Modul:Archive list
Modul ini dilindungi. Modul ini sangat mencolok yang digunakan oleh banyak halaman, atau sangat sering disubstitusikan. Karena vandalisme atau kesalahan akan mempengaruhi banyak halaman, dan suntingan kecil dapat memberi beban besar pada server, modul ini dilindungi dari penyuntingan. |
Modul ini adalah pengganti templat {{archive list}}.
- Main
Fungsi main. Menghasilkan daftar tautan yang terarsipkan.
{{#invoke:Archive list|main | root = | links = | nobr = | prefix = | prefixspace = | linkprefix = | linkprefixspace = | sep = | linesep = | start = | max = }}
- Count
Fungsi count. Menghasilkan jumlah arsip terkini.
{{#invoke:Archive list|count | root = | prefix = | prefixspace = }}
-- This module implements {{archive list}} in Lua, and adds a few
-- new features.
-- Process a numeric argument to make sure it is a positive
-- integer.
local function processNumArg( num )
if num then
num = tonumber( num )
if type( num ) == 'number' then
num = math.floor( num )
if num >= 0 then
return num
return nil
-- Checks whether a page exists, going through pcall
-- in case we are over the expensive function limit.
local function checkPageExists( title )
if not title then
error('No title passed to checkArchiveExists', 2)
local noError, titleObject = pcall(, title)
if not noError then
-- If we are over the expensive function limit then assume
-- that the page doesn't exist.
return false
if titleObject then
return titleObject.exists
return false -- Return false if given a bad title.
-- Checks every nth archive to see if it exists, and returns the
-- number of the first archive that doesn't exist. It is
-- necessary to do this in batches because each check is an
-- expensive function call, and we want to avoid making too many
-- of them so as not to go over the expensive function limit.
local function checkArchives( prefix, n, start )
local i = start
local exists = true
while exists do
exists = checkPageExists( prefix .. tostring( i ) )
if exists then
i = i + n
return i
-- Return the biggest archive number, using checkArchives()
-- and starting in intervals of 1000. This should get us a
-- maximum of 500,000 possible archives before we hit the
-- expensive function limit.
local function getBiggestArchiveNum( prefix, max )
-- Return the value for max if it is specified.
max = processNumArg( max )
if max then
return max
-- Otherwise, detect the largest archive number.
local check1000 = checkArchives( prefix, 1000, 1 )
if check1000 == 1 then
return 0 -- Return 0 if no archives were found.
local check200 = checkArchives( prefix, 200, check1000 - 1000 )
local check50 = checkArchives( prefix, 50, check200 - 200 )
local check10 = checkArchives( prefix, 10, check50 - 50 )
local check1 = checkArchives( prefix, 1, check10 - 10 )
-- check1 is the first page that doesn't exist, so we want to
-- subtract it by one to find the biggest existing archive.
return check1 - 1
-- Get the archive link prefix (the title of the archive pages
-- minus the number).
local function getPrefix( root, prefix, prefixSpace )
local ret = root or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText
ret = ret .. '/'
if prefix then
ret = ret .. prefix
if prefixSpace == 'yes' then
ret = ret .. ' '
ret = ret .. 'Archive '
return ret
-- Get the number of archives to put on one line. Set to
-- math.huge if there should be no line breaks.
local function getLineNum( links, nobr )
local linksToNum = tonumber( links )
local lineNum
if nobr == 'yes' or (links and not linksToNum) then
lineNum = math.huge
-- If links is a number, process it. Negative values and expressions
-- such as links=8/2 produced some interesting values with the old
-- template, but we will ignore those for simplicity.
elseif type(linksToNum) == 'number' and linksToNum >= 0 then
-- The old template rounded down decimals to the nearest integer.
lineNum = math.floor( linksToNum )
if lineNum == 0 then
-- In the old template, values of links between 0 and 0.999
-- suppressed line breaks.
lineNum = math.huge
lineNum = 10 -- Default to 10 links.
