Dipa Pharmalab Intersains
PT Dipa Pharmalab Intersains is importer, marketer and distributor for pharmaceutical and medical equipment in Indonesia. Founded since 1991 and now PT Dipa Pharmalab Intersains have more than 45 branches covers all Indonesia teritory. Last revenue in 2006 are about 17,1 Mio US$ with growth nearly 50%.
As importer PT Dipa Pharmalab Intersains has been working together with Talecris (USA), Kowa (Japan), Teijin (Japan), Daichi (Japan), Braco (Italy), Bioniche (Switzerland) and others. We are now working with several other new principal.
In Indonesia PT Dipa Pharmalab Intersains has closed relationship with Internist, Intensivest, Surgeon, Pediatrician, Radiologist, Embriologist, Ob-Gyn, Orthopedics and other specialist. Our major market are for hospital base medicine, govermental health insurance and institusional tender.