Radar surveilans utama
1 . According to the WHO : A process of collecting , processing , analysis and interpretation of health data in a systematic , continuous and dissemination of information to the relevant parties to take action . 2 . According to the CDC ( Center of Disease Control ) : collection , analysis and interpretation of health data systematically and continuously , which is necessary for the planning , implementation and evaluation of public health efforts , combined with data dissemination in a timely manner to those who need to know
1 . Predicting and detecting early epidemics ( outbreaks ) 2 . Monitor , evaluate , and improve disease prevention and control programs , 3 . For information supply priority setting, policy -making , planning , implementation and allocation of health resources . 4 . Monitoring trend ( trend ) and estimating the impact of endemic diseases in the future . 5 . Identify needs further research and investigation . C. SCOPE 1 . epidemic 2 . Infectious disease ( Infectious Diseases ) 3 . Non-Communicable Diseases 4 . Health Services Problem . 5 . Population Problem . 6 . Environment Problem
Collection of data / information data processing Analysis and interpretation of data Results of analysis can be used to : - Perenmcanaan - Monitoring and - Evaluation Dissemination of data that are geared to : - Higher administrative levels - All agencies reporting - Disseminated to the user community
1 . Studying patterns of disease occurrence and potential disease in populations that may be effective in the investigation , control, and prevention of diseases in populations . 2 . Studying the natural history of the disease , and the clinical spectrum of disease epidemiology ( who, when , and where they , as well as exposure to risk factors ) 3 . Provide a data base that can be used to estimate the prevention and control measures in the development and implementation .
1 . data collection • Processing and presentation • Analysis and interpretation • Dissemination of information and recommendation The purpose of data collection : 1 . Determine which group / class population at risk ( age , sex , race , occupation , etc. ) 2 . Determine the type of agent and its characteristics 3 . Determine the reservoir of infection 4 . Ascertain the cause of transmission 5 . Noted the incidence of disease
• Report of illness • Registration of death • Report of an outbreak • Laboratory tests • Investigations disease events • outbreak investigation • Survey / Epidemiological Studies • Investigation vector and reservoir distribution • The use of drugs , serums , vaccines • Reports of population and environment • Report of nutritional status and food conditions
1 . Data mortality ( death ) 2 . Morbidity data ( Soreness ) 3 . Data epidemic 4 . Report the use of the laboratory ( lab test results . ) 5 . Investigation of individual case reports 6 . Epidemic investigation report ( investigation of outbreaks ) 7 . Special survey ( disease registers , serological surveys ) 8 . Information as reservoir animals and vectors . 9 . demographic data 10 . Environmental data .
a) Active surveillance • Observations case made directly to the field . • complete and the results obtained are much better • Needed funds and specialized personnel . b ) passive surveillance • Observation of the case is done indirectly , ie through the report . • The results are less complete . J. REASON EXECUTED SURVEILLANCE Surveillance is reasonable to do if backed conditions : 1 . Disease burden ( burden of disease) high , so it is an important public health problem . 2 . There is a public health measure that can be done to resolve the issue . 3 . Relevant data is easily obtained 4 . The results commensurate with the effort made ( considered efficient )