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Baris 23:
| mother = [[Agnes dari Poitou]]
| spouse = [[Bertha dari Savoia|Berta dari Savoia]]<br />(kawin 1066–1087)<br />[[Eupraxia dari Kiev|Yevpraksia dari Kiev]]<br />(kawin 1089–1095)
| issue = [[Agnes dari Jerman|Agnes dari Waiblingen ]]<br />[[Konrad II dari Italia]]<br />[[Heinrich V, Kaisar Romawi Suci]]
| house = [[Dinasti Sali|Sali]]
| birth_date = 11 November 1050
Baris 33:
'''Heinrich IV''' (11 November 1050 – 7 August 1106) adalah [[Kaisar Romawi Suci]] dari tahun 1084 sampai tahun 1105, [[Raja Orang Romawi|Raja Jerman]] dari tahun 1054 sampai tahun 1105, [[Raja Italia]] sekaligus [[Daftar Raja Burgundia|Burgundia]] dari tahun 1056 sampai tahun 1105, dan [[Daftar penguasa Bayern|Adipati Bayern]] dari tahun 1052 sampai tahun 1054. Ayahnya adalah [[Heinrich III, Kaisar Romawi Suci|Heinrich III]], Kaisar Romawi Suci kedua dari [[Dinasti Sali|wangsa Sali]], dan ibunya adalah [[Agnes dari Poitou]], putri [[Kadipaten Aquitaine|Adipati Aquitania]]. Ketika ayahnya mangkat pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1056, Heinrich belum cukup umur untuk memerintah sendiri, sehingga ibunya yang menjalankan pemerintahan selaku [[wali raja|pemangku takhta]]. Ibu Heinrich mengaruniakan banyak anugerah kepada para menak Jerman demi mengekalkan dukungan mereka. Tidak seperti mendiang suaminya, Agnes tidak berdaya mengendalikan proses pemilihan paus, sehingga gagasan "[[Libertas ecclesiae|kemerdekaan Gereja]]" menguat pada masa pemerintahannya. Kelemahan Agnes dimanfaatkan [[Anno II|Hanno II]], Uskup Agung Köln. Hanno II menculik Heinrich pada bulan April 1062, kemudian memerintah Jerman selaku pemangku takhta sampai Heinrich cukup umur untuk memerintah sendiri pada tahun 1065.
Heinrich berusaha menguasai kembali tanah-tanah pertuanan raja yang lepas selama masa perwaliannya. Ia menugaskan pejabat-pejabat rendahan untuk menjalankan kebijakan-kebijakan barunya, sehingga membuat gerah [[Kadipaten Sachsen]] dan [[Kadipaten Thüringen]]. Heinrich berhasil mengamankan kerusuhan di Kadipaten Sachsen pada tahun 1069, dan memadamkan pemberontakan [[Otto dari Nordheim]], seorang menak Sachsen, pada tahun 1071. Pengangkatan orang-orang dari kalangan rakyat jelata menjadi pejabat tinggi membuat para menak Jerman kehilangan muka. Banyak yang mengundurkan diri dari majelis istana. Heinrich bersikeras menjalankan hak prerogatifnya untuk mengangkat [[uskup]] dan [[abbas|abas]], sekalipun para [[Reformasi Gregorian|rohaniwan reformis]] mengecam tindakan tersebut sebagai praktik [[simoni]] (lelang jabatan gerejawi). [[Paus Aleksander II]] menyalahkan para penasihat Heinrich sebagai dalang di balik kebijakan-kebijakan Heinrich, dan [[ekskomunikasi|mengekskomunikasi]] mereka pada awal tahun 1073. Konflik Heinrich dengan [[Takhta Suci]] dan para adipati Jerman membuat kedududukannya menjadi lemah, sehingga [[Pemberontakan Sachsen|orang Sachsen berani mengobarkan pemberontakan terbuka]] pada musim panas tahun 1074. Dengan memanfaatkan perselisihan antara rakyat jelata dan para menak di Sachsen, Heinrich berhasil memaksa kaum pemberontak untuk menyerah pada bulan Oktober 1075.
Heinrich menjalankan kebijakan politik aktif di Italia, sehingga membuat gerah [[Paus Gregorius VII]], pengganti Paus Aleksander II. Sri Paus mencoba menggertak dengan ancaman ekskomuniskasi atas kejahatan simoni, tetapi Heinrich malah membujuk sebagian besar uskup Jerman untuk mengeluarkan pernyataan pada tanggal 24 Januari 1076 bahwa Sri Paus tidak terpilih secara sah. Sri Paus membalas dengan mengekskomunikasi Heinrich dan membebaskan para [[pangeran Kekaisaran Romawi Suci]] dari sumpah setia mereka kepada Heinrich. Menak-menak Jerman yang memusuhi Heinrich meminta Sri Paus menggelar sidang gelar perkara Heinrich di Jerman. Demi mencegah terlaksananya sidang tersebut, Heinrich melakukan perjalanan dari Jerman sampai ke kota [[Canossa]] di Italia untuk menghadap Sri Paus. [[Perjalanan menuju Canossa]] yang ia tempuh sebagai laku silih itu tidaklah sia-sia. Sri Paus tidak punya pilihan selain mengampuninya pada bulan Januari 1077. Seteru-seteru Heinrich di Jerman mengabaikan kenyataan bahwa Heinrich sudah diampuni Sri Paus dan memilih [[Rudolf dari Rheinfelden]] menjadi [[antiraja|Raja Jerman tandingan]] pada tanggal 14 Maret 1077. Mulanya Sri Paus bersikap netral dalam konflik antara Heinrich dan Rudolf, sehingga Heinrich berkesempatan mengukuhkan kedudukannya. Heinrich melanjutkan kebijakan mengangkat sendiri pejabat-pejabat tinggi gerejawi, sehingga sekali lagi diekskomunikasi Sri Paus pada tanggal 7 Maret 1080. Sebagian besar uskup di Jerman dan kawasan utara Italia tetap setia kepada Heinrich. Mereka memilih Uskup Agung Ravenna menjadi paus tandingan dengan nama [[Antipaus Klemens III|Klemens III]]. Rudolf dari Rheinfelden gugur dalam pertempuran, dan penggantinya, [[Hermann dari Salm]], hanya berdaulat di daerahKadipaten Sachsen saja. Mulai tahun 1081, Heinrich melancarkan serangkaian kampanye militer ke Italia, dan dinobatkan menjadi Kaisar Romawi Suci oleh Antipaus Klemens III di Roma pada tanggal 1 April 1084.
Sesudah Hermann dari Salm mangkat, Heinrich menundukkan daerahKadipaten Sachsen dengan bantuan para menak setempat pada tahun 1088. Ia melancarkan invasi ke wilayah kekuasaan [[Matilde dari Toskana]], sekutu utama Sri Paus di Italia, pada tahun 1089. Mathilde berhasil meyakinkan putra tertua Heinrich, [[Konrad II dari Italia|Konrad II]], untuk memerangi ayahnya sendiri pada tahun 1093. Persekutuan Matilde dengan [[Welf I, Adipati Bayern]], menghalangi kepulangan Heinrich ke Jerman sampai Heinrich berdamai dengan Welf pada tahun 1096. Sepeninggal Antipaus Klemens III, Heinrich tidak mendukung pemilihan paus tandingan baru, tetapi juga tidak berdamai dengan [[Paus Paskalis II]]. Pada tahun 1103, Heinrich memberlakukan ''[[Landfrieden|Reichsfriede]]'' (kerukunan hidup bernegara) di seantero wilayah Jerman. Ia dipaksa turun takhta oleh putra bungsunya, yang juga bernama [[Heinrich V, Kaisar Romawi Suci|Heinrich]], pada tanggal 31 Desember 1105. Ketika berusaha merebut kembali singgasana dengan bantuan para menak Lothringen, Heinrich jatuh sakit dan akhirnya wafat sebelum hukuman ekskomunikasinya dicabut. Peran besarnya dalam [[Kontroversi Penobatan|Kontroversi Investitur]], perjalanannya menuju Canossa, serta konfliknya dengan putra-putra maupun istrinya membuat Heinrich dikenal sebagai tokoh dengan reputasi yang kontroversial. Di satu pihak ia dipandang tidak lebih dari seorang tiran, sementara di lain pihak ia dikagumi sebagai penguasa teladan, pengayom kaum papa.
== Latar belakang ==
Heinrich adalah kepala monarki ketiga dari [[Dinasti Sali|wangsa Sali]], wangsa yang menguasai singgasana [[Kerajaan Jerman]] dari tahun 1024 sampai tahun 1125.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=113}} Pada abad ke-11, raja-raja Jerman juga berdaulat atas [[Kerajaan Italia (Kekaisaran Romawi Suci)|Italia]] dan [[Kerajaan Arles|Burgundia]], serta berhak menyandang gelar Kaisar Romawi Suci. Wangsa Sali yakin bahwa hak menyandang gelar Kaisar Romawi Suci membuat mereka pantas menjadi pemimpin segenap umat Kristen dan mengendalikan proses pemilihan paus di Roma.{{sfn|Barber|2004|pp=197–198}} Roma sesungguhnya didominasi para menak setempatlokal, [[Daftar Conte Tusculum|Tusculani]] dan [[Crescentii|Crescenzi]], yang bersaing mengunggulkan orang-orang mereka menjadi calon paus.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|pp=43–44}} Perseteruan kedua trah ningrat tersebut menimbulkan skandal-skandal yang berpuncak pada kemunculan tiga orang paus yang menjabat bersamaan pada tahun 1045, yakni [[Paus Benediktus IX]], [[Paus Silvester III]], dan [[Paus Gregorius VI]].{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=44}}{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=56}} Demi mengakhiri [[skisma]], ayah Heinrich, [[Heinrich III, Kaisar Romawi Suci|Kaisar Heinrich III]], berangkat ke Italia melintasi [[Alpen|Pegunungan Alpen]] dan menggelar [[Konsili Sutri|sinode di Sutri]] pada tanggal 20 Desember 1046.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=113}} Sinode memutuskan untuk memecat ketiga paus petahana dan mengangkat [[prelatus]] asal Jerman, Suidger, Uskup Bamberg, menjadi [[Paus Klemens II]].{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=57}}
Kaisar Heinrich III sangat mengedepankan matra keimaman jabatan raja, merujuk kepada amalan mengurapi raja dengan minyak suci ketika dinobatkan, sama seperti para imam ketika ditahbiskan.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=39}} Sebagai orang yang taat beragama, Kaisar Heinrich III memandang dirinya sebagai "[[Vikar Kristus|Wakil Kristus]]", insan yang diberi amanah untuk mewujudkan kemaslahatan negara maupun Gereja.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=49}} BangsaWarga RomawiRoma memberinya gelar ''[[patricius (Eropa pasca-Romawi)|Patricius]]'' (bangsawan) sebagai tanda pengakuan bahwa ia dan keturunannya berhak menjadi pemberi suara pertama dalam proses pemilihan paus.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=128}} Gelar baru ini memungkinkannya untuk memuluskan jalan bagi kaum rohaniwan Jerman menuju takhta kepausan.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=45}} [[Paus Leo IX|Paus Leo IX]], paus ketiga yang berkebangsaan Jerman, berasal dari [[Lorraine|Lothringen]], provinsipraja yang menjadi basis utama para rohaniwan reformis. Kaum rohaniwan reformis bercita-cita memurnikan Gereja melalui penerapan kembali [[hukum kanon Gereja Katolik|hukum-hukum kanon]] kuno (atau yang diyakini kuno), dan Paus Leo IX dengan antusias mengusung gagasan-gagasan mereka di Roma. Ia melarang praktik simoni (lelang jabatan gerejawi) dan menganjurkan [[Selibat klerikal (Gereja Katolik)|amalan selibat bagi rohaniwan]].{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|pp=64–65, 70–74}} Campur tangan kaisar dalam hal-ihwal gerejawi pada akhirnya tidak dapat dirukunkan dengan pendirian kelompok reformis mengenai "kemerdekaan Gereja" yang menghendaki lembaga-lembaga gerejawi hanya tunduk kepada Takhta Suci. Konflik antara kedua pendirian ini memuncak pada masa pemerintahan Heinrich IV, dan berkembang menjadi konfrontasi yang dikenal dengan sebutan "[[kontroversi Penobatan|Kontroversi Investitur]]".{{sfn|Barber|2004|pp=87–91}}
Baik Jerman, Italia, maupun Burgundia terdiri atas provinsipraja-provinsipraja semimerdeka yang masing-masing dikepalai seorang prelatus atau seorang menak nonrohaniwan.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=2}} Para prelatus (uskup atau abas) bukan hanya sekadar pemilik tanah yang kaya raya, mereka juga berperan besar dalam penyelenggaraan negara. Setahun sekali mereka wajib mempersembahkan hadiah kepada raja, dan secara berkala melaksanakan karya-karya bakti tertentu bagi kepentingan raja, antara lain memungut pajak dan menyalurkan santunan.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=36}} Para adipati adalah menak-menak nonrohaniwan yang paling berkuasa di Jerman. Mereka adalah panglima-panglima militer, tetapi juga bertanggung jawab menegakkan keadilan.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=2–3}} Raja kadang-kadang merangkap jabatan adipati atau mengusahakan agar jabatan adipati dipegang para sentana, tetapi cepat atau lambat mereka harus mengisi jabatan-jabatan adipati yang lowong, karena daulat raja bergantung kepada dukungan menak-menak terkuat.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=41}}
Menjelang akhir hayatnya, Kaisar Heinrich III berselisih dengan adipati-adipati yang berpengaruh. Tanpa seizin kaisar, [[Gottfried III, Adipati Lothringen|Gottfried Si Berewok]], [[Kadipaten Lorraine|Adipati Lothringen Hulu]], nekat memperistri [[Beatrix dari Lothringen|Beatrix dari Toskana]], seorang janda kaya. Kaisar Heinrich III juga membuat geram Adipati Sachsen, [[Bernhard II, Adipati Sachsen|Berhard II]], dengan mendukung seteru utama sang adipati, [[Adalbert dari Hamburg|Adalbert]], [[Keuskupan Agung Hamburg|Uskup Agung Hamburg]], menyerobot beberapa daerah di Kadipaten Sachsen.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|pp=41–42}} Raja-raja wangsa Sali, yang mewarisi daerah-daerah pertuanan di Sachsen dari pendahulu mereka, [[Wangsa Ottonian|wangsa Otto]], kerap berkunjung ke Sachsen. Kunjungan-kunjungan yang berkepanjangan tersebut membuat gerah para menak Sachsen karena mereka menjadi lebih rentan digerecoki pemerintah pusat daripada para menak di daerahpraja-praja lain. Ketidaksukaan para menak Sachsen terhadap penguasa dari wangsa Sali meletuskan beberapa kali pemberontakan pada masa pemerintahan Heinrich IV.{{sfn|Leyser|1982|p=94}}
Negara-negara tetangga Kekaisaran Romawi Suci juga tidak kurang menimbulkan masalah. Kaisar Heinrich III melancarkan ekspedisi-ekspedisi penghukuman ke [[Kadipaten Bohemia]] dengan tujuan memaksa si adipati pembangkang, [[Bretislav I dari Bohemia|Bretislav I]], untuk bersumpah setia kepadanya. [[Péter dari HongariaHungaria|Péter, Raja HongariaHungaria]], yang naik takhta dengan bantuan Kaisar Heinrich III, juga bersumpah setia kepadanya, tetapi dimakzulkan pada tahun 1046. Kaisar Heinrich III menginvasi HongariaHungaria, tetapi tidak berhasil menundukkan pengganti Péter, [[András I dari HongariaHungaria|András I]].{{sfn|Hill|2020|pp=85, 94}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|pp=125–126}} András mengangkat adiknya, [[Béla IV dari HongariaHungaria|Béla]], menjadi calon penggantinya. Konflik-konflik antara András dan Béla, maupun antara putra-putra mereka, memuncak pada dasawarsa pertama masa pemerintahan Heinrich IV, dan memancing Jerman untuk memerangi HongariaHungaria.{{sfn|Zupka|2016|pp=73–74}} Kaisar Heinrich III memperluas wilayah kekuasaannya dengan mendaulat negara-negara di kawasan selatan Italia, termasuk dua [[Wilayah (pembagian administratif)|praja kabupaten]] [[Orang Norman Italia|bangsaorang Norman]], [[Daftar conte Aversa|Aversa]] dan [[Kadipaten Puglia dan Calabria|Apulia]], pada tahun 1047.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=129}} Meskipun demikian, ketidakhadirannya di kawasan itu membatasi keberdayaannya meredam sepak terjang para petualang Norman, sehingga ia memutuskan untuk mewakilkan kepentingan-kepentingannya di kawasan selatan Italia kepada Sri Paus.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=39–40}}
== Masa muda ==
