Daftar papabili dalam konklaf kepausan 2013

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Sejumlah pria telah ditunjuk oleh media berita sebagai "papabili", dengan kesempatan yang masuk akal terpilih untuk menggantikan Paus Benediktus XVI, yang mengundurkan diri pada tanggal 28 Februari 2013, di Konklaf Kepausan 2013.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir beberapa paus telah terpilih yang sebelumnya tidak dianggap sebagai seorang papabili sebelum konklaf, termasuk Yohanes XXIII, Yohanes Paulus I, dan Yohanes Paulus II. Ada pepatah sinis di kalangan Vatikanologis: "Dia yang memasuki konklaf sebagai Paus, kemudian keluar sebagai kardinal."[1]

Paus Urbanus VI pada 1378 adalah paus terakhir yang dipilih dari luar Dewan Kardinal.[2]

Daftar papabili (merujuk kepada beberapa laporan media)

Usia per Februari 2013
Amato, AngeloAngelo Amato[3]   Italy Kardinal-Deakon Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints 74 2010  
Arinze, FrancisFrancis Arinze[4][5]   Nigeria Cardinal-Bishop Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments 80 1985  
Bagnasco, AngeloAngelo Bagnasco[3]   Italy Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Genoa 70 2007 Berkas:Cardinale Angelo Bagnasco.jpg
Bergoglio, JorgeJorge Bergoglio[3]   Argentina Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Buenos Aires 76 2001  
Pietro Evasio Bertone, TarcisioTarcisio Pietro Evasio Bertone[3]   Italy Cardinal-Bishop Cardinal Secretary of State 78 2003  
Braz de Aviz, JoãoJoão Braz de Aviz [6]   Brazil Cardinal-Deacon Prefect of Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life 65 2012  
Cañizares Llovera, AntonioAntonio Cañizares Llovera[3]   Spain Cardinal-Priest Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments 67 2006  
Dolan, Timothy M.Timothy M. Dolan[3][5][6]   United States Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of New York 63 2012  
Erdő, PéterPéter Erdő[7][8]   Hungary Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest 60 2003  
O'Malley, Seán PatrickSeán Patrick O'Malley[9]   United States Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Boston 68 2006  
Ouellet, MarcMarc Ouellet[3][5][10][11]   Canada Cardinal-Priest Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops 68 2003  
Pell, GeorgeGeorge Pell[3]   Australia Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Sydney 71 2003  
Piacenza, MauroMauro Piacenza[3]   Italy Cardinal-Deacon Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy 68 2010
Ranjith, MalcolmMalcolm Ranjith[3]   Sri Lanka Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Colombo 65 2010  
Ravasi, GianfrancoGianfranco Ravasi[12]   Italy Cardinal-Deacon President of the Pontifical Council for Culture 70 2010  
Rivera Carrera, NorbertoNorberto Rivera Carrera[3]   Mexico Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Mexico City 70 1998  
Rodríguez Maradiaga, Óscar AndrésÓscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga[13]   Honduras Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Tegucigalpa 70 2001  
Sandri, LeonardoLeonardo Sandri[5][14]   Argentina Cardinal-Deacon Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches 69 2007  
Pedro Scherer, OdiloOdilo Pedro Scherer[3][6]   Brazil Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of São Paulo 63 2007  
Schönborn, ChristophChristoph Schönborn[3][11]   Austria Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Vienna 68 1998  
Scola, AngeloAngelo Scola[3][5][11]   Italy Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Milan 71 2003  
Sepe, CrescenzioCrescenzio Sepe[3]   Italy Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Naples 69 2001  
Tagle, Luis AntonioLuis Antonio Tagle[6]   Philippines Cardinal-Priest Archbishop of Manila 55 2012 Berkas:Cardinal Luis.jpg
Turkson, PeterPeter Turkson[3][5][15]   Ghana Cardinal-Priest President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 64 2003  


  1. ^ Jr., Rev. John Trigilio; Brighenti, Rev. Kenneth (2011-03-10). Catholicism For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons. hlm. 39–. ISBN 9781118053782. Diakses tanggal 21 February 2013. 
  2. ^ Gurugé, Anura (2010). The Next Pope: After Pope Benedict XVI (edisi ke-1st Ed.). Alton, N.H.: WOWNH. hlm. 34. ISBN 978-0615353722. 
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p "One Of These Men Will Be The Next Pope". Business Insider. 11 February 2013. Diakses tanggal 15 February 2013. 
  4. ^ "Pope Benedict XVI announces resignation – as it happened". The Guardian. 12 February 2013. Diakses tanggal 15 February 2013. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f Donadio, Rachel; Povoledo, Elisabetta (12 February 2013). "Pope Resigns, with Church at Crossroads". New York Times. hlm. A1, A11. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2013. 
  6. ^ a b c d "New pontiff by March, says Vatican". Irish Times. 11 February 2013. 
  7. ^ "Mögliche Nachfolger: Wer hat die größten Chancen, den Platz von Joseph Ratzinger einzunehmen?". NewsAT. 11 February 2013. 
  8. ^ "Hungarian Erdo "favourite as next pope" - papal entourage". The Italian Insider. 11 February 2013. 
  9. ^ Connor, Tracy (February 20, 2013). "Boston's sandal-wearing Cardinal O'Malley getting papal buzz". NBC News. Diakses tanggal February 20, 2013. 
  10. ^ "Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet among frontrunners to replace Pope Benedict XVI". National Post. 11 February 2013. 
  11. ^ a b c Donadio, Rachel; Cowell, Alan (11 February 2013). "Pope Benedict XVI Says He Will Resign". The New York Times. Diakses tanggal 11 February 2013. 
  12. ^ "Papal conclave: Runners and riders". BBC News. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2013. 
  13. ^ "A Latin American Pope?". NBC Latino. 11 February 2013. 
  14. ^ Sandri, Leonardo (11 February 2013). "Argentine Cardinal, Possible Successor To Pope Benedict XVI". The Huffington Post. 
  15. ^ "Ghana's Turkson Favorite to Succeed Benedict as Pope". Bloomberg. 11 February 2013.