Daftar Kanselir Austria

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Kanselir Austria (dalam bahasa Jerman: Bundeskanzler) adalah kepala pemerintahan di Austria. Deputi kanselir adalah Wakil Kanselir. Sebelum tahun 1918, seorang kanselir ekuivalen dengan pejabat Presiden Kementrian Austria (Minister-President of Austria).


Kanselir dapat menunjuk Presiden Austria yang secara teoritis memiliki mandat yang bebas. The Chancellor assumes his office immediately after the appointment and swear in by the president. Thus, a confirmation by the National Council (the Lower House of the Austrian parliament is not necessary. However, since the National Council has the right to pass a motion of no confidence at any time, the president has to take the majority opinion of the National Council into account.

Republik Pertama (1918-1938)

Chancellors of the First Republic
Nama Lahir-Meninggal Periode Jabatan Partai
Karl Renner 18701950 19181920 SDAPÖ
Michael Mayr 18641922 1920–1921 CS
Johann Schober 18741932 1921–1922 civil servant
Walter Breisky 18711944 1922 civil servant
Johann Schober 18741932 1922 civil servant
Ignaz Seipel 18761932 1922–1924 CS
Rudolf Ramek 18811941 1924–1926 CS
Ignaz Seipel 18761932 1926–1929 CS
Ernst Streeruwitz 18741952 1929 CS
Johann Schober 18741932 1929–1930 civil servant
Carl Vaugoin 18731949 1930 CS
Otto Ender 18751960 1930–1931 CS
Karl Buresch 18781936 1931–1932 CS
Engelbert Dollfuß1) 18921934 1932–1934 CS/VF
Kurt Schuschnigg1) 18971977 1934–1938 VF
Arthur Seyß-Inquart2) 18921946 1938 NSDAP

1) In 1933 Austria's democratic institutions were overthrown and replaced by a dictatoric government, the so-called Austrian-fascist regime, of which Engelbert Dollfuß and Kurt Schuschnigg were dominating figures.

2) Due to pressure of nationalsocialist Germany the last Austrian president Wilhelm Miklas relunctantly appointed Seyß-Inquart as chancellor. Seyß-Inquarts only task was to prepare the Anschluss.

Republik Kedua (sejak 1945)

Chancellors of the Second Republic
Nama Lahir-Meninggal Periode Jabatan Partai
Karl Renner 18701950 1945 SDAPÖ/SPÖ
Leopold Figl 19021965 1945–1953 ÖVP
Julius Raab 18911964 1953–1961 ÖVP
Alfons Gorbach 18981972 1961-1964 ÖVP
Josef Klaus 19102001 1964–1970 ÖVP
Bruno Kreisky 19111990 1970–1983 SPÖ
Fred Sinowatz 1929 1983–1986 SPÖ
Franz Vranitzky 1937 1986–1997 SPÖ
Viktor Klima 1947 1997–2000 SPÖ
Wolfgang Schüssel 1945- since 2000 ÖVP

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