Heinrich lahir pada tanggal 11 November 1050. Ayahnya adalah Heinrich III, [[Kaisar Romawi Suci]], dan ibunya adalah [[Agnes dari Poitou]], istri kedua Heinrich III.{{sfn|Hill|2020|p=93}} Heinrich junior mungkin sekali lahir di kediaman ayahnya, [[Istana Kaisar di Goslar]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=19}} Kelahirannya sudah lama dinanti-nanti, karena sekalipun Kaisar Heinrich III sudah dikaruniai empat orang putri, kawulanya telanjur percaya bahwa hanya ahli waris laki-laki sajalah yang mampu memelihara "ketenteraman negara" (sebagaimana yang dikemukakan [[Hermann II, Uskup Agung Köln]], dalam salah satu khotbahnya).{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=19}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=139}} Mulanya Heinrich junior diberi nama Konrad, mengikuti nama kakeknya, [[Konrad II, Kaisar Romawi Suci|Kaisar Konrad II]], tetapi [[Hugues dari Kluni|Hugo, Abas Biara Cluny]], yang ditunjuk Kaisar Heinrich III menjadi [[wali baptis]] Heinrich junior, meyakinkan sang kaisar agar menamai ahli warisnya mengikuti namanyanama dirinya sendiri.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=139}} Dalam perayaan Natal tahun 1050 di [[Pöhlde]], Sachsen, Kaisar Heinrich III menetapkan Heinrich junior yang masih bayi menjadi putra mahkota.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=139}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=20–21}}
Heinrich junior dibaptis Uskup Agung Hermann di [[Köln]] pada hari Minggu Paskah tahun 1051.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=19}} Pada bulan November, Kaisar Heinrich III menggelar sidang menak di [[Tribur]] guna mengukuhkan status Heinrich junior sebagai putra mahkota.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=21}} Pangeran-pangeran Kekaisaran Romawi Suci yang hadir dalam sidang tersebut memilih Heinrich junior yang baru berumur satu tahun menjadi Raja Jerman. Mereka mengajukan persyaratan yang menegaskan bahwa mereka hanya akan bersedia mengakui kesahihan jabatan Heinrich junior selaku pengganti ayahnya jika ia berperilaku selayaknya seorang "penguasa yang adil" selama ayahnya masih hidup.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=21}} Sejarawan Ian S. Robinson menduga bahwa pangeran-pangeran Kekaisaran Romawi Suci sesungguhnya ingin meyakinkan Kaisar Heinrich III untuk mengubah metode-metode ketatanegaraannya karena raja kanak-kanak tidak punya peran dalam penyelenggaraan negara.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=22}} Pada hari Natal tahun 1052, Kaisar Heinrich III mengangkat Heinrich junior menjadi [[Kadipaten Bayern|Adipati Bayern]].{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=139}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=22}}
Heinrich junior dinobatkan Uskup Agung Hermann menjadi Raja Jerman di [[Aachen]] pada tanggal 17 Juli 1054.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=22}}{{sfn|Hill|2020|p=101}} Mungkin sekali pada kesempatan yang sama, [[Konrad II, Adipati Bayern|Konrad]], adik Heinrich yang baru berumur dua tahun, diangkat menjadi Adipati Bayern oleh Kaisar Heinrich III.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=22}} Sesudah Konrad wafat pada tahun 1055, pemerintahan Kadipaten Bayern diserahkan kaisar kepada Permaisuri Agnes.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=28, 98}} Kaisar Heinrich III menjodohkan Heinrich junior dengan [[Bertha dari Savoia|Berta dari Savoia]] menjelang akhir tahun 1055.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=25}} Orang tua Berta, [[Adelaide dari Susa|Adelaide, ''Margravia''Bupati Turin]], dan [[Otto, Conte Savoia|Otto, Bupati Savoia]], menguasai kawasan barat laut Italia. Kaisar Heinrich III ingin mengukuhkan persekutuannya dengan mereka dalam rangka menghadapi adipati pembangkang, Gottfried Si Berewok.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=25}}
Kaisar Heinrich III mendadak sakit parah seusai menyantap hati rusa jantan pada akhir bulan September 1056.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=25}} Menurut sejarawan Herbert Schutz, sakit yang diderita sang kaisar disebabkan oleh kelelahan.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=138}} Dalam kondisi sekaratsakratulmaut, sang kaisar mempercayakan putranya kepada perlindungan [[Paus Viktor II]] yang jauh-jauh datang ke Jerman untuk meminta perlindungan kaisar menghadapi sepak terjang para penguasa Norman di kawasan selatan Italia.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=52}}{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=82}} Kaisar Heinrich III tutup usia pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1056.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=26}}
== Menjadi Raja Jerman ==
=== Masa perwalian ===
[[File:Aachener Dom BW 2016-07-09 13-49-15.jpg|thumb|right|[[Singgasana Karel Agung]] di [[Kapel Istana, Aachen|Kapel Istana]], Aachen]]
Pada usia enam tahun, Heinrich menjadi penguasa tunggal Kekaisaran Romawi Suci.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=52}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=26}} Paus Viktor II mendudukkan Heinrich di atas singgasana kiani di Aachen dan membujuk para menak Jerman untuk bersumpah setia kepada raja baru mereka yang masih kanak-kanak itu.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=26}} Ibu Suri Agnes terpaksa mengurungkan rencananya menjadi [[biarawati]] karena diangkat menjadi [[wali raja|pemangku takhta]] mewakili putranya.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|pmp=52}} Agnes mengurusi pendidikan putranya dengan bantuan seorang ''[[ministerialis]]'' (abdi dalem) bernama Kuno.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=48}} Ia mengukuhkan dukungan menak-menak terkuat dengan jalan mengaruniakan banyak anugerah kepada mereka.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=57}} Agnes juga berdamai dengan Gottfried Si Berewok, dan mengangkat seteru lain dari mendiang suaminya, [[Konrad III, Adipati Kärnten|Konrad]] dari [[wangsa Ezzonen|wangsa Ezzo]], menjadi [[Kadipaten Kärnten|Adipati Kärnten]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=31}}
Agnes memegang kendali penuh atas penyelengaraan negara selaku [[wali raja|pemangku takhta]] sesudah Paus Viktor II meninggalkan Jerman pada awal tahun 1057,{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=27}} tetapi ia kurang memperhatian Burgundia dan Italia.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=143}} Heinrich mewarisi gelar ''Patricius'' yang didapatkan mendiang ayahnya dari bangsawarga RomawiRoma, tetapi konsep "kemerdekaan Gereja" kian mengental di Roma pada masa perwaliannya.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|pp=52–53}} Pengganti Paus Viktor II, [[Paus Stefanus IX]], adik Gottfried Si Berewok, terpilih pada awal bulan Agustus tanpa campur tangan kepala negara Kekaisaran Romawipemerintah Sucikekaisaran.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=37}}
Sekelompok menak Sachsen berkomplot untuk menjatuhkan Heinrich. Mereka khawatir, jika sudah cukup umur untuk memerintah sendiri, Heinrich akan melanjutkan kebijakan-kebijakan opresif mendiang ayahnya. Mereka membujuk [[Otto, Markgraf Nordmark|Otto dari Nordmark]], yang baru saja pulang dari pengasingan, untuk melancarkanmelakukan kudeta. Dua orang kerabat Heinrich, [[Bruno II]] dan [[EgbertEkbert I, Markgraf Meissen|EgbertEkbert I dari Braunschweig]], menyerbu paramenyergap anggota-anggota komplotan makar. Meskipun berhasil menewaskan Otto, Bruno terluka parah dalam aksi penyerbuanpenyergapan.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=63}}
Pada tahun 1057, Agnes mengangkat seorang menak kaya, Rudolf dari Rheinfelden, menjadi [[Adipati Schwaben]], dan mempercayakan pemerintahan Burgundia kepadanya.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=57}}{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=52}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=33–34}} Gottfried Si Berewok mengambil alih pemerintahan daerahpraja [[Kadipaten Spoleto|Spoleto]] dan praja [[Marca Fermo|Kabupaten Fermo]], mungkin sekali atas dasarsebagai anugerah dari kepala negara Kekaisaran Romawipemerintah Sucikekaisaran.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=32}} Selentingan-selentingan tentang niat Gottfried untuk merebut takhta kekaisaran dengan bantuan Paus Stefanus IX tersiar di Italia, tetapi Sri Paus wafat tanpa diduga-duga pada tanggal 29 Maret 1058.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=33}}
ParaTanpa berembuk terlebih dahulu dengan wakil-wakil Heinrich, para menak RomawiRoma mendudukkanmemilih salah seorang dari antara mereka menjadi paus baru, yakni [[Antipaus Benediktus X|Giovanni, Kardinal-Uskup Velletri]], di atas takhta kepausan tanpa berembuk terlebih dahulu dengan wakil-wakil Heinrich. Giovanni memutuskan menggunakanmemakai nama Benediktus X sebagaiselaku paus baru, tetapi [[Petrus Damianus]], [[Keuskupan Suburbikaris Ostia|Kardinal-Uskup Ostia]], menolak melantiknya. DenganMenurut demikianconsecrate himtradisi, althoughmelantik thepaus consecrationbaru ofadalah akewenangan newistimewa popeUskup had been the Ostian bishops' traditional privilegeOstia. Para kardinal bersidang di Firenze, tempat Paus Stefanus IX tutup usia, untuk membicarakan pemilihan pengganti mendiang Sri Pauspenggantinya. Mereka berencana menjadikanmemilih Uskup Firenze, [[PuasPaus NicholasNikolas II|Gerard]], menjadi paus baru, dan mengirim utusan ke Jerman untuk mengabarkan rencana mereka kepada Heinrich.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|pp=85–86}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|pp=52–53}} "Sesudah bermufakat dengan para [[pangeran Kekaisaran Romawi Suci|pangeran]]", Heinrich mengesahkanmengukuhkan keterpilihanpencalonan Gerard pada tanggal 7 Juni di [[Augsburg]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=37}} Raja HongariaHungaria, AndrasAndrás I, juga mengirim perutusan ke Jerman pada bulan September 1058.{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=73}} AndrasAndrás inginhendak mengangkatmenobatkan [[Salomon, Raja HongariaHungaria|Salomon]], putranya yang baru berumur lima tahun, menjadi putra mahkotapenggantinya, dandengan dengan demikian mengabaikan klaimhak adiknya untuk menjadimewarisi calontakhta penggantinyaKerajaan Hungaria sepeninggal dirinya.{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=73}} Para dutaUtusan-utusan HongariaHungaria dan wakil-wakil Heinrich berbasilberhasil mencapai kata sepakat, dan kakak Heinrich, [[Judith dari Schwaben|Judith]], dipertunangkan dengan Salomon.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=37}}{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=73}}<!--
TheKaum reformistrohaniwan clericsreformis elected Bishopmemilih Gerard popemenjadi inpaus Florencebaru indi DecemberFirenze pada bulan Desember 1058.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=37}} HeSelaku paus, Gerard tookmemakai thenama nameNikolaus Nicholas&nbsp;II.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=37}}{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=84}} GodfreyGottfried theSi BeardedBerewok accompaniedmenyertai himkeberangkatan toPaus RomeNikolaus andII ke Roma dan memaksa Antipaus forcedBenediktus AntipopeX Benedictuntuk tohengkang leavedari thekota cityitu.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=86}} His advisorPenasihatnya, the monkrahib [[PopePaus GregoryGregorius VII|Hildebrand]], was determined to strengthen thebertekad autonomymengukuhkan ofotonomi thelembaga papacykepausan.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=144}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|pp=44, 53}} TheSri PopePaus held amenggelar [[synodsinode]] whichyang issuedmenghasilkan a decree,maklumat ''[[In nomine Domini]]'',. establishingMaklumat theini [[Cardinalmenetapkan (Catholicpara Church)|cardinals[[kardinal]]' rightsebagai topihak electyang theberwenang popesmemilih aspaus, berlawanan againstdengan [[PapalPemilihan selectionkepausan beforesebelum 1059|electionadat pemilihan paus oleh bywarga peopledan androhaniwan clergyRoma]], whichyang hadpernah beendimanipulasi manipulatedKaisar byHeinrich Henry&nbsp;III.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=53}}{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|pp=52–53}} ReferringMaklumat toyang menyebut Heinrich Henry&nbsp;IV assebagai "presentlyraja kingyang andsekarang withbertakhta thedan helpdengan ofpertolongan GodAllah emperor-to-beniscaya kelak menjadi kaisar", theini decreejuga alsomengakui confirmedhak-hak theprerogatif emperors'Kaisar existingRomawi prerogativesSuci overterkait papalproses elections,pemilihan butpaus, withouttetapi specifyingtidak themmemerincinya.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=39}}{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=94}} AsMeskipun early as 1057–1058demikian, however, Cardinal [[HumbertHumbertus, ofKardinal-Uskup Silva Candida]], questionedsudah themulai monarchs'mempertanyakan righthak toraja-raja investuntuk clericsmengangkat withrohaniwan bishopricsmenjadi anduskup abbeysatau inabas hisdalam treatisesrisalah-risalah againstpenentangan simonysimoni yang ia tulis seawal-awalnya antara tahun 1057 sampai 1058.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=89}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=115}}{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=51}}
PopePaus NicholasNikolaus investedII twomengangkat Normandua rulersorang pemimpin orang Norman, [[Robert Guiscard]] anddan [[Richard I ofdari Capua]], withmenjadi southernpenguasa Italianpraja-praja duchieskadipaten indi kawasan selatan Italia pada tahun 1059. InSebagai returnbalasannya, theorang NormansNorman sworebersumpah fealtysetia tokepada theSri PopePaus anddan promisedberjanji toakan supportmembantu himmelawan againstmusuh-musuhnya. hisMungkin enemies,sekali probablymusuh-musuh theyang Romandimaksud aristocratsadalah para menak Roma. AlthoughMeskipun praja-praja kadipaten di kawasan selatan Italia adalah bagian dari thewilayah duchieskedaulatan wereKekaisaran imperialRomawi fiefsSuci, Nicholas'stindakan actionSri didPaus nottersebut necessarilytidak trespassdapat ondianggap imperialmelangkahi rightshak-hak kaisar, becausekarena thesudah popessatu haddasawarsa actedlamanya aspara thepaus emperors'bertindak representativesselaku inwakil southernkaisar Italydi forkawasan aselatan decadeItalia. Howevermeskipun demikian, the Pope's [[Treaty ofPersetujuan Melfi|treatymufakat withantara theSri NormansPaus dan orang Norman]] forgedmelahirkan persekutuan theiryang lastingbertahan alliancelama.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=55}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=39–40}}
[[File:Kaiser Heinrich IV springt.jpg|thumb|left|alt=AnHeinrich engravingmenceburkan depictingdiri ake boySungai whoRhein jumpsdari fromatas aperahu shipUskup intoAgung a river; a bearded bishop raises his arms|Henry jumps from ArchbishopKöln, [[Anno II|Hanno of CologneII]]'s, shipdi intoKaiserswerth thepada Rhine at Kaiserswerth intahun 1062 (gambar [[engravinggravir]] bykarya [[Bernhard Rode]], 1781).]]
