Occupy Wall Street: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(19 revisi perantara oleh 10 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 2:
{{Infobox civil conflict
| title = Occupy Wall Street
| image = [[Berkas:Wall-Street-1.jpg|alt=Poster depicting a female ballerina pirouetting on the back of the Charging Bull statue on Wall Street; on the street behind her, a line of gas-masked rioters struggle through smoke. Text on the poster reads: "What is our one demand? #OCCUPYWALLSTREET September 17th. Bring Tent."]]
|partof = [[Gerakan Occupy]]
| caption = Poster ''Adbusters'' yang mempromosikan tanggal pertama pendudukan pada 17 September 2011.
| date = {{Start date|2011|09|17}}&nbsp;– ''sedang berlangsung''<br />({{Age in months, weeks and days|year1=2011|month1=9|day1=17}})
| place= [[New York City]]
| coordinates =
| causes = [[Ketidaksetaraan kekayaan di Amerika Serikat|Ketidaksetaraan kekayaan]], [[Bisnis Besar#Pengaruh terhadap pemerintah|Pengaruh perusahaan terhadap pemerintah]], [[Populisme]], (pendukungan) [[Demokrasi Sosial]], ''inter alia''.
| status = Sedang berlangsung
| goals =
| result =
| methods = <nowiki></nowiki>
*[[Protes non-kekerasan]]
*[[Ketidakpatuhan sipil]]
Baris 20:
*[[Demonstrasi (masyarakat)|Demonstrasi]]
*[[Aktivisme Internet]]
| side1=
| side2=
| side3=
| leadfigures1 =
| leadfigures2 =
| leadfigures3 =
| howmany1 =
| howmany2 =
| howmany3 = Zuccotti Park
'''Aktivitas lain di NYC: '''
*2,000+ demonstran <br />(pergerakan ke markas besar polisi, 2 Oktober 2011)<ref name="Arrests-BBC">{{cite news|title=Hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15140671|accessdate=October 2, 2011|newspaper=BBC News |date=October 2, 2011}}</ref>
*700+ demonstran <br />(melintasi Jembatan Brooklyn, 3 Oktober 2011)<ref name=700arrest/>
*15,000+ demonstran <br />(pergerakan solidaritas di Lower Manhattan, 5 Oktober 2011)<ref name="Occupy Wall Street: protests and reaction Thursday October 6">{{cite news |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/oct/06/occupy-wall-street-protests-live |accessdate=October 7, 2011 |newspaper=Guardian |title=Occupy Wall Street: protests and reaction Thursday 6 October |first=Adam |last=Gabbatt |date=October 6, 2011 |location=London}}</ref>
*15,000+ demonstran <br />(pergerakan solidaritas di Lower Manhattan, 5 Oktober 2011)<ref name="Occupy Wall Street: protests and reaction Thursday October 6">{{cite news |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/oct/06/occupy-wall-street-protests-live |accessdate=October 7, 2011 |newspaper=Guardian |title=Occupy Wall Street: protests and reaction Thursday 6 October |first=Adam |last=Gabbatt |date=October 6, 2011 |location=London}}</ref>
*6,000+ demonstran <br />(pergerakan pusat perekrutan di Times Square, 15 Oktober 2011)<ref>[http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20111017/ECONOMY/111019895 “Wall Street protests span continents, arrests climb“], ''Crain's New York Business'', October 17, 2011.</ref>
| notes =
<!-- Definition : name, location, date -->
'''Occupy Wall Street''' ('''OWS''') adalah sebuah [[gerakan sosial|gerakan]] [[protes]] yang dimulai pada tanggal 17 September 2011 di [[Zuccotti Park]], di distrik keuangan [[Wall Street]] [[New York City]], yang dicetuskan oleh kelompok aktivis asal Kanada, [[Adbusters]]. Para aktivis memrotes [[ketidaksetaraan ekonomi]] dan sosial, pengangguran tinggi, kerakusan, serta korupsi, dan pengaruh perusahaan—terutama dadri sektor [[jasa keuangan]]—terhadap pemerintah. Slogan ''[[We are the 99%]]'' yang disuarakan para demonstran merujuk pada [[ketidaksetaraan pendapatan di Amerika Serikat|ketidaksetaraan pendapatan dan kekayaan]] di AS antara orang-orang kaya (1%) dan seluruh penduduk Amerika Serikat. Protes di New York City telah mendorong munculnya protes dan gerakan Occupy serupa di seluruh dunia.
