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Baris 13:
“Ini adalah kisah sukses,” kata Direktur Eksekutif UNFPA, Dr. Natalia Kanem, pada Hari Populasi Dunia (11 Juli) 2022. "Dunia kita, terlepas dari tantangannya, adalah dunia di mana lebih banyak orang yang berpendidikan dan hidup lebih sehat daripada titik mana pun dalam sejarah".<ref>{{Cite web |title=World set to reach 8 billion people on 15 November 2022 |url=https://www.unfpa.org/press/world-set-reach-8-billion-people-15-november-2022 |access-date=2022-10-08 |website=United Nations Population Fund |language=en}}</ref>
== PerspektifPendapat pada Hari Delapan Miliar ==
[[File:Global population size (1950-2100).png|thumb|400x400px|Jumlah populasi global, perkiraan 1950–2022 dan skenario sedang dengan interval prediksi 95 persen, (2022–2100). Sumber: UNDESA World Population Prospects 2022<ref name=":2" />]]
Di tengah tantangan global seperti perubahan iklim dan pandemi COVID-19, beberapa pengamat, termasuk David Attenborough, telah menyatakan keprihatinan tentang masa depan planet ini dan penghuninya seiring pertumbuhan populasi.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Hendrix |first=Howard V. |date=August 23, 2022 |title=The planet is approaching 8 billion people. We’re not ready |url=https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/world-population-17391094.php |access-date=2022-10-08 |website=San Francisco Chronicle |language=en-US}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |title=David Attenborough – Humans are plague on Earth |url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/earthnews/9815862/Humans-are-plague-on-Earth-Attenborough.html |access-date=2022-10-08 |website=www.telegraph.co.uk}}</ref><ref name=":1">{{Cite web |last=Gorvett |first=Zaria |title=How many people can Earth handle? |url=https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220905-is-the-world-overpopulated |access-date=2022-10-08 |website=www.bbc.com |language=en}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |date=May 8, 2021 |title=Are there too many people? All bets are off |url=http://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/08/are-there-too-many-people-all-bets-are-off |access-date=2022-10-08 |website=the Guardian |language=en}}</ref>
Sepanjang sejarah, kekhawatiran tentang kelebihan populasi sering merujuk pada karya ekonom abad ke-18 Thomas Malthus, yang memperkirakan pertumbuhan umat manusia akan melebihi kemampuannya untuk menopang dirinya sendiri dengan sumber daya yang ada.<ref name=":1" /><ref>{{Cite web |last=Tomlinson |first=Mark |title=OPINION {{!}} Mark Tomlinson: Facing up to the challenge of a world with 8 billion people in it |url=https://www.news24.com/news24/opinions/columnists/guestcolumn/opinion-mark-tomlinson-facing-up-to-the-challenge-of-a-world-with-8-billion-people-in-it-20220711 |access-date=2022-10-08 |website=News24 |language=en-US}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal |last=Smith |first=Pete |date=2015 |title=Malthus is still wrong: we can feed a world of 9–10 billion, but only by reducing food demand |url=https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/proceedings-of-the-nutrition-society/article/malthus-is-still-wrong-we-can-feed-a-world-of-910-billion-but-only-by-reducing-food-demand/E9C057BDFE4EA2E178D90719D9A23E84 |journal=Proceedings of the Nutrition Society |language=en |volume=74 |issue=3 |pages=187–190 |doi=10.1017/S0029665114001517 |issn=0029-6651}}</ref>
Yang lain menunjuk penurunan kesuburan sebagai pertanda potensi bencana demografis. Namun, para ahli demografi menentang teori-teori ini, menyoroti keragaman tren populasi negara dan kemungkinan skenario kiamat apa pun.<ref name="Nations">{{Cite web |last=Nations |first=United |title=The Global Population Will Soon Reach 8 Billion—Then What? |url=https://www.un.org/en/un-chronicle/global-population-will-soon-reach-8-billion-then-what |access-date=2022-10-08 |website=United Nations |language=en}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Hamilton |first=Isobel Asher |title=Elon Musk says 'population collapse' is more dangerous than global warming. Experts say that won't happen. |url=https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-wrong-about-fertility-rates-global-warming-demographers-say-2022-9 |access-date=2022-10-08 |website=Business Insider |language=en-US}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Christensen |first=Jen |date=August 30, 2022 |title=Elon Musk thinks the population will collapse. Demographers say it's not happening |url=https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/30/health/elon-musk-population-collapse-wellness/index.html |access-date=2022-10-08 |website=CNN |language=en}}</ref>
“Pertumbuhan populasi saat ini terkonsentrasi di negara-negara termiskin di dunia, sementara beberapa negara terkaya mulai mengalami penurunan populasi,” tulis Penasihat Senior Ekonomi dan Demografi UNFPA Michael Herrmann pada 11 Juli 2022.<ref name="Nations"/>
Secara keseluruhan, Departemen Urusan Ekonomi dan Sosial PBB memproyeksikan populasi global akan terus tumbuh, berpotensi mencapai puncaknya pada sekitar 10,4 miliar orang selama tahun 2080-an – dan tetap di sana hingga tahun 2100.<ref name=":0" />
== Referensi ==