Pada tahun 1060, Adipati Béla memberontak melawan abangnya, András I, Raja Hungaria.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=35}} Agnes mengerahkan angkatan bersenjata Bayern, Sachsen, dan Bohemia untuk melawan Béla beserta sekutu-sekutu Polandianya, tetapi pasukan-pasukan ketiga praja tersebut tidak mengoordinasi aksi-aksi mereka.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=35}} Béla berhasil mengalahkan abangnya, yang terluka parah dan akhirnya mangkat.{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=73}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=35}} Keluarga András mengungsi ke Jerman, dan Béla dinobatkan menjadi Raja Hungaria pada tanggal 6 Desember.{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=73}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=35}} Sesudah Béla meraih kemenangan, pemerintahan kadipaten-kadipaten Jerman di sepanjang perbatasan dengan Hungaria harus diperkuat.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=35}} Agnes mempercayakan pemerintahan Kadipaten Bayern kepada Otto dari Nordheim, seorang menak Sachsen yang kaya raya, dan mengganti Adipati Kärnten, Konrad III, dengan [[Berthold II, Adipati Kärnten|Berthold dari Zähringen]] pada awal tahun 1061.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=35–36}}
Pada tahun 1061, hubungan Paus Nikolaus II dengan para prelatus Jerman menegang karena alasan-alasan yang tidak diketahui.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=40}}{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=96}} Ketika Paus Nikolaus II wafat pada tanggal 20 Juli 1061, para menak Roma mengirim utusan ke Jerman untuk meminta Heinrich mengajukan calon paus baru.{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=53}} Rahib Hildebrand dan tokoh-tokoh rohaniwan reformis lainnya memilih Anselmus dari Baggio, Uskup Lucca, menjadi paus baru pada tanggal 30 September tanpa pengesahan Heinrich.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=96}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=40–41, 42}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=56}} Selaku paus, Anselmus memakai nama [[Paus Aleksander II|Aleksander II]].{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=84}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=56}} Heinrich memanggil uskup-uskup Italia untuk bersidang dalam sinode yang digelar di kota [[Basel]] guna membicarakan situasi saat itu.{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=84}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=42}} Ia menghadiri persidangan dengan mengenakan tanda-tanda kebesaran statusnya selaku ''Patricius'' Roma.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=42}} Sinode memilih [[Antipaus Honorius II|Cadalus, Uskup Parma]], menjadi [[antipaus|paus tandingan]] (memakai nama Honorius II selaku paus) pada tanggal 28 Oktober.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=42}}
Andrew&nbsp;I of Hungary faced a rebellion from his brother, Duke Béla, in 1060.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=35}} Agnes dispatched Bavarian, Saxon and Bohemian troops to Hungary to fight Béla and his Polish allies, but the three armies did not coordinate their movements.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=35}} Béla defeated his brother who died of his wounds.{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=73}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=35}} Andrew's family fled to Germany, and Béla was crowned king on 6&nbsp;December.{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=73}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=35}} After Béla's victory, the command of the German duchies along the Hungarian frontier had to be strengthened.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=35}} Agnes ceded Bavaria to a wealthy Saxon lord, Otto of Nordheim, and replaced Duke Conrad of Carinthia with [[Berthold II, Duke of Carinthia|Berthold of Zähringen]] in early 1061.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=35–36}}
Keberadaan dua orang paus membuat rohaniwan Jerman terpecah. Beberapa uskup mendukung Honorius II, sementara yang lain mendukung Aleksander II.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=56}} Adalbert, Uskup Agung Hamburg, mendukung Honorius II, sementara [[Anno II|Hanno II]], Uskup Agung Köln, mendukung Aleksander II.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=56}} Ibu Suri Agnes mendukung Honorius II, sehingga para penasihatnya diekskomunikasi Paus Aleksander II.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=145}} Tindakannya menganakemaskan [[Heinrich II dari Augsburg|Heinrich II, Uskup Augsburg]], secara terang-terangan dan kegagalan kampanye militer Jerman di Hungaria melunturkan wibawa Agnes di mata kawulanya. [[Skisma]] membuat kekesalan mereka terhadap pemerintahan Agnes kian menjadi-jadi.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}}{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=54}} Uskup Agung Hanno, Ekbert dari Braunschweig, Otto dari Nordheim, dan menak-menak lain yang tidak berpuas hati memutuskan untuk melengserkan Agnes dari jabatan pemangku takhta.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=43–44}} Uskup Agung Hanno menyiapkan sebuah perahu yang "dibuat sangat elok" dan berlayar menyusuri [[Sungai Rhein]] sampai ke sebuah pulau dekat istana raja di [[Kaiserswerth]] pada bulan April 1062.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}}{{sfn|Hill|2020|p=99}} Heinrich terkagum-kagum melihat perahu itu, sehingga mudah dibujuk Hanno untuk menaikinya.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}} Begitu Heinrich menjejakkan kakinya di atas geladak, perahu langsung dikayuh menjauhi tepian.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}} Karena takut dibunuh para penculiknya, Heinrich menceburkan diri ke sungai.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}}{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=54}} Ia nyaris tenggelam, tetapi diselamatkan Ekbert dari Braunschweig.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}}
Relations between Pope Nicholas and the German prelates became tense for unknown reasons in 1061.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=40}}{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=96}} When Nicholas died on&nbsp;20 July 1061, the Roman aristocrats dispatched an embassy to Henry asking him to nominate a new pope.{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=53}} Hildebrand and other reformist clerics elected Anselm of Baggio, Bishop of Lucca, pope on 30&nbsp;September without Henry's confirmation.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=96}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=40–41, 42}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=56}} Anselm took the name [[Pope Alexander II]].{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=84}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=56}} Henry summoned the Italian bishops to a synod in [[Basel]] to discuss the situation.{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=84}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=42}} He attended the synod, wearing the insignia of his office of patrician of the Romans.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=42}} The synod elected [[Antipope Honorius II|Cadalus, Bishop of Parma]], [[antipope]] on 28&nbsp;October.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=42}}
Peristiwa "[[Kudeta di Kaiserswerth]]" meruntuhkan rasa percaya diri ibu suri. Ia mengundurkan diri dan menyepi ke daerah pertuanannya.{{sfn|Hill|2020|p=99}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=44}} Hanno mengambil alih jabatannya sebagai kepala pemerintahan.{{sfn|Hill|2020|p=99}} Gelar barunya, ''magister'' (empu), menunjukkan bahwa ia juga mengurusi pendidikan Heinrich.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=45–46}} Hanno bertekad mengakhiri skisma.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=48}} Pada bulan Oktober 1062, sinode waligereja Jerman mengangkat kemenakan Hanno, [[Burchard II, Uskup Halberstadt]], untuk membuka negosiasi dengan Paus Aleksander II.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=48–49}} Pada bulan itu juga, teolog Petrus Damianus merampungkan penulisan [[risalah]] pembelaan legalitas pemilihan Paus Aleksander II.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=94}} Lewat risalah tersebut, ia menegaskan bahwa "hak Heinrich untuk berpartisipasi dalam sidang pemilihan paus&nbsp;... setiap kali harus dikonfirmasi ulang oleh Sri Paus".{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=94}} Dalil yang dikemukakan Petrus Damianus menyiratkan bahwa Heinrich hanya mewarisi klaim atas hal prerogatif kaisar terkait pemilihan paus, dan sewaktu-waktu dapat saja kehilangan klaim tersebut.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=94}} Rasa hormat kepada kepala negara juga memudar di Jerman.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=61–62}} Sebagai contoh, para kawula [[Widerad dari Fulda|Widerad, Abas Biara Fulda]], dan para kawula [[Hezilo dari Hildesheim|Hezilo, Uskup Hildesheim]], tidak menghiraukan perintah-perintah yang diserukan Heinrich ketika [[Sengketa peringkat di Goslar|timbul bentrok di antara mereka]] di depan mata Heinrich di dalam sebuah gereja di kota Goslar pada bulan Juni 1063.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=61–62}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=61}}
The election of two popes divided the German clergy. Some bishops supported Cadalus (now known as Honorius&nbsp;II) and others accepted Alexander&nbsp;II.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=56}} Archbishop Adalbert of Hamburg was Honorius's most prominent supporter, while Archbishop [[Anno II of Cologne]] acknowledged Alexander as the lawful pope.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=56}} Empress Agnes supported Honorius, for which her advisors were excommunicated by Alexander.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=145}} Her blatant favouritism for Bishop [[Henry II of Augsburg]] and the complete failure of the Hungarian campaign had compromised her prestige; the schism raised more indignation.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}}{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=54}} Archbishop Anno, Egbert of Brunswick, Otto of Nordheim and other discontented aristocrats decided to deprive her of the regency.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=43–44}} Archbishop Anno equipped a ship "with admirable workmanship" and sailed down the [[Rhine]] to an island near the royal palace at [[Kaiserswerth]] in April 1062.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}}{{sfn|Hill|2020|p=99}} The ship fascinated Henry, so Anno could easily talk him into a visit on it.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}} As soon as Henry stepped on board, the ship was cast off.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}} Fearing his captors wanted to murder him, Henry jumped into the river.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}}{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=54}} He almost drowned, but Egbert of Brunswick rescued him.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=43}}
Béla I, Raja Hungaria, menyatakan keinginannya untuk berdamai dengan Heinrich demi melindungi kedudukannya dari klaim kemenakannya, Salomon, yang mendapatkan suaka politik di Jerman.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}} Meskipun demikian, Heinrich beserta para penasihatnya ingin agar Salomon kembali menjadi Raja Hungaria, dan oleh karena itu mengerahkan angkatan bersenjata untuk menginvasi Hungaria pada bulan Agustus 1063.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}}{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=75}} Heinrich mendapatkan pengalaman tempurnya yang pertama dari kampanye militer ini.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}}{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=75}} Béla mangkat tanpa diduga-duga akibat kecelakaan, dan angkatan bersenjata Jerman bergerak memasuki kota [[Székesfehérvár]].{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=75}} Heinrich membantu Salomon naik takhta menjadi Raja Hungaria dan menghadiri upacara perkawinannya dengan Judith sebelum pulang ke Jerman.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}}{{sfn|Zupka|2016|pp=75–76}} Adalbert dari Bremen menyertai Heinrich dalam kampanye militer Jerman di Hungaria dan menjalin persahabatan dengannya.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}} Adalbert disebut sebagai "pelindung" Heinrich dalam surat-surat kenegaraan sejak tahun 1063. Sebutan tersebut adalah indikasi bahwa kedudukan Adalbert sejajar dengan kedudukan Hanno.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}} Hanno berangkat ke Italia untuk menghadiri sinode pengakuan keabsahan jabatan Paus Aleksander II yang digelar di [[Mantua]] pada bulan Mei 1064. Selama kepergiannya, Adalbert berkesempatan mengeratkan cengkeraman pengaruhnya atas diri Heinrich.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=57}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=49}}
The "[[Coup of Kaiserswerth]]" destroyed the Empress's self-confidence, and she retired to her estates.{{sfn|Hill|2020|p=99}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=44}} Anno replaced her as the head of the government.{{sfn|Hill|2020|p=99}} His new title of ''magister'' (master) shows that he also took charge of Henry's education.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=45–46}} Anno was determined to put an end to the schism.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=48}} In October 1062, the synod of the German bishops appointed his nephew, [[Burchard II (bishop of Halberstadt)|Burchard&nbsp;II, Bishop of Halberstadt]], to begin negotiations with Pope Alexander II.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=48–49}} That same month, the theologian Peter Damian completed a [[treatise]] defending the legality of Alexander II's election.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=94}} He emphasised that Henry's "right to participate in the papal elections&nbsp;... is subject each time to reconfirmation by the pope".{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=94}} Damian's argument implied that Henry only inherited a claim to the imperial prerogatives relating to papal elections, but he could forfeit it.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=94}} Respect for the monarch also declined in Germany.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=61–62}} For example, the retainers of Abbot [[Widerad of Fulda]] and Bishop [[Hezilo of Hildesheim]] ignored Henry's commands when an [[Goslar Precedence Dispute|armed conflict broke out between them]] in his presence at a church in Goslar in June 1063.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=61–62}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=61}}
=== Tahun-tahun pertama memerintahmasa sendiridewasa ===
Béla&nbsp;I of Hungary wanted to make peace with Henry to secure his throne against his nephew, Solomon, who had taken refuge in Germany.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}} Henry and his advisors, however, insisted on Solomon's restoration to the Hungarian throne and German troops invaded Hungary in August 1063.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}}{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=75}} Henry gained his first military experience during this campaign.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}}{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=75}} Béla died in an accident unexpectedly and the German army entered [[Székesfehérvár]].{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=75}} Henry installed Solomon on the throne and attended his wedding to Judith before returning to Germany.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}}{{sfn|Zupka|2016|pp=75–76}} Adalbert of Bremen accompanied Henry on the Hungarian campaign and struck up a friendship with him.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}} Adalbert was mentioned as Henry's "protector" in royal diplomas from 1063, indicating a position equal to Anno's.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=53}} Anno went to Italy to recognise Alexander II&nbsp;as pope at a synod in [[Mantua]] in May 1064, and in his absence Adalbert was able to strengthen his influence with Henry.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=57}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=49}}
[[File:HRR 10Jh.jpg|thumb|right|Peta wilayah Kekaisaran Romawi Suci pada abad ke-10 dan ke-11, terdiri atas Jerman ''(biru)'', Italia ''(abu-abu)'', Burgundia ''(jingga sebelah timur)'', Bohemia ''(jingga sebelah barat)'', dan Negara Gereja ''(ungu)''. Ditampilkannya [[Sardinia]] sebagai bagian dari Kekaisaran Romawi Suci masih diperdebatkan.]]