Baris 48 ⟶ 45:
=== Empat minggu pertama (17 September&nbsp;– 14 Oktober) ===
[[Berkas:Wallst14occupy.jpg|leftkiri|thumbjmpl|250px|Demonstran berunjuk rasa dekat kantor polisi New York, [[St. Andrew's Church (New York City)|St. Andrew's Church]] tampak di belakang.]]
Pada tanggal 17 September, 1.000 orang bergerak melintasi jalanan, dengan perkiraan 100 hingga 200 orang bermalam di rumah kardus. Pada 19 September, tujuh orang ditahan.<ref name="NYPD Arrest Seven Wall Street Protesters"/><ref name="businessweek1"/>{{anchor|Anthony Bologna}}
Sedikitnya 80 orang ditahan pada 24 September,<ref name="arrests"/> setelah para demonstran mulai bergerak ke utara dan memaksa penutupan sejumlah jalan.<ref name="crackdown"/><ref name="times2"/> Sebagian besar penahanan tersebut akibat pemblokiran lalu lintas, meski sejumlah lainnya juga dituduh melakukan [[tindakan tidak pantas]] dan melawan polisi. Petugas polisi menggunakan teknik bernama [[kettling]] yang melibatkan pemakaian jaring oranye untuk memecah para demonstran menjadi kelompok-kelompok kecil.<ref name=crackdown/><ref name=times2/> Video yang memperlihatkan demonstran wanita disemprot menggunakan [[semprotan merica]] oleh seorang petugas polisi dikecam besar-besaran dan memunculkan kontroversi.<ref name="dailynews0929"/> Petugas polisi tersebut diidentifikasi sebagai [[Inspektur#Amerika Serikat|Deputi Inspektur]] Anthony Bologna, dan video lain yang muncul memperlihatkan ia menyemprot seorang fotografer.<ref name="nyt0928"/>
Aktivis [[Anonymous]] kemudian menerbitkan nama, nomor telepon dan rincian keluarga para petugas polisi.<ref>{{cite news|author=Karen McVeigh in New York |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/26/occupy-wall-street-police-named |title=Occupy Wall Street activists name officer over pepper spray incident &#124; World news &#124; guardian.co.uk |publisher=Guardian |date= September 26, 2011|accessdate=2011-12-05 |location=London}}</ref>
Awalnya Komisaris Polisi [[Raymond W. Kelly]] dan perwakilan Bologna mempertahankan tindakannya dan mengutuk pembocoran informasi pribadinya.<ref name="dailynews0929"/><ref name="nyt0928"/> Setelah kemarahan publik semakin besar, Kelly mengumumkan bahwa [[Urusan internal (penegak hukum)|Internal Affairs]] dan Civilian Complaint Review Board membuka investigasi,<ref name="dailynews0929"/> serta mengkritik Anonymous karena "[mencoba] mengintimidasi, memaparkan nama anak-anak, dan sekolah mereka," dan menambahkan bahwa taktik ini "sangat tidak pantas dan menyedihkan."<ref name="dailynews0929"/> Sementara itu, [[Jaksa Distrik]] Manhattan [[Cyrus Vance, Jr.]] memulai penyelidikannya sendiri.<ref name="nyt0928"/>
Perhatian masyarakat terhadap penyemprotan merica mengakibatkan peningkatan liputan media berita, sebuah pola yang terus diulang pada minggu-minggu selanjutnya setelah konfrontasi demonstran dengan polisi.<ref name="five38"/> [[Clyde Haberman]], menulis di ''The New York Times'', mengatakan bahwa "Jika demonstran Occupy Wall Street mau menyebutkan orang yang memberi mereka dorongan terbesar, mereka mungkin mau menyebutkan Anthony Bologna," sambil menyebut peristiwa ini "penting" untuk gerakan yang masih muda ini.<ref name="nyt1010"/><ref name="nyt1012"/> "Setelah Ron Kuby, seorang jaksa untuk salah seorang demonstran, menuntut penahanan Tn. Bologna, [Bologna] malah diberi cuti 10 hari dan diberikan [...] pemindahan ke Staten Island, tempat tinggalnya," menurut pernyataan narablog Daniel Edward Rosen.<ref>Rosen, Daniel Edward, [http://www.observer.com/2011/11/is-ray-kellys-nypd-spinning-out-of-control/?show=all "Is Ray Kelly’s NYPD Spinning Out of Control?"], ''The [New York] Observer'', 11/01/2011 6:39pm. 2011-11-03.</ref>
