Wahyu Hidayat Blahe

Bergabung 8 Juli 2012
Revisi sejak 8 Juli 2012 06.28 oleh Wahyu Hidayat Blahe (bicara | kontrib) (Wahyu Hidayat - Blahe (lahir di Medan, Indonesia, 14 Maret 1983) memiliki akun Twitter: @WahyuBlahe digunakan dalam bersosialisasi di dunia maya.)
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Wahyu Hidayat - Blahe (lahir di Medan, Indonesia, 14 Maret 1983)

Once upon a time somewhere in Medan- indonesia was born a cute babyboys. My parents gave me name “Wahyu Hidayat”. And my friends called me wahyu or bLahe. Everyone can called me whatever u like with wahyu or bLahe, but usually my school and campus’ friends called me wahyu ‘n my chat’s friends called me bLahe. All of my friend like it “call me bLahe, I don’t know why, I just thinking positive that’s love bLahe/wahyu so much..