Deklarasi kemerdekaan Cataluña: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
{{Infobox document
|document_name=Deklarasi Kemerdekaan CataloniaCataluña
|image=Carles Puigdemont el 10 d'octubre de 2017.jpg
|image_caption=Puigdemont berbicara pada sidang Parlemen CataloniaCataluña pada 10 Oktober 2017
|date_created=10 Oktober 2017
|date_ratified=27 Oktober 2017 <small>(tidak diakui)</small>
|signers=Anggota [[Parlemen CataloniaCataluña]] yang termasuk dalam partai politik pro kemerdekaan
|purpose=[[Deklarasi kemerdekaan unilateral]] CataloniaCataluña sebagai republik berdaulat dari [[Spanyol]]
'''Deklarasi kemerdekaan CataloniaCataluña''' adalah sebuah deklarasi yang dilakukan oleh [[Parlemen CataloniaCataluña]] pada 27 Oktober 2017, yang menyatakan kemerdekaan CataloniaCataluña, yang sebelumnya merupakan sebuah [[Daftar komunitasKomunitas otonom di Spanyol|daerah komunitas otonom]] di Spanyol, menjadi negara merdeka yang disebut [[Republik CataloniaCataluña (2017)|Republik CataloniaCataluña]].
Sebelumnya, pada [[Referendum kemerdekaan CataloniaCataluña 2017]] pada 1 Oktober, sekitar 92% pemilih mendukung kemerdekaan. Deklarasi kemerdekaan dilakukan setelah pemungutan suara di Parlemen CataloniaCataluña. Dari 135 anggota parlemen, 70 mendukung kemerdekaan, 10 menolak, dan 2 abstain.<ref name=nytimes></ref> Puluhan anggota lainnya melakukan ''walk out'' atau keluar dari sidang untuk memprotes pemungutan suara ini.<ref name=nytimes />
Pemerintah kerajaan Spanyol, dengan persetujuan [[Senat Spanyol|Senat]], menanggapi dengan membubarkan parlemen dan [[pemerintah CataloniaCataluña]], mengambil alih pemerintahan, dan memerintahkan diadakannya pemilihan umum di daerah tersebut.<ref name=nytimes /> Menurut Spanyol, tindakan ini dilakukan sesuai pasal 155 [[Undang-Undang DasarKonstitusi Spanyol 1978|Undang-Undang DasarKonstitusi Spanyol]]. Pemerintah Spanyol juga memberhentikan Presiden Catalonia, [[Carles Puigdemont]] dan para pemimpin senior polisi CataloniaCataluña, dan menunjuk Wakil Perdana Menteri Spanyol [[Soraya Saenz de Santamaria]] sebagai penguasa sementara di CataloniaCataluña.<ref></ref>
Belum ada negara lain yang mengakui kedaulatan CataloniaCataluña.<ref name="EuN_20171027">{{cite news|last1=Sandford|first1=Alasdair|title=Catalonia: what direct rule from Madrid could mean|url=|access-date=27 October 2017|work=euronews|date=27 October 2017|language=en}}</ref> Beberapa negara, termasukyaitu [[Andorra]],<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=El Govern considera que Catalunya continua essent una part integrant d’Espanya i apel·la al diàleg per resoldre la situació http://zpr.i|last=d’Andorra|first=Govern|date=27 October 2017|website=@GovernAndorra|access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Argentina]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017 |url= |title=La Argentina pidió "restablecer la legalidad y el orden constitucional" tras la declaración de independencia de Cataluña |work=Infobae |language=Spanish |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Bulgaria]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017 |url= |title=(DF) Bulgaria Supports Territorial Integrity of Spain |work=European News |access-date=27 October 2017 |archive-date=2017-10-28 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> [[Kanada]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017 |url= |title=Canada recognizes 'a united Spain': official |work=Yahoo News |access-date=27 October 2017 |archive-date=2017-10-28 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> [[Kolombia]],<ref>{{cite news|title=Catalonia declares independence from Spain as political crisis deepens|url=|access-date=27 October 2017|work=CNN|date=27 October 2017|language=Spanish}}</ref> [[Siprus]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017 |title=Chipre no reconoce la independencia de Cataluña y expresa preocupación |url= |language=Spanish | |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Republik Ceko]],<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Česká republika nadále považuje Katalánsko za nedílnou součást Španělského království|publisher=|access-date=2017-10-28|archive-date=2017-10-28|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> [[Estonia]],<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Estonia supports the territorial integrity and unity of Spain. Internal affairs must be solved according to their constitution and laws.|last=Ratas|first=Jüri|date=27 October 2017|website=@ratasjuri|language=en|access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Finlandia]],<ref>{{cite news|title=Ulkoministeri Soini Kataloniasta: "En näe tällaisia yksipuolisia itsenäisyysjulistuksia hedelmällisinä"|url=|accessdate=27 October 2017|agency=YLE|date=27 October 2017|language=Finnish}}</ref> [[Prancis]],<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Paris "ne reconnaît pas" la déclaration d'indépendance de la Catalogne (officiel) #AFP|last=France-Presse|first=Agence|date=27 October 2017|website=@afpfr|language=fr|access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Georgia]],<ref>{{cite web|title=Georgia fully supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Spain and stands in solidarity W/ the Spanish Government.