Pada 1 Oktober 2011, demonstran bergerak melintasi [[Jembatan Brooklyn]]. ''The New York Times'' melaporkan bahwa lebih dari 700 orang ditahan.<ref name="Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge"/> Polisi menggunakan sepuluh bus untuk mengangkut demonstran keluar dari jembatan. Sejumlah orang mengatakan bahwa polisi menipu mereka dengan membiarkan mereka masuk jembatan dan mengawal mereka setengah jalan. Jesse A. Myerson, seorang koordinator media untuk Occupy Wall Street berkata, "Polisi menonton dan tidak melakukan apa-apa, sepertinya hendak memandu kami ke jalan raya.”<ref name="Police Arrest More Than 400 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge"/> Namun, sejumlah pernyataan oleh para demonstran mendukung penjelasan yang diberikan polisi: contohnya, seorang demonstran berkicau bahwa "Polisi tidak mengumpan kami ke jembatan. Mereka mendukung kami."<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/02/occupy-wall-street-nypd-tactics|title=Occupy Wall Street protest: NYPD accused of heavy-handed tactics|last=Pilkington|first=Ed|publisher=Guardian.co.uk|year=2011|date=Oct. 2|location=London}}</ref> Seorang juru bicara [[New York Police Department]], Paul Browne, mengatakan bahwa para demonstran diberikan beberapa peringatan untuk tetap di trotoar dan tidak memblokir jalanan, dan ditahan jika mereka melanggar.<ref name="700arrest">{{cite news|title=700 Arrested After Wall Street Protest on N.Y.'s Brooklyn Bridge|url=http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/10/01/500-arrested-after-wall-street-protest-on-nys-brooklyn-bridge/?test=latestnews|accessdate=October 1, 2011|date=October 1, 2011|publisher=Fox News Channel}}</ref> Pada 2 Oktober, semua kecuali 20 orang dilepaskan dengan catatan tindakan tidak pantas dan sumpah di pengadilan kriminal.<ref name="Hundreds freed after New York Wall Street protest"/> Pada 4 Oktober, sekelompok demonstran yang ditahan di jembatan mengajukan tuntutan hukum melawan pemerintah kota, dengan menuduh bahwa para petugas melanggar hak konstitusional mereka dengan mengumpan mereka ke dalam perangkap dan menahan mereka; WalikotaWali kota Bloomberg, yang sebelumnya berkomentar mengenai insiden ini, berkata bahwa "[p]etugas polisi melakukan apa yang seharusnya mereka lakukan."<ref name="NYT Bridge Lawsuit">{{cite news |title=Citing Police Trap, Protesters File Suit |author=ELIZABETH A. HARRIS |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/05/nyregion/citing-police-trap-protesters-file-suit.html?_r=1 |newspaper=The New York Times |date=October 5, 2011 |page=A25 |accessdate=October 17, 2011}}</ref>
Pada 5 Oktober, ribuan pekerja serikat bergabung dengan demonstran menuju Financial District. Pergerakan ini awalnya bersifat damai sampai pada malam hari ketika kekacauan terjadi. Sekitar 200 demonstran mencoba menyerang barikade yang memblokir mereka dari Wall Street dan Stock Exchange. Polisi menanggapinya dengan semprotan merica dan mengurung demonstran dengan jaring oranye.<ref name="Occupy Wall Street protests: Police make arrests, use pepper spray as some activists storm barricade"/><ref name="guardian13"/>
Baris 63 ⟶ 60:
=== Minggu 5–8 (15 Oktober&nbsp;– 11 November) ===
{{See also|Daftar demonstrasi "Occupy"}}
[[Berkas:Occupy Bay Street.JPG|thumbjmpl|Right|250px|[[Occupy Toronto]] terinspirasi oleh Occupy Wall Street.]]