return lineNum
-- Gets the prefix to put before the archive links.
local function getLinkPrefix( prefix, space )
-- Get the link prefix.
local ret = ''
if type(prefix) == 'string' then
ret = prefix
if space == 'yes' then
ret = ret .. ' '
return ret
-- Get the number to start listing archives from.
local function getStart( start )
start = processNumArg( start )
if start then
return start
return 1
-- Process the separator parameter.
local function getSeparator( sep )
if sep and type(sep) == 'string' then
if sep == 'dot'
or sep =='pipe'
or sep == 'comma'
or sep == 'tpt-languages' then
return sep .. '-separator' ):plain()
return sep
return nil
-- Generates the list of archive links. glargs.max must be either zero (for
-- no archives) or a positive integer value.
local function generateLinks( glargs )
if type( glargs ) ~= 'table' or not glargs.max or not glargs.prefix then
error('insufficient arguments passed to generateLinks', 2)
-- If there are no archives yet, return a message and a
-- link to create Archive one.
if glargs.max == 0 then
return 'no archives yet ([[' .. glargs.prefix .. '1|create]])'
-- Return an html error if the start number is greater than the
-- maximum number.
local start = glargs.start or 1
if start > glargs.max then
return '<span class="error">Start value "'
.. tostring( start )
.. '" is greater than the most recent archive number "'
.. tostring( glargs.max )
.. '".</span>'
local linkPrefix = glargs.linkPrefix or ''
local sep = glargs.sep or 'comma-separator' ):plain()
local lineNum = glargs.lineNum or 10
local lineSep = glargs.lineSep or '<br />'
-- Generate the archive links.
local lineCounter = 1 -- The counter to see whether we need a line break or not.
local ret = {} -- A table containing the strings to be returned.
for archiveNum = start, glargs.max do
local link = mw.ustring.format(
glargs.prefix, archiveNum, linkPrefix, archiveNum
table.insert( ret, link )
-- If we don't need a new line, output a comma. We don't need
-- a comma after the last link.
if lineCounter < lineNum and archiveNum < glargs.max then
table.insert( ret, sep )
lineCounter = lineCounter + 1
-- Output new lines if needed. We don't need a new line after
-- the last link.
elseif lineCounter >= lineNum and archiveNum < glargs.max then
table.insert( ret, lineSep )
lineCounter = 1
return table.concat( ret )
-- Get the archive data and pass it to generateLinks().
local function _main( args )
local prefix = getPrefix( args.root, args.prefix, args.prefixspace )
local max = getBiggestArchiveNum( prefix, args.max )
local lineNum = getLineNum( args.links, args.nobr )
local linkPrefix = getLinkPrefix( args.linkprefix, args.linkprefixspace )
local start = getStart( args.start )
local sep = getSeparator( args.sep )
local lineSep = getSeparator( args.linesep )
local glargs = {
start = start,
max = max,
prefix = prefix,
linkPrefix = linkPrefix,
sep = sep,
lineNum = lineNum,
lineSep = lineSep
return generateLinks( glargs )
-- A wrapper function to make getBiggestArchiveNum() available from
-- #invoke.
local function _count( args )
local prefix = getPrefix( args.root, args.prefix, args.prefixspace )
local archiveMax = getBiggestArchiveNum( prefix )
return archiveMax
function makeWrapper( func )
return function( frame )
-- If we are being called from #invoke, get the args from #invoke
-- if they exist, or else get the arguments passed to the parent
-- frame. Otherwise, assume the arguments are being passed directly
-- in from another module or from the debug console.
local origArgs
if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
origArgs = frame:getParent().args
for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do
origArgs = frame.args
origArgs = frame
-- Ignore blank values for parameters other than "links",
-- which functions differently depending on whether it is
-- blank or absent.
local args = {}
for k, v in pairs( origArgs ) do
if k == 'links' or v ~= '' then
args[k] = v
return func( args )
return {
main = makeWrapper( _main ),
count = makeWrapper( _count )