Heinrich menjalani upacara pemasangan pedang pada ikat pinggang sebagai tanda kedewasaan di kota [[Worms, Jerman|Worms]] pada tanggal 29 Maret 1065.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=51–52}} Menurut keterangan sezaman dalam tawarikh yang ditulis [[Lampert dari Hersfeld]], Heinrich menyerang Uskup Agung Hanno seusai upacara pemasangan pedang, dan hanya dapat ditenangkan oleh ibunya.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=52}} Keterangan Lampert tidak sepenuhnya dapat dipercaya, tetapi diketahui bahwa Hanno disingkirkan dari majelis istana Heinrich.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=50–52}} Di kota Worms, Heinrich menerima undangan Paus Aleksander II untuk berkunjung ke Roma.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=54}} Ibu Suri Agnes memulihkan pengaruhnya, tetapi ia berangkat ke Italia dua bulan kemudian, dan Adalbert, Uskup Agung Bremen, sepenuhnya mengambil alih kewenangan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=45, 53}} Kunjungan Heinrich ke Roma mula-mula ditunda sampai musim gugur, dan kemudian ditangguhkan tanpa batas waktu, meskipun Sri Paus membutuhkan kehadiran Heinrich untuk mengatasi para pendukung Antipaus Honorius II di Italia.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=57}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=54–55}} Bukannya berangkat ke Roma, Heinrich malah berkunjung ke Burgundia pada bulan Juni 1065. Surat-surat kenegaraan Burgundia menunjukkan bahwa para menak setempat menganggap tanggal kunjungan tersebut sebagai tanggal permulaan masa pemerintahannya. Dari Burgundia, Heinrich berangkat ke Lothringen, dan menganugerahkan daerah Lothringen Hilir kepada Gottfried Si Berewok pada bulan Oktober.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=55}}{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=85}}<!--
=== Tahun-tahun pertama memerintah sendiri ===
Adalbert ofdari Bremen, in concert with the King's young friend, Werner, abused royal prerogative to seizemenyita churchharta propertybenda Gereja and took bribes for royal appointments. They persuaded the King to grant monasteries to the most powerful prelates and princes to appease their envy at their aggrandizement.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=56}} Adalbert's attempts to take possession of [[Lorschbiara AbbeyLorsch]] by force caused his fall, because the scandal enabled Archbishops [[Siegfried I (archbishop of Mainz)|Siegfried of Mainz]] and Anno of Cologne to stage a plot.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=58–59}} They secured the support of Otto ofdari Nordheim, Rudolf ofdari Rheinfelden anddan Berthold ofdari Zähringen and convinced HenryHeinrich to dismiss Adalbert on 13&nbsp;January 1066.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=57}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=59}} Anno regained the King's favour, but thereafter no royal advisors could take full control of state administration.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=61}}{{sfn|Hill|2020|p=102}}
[[File:HRR 10Jh.jpg|thumb|right|alt=Map of Central Europe|Map of the Holy Roman Empire in the 10th and 11th centuries: Germany ''(blue)'', Italy ''(grey)'', Burgundy ''(orange to the West)'', Bohemia ''(orange to the East)'', Papal States ''(purple)''. [[Sardinia]]'s presentation as part of the Holy Roman Empire is debated.]]
HenryHeinrich fellmendadak unexpectedlyjatuh illsakit inpada thepertengahan middlebulan of MayMei 1066. HisSakitnya sicknessbenar-benar wasparah sosampai-sampai seriousorang thatmengira heHeinrich was thought to besudah dyingsekarat. ThePara aristocratsmenak beganmulai tomencari-cari seek hiscalon successorpenggantinya, buttetapi hekesehatannya recoveredpulih indua twominggu weekskemudian. He immediately married his betrothed, Bertha, most probably because the uncertainty about the childless monarch's succession caused widespread anxiety in his realms.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=60}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=147}} Late in 1066, Prince Richard&nbsp;I of Capua rose up against Pope Alexander&nbsp;II and invaded [[Roman Campagna]].{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|pp=84, 107, 111–112}} Early in 1067, Agnes of Poitou hurried back from RomeRoma toke GermanyJerman to persuade her son to intervene on the Pope's behalf. HenryHeinrich ordered his troops to assembleberhimpun atdi Augsburg, but Godfrey the Bearded was faster and launched a successful counter-offensive against Richard in June. Godfrey's independent act was regardeddianggap assebagai anpenghinaan insultterhadap tokedaulatan Henry'sHeinrich authority indi ItalyItalia.{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=84}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=108}}
Henry was girded with a sword as a token of his coming of age in [[Worms, Germany|Worms]] on 29&nbsp;March 1065.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=51–52}} According to the contemporaneous account of [[Lampert of Hersfeld]], Henry attacked Archbishop Anno of Cologne soon after the ceremony and only his mother could calm him down.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=52}} Lampert's report is not fully reliable, but it is known that Anno was ousted from Henry's court.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=50–52}} At Worms, Henry accepted Pope Alexander&nbsp;II's invitation to Rome.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=54}} Agnes of Poitou recovered her influence, but she left Germany for Italy two months later and Archbishop Adalbert of Bremen took full control of state administration.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=45, 53}} Henry's journey to Rome was postponed first until autumn, and then indefinitely, although the Pope needed Henry's presence to overcome the Italian supporters of Antipope Honorius&nbsp;II.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=57}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=54–55}} Instead of travelling to Rome, Henry visited Burgundy in June 1065. Burgundian diplomas show the local aristocrats regarded his visit as the starting date of his reign. From Burgundy, Henry went to Lorraine where he granted Lower Lorraine to Godfrey the Bearded in October.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=55}}{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=85}}
Adalbert of Bremen's fall had encouraged the [[Lutici]] (a pagan Slavic tribe dwelling over the river [[Elbe]]) to invade GermanyJerman and plunder [[Hamburg]]. In early 1069, HenryHeinrich crossed the Elbe to punish the invaders. He defeated them, but could not prevent them from launching subsequent plundering raids against Saxony.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=148}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=65, 77}}
Adalbert of Bremen, in concert with the King's young friend, Werner, abused royal prerogative to seize church property and took bribes for royal appointments. They persuaded the King to grant monasteries to the most powerful prelates and princes to appease their envy at their aggrandizement.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=56}} Adalbert's attempts to take possession of [[Lorsch Abbey]] by force caused his fall, because the scandal enabled Archbishops [[Siegfried I (archbishop of Mainz)|Siegfried of Mainz]] and Anno of Cologne to stage a plot.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=58–59}} They secured the support of Otto of Nordheim, Rudolf of Rheinfelden and Berthold of Zähringen and convinced Henry to dismiss Adalbert on 13&nbsp;January 1066.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=57}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=59}} Anno regained the King's favour, but thereafter no royal advisors could take full control of state administration.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=61}}{{sfn|Hill|2020|p=102}}
Henry fell unexpectedly ill in the middle of May 1066. His sickness was so serious that he was thought to be dying. The aristocrats began to seek his successor, but he recovered in two weeks. He immediately married his betrothed, Bertha, most probably because the uncertainty about the childless monarch's succession caused widespread anxiety in his realms.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=60}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=147}} Late in 1066, Prince Richard&nbsp;I of Capua rose up against Pope Alexander&nbsp;II and invaded [[Roman Campagna]].{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|pp=84, 107, 111–112}} Early in 1067, Agnes of Poitou hurried back from Rome to Germany to persuade her son to intervene on the Pope's behalf. Henry ordered his troops to assemble at Augsburg, but Godfrey the Bearded was faster and launched a successful counter-offensive against Richard in June. Godfrey's independent act was regarded as an insult to Henry's authority in Italy.{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=84}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=108}}
Adalbert of Bremen's fall had encouraged the [[Lutici]] (a pagan Slavic tribe dwelling over the river [[Elbe]]) to invade Germany and plunder [[Hamburg]]. In early 1069, Henry crossed the Elbe to punish the invaders. He defeated them, but could not prevent them from launching subsequent plundering raids against Saxony.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=148}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=65, 77}}
=== Pemberontakan Sacsen dan Kontroversi Investitur ===
Baris 106 ⟶ 104:
{{Further|Saxon Rebellion|Investiture Controversy}}
Large parcels of the royal [[demesne]] were distributed during HenryHeinrich's minority, and he decided to recover them around 1069.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=62}} The bulk of the royal estates had been in Saxony.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=62}} HenryHeinrich sent [[Swabia]]n ''ministeriales'' to the duchy to investigate property rights. The appointment of non-native unfree officials offended the Saxons, especially because the new officials ignored their traditional [[civil procedure]]s.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=62}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=150}} New castles were built in Saxony and HenryHeinrich manned them with SwabianSchwaben soldiers.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=62}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=82–83}} Like his father, HenryHeinrich spent more time in Saxony than in other parts of GermanyJerman and the accommodation of his retinue was the Saxons' irksome duty.{{sfn|Leyser|1982|pp=93–94}} The Thuringians were also outraged that HenryHeinrich supported Archbishop Siegfried of Mainz's claim to collect tithes from them, although most Thuringians had been exempted from the church tax for centuries.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=64}} The [[March of Lusatia|MargraveBupati ofLusatia Lower LusatiaHilir]], [[Dedi I, Margrave of the Saxon Ostmark|Dedi&nbsp; I]], was the first Saxon lord to rebel.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=64}} He claimed [[benefice]]s that [[Adela of Louvain (d.1083)|his wife]]'s former husband, [[Otto I, Margrave of Meissen]], had held, but HenryHeinrich refused him in 1069.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=64}}{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=112}} Dedi approached the Thuringians for help, but after HenryHeinrich's promise to confirm their exemption from tithes the Thuringians joined the royal army. HenryHeinrich invaded Dedi's domains and forced him to surrender.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=64}}
Otto of Nordheim held vast estates in Saxony.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=62}} After a nobleman, Egeno, accused him of plotting against HenryHeinrich's life, Otto was summoned to "purge himself of that charge in single combat" early in August 1070. The contemporary historian [[Bruno the Saxon]] stated that HenryHeinrich had paid Egeno to accuse Otto, but his account is biased.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=68}} Fearing his case would not be judged fairly, Otto disobeyed the summons and fled from Bavaria to Saxony.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=62}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=65–66, 68}} He was soon outlawed and his benefices were confiscated.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=68}} HenryHeinrich invaded Otto's Saxon domains, but Otto raided the royal estates in Thuringia.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=68}} [[Ordulf, Duke of Saxony]], and most Saxon aristocrats remained loyal to HenryHeinrich , but Ordulf's son and heir, [[Magnus, Duke of Saxony|Magnus]], joined Otto's revolt.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=70}} HenryHeinrich ceded Bavaria to Otto's wealthy son-in-law, Welf, at Christmas 1070.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=112}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=69–71}} Without their peers' support, Otto and Magnus had to surrender. HenryHeinrich placed them in the German dukes' and bishops' custody on 12&nbsp;June 1071.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=71}}
Archbishop Adalbert of Bremen convinced HenryHeinrich to release Otto of Nordheim in May 1072, but Magnus of Saxony remained imprisoned.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=62}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=72}} Before long, Adalbert died and HenryHeinrich seized his treasury—an early example of the application of the ''[[jus spolii]]'' by a German monarch.{{sfn|Leyser|1982|p=223}} HenryHeinrich started appointing low-ranking men to royal offices in the whole kingdom and this practice outraged the German aristocrats. Rudolf of Rheinfelden and Berthold of Zähringen returned to their duchies from the royal court and rumours accusing them of plotting against the King spread in GermanyJerman.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=92}} Rudolf appealed to Agnes of Poitou, asking her to reconcile him with her son.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=125–126}} Agnes who had moved to Rome in 1065 returned to GermanyJerman and mediated a reconciliation in July 1072. It proved temporary because HenryHeinrich did not dismiss his advisors.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=92, 126}} Agnes shared the dukes' negative views of HenryHeinrich's advisors and persuaded Pope Alexander to excommunicate at least five of them in February 1073,{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=113}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=125}} though HenryHeinrich did not sever ties with them.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=129}}
[[File:SalamounUhry.jpg|thumb|left|alt=A miniature depicting a bearded bald man before an other bearded man who sits on a throne and wears a crown|HenryHeinrich's brother-in-law, King Solomon of Hungary, appeals to HenryHeinrich for help ([[Miniature (illuminated manuscript)|miniature]] in the 14th-century ''[[Chronicon Pictum|Vienna Illuminated Chronicle]]'').]]