Pada 15 Oktober, puluhan ribu demonstran mengadakan protes di 900 kota di seluruh dunia, termasuk Auckland, Sydney, Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, São Paulo, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, dan kota lainnya.<ref name="Wall Street protests go global; riots in Rome"/> Di Frankfurt, 5.000 orang berdemo di Bank Sentral Eropa dan di Zurich, hub keuangan Swiss, para demonstran membawa spanduk bertuliskan "We won't bail you out yet again" dan "We are the 99 percent." Sebagian besar demonstran tidak anarkis, namun sebuah protes di Roma yang mendorong ribuan orang melakukan tindak kekerasan ketika "beberapa ribu preman dari seluruh Italia, dan kemungkinan dari seluruh Eropa" membuat kerusakan dalam skala luas.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/10/15/501364/main20120893.shtml |title="Occupy" protests go global, turn violent |publisher=CBS News |date=October 15, 2011 |accessdate=October 19, 2011}}</ref> Ribuan demonstran Occupy Wall Street berkumpul di [[Times Square]] di New York City dan bergerak selama beberapa jam.<ref name="ChicagoSun-Times-WallStreet">Hawley, Chris (October 16, 2011.) [http://www.suntimes.com/news/nation/8245614-418/thousands-of-occupy-protesters-fill-new-york-times-square.html "Thousands of ‘Occupy‘ protesters fill New York Times Square."] [http://www.suntimes.com ''Chicago Sun-Times]. Accessed October 2011.</ref><ref>(October 16, 2011.) [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/10/16/national/main20121154.shtml "Occupy Wall Street has raised $300,000."] [http://www.cbsnews.com CBS News]. Accessed October 2011.</ref> Beberapa ratus demonstran ditahan di seluruh AS, terutama karena menolak mematuhi perintah polisi untuk meninggalkan kawasan umum. Di Chicago, 175 orang ditahan, 100 orang di Arizona (53 di Tucson, 46 di Phoenix), dan lebih dari 70 orang di New York City, termasuk 40 di Times Square.<ref>{{cite news|author=Associated Press October 16, 2011, 11:02&nbsp;pm |url=http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-occupy-wall-street-20111017,0,7374570.story |title=Hundreds arrested in 'Occupy' protests |work=Los Angeles Times |date=July 13, 2011 |accessdate=October 19, 2011}}</ref> Sejumlah orang ditahan di Chicago, dan sekitar 150 orang mendirikan kamp di luar balai kota Minneapolis.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/17/politics/occupy-wall-street/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 |title=Occupy Wall Street: How long can it last? |publisher=CNN |accessdate=October 19, 2011 |date=October 18, 2011}}</ref>
Pada pagi 25 Oktober, polisi membersihkan dan menutup kamp Occupy Oakland di Frank Ogawa Plaza di Oakland, California.<ref>{{cite news|last=Bulwa|first=Demian|title=Police clear Occupy Oakland camps, arrest dozens|url=http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/10/25/BAUB1LLTC9.DTL|accessdate=25 October 2011|newspaper=San Francisco Chronicle|date=25 October 2011|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20111025183706/http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=%2Fc%2Fa%2F2011%2F10%2F25%2FBAUB1LLTC9.DTL|archivedate=2011-10-25|dead-url=no}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last=JESSE |first=McKINLEY |title=Some Cities Begin Cracking Down on ‘Occupy’ Protests. |url= http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/27/us/oakland-and-other-cities-crack-down-on-occupy-protests.html?pagewanted=2 |accessdate=27 October 2011 |date=27 October 2011 |work=The New York Times}}</ref> Serbuan ke kamp tersebut "kejam dan kacau", dan mengakibatkan 102 orang ditahan dan beberapa demonstran terluka. Kota Oakland mengontrak 12 departemen polisi regional lainnya untuk membantu pembersihan area kamp tersebut. Seorang veteran perang Irak, Scott Olsen, diduga dipukul di kepala menggunakan kaleng gas air mata dan mengalami keretakan pada tengkorak. Kondisinya kemudian tidak kritis lagi.<ref>{{cite news|last=Romney|first=Lee|title=Occupy Oakland regroups; injured Iraq war veteran recovering|url=http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/10/occupy-oakland-regroups-injured-iraq-war-veteran-.html|accessdate=11/15/11|newspaper=LA Times|date=10/28/11}}</ref> Pada malam selanjutnya, sekitar 1.000 demonstran berkumpul kembali di plaza dan mengadakan pergerakan sampai malam hari.<ref>{{cite news|last=Kurpnick|first=Nick|title=Occupy Oakland: Officials shift into damage control|url=http://www.insidebayarea.com/news/ci_19205555|accessdate=10/27/11|newspaper=Oakland Tribune|date=10/27/11}}</ref>
