. D.; Dodenhoff, D. J. & Johnson, E. V. (1998): A quantitative analysis of woodpecker drumming. Condor 100(2): 350-356. PDF fulltext
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  • Webb, Daniel Matthew & Moore, William S. (2005): A phylogenetic analysis of woodpeckers and their allies using 12S, Cyt b, and COI nucleotide sequences (class Aves; order Piciformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 36: 233-248. PDF fulltext
  • Wiebe, K.L. & Swift, T. L. (2001): Clutch size relative to tree cavity size in northern flickers. Journal of Avian Biology 32(2): 167. DOI 10.1034/j.1600-048X.2001.320210.x}} (HTML abstract)
  • Wiktander, U.; Olsson, O. & Nilsson, S.F. (2000) Parental care and social mating system in the lesser spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos minor. Journal of Avian Biology 31(4): 447. Pengidentifikasi Objek Digital 10.1034/j.1600-048X.2000.310003.x}} (HTML abstract)
  • Yom-Tov, Y. & Ar, A. (1993): Incubation and fledging durations of woodpeckers. Condor 95(2): 282-287. PDF fulltext