Appointments to the highest church offices remained crucial elements of HenryHeinrich's authority: the practice enabled him to demand benefices for his supporters from the wealthy bishops and abbots, but the reformist clergy condemned it as simony.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=120}} When HenryHeinrich appointed a Milanese nobleman, [[Gotofredo da Castiglione|Gotofredo]], to the [[Archbishopric of Milan]] in 1070, Pope Alexander&nbsp;II excommunicated the new archbishop. HenryHeinrich obtained Gotofredo's consecration, however, which brought him into a prolonged conflict with the Holy See.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=63}}{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=87}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=124}} The [[Prince-Bishopric of Constance|Bishopric of Constance]] became another source of conflict in 1070 after the local clerics appealed to the Holy See to prevent the installation of HenryHeinrich's candidate, Charles of Magdeburg, to the episcopal see.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=118}} HenryHeinrich denied Charles had bribed him, but he publicly admitted at a synod that his advisors may have received money from Charles.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=118}} Pope Alexander&nbsp;II decided to investigate and summoned all German bishops who had been accused of simony or corruption to Rome, but he died in two months.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=120}} The Romans proclaimed Hildebrand as his successor on 22&nbsp;April 1073.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=113}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=125}}
Hildebrand, who assumed the name Gregory&nbsp;VII, did not seek confirmation from HenryHeinrich.{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=87}}{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=113}} He did not challenge HenryHeinrich's prerogatives, but he was convinced a monarch who had regular contacts with excommunicated people could not intervene in church affairs.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=113}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=129}} He regarded lay investiture as the principal barrier to completing the reform of the Church and challenged royal appointments, taking advantage of individual complaints against German prelates.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|pp=148–149}} HenryHeinrich's Italian chancellor, [[Gregory (bishop of Vercelli)|Bishop Gregory of Vercelli]], and an assembly of the German bishops, urged the King to declare Gregory's election invalid, because he had been proclaimed pope by the Romans instead of being elected by the cardinals. The German dukes and Godfrey the Bearded's influential widow, Beatrice of Tuscany, convinced HenryHeinrich that he should cooperate with the Pope.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=129–130}}
[[Bolesław II the Generous|Bolesław&nbsp;II]], [[Duke of Poland]], invaded Bohemia in early 1073, and HenryHeinrich decided to launch a punitive action against him.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=72}} He ordered the Saxon aristocrats to assemble at Goslar, where on 29&nbsp;June they asked HenryHeinrich to redress their grievances. HenryHeinrich made no concessions and withdrew from Goslar to [[Harzburg]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=72–73}}{{sfn|Leyser|1982|p=94}} Otto of Nordheim soon convinced the assembled Saxons to take up arms for their liberties.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=150}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=73}} The Saxons marched to Harzburg, but HenryHeinrich had fled to Eschwege.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=73}} The Thuringians and the Saxons concluded an alliance and captured [[Lüneburg]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=73–74}} To save the life of the commander of Lüneburg, HenryHeinrich released Magnus of Saxony, whom the rebels acknowledged as their lawful duke without seeking royal confirmation.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=90}} The German dukes and bishops did not come to HenryHeinrich's rescue, and the rebels began attacking the royal castles.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=91}} To prevent the rebellious Saxon bishops from securing the Pope's support, HenryHeinrich addressed a letter of penance to the Pope, admitting he had been involved in simony.{{sfn|Barber|2004|pp=87–88}} He claimed his youthful arrogance had been responsible for his sins and blamed his advisors for his acts.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=160}}
Siegfried of Mainz, Anno of Cologne, Rudolf of Rheinfelden, Berthold of Zähringen and other German aristocrats came to [[Gerstungen]] to begin negotiations with the Saxon leaders in October 1073.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=91}} They tried to persuade HenryHeinrich to redress the Saxons' grievances, but he was determined to crush the revolt.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=91}} A month later, HenryHeinrich's servant Regenger informed Rudolf and Berthold that HenryHeinrich was planning to murder them.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=93}} Regenger was ready to prove his words in a judicial duel, but he died unexpectedly in January 1074. His statements, however, deepened the conflict between the King and the two dukes.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=93}} HenryHeinrich, who had just recovered from an illness, moved to Worms.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=93}} The local bishop, [[Adalbert II (bishop of Worms)|Adalbert]], denied his entry, but the townspeople rose up against the bishop and surrendered Worms to HenryHeinrich.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=93}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|pp=152–153}} A grateful HenryHeinrich exempted the burghers from customs duties, emphasising their loyalty in a time when "all the princes of the realm were raging" against him.{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=182}}
[[Liemar]], Archbishop of Bremen, [[Udo (archbishop of Trier)|Udo]], Archbishop of Trier, and eight bishops came to visit HenryHeinrich in Worms in early 1074.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=93}} Their retainers and the Worms militia joined HenryHeinrich in a new military campaign against the Saxons and Thuringians, but he soon realised the rebels outnumbered his army and entered into negotiations with them.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=95}} HenryHeinrich accepted the rebels' principal demands in the [[Treaty of Gerstungen]] on 2&nbsp;February.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=95}} He agreed to destroy his castles and appoint only natives to offices in Saxony in return for the Saxon aristocrats' promise to raze their newly built fortresses.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=151}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=95–96}} On hearing the agreement, the Saxon peasants captured and destroyed Harzburg and [[Desecration|desecrated]] the graves of HenryHeinrich's younger brother and first-born son.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=151}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=98}} The destruction of the royal graves aroused public indignation, and HenryHeinrich regarded it as a violation of the treaty.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=112}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=98–99}}
[[File:Burg Homburg Eingang Hauptburg.jpg|thumb|left|alt=Photo of a ruined stone walls and a circular tower in a meadow|Ruins of Homburg Castle. HenryHeinrich's army inflicted a decisive defeat on the Saxons near the castle in 1074.]]
Pope Gregory appointed the cardinal bishops [[Gerald of Ostia]] and [[Hubert of Palestrina]] to begin negotiations with HenryHeinrich.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=132}} Agnes of Poitou accompanied the two legates to her son's court.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=132}} After HenryHeinrich had done a public penance for simony, the legates absolved him on 27&nbsp;April 1074.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=132–133}} They summoned the German bishops to a synod to hear the case of Bishop [[Herman I of Bamberg]] who had been accused of simony, but eight prelates did not obey their summons. In response, the Pope suspended Archbishop Liemar from office, and summoned the disobedient bishops to Rome.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=132–133}} HenryHeinrich did not intervene in the conflict, although the German prelates under investigation were his staunch supporters.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=160}}
HenryHeinrich's brother-in-law, Solomon of Hungary, sent envoys to HenryHeinrich seeking his assistance against his cousin [[Géza I of Hungary|Géza]] (who was Béla&nbsp;I's eldest son).{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=99}} Géza had defeated Solomon on 14&nbsp;March 1074, forcing him to take refuge in the fortresses of Moson and Pressburg (now [[Mosonmagyaróvár]] in Hungary and [[Bratislava]] in Slovakia, respectively).{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=82}} Solomon promised to cede six castles to HenryHeinrich and acknowledge his [[suzerainty]] in return for HenryHeinrich's support to recover his country.{{sfn|Zupka|2016|p=82}}{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=335}} HenryHeinrich invaded Hungary and marched as far as [[Vác]], but he could not force Géza to surrender.{{sfn|Zupka|2016|pp=82–83}} Pope Gregory sharply criticised Solomon for his willingness to accept HenryHeinrich's suzerainty, because the Pope regarded Hungary as a fief of the Holy See.{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=334}}
On 7 December 1074, Pope Gregory asked HenryHeinrich to compel the German prelates who had not obeyed his summons to attend a synod in Rome.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=133}} The Pope suspended five German bishops for disobedience at the synod of Lent in Rome in February 1075. He blamed HenryHeinrich's five advisors, likely those who had been excommunicated by his predecessor, for the conflict over the archbishopric of Milan. HenryHeinrich and the German bishops wanted to avoid a conflict. Archbishops Siegfied of Mainz and Liemar of Bremen travelled to Rome to begin negotiations with the Pope. They did not protest when the Pope deposed Bishop Herman of Bamberg. The Pope appreciated their obedience and appointed Siegfried to hold a reforming synod in GermanyJerman.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=135}}
HenryHeinrich had meanwhile made preparations to take vengeance for the desecration of royal graves at Harzburg. He promised amnesty and gifts to those who joined his campaign against Saxony.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=112}} Most German dukes and many bishops hurried to [[Breitungen]] where the royal troops were assembling in June 1074.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=100}} Saxon nobles and prelates also deserted to the royal camp.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=100}} Under the command of Rudolf of Rheinfelden, the royal army launched a surprise attack on the Saxons at [[Homburg (Stadtoldendorf)|Homburg Castle]] on 9 June.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=100–101}} Most Saxon noblemen were able to flee from the battlefield, but many of the common foot soldiers were slaughtered.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=101}} Those who survived the massacre condemned the noblemen for their comrades' fate, and their stories turned the Saxon peasantry against their lords.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=101}} Pope Gregory VII congratulated HenryHeinrich on his victory, stating that the Saxons' defeat at Homburg was an act of "[[divine judgement]]".{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=138}}
HenryHeinrich invaded Saxony again in autumn 1075.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=102}} [[Godfrey IV, Duke of Lower Lorraine|Godfrey the Hunchback]], [[List of rulers of Lorraine#Dukes of Lower Lorraine|Duke of Lower Lorraine]], was the sole German duke to join his campaign, but the Saxons were unable to resist.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=102}} Otto of Nordheim convinced them to surrender unconditionally{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=151}} to the King on 26 or 27 October.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=102}} HenryHeinrich pardoned Otto and returned all his benefices except Bavaria.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=113}} He showed no mercy to other rebel leaders,{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=102–103}} who were imprisoned and had their estates confiscated.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=103}} HenryHeinrich summoned the German dukes to Goslar to swear fealty to his two-year-old son, Conrad, as his successor, but only Duke [[Vratislaus II of Bohemia]] obeyed his command.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=104}}
=== Perjalanan menuju Canossa ===
{{Main|Road to Canossa}}
[[File:Hugo-v-cluny heinrich-iv mathilde-v-tuszien cod-vat-lat-4922 1115ad.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A miniature depictong a crowned man on his knees before a woman and an abbot, each sitting on a throne|HenryHeinrich begging Matilda of Tuscany and Hugh of Cluny in Canossa Castle (miniature in an [[illuminated manuscript]] kept in the [[Vatican Library]], 1115)]]
HenryHeinrich knew that his dependence on Pope Gregory&nbsp;VII was loosened after his victory in the Saxon War.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=138}}{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=88}} He sent Count Eberhard the Bearded as his deputy to Italy.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=139}} Eberhard demanded an oath of fealty from the Pope's vassal, [[Robert Guiscard]], [[County of Apulia and Calabria|Duke of Apulia and Calabria]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=139}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=162}} HenryHeinrich made one of his chaplains, [[Tedald (archbishop of Milan)|Tedald]], archbishop of Milan contradicting the Pope's former decisions.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=139–140}} Alarmed by these acts, the Pope announced he would excommunicate HenryHeinrich unless he changed his policies.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=140–141}}
HenryHeinrich regarded the Pope's words as a clear denial of the sacred nature of kingship.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|pp=162, 168}} He held a [[Synod of Worms|synod in Worms]] on 24&nbsp;January 1076.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=64}} Two archbishops, twenty-four German bishops (two-thirds of the German episcopate), one Burgundian bishop, an Italian bishop and Godfrey the Hunchback attended it.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=143–145}} At HenryHeinrich's order, they declared the Pope's election invalid and demanded his abdication.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=64}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=145–146}} An assembly of the Lombard bishops and aristocrats passed a similar resolution in [[Piacenza]] on 5&nbsp;February.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=121}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=147}} HenryHeinrich's most important ally, Godfrey the Hunchback, was murdered on&nbsp;22 February.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=147}} Godfrey had named his nephew, [[Godfrey of Bouillon]], as his heir, but HenryHeinrich granted Lower Lorraine to his own son, Conrad.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=147–148}}
Pope Gregory VII was informed of the decisions of the two assemblies during the synod of Lent in Rome.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=64}} He excommunicated HenryHeinrich and released his subjects from fealty in a public prayer addressed to [[Saint Peter]].{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=64}}{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=121}} The deposition of a monarch by a pope was unprecedented, but the Pope was convinced HenryHeinrich's extraordinary arrogance could not be punished otherwise.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=122}} On learning of the Pope's decision HenryHeinrich convoked a synod in Utrecht, but the local bishop, [[William I (bishop of Utrecht)|William&nbsp;I]], was the only prelate willing to excommunicate the Pope.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=149}} HenryHeinrich wanted to demonstrate that the Pope's denial of the monarchs' role in the administration of the Christian community was responsible for their conflict.{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=90}} His chaplain, Gottschalk, completed a letter to be circulated in GermanyJerman, which emphasised that only God could judge a monarch.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=151}} The letter addressed the Pope as the "false monk, Hildebrand" and ended with the dramatic warning demanding his abdication: "descend, descend!"{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=121}} Two incidents occurred in succession which discouraged HenryHeinrich's supporters: a fire after a [[lightning]] strike destroyed the cathedral of Utrecht on 27&nbsp;March, and Bishop William's sudden death on 27&nbsp;April.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=151}}
HenryHeinrich's opponents regarded these incidents as [[divine retribution]] for his sinful acts.{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=88}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=151}} Bishop [[Herman of Metz]] released the Saxon rebels who had been in his custody.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=152}} Bishop [[Burchard II (bishop of Halberstadt)|Burchard&nbsp;II of Halberstadt]], who had been one of the leaders of the Saxon revolt, escaped from captivity and returned to Saxony.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=152}} Theoderic and William, members of the [[House of Wettin]], also returned from exile and rose up against HenryHeinrich.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=152}} HenryHeinrich invaded Saxony in August, but only Vratislaus&nbsp;II of Bohemia accompanied him.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=153}} Their arrival provoked a general uprising, and HenryHeinrich was forced to flee to Bohemia.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=153}} The German aristocrats and prelates met at Trebur from 16&nbsp;October to 1&nbsp;November.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=153}} They convinced HenryHeinrich to accept the terms the Pope had set for him.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=156}} He had to promise to dismiss his excommunicated advisors and acknowledge Gregory as the lawful pope. Furthermore, he was to acknowledge the Pope's jurisdiction in his conflicts with the German dukes and bishops.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=156}} They announced they would elect a new king if HenryHeinrich was unable to achieve his absolution before the anniversary of his excommunication.{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=58}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=157}} They also invited Pope Gregory to GermanyJerman to hold an assembly in Augsburg on 2&nbsp;February 1077.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=157}}