Pada tanggal 2 November, demonstran di [[Oakland, California|Oakland]], California menghentikan operasi [[Port of Oakland]], pelabuhan tersibuk kelima di Amerika Serikat. Polisi memperkirakan bahwa sekitar 3.000 demonstran berkumpul di pelabuhan dan 4.500 lainnya bergerak melintasi kota; seorang juru bicara gerakan protes tersebut, yang hanya memberitahu nama depannya, berkata kepada BBC bahwa ia mendengar sejumlah orang menduga sekitar 20.000 sampai 30.000 demonstran turut berpartisipasi, namun "sulit untuk disebutkan."<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15568057 |title=BBC News&nbsp;— US Occupy protesters clash with police at Oakland port |publisher=Bbc.co.uk |date=2011-10-27 |accessdate=2011-11-04}}</ref>
=== Minggu 9, 10 & seterusnya (12 November&nbsp;– Desember) ===
{{see also|Kronologi serbuan gerakan Occupy}}
Setelah tengah malam 15 November, polisi menyebarkan pemberitahuan bahwa para demonstran untuk sementara harus mengosongkan taman agar petugas kebersihan/sanitasi bisa masuk.<ref name=cleaning>[http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57324763/nyc-police-clear-occupy-wall-st-camp/ Occupy Wall Street Protests] CBS News. 15 Nov 2011. Last accessed 16 Nov 2011.</ref> Sesuai pemberitahuan polisi, para demonstran diperbolehkan kembali setelah pembersihan tersebut, namun tanpa tenda, terpal, atau kantung tidur. Polisi bergerak masuk sekitar pukul 01.00 pada 15 November dan menahan sekitar 200 orang, beberapa di antaranya berusaha menghentikan masuknya petugas kebersihan. Termasuk di antara yang ditahan adalah jurnalis [[Agence France-Presse]],<ref name='Estes 2011-11-16'>{{cite news | first = Adam Clark | last = Estes | title = Press Is Not Forgetting the Journalists Arrested at Zuccotti Park | date = 2011-11-16 | url = http://www.theatlanticwire.com/national/2011/11/press-not-foregetting-journalists-arrested-zuccotti-park/45047/ | work = The Atlantic | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63HneHjTy?url=http://www.theatlanticwire.com/national/2011/11/press-not-foregetting-journalists-arrested-zuccotti-park/45047/|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref> [[Associated Press]],<ref name='McCarthy 2011-11-17'>{{cite news | first = Megan | last = McCarthy | title = Bloomberg Spokesperson Admits Arresting Credentialed Reporters, Reading The Awl | date = 2011-11-17 | url = http://www.observer.com/2011/11/bloomberg-spokesperson-admits-arresting-credentialed-reporters-reading-the-awl/ | work = The New York Observer | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63Hngyiiv?url=http://www.observer.com/2011/11/bloomberg-spokesperson-admits-arresting-credentialed-reporters-reading-the-awl/|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref> [[Daily News (New York)|Daily News]],<ref name='CBS 2011-11-15'>{{cite news | title = Several Journalists Among Those Arrested During Zuccotti Park Raid | date = 2011-11-15 | publisher = CBS News | url = http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/11/15/officials-journalists-among-those-arrested-during-zuccotti-park-raid/ | work = CBSNewsYork/AP | accessdate = 2011-11-16|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63FSXRa1j?url=http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/11/15/officials-journalists-among-those-arrested-during-zuccotti-park-raid/|archivedate = 2011-11-16|dead-url = no}}</ref> DNAInfo,<ref name='Ventura 2011-11-16'>{{cite news | first = Michael | last = Ventura | title = DNAinfo.com Journalists Arrested While Covering OWS Police Raids | date = 2011-11-16 | url = http://gamma.dnainfo.com/20111115/downtown/dnainfo-journalists-arrested-while-covering-ows-police-raids | work = DNAinfo | accessdate = 2011-11-18 | quote = |archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63HnkhWBB?url=http://gamma.dnainfo.com/20111115/downtown/dnainfo-journalists-arrested-while-covering-ows-police-raids|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref> [[NPR]],<ref name='Memmott 2011-11-15'>{{cite news | first = Mark | last = Memmott | title = New York Police Clear Occupy Wall Street Protesters From Park | date = 2011-11-15 | url = http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/11/15/142336656/new-york-police-clear-occupy-wall-street-protesters-from-park | work = NPR | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63Hno1k7M?url=http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2011/11/15/142336656/new-york-police-clear-occupy-wall-street-protesters-from-park|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref> [[Television New Zealand]],<ref name='AP WSJ'>{{cite news | title = Journalists detained at NYC Occupy protests | date = 2011-11-15 | publisher = The Wall Street Journal | url = http://online.wsj.com/article/AP7788a68e595d4722950196f35c6d4e5b.html | agency = Associated Press | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63HnqegCw?url=http://online.wsj.com/article/AP7788a68e595d4722950196f35c6d4e5b.html|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref> ''The New York Times'',<ref name='Malsin 2011-11-15'>{{cite news | first = Jared | last = Malsin | title = Reporter for The Local Is Arrested During Occupy Wall Street Clearing | date = 2011-11-15 | publisher = The New York Times | url = http://eastvillage.thelocal.nytimes.com/2011/11/15/video-reporter-for-the-local-is-arrested-during-occupy-wall-street-clearing/ | work = NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63Hnti54Z?url=http://eastvillage.thelocal.nytimes.com/2011/11/15/video-reporter-for-the-local-is-arrested-during-occupy-wall-street-clearing/|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref> dan [[Vanity Fair (majalah)|Vanity Fair]],<ref name='Weiner 2011-11-15'>{{cite news | first = Juli | last = Weiner | title = Journalists, Among Those a Vanity Fair Correspondent, Arrested While Covering Occupy Wall Street | date = 2011-11-15 | url = http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2011/11/Journalists-Among-Those-a-emVanity-Fair-Correspondentem-Arrested-While-Covering-Occupy-Wall-Street | work = Vanity Fair | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63HnxWeXm?url=http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2011/11/Journalists-Among-Those-a-emVanity-Fair-Correspondentem-Arrested-While-Covering-Occupy-Wall-Street|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref> juga anggota [[Dewan Kota New York City]] [[Ydanis Rodríguez]].<ref>{{cite web|last=Siegal|first=Ida|title=Councilman Rodriguez Gives Details of His Occupy Wall Street Arrest|url=http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Councilman-Ydanis-Rodriguez-Occupy-Wall-Street-Arrest-Press-Conference-133948328.html|publisher=WNBC|accessdate=December 20, 2011|coauthors=Colletti, Roseanne|date=November 16, 2011}}</ref> Kartu pers seorang reporter NBC disita.<ref name='Johnston 2011-11-15'>{{cite news | first = Garth | last = Johnston | title = Police Arrest OWS Reporter As He Pleads "I'm A Reporter!" | date = 2011-11-15 | url = http://gothamist.com/2011/11/15/video_police_arrest_ows_reporter_sc.php | work = Gothamist | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63HqESagQ?url=http://gothamist.com/2011/11/15/video_police_arrest_ows_reporter_sc.php|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = yes}}</ref>