|url=|accessdate=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Jerman]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017 |url= |title=Germany refuses to recognize Catalonia independence move |work=Reuters |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Republik Irlandia]],<ref>{{cite news|author= |url= |title=Irish government will not recognise Catalonia's bid for independence |work=Irish Mirror |date=27 October 2017 |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Italia]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017 |url= |title=Italian No to Catalan independence |work=Ansa |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Latvia]],<ref>{{cite web|title=The official national position of Latvia on developments in Spain, in the autonomous community of Catalonia|url=|accessdate=27 October 2017|archive-date=2017-10-28|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> [[Lituania]],<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=#Lithuania supports Spain's territorial integrity, calls for dialogue, foreign minister @LinkeviciusL tells public radio #Catalonia|last=Lithuania|first=B. N. S.|date=27 October 2017|website=@BNSLithuania|language=en|access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Malta]],<ref>{{cite web|title=Malta does not recognise d Declaration of Independence of #Catalonia.Support for Spanish govt. crisis to be dealt in respect of constitution|url=|accessdate=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Meksiko]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017 |author=El Universal |url= |title=México no reconoce independencia de Cataluña |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Moldova]],<ref>{{cite web|title=Moldova reiterates strong support for unity and constitutional order in #Spain|url=|accessdate=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Norwegia]],<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=FM #Eriksen Søreide:Norway will not recognize unilateral declaration of Independence #Catalonia. Re-establish legality as basis for dialogue|date=27 October 2017|website=@NorwayMFA|language=en|access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Panama]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017 |url= |title=Panamá "no reconoce ni reconocerá decisión unilateral de Cataluña" |work=Telémetro |language=Spanish |access-date=27 October 2017 |archive-date=2017-10-28 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> [[Polandia]],<ref>{{cite web |date=27 October 2017 |url=;jsessionid=E684E6B0B22F4E32122409769B77BD9C.cmsap2p |title=MFA statement on developments in Catalonia |work=MFA Poland |accessdate=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Portugal]],<ref>{{cite web |date=27 October 2017|url= |title=Comunicado do Governo português sobre a «Declaração Unilateral de Independência» no Parlamento da Catalunha |language=Portuguese | |accessdate=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Serbia]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017|url= |title=Dačić: Isti je put Kosova i Katalonije |language=Serbian |work=Blic |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Turki]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017|url= |title=Dışişleri Bakanlığı: Parlamentonun bağımsızlık ilanı halkın iradesini yansıtmıyor |language=Turkish |work=Gazete Duvar |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Ukraina]],<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Ukraine supports the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Spain within its internationally recognized borders.|last=Klimkin|first=Pavlo|date=27 October 2017|website=@PavloKlimkin|language=en|access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> [[Britania Raya|Inggris Raya]],<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017|url= |title=UK won't recognise Catalan independence |work=BBC News |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> dan [[Amerika Serikat]]<ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017 |url= |title=U.S. backs Spanish efforts to block break-away by Catalonia |work=Reuters |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref> mengeluarkan pernyataan menolak kedaulatan Republik CataloniaCataluña dan mendukung keutuhan negara Spanyol.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Smith-Spark|first1=Laura|title=Catalonia declares independence from Spain as political crisis deepens|url=|access-date=27 October 2017|work=CNN|date=27 October 2017|language=en}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |date=27 October 2017 |url= |title=Catalonia live updates: UK and Germany refuse to recognise region's declaration of independence |work=The Independent |access-date=27 October 2017}}</ref>
== Referensi ==
Baris 24:
== Pranala luar ==
{{Commons category|Catalonia Declaration of Independence}}
* {{ca}} [ Deklarasi kemerdekaan CataloniaCataluña]
[[Kategori:Peristiwa tahun 2017]]