HenryHeinrich moved to [[Speyer]] and lived there as a penitent.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=159}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=167}} He decided to depart for Italy to achieve his absolution, because he wanted to prevent the Pope from hearing his case at an assembly dominated by his enemies.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=159}} Although the winter was unexpectedly severe, Henry, his wife and their retainers crossed the [[Mont Cenis]] pass in December.{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=89}} On 25&nbsp;January, they reached [[Canossa Castle]] where the Pope had sought refuge, fearing that HenryHeinrich came to Italy to capture him.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=65}} Henry remained barefoot and wearing sackcloth at the castle for three days.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=65}} [[Matilda of Tuscany]] (who held the castle), Adelaide of Turin and Hugh of Cluny convinced the Pope he had no choice but to absolve the remorseful King.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=65}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|pp=167–168}} Before receiving absolution, Henry had to pledge to accept the Pope's judgement in his conflict with his subjects.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=168}}
=== Perang saudara ===
Baris 154 ⟶ 152:
{{See also|Great Saxon Revolt}}
Henry remained in Italy after his absolution,{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=165}} which surprised his German opponents. They held an assembly at [[Forchheim (Oberfranken)|Forchheim]], arguing that it had not restored their oaths of fealty.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|pp=169–170}} The bishops, archbishops, dukes and the Saxons' representatives who attended the assembly elected [[Rudolf of Rheinfelden]] king on 14&nbsp;March 1078.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=167–168}}{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=60}} Although the papal legates who were present acknowledged Rudolf's election, Pope Gregory&nbsp;VII remained neutral.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=171–172}} He maintained he was entitled to settle the dispute and informed both Henry and Rudolf he would hear their case at an assembly in GermanyJerman.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=171–172}}
On hearing of the election of an anti-king, Henry replaced Rudolf's principal ally, [[Berthold of Zähringen]], with [[Liutold of Eppenstein]] as duke of Carinthia and awarded [[March of Friuli|Friuli]] to [[Sigehard, Patriarch of Aquilea]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=166}} He confiscated Swabia from Rudolf and Bavaria from Welf, placing both duchies under his direct control.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=173}} Before returning to GermanyJerman inpada bulan April, Henry made his three-year-old son, Conrad, his lieutenant in Italy. He charged two excommunicated Italian prelates, Tedald of Milan and Denis of Piacenza, with Conrad's protection.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=166}} Unable to prevent Henry's return, Rudolf of Rheinfelden moved to Saxony.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=171}}
Henry visited Ulm, Worms, Nuremberg, Mainz, [[Strasbourg]], Utrecht and Augsburg to demonstrate the full restoration of his royal authority.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=174, 176}} He rewarded his supporters with estates confiscated from his opponents,{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=174}} but the grantees had to obtain actual possession by force.{{sfn|Leyser|1982|p=174}} Henry and Rudolf's armies approached each other for the first time near [[Würzburg]] in August, but Henry avoided battle as his forces were outnumbered.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=176}} Both camps' aristocrats wanted to restore peace and agreed to hold a joint assembly in the absence of the kings at the Rhine in November. Henry sent troops to the Rhine to prevent the negotiations.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=177}}
The papal legate, Cardinal Bernard, excommunicated Henry on 12&nbsp;November 1077.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=172}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=171}} Henry sent Bishops [[Benno II of Osnabrück]] and [[Theoderic (bishop of Verdun)|Theoderic of Verdun]] to Rome to begin negotiations with Sri Paus, whose position in Italy had been weakening.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=179}} Sri Paus appointed a new legate, whose name was not recorded, to represent him in GermanyJerman. The papal legate celebrated Easter with Henry in Cologne pada tanggal 8 April 1078, demonstrating that Sri Paus had not regarded Henry's excommunication as valid.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=179}} Henry invaded Lothringen and forced Bishop Herman of Metz into exile,{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=180}} but Berthold of Zähringen and Welf of Bavaria inflicted defeats on his Swabian and [[Duchy of Franconia|Franconian]] supporters.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=181}} Rudolf of Rheinfelden hurried to Franconia and met Henry and his army of 12,000 Franconian peasants at Mellrichstadt on 7&nbsp;August.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=181}} The [[Battle of Mellrichstadt]] proved indecisive.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=181–182}}
[[File:Rudolf von Schwaben.jpg|thumb|left|alt=An engraving depicting a bearded middle-aged man dying on the ground before two bishops|Rudolf of Rheinfelden dying after losing his right hand in the Battle on the Elster in 1080 (engraving by Bernhard Rode, 1781)]]
Paus Gregorius prohibited all clerics from receiving royal appointments to bishoprics or abbeys in November 1078.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=139}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=183}} The royal investiture was a basic element of royal administration. The ring and [[crosier]] the prelates received from monarchs during their installation symbolised their mutual dependence.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=172}} At the February 1079 synod of Lent, Henry's opponents, Bishops [[Altmann, Bishop of Passau|Altmann of Passau]] and Herman of Metz, convinced Sri Paus to send new legates to GermanyJerman, but Sri Paus forbade his legates to pass judgement against the prelates who had been appointed by Henry.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=185–186}}
Henry confiscated Rudolf of Rheinfelden's inherited Swabian estates and ceded them to Bishop [[Burchard of Lausanne]] in March.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=188}} In the same month, he made a wealthy local aristocrat, [[Frederick I, Duke of Swabia|Frederick of Büren]], duke of Swabia.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=171}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=189}} Frederick could only take possession of the lands north of the Danube, because Rudolf of Rheinfelden's son, [[Berthold I, Duke of Swabia|Berthold]], asserted his authority over the southern parts of Swabia.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=189–190}}
Baris 170 ⟶ 168:
Henry met with the papal legates, Bishops [[Peter Igneus|Peter of Albano]] and [[Udalric of Padua]], in Regensburg on 12&nbsp;May 1079.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=190}} They convinced him to send envoys to [[Fritzlar]] to begin negotiations with Rudolf of Rheinfelden with their mediation.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=190}} At the Fritzlar conference, the parties agreed to hold a new meeting at Würzburg, but Rudolf failed to appoint his representatives, thinking Henry had bribed the papal legates.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=192}} Henry invaded Saxony in August, but Rudolf persuaded the aristocrats in Henry's army to obtain his consent to a truce.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=192}} Henry sent agents to Saxony, and they convinced many Saxon leaders to desert the anti-king.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=192}} He mustered troops from the German duchies, Burgundy and Bohemia and invaded Saxony in January 1080.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=192–193}} He could not surprise Rudolf who [[Battle of Flarchheim|defeated Henry's army at Flarchheim]] on 27&nbsp;January. Rudolf did not take advantage of his victory, however, because the Saxons who had deserted him did not return to his camp.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=193}}
Henry sent envoys to the synod of Lent in Rome and demanded Sri Paus mengekskomunikasi Rudolf, hinting he was ready to appoint an antipope to achieve his goal.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=172}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=195}} Instead Pope Gregory excommunicated and deposed Henry and acknowledged Rudolf as the lawful king.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=172}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=67}} A treatise, known as ''The Defence of King Henry'', was published in Henry's defence which emphasised his hereditary claim to his realms. The treatise, likely written by the jurist [[Petrus Crassus]], uses arguments based on Roman Law, showing the ''[[Corpus Juris Civilis]]'' had already been studied in Italy. Before returning to GermanyJerman, Henry's envoys, Archbishop Liemar of Bremen and Bishop [[Rupert of Bamberg]], raised a rebellion against the Pope's principal Italian ally Matilda of Tuscany. They also secured the support of northern Italian aristocrats for Henry.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=197}}
Henry's second excommunication was less harmful to his position than the previous ban.{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=89}} He held a council in Mainz on 31&nbsp;May 1080.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=197}} The nineteen German prelates and aristocrats who attended the council deposed Pope Gregory, labelling him as "the accused disturber of divine and human laws".{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=197}} Henry held a second synod in [[Brixen]]. Nineteen Italian, seven German and a lone Burgundian prelate confirmed the Pope's deposition 25&nbsp;June, accusing him of simony, heresy and other sins.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=172}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=198}} The synod elected Archbishop [[Wibert of Ravenna]] pope.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=173}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=200}} Wibert assumed the name Clement&nbsp;III in reference to [[Pope Clement II]] who had been the first reformist pope to be elected through the intervention of Henry's father.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=200}} Henry returned to GermanyJerman and assembled his troops for a new invasion of Saxony.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=202}} Henry and Rudolf's armies met at [[Hohenmölsen]] on 14&nbsp;October 1080.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=202}}{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=183}} Henry's forces [[Battle on the Elster|were defeated]] but it was a Pyrrhic victory for Rudolf, who lost his right hand and died.{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=183}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=203–204}} Henry took full advantage of the circumstances of Rudolf's death, describing it as a punishment for oath breaking.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=173}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=204–205}} He began negotiations with the Saxons, offering to appoint his son, Conrad, king of Saxony, but Otto of Nordheim persuaded his fellows to refuse the offer.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=205–206}}
=== Penobatan ===
Baris 180 ⟶ 178:
Henry led a small army to Italy in March 1081.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=211}} His Italian supporters had defeated Matilda of Tuscany's troops in the previous year, enabling him to reach Rome without resistance.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=212}} The Romans, however, remained loyal to Pope Gregory&nbsp;VII and Henry had to withdraw to northern Italy in late June.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=213}} He began negotiations with the envoys of the Byzantine Emperor [[Alexios I Komnenos]] about an alliance against Robert Guiscard.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=214–215}} He granted privileges to Lucca and Pisa, releasing them from Matilda's lordship.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=215}} While Henry was in Italy, the Saxons invaded Franconia.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=208}} Henry's southern German opponents elected Welf's kinsman, [[Hermann of Salm]], king at a poorly attended assembly early in August. The Saxons only paid homage to Hermann four months later.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=173}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=208–209}}
Henry left Italy for GermanyJerman in the autumn of 1081 but returned in February 1082.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=216}} He laid siege to Rome but could not break the Romans' resistance.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=217–218}} He charged Antipope Clement with the siege of Rome and began devastating Matilda's domains.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=220–221}} Rumours of Hermann of Salm's plans to invade Italy forced Henry to remain in northern Italy, but Hermann did not risk an Italian campaign.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=222}} Henry returned to the siege of Rome at the end of 1082.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=222}} Emperor Alexios sent 144,000 gold pieces to him as a token of their friendship and promised a further 216,000 gold pieces in return for his support against Robert Guiscard.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=222–223}} The treasure enabled Henry to bribe Roman aristocrats, and his troops captured the [[Leonine City]] in Rome on 3&nbsp;June 1083. Pope Gregory&nbsp;VII continued to resist in the [[Castel Sant'Angelo]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=223–224}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=174}} Henry withdrew from Rome again in early July. He concluded a secret treaty with the Roman aristocrats who promised to induce Gregory to crown Henry emperor or to elect another pope.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=224}}
Henry launched a military campaign against Robert Guiscard in February and March 1084.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=227}} During his absence, the Antipope convinced more than ten cardinals to desert Pope Gregory&nbsp;VII. They were followed by other clerics and papal officials.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=68}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=227–228}} Resistance against Henry collapsed, and he entered Rome on 21&nbsp;March.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=227}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=68}} Clement was installed as pope and he crowned Henry emperor in [[Old St. Peter's Basilica|St Peter's Basilica]] on 1&nbsp;April.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=174}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=230}} Henry stayed in the [[Lateran Palace]] for six weeks. He left Rome before Robert Guiscard came to Gregory&nbsp;VII's rescue on 24 May.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=233}} Robert's troops [[Sack of Rome (1084)|sacked Rome]], outraging the Romans, and Gregory had to leave Rome for [[Salerno]].{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=174}}{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=210}} Henry ordered his Italian supporters to conquer Matilda of Tuscany's lands before he returned to GermanyJerman. However, her army routed his allies at the [[Battle of Sorbara]] on 2&nbsp;July.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=233}}
== Menjadi Kaisar ==
Baris 191 ⟶ 189:
[[File:Heilig-Blut-Tafel Weingarten 1489 img001.jpg|thumb|upright|left|alt=A painting of a long-haired young man holding a church's design in his hand.|Welf, Duke of Bavaria—a wealthy German aristocrat with flexible loyalties during Henry's conflicts with the Papacy (a late-15th-century painting)]]
The papal legate, Cardinal [[Pope Urban II|Odo of Ostia]], summoned the German prelates who were loyal to Pope Gregory&nbsp;VII to a synod at [[Quedlinburg]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=245}} The synod issued a decree that papal judgements could not be questioned and forbade the faithful to make contact with those who had been excommunicated.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=245}} In response, Henry held a general assembly in Mainz in late April or early May.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=246}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=175}} Three or four archbishops and fifteen bishops obeyed his summons. They deposed their peers—two archbishops and thirteen bishops—who had failed to come to Mainz.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=246}}{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=52}} The synod also established the "[[Peace and Truce of God|Peace of God]]" in GermanyJerman, prohibiting armed conflicts during the main Christian festivals.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=175}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=249–250}} Vratislaus&nbsp;II of Bohemia, who had always been Henry's loyal supporter, was rewarded with the title of king during this meeting.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=250–251}}
Pope Gregory&nbsp;VII died in Salerno on 25 May 1085. Henry exploited his most prominent opponent's death to consolidate his position.{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|p=126}} Henry visited Lower Lorraine to end a conflict between his two supporters, Bishops Theoderic of Verdun and [[Henri de Verdun|Henry of Liège]] in June 1085.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=253}} He granted the [[County of Verdun]] to Henry of Liège's kinsman, Godfrey of Bouillon, and compensated Bishop Theoderic with estates confiscated from Matilda of Tuscany.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=254}} Peace was not restored, however, because Godfrey of Bouillon soon laid claim to Matilda's estates.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=254}} Henry invaded Saxony, reaching as far as Magdeburg in July.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=255}} Hermann of Salm, [[Hartwig, Archbishop of Magdeburg]] and the archbishop's three [[suffragans]] fled to Denmark and the Saxons paid homage to Henry.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=255}} Henry did not restore the rebels' confiscated estates and appointed new officials. The Saxons rose up in a new rebellion and forced Henry to withdraw to Franconia.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=256}} Henry mustered a new army and invaded Saxony in January 1086, but the Saxons avoided a pitched battle.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=258–259}} Henry withdrew to Regensburg. [[Welf I, Duke of Bavaria|Welf of Bavaria]] laid siege to the town at Easter, but Henry was relieved by his supporters.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=260}}
Baris 199 ⟶ 197:
A new joint conference of the German prelates and aristocrats assembled at Speyer in August 1087. Henry's opponents were willing to pay homage to him provided he had been absolved by the Pope. Henry refused them maintaining he had been unlawfully excommunicated. Pope Gregory&nbsp;VII's successor, [[Pope Victor III]], held a synod in [[Benevento]] around the same time. The synod passed no resolution about Henry, suggesting the new Pope had adopted a conciliatory policy.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=264}}
