Allah (Kristen): Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 119:
Tampaknya ketika para seniman pertama kali berusaha menggambarkan Allah Bapa, rasa takut dan kagum menghalangi mereka untuk menggunakan sosok manusia yang utuh. Lazimnya cuma salah satu bagian tubuh yang ditampilkan pada gambar, biasanya tangan, atau kadang-kadang wajah, tetapi jarang sekali seluruh jasad manusia. Di dalam banyak gambar, sosok Allah Putra menggeser sosok Allah Bapa, sehingga hanya sebagian kecil dari sosok Allah Bapa yang digambarkan.<ref name="Adolphe Napoléon Didron pages 169">Adolphe Napoléon Didron, 2003 ''Christian iconography: or The history of Christian art in the middle ages'' {{ISBN|0-7661-4075-X}} halaman 169</ref>
[[Berkas:Andrea_del_Verrocchio,_Leonardo_da_Vinci_-_Baptism_of_Christ_-_Uffizi.jpg|thumb|upright=1.0|Gambar dua tangan Allah dan Roh Kudus dalam wujud burung merpati pada lukisan ''[[Pembaptisan Kristus (Verrocchio)|Pembaptisan Kristus]]'' karya [[Andrea del Verrocchio]] dan [[Leonardo da Vinci]], 1472]]<!--
ByPada theabad 12thke-12, centurypenggambaran depictionssosok ofAllah GodBapa themulai Fathermuncul haddi starteddalam tonaskah-[[naskah beriluminasi]] buatan appearPrancis indan Frenchseni [[illuminatedkaca manuscriptpatri]]s, whichpada asjendela-jendela agereja lessdi publicInggris.<!-- formSebagai couldmedia oftenyang betidak morebanyak adventurousdiakses inmasyarakat, theirnaskah-naskah iconography,beriluminasi anddi inPrancis [[stainedkerap glass]]lebih churchberani windowsdari insegi Englandikonografinya. InitiallyMula-mula thesosok headAllah orBapa bustditampilkan wasberupa usuallygambar shownsemacam inbingkai someawan formdi ofbagian frameatas ofbidang cloudsgambar, inyakni thebagian topyang ofdulu thebiasanya pictureditempati space,gambar whereTangan theAllahdithe Hand of God had formerly appeared; the [[Baptism of Jesus|Baptism of Christ]] on the famous [[Baptismal font at St Bartholomew's Church, Liège|baptismal font in Liège]] of [[Rainer of Huy]] is an example from 1118 (a Hand of God is used in another scene). Gradually the amount of the human symbol shown can increase to a half-length figure, then a full-length, usually enthroned, as in [[Giotto]]'s [[fresco]] of c. 1305 in [[Padua]].<ref name="ReferenceA">[[Arena Chapel]], at the top of the triumphal arch, ''God sending out the angel of the Annunciation''. See Schiller, I, fig 15</ref>
In the 14th century the [[Naples Bible]] carried a depiction of God the Father in the [[Burning bush]]. By the early 15th century, the [[Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry]] has a considerable number of symbols, including an elderly but tall and elegant full-length figure walking in the [[Garden of Eden]], which show a considerable diversity of apparent ages and dress. The [[Battistero di San Giovanni (Florence)#Lorenzo Ghiberti|"Gates of Paradise" of the Florence Baptistry]] by [[Lorenzo Ghiberti]], begun in 1425 use a similar tall full-length symbol for the Father. The [[Rohan Book of Hours]] of about 1430 also included depictions of God the Father in half-length human form, which were now becoming standard, and the Hand of God becoming rarer. At the same period other works, like the large Genesis [[altarpiece]] by the Hamburg painter [[Meister Bertram]], continued to use the old depiction of Christ as ''Logos'' in Genesis scenes. In the 15th century there was a brief fashion for depicting all three persons of the Trinity as [[Trinity#Less common types of depiction|similar or identical figures with the usual appearance of Christ]].