A sudden illness prevented Henry from invading Saxony in October. After his recovery he launched a military expedition against the Saxon rebels. One of the rebel leaders, [[EgbertEkbert II, Margrave of Meissen|EgbertEkbert&nbsp;II of Brunswick]], began to negotiate his surrender. Henry offered him the [[Margravate of Meissen]], but EgbertEkbert decided to continue the fight against Henry after two Saxon prelates, Hartwig of Magdeburg and Burchard of Halberstadt, promised to achieve his election as king of GermanyJerman.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=265}} The two prelates could not keep their promise, and EgbertEkbert swore fealty to Henry in early 1088.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=265, 269}} EgbertEkbert's about-face and Burchard's unexpected death on 7&nbsp;April 1088 accelerated the disintegration of the Saxon rebels' camp.{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=64}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=267}} Hartwig of Magdeburg and his suffragans hurried to pay homage to Henry, and were followed to Henry's court by prominent Saxon aristocrats.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=267}} Henry appointed Hartwig to be his lieutenant in Saxony.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=268}}
Abandoned by his principal allies, the ailing Hermann of Salm sought Henry's permission to leave Saxony for his native Lorraine. His request was granted and he died in his homeland on 28&nbsp;September 1088.{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=64}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=268}} EgbertEkbert of Brunswick rose up in a new rebellion and defeated Henry's army near Gleichen on 25&nbsp;December.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=270–271}} EgbertEkbert's estates were confiscated in February 1089.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=271}} Henry, who had been widowed, went to Cologne to celebrate a new marriage with [[Eupraxia of Kiev]] in the summer of 1089.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=269, 271}} In the autumn, Henry returned to Saxony to prevent EgbertEkbert from attacking Hildesheim, but he continued to resist.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=271}}
=== Kembali ke Italia ===
Henry began negotiations with his Bavarian and Swabian opponents.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=274}} They were willing to surrender, but they demanded the deposition of Antipope Clement&nbsp;III.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=274}} Henry was inclined to accept their offer, but his bishops dissuaded him, fearing they would also be dismissed after the Antipope's fall.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=274}} To prevent further negotiations between the Emperor and his opponents, Pope Urban&nbsp;II mediated a marriage alliance between Welf I of Bavaria's 18-year-old son, [[Welf II, Duke of Bavaria|Welf the Fat]], and the 43-year-old Matilda of Tuscany in the autumn of 1089.{{sfn|Barber|2004|p=92}}{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=87}} Henry decided to launch a new invasion of Matilda's domains.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=281}} The [[History of the Jews in Speyer|Jews of Speyer]] approached him around this time for the confirmation of their rights.{{sfn|Chazan|2006|p=173}} He summarised their liberties in a diploma, protecting them against physical assaults and prohibiting their forced baptism.{{sfn|Chazan|2006|pp=173–174}} He issued a similar document for the Jews of Worms.{{sfn|Chazan|2006|p=174}} Henry was often in need of cash and according to Robinson, both communities had probably paid a significant sum of money in return for his protection.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=302}}
Henry invaded Matilda's domains in March 1090, forcing her to seek refuge in the mountains in April.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=281}} The retainers of Henry's sister, Abbess [[Adelaide II, Abbess of Quedlinburg|Adelaide of Quedlinburg]], killed EgbertEkbert of Brunswick on 3&nbsp;July 1090.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=68}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=272}} Henry made EgbertEkbert's brother-in-law, [[Henry, Margrave of Frisia|Henry of Nordheim]], his principal representative in Saxony.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=272}} EgbertEkbert's death put an end to Saxon opposition to the Emperor's rule, because he had secured Nordheim's loyalty with land grants.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=68}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=272–273, 281}} Henry continued his Italian campaign and captured Matilda's fortresses north of the river [[Po (river)|Po]] at the end of 1091.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=282–283}} In June 1092, Henry crossed the Po and forced Matilda to begin negotiations for her surrender, but she and her vassals refused to acknowledge Clement III as the lawful pope.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=284–285}} Henry laid siege to Canossa, but the garrison made a surprise attack on his army, forcing him to abandon the siege in October.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=285}}
Henry's Swabian opponents elected the late Berthold of Rheinfelden's brother-in-law, [[Berthold II, Duke of Swabia|Berthold II&nbsp;of Zähringen]], to be their duke and he proclaimed himself the "vassal of St Peter" (that is of the Holy See).{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=285–286}} Henry had to send his German troops back to GermanyJerman to fight in SwabiaSchwaben anddan BavariaBayern.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=286}} He began negotiations with King [[Ladislaus I of Hungary]] about an alliance, but Welf I prevented their meeting.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=286}} Henry was forced to retreat to Pavia and Matilda's troops recaptured her fortresses.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=287}}
=== Tanah-tanah pertuanan keluarga ===
[[File:Ewangeliarz emmeramski 4.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A miniature depicting three men, each wearing a crown, and three men, each holding a crosier|Henry and his two sons, Henry and Conrad ''(upper line)'' (from the 11th-century ''Evangelion of Saint Emmeram's Abbey'')]]
Matilda of Tuscany and her husband managed to turn Henry's heir, Conrad, against him in the spring or summer of 1093.{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=87}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=286}} Henry had Conrad captured, but he escaped to Milan.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=287}} According to [[Bernold of Constance]], Henry tried to commit suicide after his son's rebellion,{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=176}} though Bernold probably invented this story to make a comparison between Henry and King [[Saul]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=288}} Conrad's disloyalty aroused Henry's suspicion of his relatives, and he put his wife under strict supervision, allegedly for her infidelity.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=176}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=289–290}} Four Lombard towns (Milan, [[Cremona]], [[Lodi, Lombardy|Lodi]] and Piacenza) made an alliance with Matilda of Tuscany.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=287}} Henry fled to Verona whose [[March of Verona|margrave]], [[Henry of Eppenstein]], and Eppenstein's brother, Patriarch [[Udalric (patriarch of Aquileia)|Udalric of Aquileia]], were his last supporters in Italy.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=289}} Henry's authority remained limited to north-eastern Italy, and Matilda and Welf&nbsp;I's troops prevented his return to GermanyJerman.{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=65}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=290}}
Empress Eupraxia decided to desert Henry and sought Matilda's assistance to rescue her from her house arrest early in 1094. Matilda sent a small force of soldiers to Verona who liberated the Empress and accompanied her to Tuscany.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=289–291}} On meeting with Matilda, Eupraxia presented serious charges against her husband, accusing him of debauchery and group rape. She publicly repeated the charges in Pope Urban&nbsp;II's presence at the [[Council of Piacenza]] in March 1095.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=289–291}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=69}} The Pope endorsed her words and confirmed Conrad's claim to the throne, recognizing him as the lawful king in April.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=176}} Henry's enemies gladly spread Eupraxia's accusations, but modern scholars have regarded her statements as an effective propaganda tool against Henry, likely fabricated by Matilda's advisors.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=290}} The Pope departed from Piacenza to France in triumph, but the teenage Welf the Fat left his middle-aged wife around the same time.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=291–292}} The separation of Matilda and her husband came as a severe blow to the Pope, because the young Welf's father, Welf&nbsp;I, soon sought a reconciliation with Henry.{{sfn|Tabacco|1995|p=87}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=84}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=295}} Henry also conducted negotiations with [[Doge of Venice|Doge]] [[Vitale Faliero]] in Venice in June 1095. They renewed a commercial treaty and Faliero agreed to continue to pay a yearly tribute to the Emperor.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=293–294}}
Baris 220 ⟶ 218:
=== Pulih jabatan ===
Welf of Bavaria's father, [[Albert Azzo II, Margrave of Milan|Adalbert Azzo II&nbsp;of Este]], mediated a reconciliation between his son and the Emperor in early 1096.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=295}} Henry restored Bavaria to Welf who lifted the blockade of the Alpine passes, enabling Henry to return to GermanyJerman inpada Maybulan Mei.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=295–296}}{{sfn|McLaughlin|2010|p=175}} Aristocrats who had rebelled against Henry came to pay homage to him at assemblies held in Regensburg, Nuremberg and Mainz.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=296–297}} He allowed the Jews, who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, to return to Judaism.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=181}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=303}} In early 1098, Berthold II&nbsp;of Zähringen was also reconciled with Henry who exempted his domains from the jurisdiction of the dukes of Swabia and rewarded him with the hereditary title of [[Duke of Zähringen|duke]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=296–297}}{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|pp=84–85}}
The German magnates and prelates deposed Henry's rebellious son, Conrad, and elected his 12-year-old brother, [[Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor|Henry&nbsp;V]], as Henry's co-ruler in May 1098. Conrad was abandoned by his allies and died forgotten in Tuscany.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=85}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=300}} While in Mainz, Henry ordered an investigation into the missing property of the Jews who had been murdered by the crusaders.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=303}} Several witnesses stated that Archbishop [[Ruthard of Mainz]] and his kinsmen had stolen large portions of it.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=303}} Fearing retribution, the Archbishop and his kinsmen fled to Thuringia and began plotting against Henry.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=181}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=303}}
Baris 230 ⟶ 228:
Antipope Clement III died on 8&nbsp;September 1100, and his cardinals elected [[Antipope Theodoric|Theoderic of Albano]] as his successor.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=187}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=308–309}} Henry's Italian supporters acknowledged Theoderic as the lawful pope, but Henry did not make contact with him.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=85}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=307}} Count [[Henry, Duke of Lower Lorraine|Henry of Limburg]] captured properties of [[Prüm Abbey]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=314–315}} The Emperor laid siege to Limburg, forcing the Count to surrender in May 1101.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=315}} The Emperor soon forgave Henry of Limburg for his rebellion and made him duke of Lower Lorraine before the end of the year.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=315}}
An assembly of the German leaders proposed that Henry make peace with Pope Urban&nbsp;II's successor, [[Pope Paschal II|Paschal&nbsp;II]], in late 1101; there is no proof Henry followed their advice.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=309}} Pope Paschal&nbsp;II was determined to overcome Henry and ordered his legate, Bishop [[Gebhard (III) of Constance|Gebhard of Constance]], to keep the resistance against the Emperor alive in GermanyJerman.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=309}} The papal synod confirmed Henry's excommunication in the [[Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran|Lateran Basilica]] on 3&nbsp;April.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=85}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=311}}
[[Robert II, Count of Flanders]], allied with Bishop [[Manasses (bishop of Soissons)|Manasses of Cambrai]]—a Frenchman supported by the Pope—against [[Walcher (antibishop)|Walcher]] whom Henry had appointed to replace Manasses as [[bishop of Cambrai]].{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=316}} Robert laid siege to [[Cambrai]]; Henry came to Walcher's rescue, forcing Robert to lift the siege in October 1102, but Robert resumed the war on Walcher soon after Henry left Cambrai.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=316–317}} Henry held a general assembly in Mainz on 6&nbsp;January 1103,{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=311}} and proclaimed the ''[[Reichsfriede]]'' (imperial peace), prohibiting feuds and other acts of violence, for the first time in the whole empire.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=85}}{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=187}} He threatened those who broke the peace with mutilation, without allowing the wealthy to pay penance.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=187}}
Baris 256 ⟶ 254:
Konflik Heinrich dengan para kawulanya, kedua putranya,{{sfn|McLaughlin|2010|p=176}} istri-istrinya, dan para paus memunculkan a rich polemical literature during his lifetime. Both his supporters and his opponents based their portraits of Henry on two early medieval works: ''[[De duodecim abusivis saeculi|The Twelve Abuses]]'' contained a discussion about legitimate kingship, while [[Isidore of Seville]]'s ''[[Etymologiae|Etymologies]]'' contrasted kingship with tyranny. Consequently, polemical literature tended to provide a list of the characteristics of either good or wicked rulers when portraying Henry. For instance, in the 1080s, the ''[[Song of the Saxon War]]'' praised him as a "king second to none in his piety" who defended the widows and the poor and gave laws to the lawless Saxons. The ''[[Vita Heinrici IV imperatoris]]'', an anonymous biography completed in the early 1110s, described him as a vigorous and warlike monarch who employed learned officials and enjoyed conversations about spiritual themes and the [[liberal arts]]. In contrast [[Lambert of Hersfeld]] stated Henry had inherited a peaceful realm, but he "rendered it filthy, despicable, bloodstained, a prey to internal conflicts". Lambert also emphasised that Henry destroyed and robbed churches and put freemen into servitude.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=345–348}}
Rumours of Henry's immorality established his bad reputation for centuries.{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|pp=65–66}} The Saxons were the first to accuse him of debauchery and demanded he dismiss the "swarm of concubines with whom he slept".{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=89, 113}} Polemical writings spreading in GermanyJerman after 1085 accused Henry of [[incest]] and [[pederasty]], also claiming that he had fathered illegitimate children.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=113}} Isidore of Seville listed immoral sexual practices among the tyrants' characteristics.{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|pp=65–66}} Consequently, as Robinson emphasises, allegations of Henry's alleged sexual misconduct "provided his opponents with a useful polemical weapon".{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=113}}
Henry was not a successful military commander, primarily because he did not avoid pitched battles, in contrast with most 11th-century military leaders. He could likely adopt this high-risk strategy because he often mustered his troops from among merchants and peasants who were regarded as expendable. He lost most of his major battles; his sole victory at Homburg was primarily attributed to Rudolf of Rheinfelden by their contemporaries.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=349–350}} On the other hand, Henry's adaptability and openness to compromise and his preference for dilatory tactics enabled him to survive most crises of his reign.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=368}}
Henry's penitential "Walk to Canossa" developed into a powerful metaphor. Catholic clerics were the first to adopt it, regarding it as the symbol of the triumph of the Holy See over an immoral monarch. For 19th-century Protestant German nationalists, the ''Gang nach Canossa'' ("Road to Canossa") symbolized the humiliation of GermanyJerman by a haughty pope. [[Otto von Bismarck]] proudly declared before the [[Reichstag (German Empire)|Reichstag]] that "Don't worry, we are not going to Canossa, neither physically nor spiritually!" during [[Kulturkampf|his campaign against political Catholicism]]{{sfn|Pflanze|1990|pp=179, 214}} on 14 May 1872.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=58}} Historians have adopted more sophisticated approaches. They emphasize that penance and reconciliation were integral parts of medieval life, so an anointed king's excommunication was more disturbing for Henry's contemporaries than his act of penance at Canossa.{{sfn|Vollrath|1995|p=59}} Henry, as Schutz concludes, "cleverly maneuvered the pope into a position in which he had to absolve him", but Gregory&nbsp;VII reduced him "from Vicar of Christ to being a mere layman".{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=168}}
Henry's death did not put an end to the Investiture Controversy. A renowned French lawyer, Bishop [[Ivo of Chartres]], and his pupil, [[Hugh of Fleury]], had paved the road to a compromise already in Henry's lifetime. They actually adopted an old view, condemned by reformist clerics, making a distinction between the secular possessions and properties of bishoprics and abbeys ([[temporalities]]), and the ecclesiastical authority and sacramental powers of the bishops and abbots ([[spiritualities]]). In 1122, Henry&nbsp;V and [[Pope Calixtus II]] included a similar distinction in their [[Concordat of Worms]], whereby the Emperor renounced the right to install the prelates in their ecclesiastical offices with ring and staff in return for the right to invest them with their secular possessions using the sceptre.{{sfn|Barber|2004|pp=93–94}}{{sfn|Blumenthal|2010|pp=163–165, 172–173}} However, the German monarchs' right to acquire a dead prelate's treasury, introduced by Henry, remained an important source of wealth, especially during the reigns of [[Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor|Frederick Barbarossa]] and [[Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor|Henry&nbsp;VI]] in the second half of the 12th&nbsp;century.{{sfn|Leyser|1982|p=223}}-->
Baris 273 ⟶ 271:
*Heinrich, anak yang memaksa ayahnya turun takhta, lahir tahun 1086.
''[[Morkinskinna]]'', tawarikh tertua raja-raja Norwegia, memuat keterangan tentang seorang putri bernama Mathilde, anak seorang kaisar. Berdasarkan kecocokan waktu, kaisar yang dimaksud mestinya adalah Heinrich IV.{{sfn|Andersson|Gade|2012|pp=307, 450}} Menurut ''[[Morkinskinna]]'', [[Magnus III dari Norwegia]] pernah saling berkirim pesan dengan putri Mathilde, dan pernah pula menggubahmerangkai [[stanza (sastra)|sebait puisi]] untuknya.{{sfn|Andersson|Gade|2012|pp=307–308}} Dalam sumber-sumber primer lain, tidak ada anak Heinrich yang bernama Mathilde.{{sfn|Andersson|Gade|2012|p=450}}
Istri kedua Heinrich, [[Eupraxia dari Kiev|Yevpraksia dari Kiev]] (dikenal dengan nama Adelheid di Jerman), lahir sekitar tahun 1068.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=266, 269}} Yevpraksia adalah putri [[Vsevolod I dari Kiev|Pangeran Besar Kiev, Vsevolod I]], tetapi bukan ikatan dengan [[Rus Kiev]] yang menjadikannya pasangan ideal bagi Heinrich IV, melainkan statusnya sebagai janda cerai mati [[Heinrich I Si Jangkung, Markgraf Nordmark|Heinrich dari Stade]] sejak tahun 1087.{{sfn|Fuhrmann|2001|p=68}}{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=269}} Mendiang Heinrich dari Stade adalah menak Sachsen yang kaya raya, dan tindakan mengawini jandanya membantu merukunkan Heinrich IV dengan orang-orang Sachsen.{{sfn|Schutz|2010|p=175}} Heinrich IV dan Yevpraksia bertunangan pada tahun 1088.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=266}} Tidak seperti Berta, nama Yevpraksia hanya satu kali tercantum dalam surat kenegaraan Heinrich. Fakta ini menunjukkan bahwa Yevpraksia tidak kunjung mendapatkan kepercayaan Heinrich.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|pp=266, 290}} Sesudah perkawinan mereka berakhir dengan skandal, Yevpraksia pulang ke negeri asalnya dan menetap di Kiev sampai tutup usia pada tanggal 10 Juli 1109.{{sfn|Robinson|2003|p=291}}
Baris 282 ⟶ 280:
{{familytree| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |!|}}
{{familytree| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |!|}}
{{familytree| | | | | | | | | |ADE1|-|v|-|OTT| | | | | | | | |GUN|-|HEN1|-|v|-|AGN1|ADE1=[[Adelaide dari Susa]]<br>†1091<br>''Markgräfin''Bupati Turin|OTT=[[Otto, Conte Savoia|Otto]]<br>†1057–1060<br>Bupati Savoia|GUN=[[Gunhilda dari Denmark]]*<br>†1038|HEN1=[[Heinrich III, Kaisar Romawi Suci|Heinrich III]]<br>*1017 †1056<br>Kaisar Romawi Suci<br>(memerintah 1046-1056)|AGN1=[[Agnes dari Poitou]]<br>†1077|boxstyle_HEN1=background-color:#CEE0F2|boxstyle_AGN1=background-color:#CEE0F2}}
{{familytree| | | | | | |,|-|-|-|-|-|-|^|-|-|-|-|-|-|.| | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | | |}}
{{familytree| |,|-|-|-|-|*|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|*|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|+|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|.|}}
{{familytree| |!| | | | |!| | | | | | | | | |!| | | |!| | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!| | | | | | | |!|}}
{{familytree|ADE2| | |ADE3|-|v|-|RUD|-|MAT1| |BER|-|v|-|HEN2|-|EUP| |CON1| |SOL|-|JUD|-|WLA|ADE2=[[Adelheid II, Abdis Biara Quedlinburg|Adelheid]]<br>*1045 †1096<br>Abdis biara Quedlinburg<br>dan biara Gandersheim<br>(memerintah 1061-1096)|ADE3=[[Adelaide dari Savoia, Istri Adipati Schwaben|Adelaide dari Savoia]]<br>†1079|RUD=[[Rudolf dari Rheinfelden]]<br>†1080<br>Raja tandingan Heinrich IV<br>(memerintah 1078-1080)|MAT1=[[Mathilde dari Jerman, Istri Adipati Schwaben|Mathilde]]<br>*1048 †1060|BER=[[Bertha dari Savoia|Berta dari Savoia]]<br>*1051 †1087|HEN2='''HEINRICH IV'''<br>*1050 †1106<br>Kaisar Romawi Suci<br>(memerintah 1084-1105)|EUP=[[Eupraxia dari Kiev|Yevpraksia dari Kiev]]<br>*''[[circa|ca.]]''1068 †1109|CON1=[[Konrad II, Adipati Bayern|Konrad]]<br>*1052 †1055<br>Adipati Bayern<br>(memerintah 1054-1055)|SOL=[[Salomon, Raja HongariaHungaria|Salomon]]<br>*1053 †1087<br>Raja HongariaHungaria<br>(memerintah 1063-1074)|JUD=[[Judith dari Schwaben|Judith]]<br>†1092/1096|WLA=[[Władysław I Herman]]<br>*''[[circa|ca.]]''1044 †1102<br>Adipati Polandia<br>(memerintah 1079-1102)|boxstyle_ADE2=background-color:#CEE0F2|boxstyle_MAT1=background-color:#CEE0F2|boxstyle_CON1=background-color:#CEE0F2|boxstyle_HEN2=background-color:#CEE0F2|boxstyle_JUD=background-color:#CEE0F2}}
{{familytree| |,|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|(| | | | | | | | | | | | | |)|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|v|-|-|-|.|}}
{{familytree|BER1| |BER2|-|AGN2| | | | | |FRE|-|v|-|AGN3|-|v|-|LEO| | |MAX|-|CON2| |HEN3|-|MAT2|BER1=[[Berthold I, Adipati Schwaben|Berthold dari Rheinfelden]]<br>†1090<br>Adipati Schwaben tandingan<br>(memerintah 1079-1090)|BER2=[[Berthold II, Adipati Schwaben|Berthold dari Zähringen]]<br>†1111<br>Adipati Schwaben tandingan<br>(memerintah 1092-1098)|AGN2=[[Agnes dari Rheinfelden]]<br>†1111|FRE=[[Friedrich I, Adipati Schwaben|Friedrich dari Büren]]<br>*''[[circa|ca.]]''1050 †1105<br>Adipati Schwaben<br>(memerintah 1079-1105)|AGN3=[[Agnes dari Jerman|Agnes]]<br>*1072/1073 †1143|LEO=[[Luitpold III dari Austria|Leopold III]]<br>*1073 †1136<br>''Markgraf''Bupati Austria<br>(memerintah 1095-1136)|MAX=Maximilla dari Sisilia|CON2=[[Konrad II dari Italia|Konrad]]<br>*1074 †1101<br>Raja tandingan Heinrich IV<br>(memerintah 1095-1101)|HEN3=[[Heinrich V, Kaisar Romawi Suci|Heinrich V]]<br>*1086 †1125<br>Kaisar Romawi Suci<br>(memerintah 1111-1125)|MAT2=[[Matilda dari Inggris]]<br>*1102 †1067|boxstyle_AGN3=background-color:#CEE0F2|boxstyle_CON2=background-color:#CEE0F2|boxstyle_HEN3=background-color:#CEE0F2}}
{{familytree| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | |!| }}
{{familytree| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |!| | | | | |!| }}
Baris 307 ⟶ 305:
*{{cite book |last1=Andersson |first1=Theodore M. |last2=Gade |first2=Kari Ellen |year=2012 |title=Morkinskinna: The Earliest Icelandic Chronicle of the Norwegian Kings (1030–1157) |publisher=[[Cornell University Press]] |isbn=978-1-5017-2061-1 |ref=harv}}
*{{cite book |last=Barber |first=Malcolm |authorlink=Malcolm Barber |orig-year=1992 |year=2004 |title=The Two Cities: Medieval Europe 1050–1320 |publisher=[[University of Pennsylvania Press]] |isbn=0-415-17414-7 |ref=harv}}
*{{cite book |last=Blumenthal |first=Uta-Renate |orig-year=1982 |year=2010 |title=The Investiture Controversy: Church and Monarchy from the Ninth to the Twelfth Century |url=https://archive.org/details/investiturecontr0000blum |publisher=[[University of Pennsylvania Press]] |isbn=0-8122-1386-6 |ref=harv}}
*{{cite book |last=Chazan |first=Robert |authorlink=Robert Chazan |year=2006 |title=The Jews of Medieval Western Christendom: 1000–1500 |series=Cambridge medieval textbooks |publisher=[[University of Pennsylvania Press]] |isbn=978-0-521-84666-0 |ref=harv}}
*{{cite book |last=Fuhrmann |first=Horst |orig-year=1986 |year=2001 |title=Germany in the High Middle Ages, ''c.'' 1050–1200 |series=Cambridge medieval textbooks |publisher=[[Cambridge University Press]] |isbn=0-521-31980-3 |ref=harv}}
Baris 325 ⟶ 323:
*{{cite book |last=Althoff |first=Gerd |year=2009 |title=Heinrich IV |publisher=Thorbecke |language=de |isbn=9783799568692 |ref=none}}
*{{Cite journal |last=Creber |first=Alison |date=2019-04-22 |title=Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Dissolving Royal and Noble Marriages in Eleventh-Century Germany |journal=[[German History]] |volume=37 |issue=2 |pages=149–171 |doi=10.1093/gerhis/ghy108|issn=0266-3554 |ref=none}}
*{{Cite journal |last=Israngura Na Ayudhya |first=Tul |date=Juli–Desember 2018 |title="Not against the kingdom, but for the kingdom and my freedom" Revisiting the Saxon War (1073–1075): Opposition to the King or a Revolt for the Kingdom?. |journal=Veridian E-Journal |volume=11 |issue=5 |pages=123–150 |url=https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Veridian-E-Journal/article/view/151255/110656 |issn=1906-3431 |ref=none |access-date=2020-07-05 |archive-date=2022-12-06 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20221206033211/https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Veridian-E-Journal/article/view/151255/110656 |dead-url=no }}
*{{cite book |last=McCarthy |first=T. J. H. |year=2013 |title=Chronicles of the Investiture Contest: Frutolf of Michelsberg and his continuators |series=Manchester Medieval Sources |publisher=[[Manchester University Press]] |isbn=978-0719084690 |ref=none}}
*{{cite book |last1=Pavlac |first1=Brian A. |last2=Lott |first2=Elizabeth S. |year=2019 |title=The Holy Roman Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia, Jilid 2. |series=Empires of the World |publisher=[[ABC-CLIO]] |isbn=978-1-4408-4858-2 |ref=none}}
*{{cite book |last=Weinfurter |first=Stefan |orig-year=1992 |year=1999 |title=The Salian Century: Main Currents in an Age of Transition|url=https://archive.org/details/saliancenturymai0000wein |translator-last=Kaiser |translator-first=Denise A. |publisher=[[University of Pennsylvania Press]] |isbn=0-8122-3508-8 |ref=none}}
*{{cite book |last1=Zey |first1=Claudia |title=Der Investiturstreit|publisher=[[C.H. Beck]]|isbn=978-3-406-70655-4|date=2017|language=de |ref=none}}
Baris 336 ⟶ 334:
* {{DDB|Person|118548271}}
* {{Geschichtsquellen Person|118548271|''Henricus IV Imperator''}}
* Laporan [http://www.zum.de/Faecher/G/BW/Landeskunde/rhein/kultur/museen/speyer/ausstell/heinrich_vier/kopf.htm rekonstruksi patung sedada Kaisar Heinrich IV] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230626155355/http://www.zum.de/Faecher/G/BW/Landeskunde/rhein/kultur/museen/speyer/ausstell/heinrich_vier/kopf.htm |date=2023-06-26 }} (disertai gambar)
* Dokumen-dokumen yang dikeluarkan Kaisar Heinrich IV untuk Keuskupan Bamberg, 17 Agustus 1057, {{LBALink|10156}}
* [http://lba.hist.uni-marburg.de/lba-cgi/kleioc/00101KlLBA/exec/apply2/width/%226109%22/height/%226109%22/url/%22http:%7B|%7D%7B|%7D137.248.186.134%7B|%7Dlba-cgi-local%7B|%7Dpic.sh%7B-%7Djpg%7B|%7DE4894.jpg%22 Piagam tertanggal 17 Agustus 1057 yang dikeluarkan Kaisar Heinrich IV untuk Keuskupan Bamberg] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200706081507/http://lba.hist.uni-marburg.de/lba-cgi/kleioc/00101KlLBA/exec/apply2/width/%226109%22/height/%226109%22/url/%22http:%7B%7C%7D%7B%7C%7D137.248.186.134%7B%7C%7Dlba-cgi-local%7B%7C%7Dpic.sh%7B-%7Djpg%7B%7C%7DE4894.jpg%22 |date=2020-07-06 }}, bagian dari koleksi [http://lba.hist.uni-marburg.de/lba/ Lichtbildarchiv älterer Originalurkunden] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20081210135339/http://lba.hist.uni-marburg.de/lba/ |date=2008-12-10 }} di [[Universitas Marburg]] (foto bagian piagam yang dibubuhi meterai Kaisar Heinrich IV)
{{Commons|Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor|Heinrich IV, Kaisar Romawi Suci}}