Ketika polisi sedang mengosongkan taman, awak khusus media ditahan satu blok dari taman, sehingga mereka tidak bisa mendokumentasikan pengosongan tersebut.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/11/occupy-wall-street-police-raid-eviction |title=Exclusive Video: Inside Police Lines at the Occupy Wall Street Eviction |publisher=Mother Jones |date= |accessdate=2011-11-17}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=David Badash |url=http://thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/defiant-nyc-mayor-bloomberg-to-occupy-protestors-no-right-is-absolute/politics/2011/11/15/30224 |title=Defiant NYC Mayor Bloomberg To Occupy Protestors: ‘No Right Is Absolute’ |publisher=The New Civil Rights Movement |date= |accessdate=2011-11-17}}</ref> Helikopter polisi mencegah helikopter berita NBC dan CBS memberitakan pengosongan taman.<ref name='Stableford 2011-11-17'>{{cite news | first = Dylan | last = Stableford | title = Press clash with police during Occupy Wall Street raid; seven journalists arrested | date = 2011-11-17 | publisher = [[Yahoo News]] | url = http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/cutline/press-clash-police-during-occupy-wall-street-raid-232215675.html | work = The Cutline | accessdate = 2011-11-18 | archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63HLuZt3W ?url=http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/cutline/press-clash-police-during-occupy-wall-street-raid-232215675.html| archivedate = 2011-11-1718|dead-url = no}}</ref> Banyak jurnalis yang mengeluh ditangani secara kasar atau kejam oleh polisi.<ref name='Telegraph 2011-11-15'>{{cite news | first = Amy | last = Willis | coauthors = Chris Irvine | title = Occupy Wall Street eviction: as it happened | date = 2011-11-15 | url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/8890772/Occupy-Wall-Street-eviction-as-it-happened.html | work = The Telegraph | accessdate = 2011-11-17 |archiveurl archiveurl=http https://www.webcitation.org/63FxCrrjf?url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/8890772/Occupy-Wall-Street-eviction-as-it-happened.html|archivedate = 2011-11-17 | quote = CBS News NY News Desk tells me their helicopter was forced down by NYPD -- they had to go down for fuel but weren't allowed back up. #ows | location = London|dead-url = no}}</ref><ref name='Gitlin 2011-11-15'>{{cite news | first = Sarah | last = Gitlin | coauthors = Janine Balekdjian | title = Reoccupy Wall Street | date = 2011-11-15 | url = http://www.columbiaspectator.com/2011/11/15/reoccupy-wall-street | work = The Columbia Daily Spectator | accessdate = 2011-11-17 | archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63FxWzwQd?url=http://www.columbiaspectator.com/2011/11/15/reoccupy-wall-street|archivedate = 2011-11-17| quote = A CBS helicopter that tried to cover the eviction aerially was forced to leave the airspace over the park by the NYPD, depriving the world of a view of what, exactly, the police were doing.|dead-url = no}}</ref><ref name='CPJ'>{{cite web | url = http://www.cpj.org/2011/11/journalists-obstructed-from-covering-ows-protests.php | title = Journalists obstructed from covering OWS protests | accessdate = 2011-11-18 | date = 2011-11-15 | publisher = [[Committee to Protect Journalists]] | archiveurl = httphttps://www.webcitation.org/63HpunRea?url=http://www.cpj.org/2011/11/journalists-obstructed-from-covering-ows-protests.php | archivedate = 2011-11-1518 | quote = Lindsey Christ, a reporter for the TV channel NY1, told the Times she witnessed police officers put a New York Post reporter "in a choke-hold." | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref>''The Washington Post'', 2011 Nov. 15, "Bloomberg’s Disgraceful Eviction of Occupy Wall Street,"
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/post/bloombergs-disgraceful-eviction-of-occupy-wall-street/2011/11/15/gIQASRiqON_blog.html</ref> [[Society of Professional Journalists]], [[Committee to Protect Journalists]], [[Reporters Without Borders]] dan [[New York Civil Liberties Union]] mengkhawatirkan dan mengkritik situasi tersebut.<ref name='Ventura 2011-11-16' /><ref name='SPJ 2011-11-15'>{{cite web | url = http://www.spj.org/news.asp?REF=1091#1091 | title = SPJ condemns arrests of journalists at Occupy protests | accessdate = 2011-11-18 | date = 2011-11-15 | publisher = [[Society of Professional Journalists]] | archiveurl = httphttps://www.webcitation.org/63HdgVgJr?url=http://www.spj.org/news.asp?REF=1091#1091 | archivedate = 2011-11-18 | dead-url = no }}</ref><ref name='HP AP 2011-11-17'>{{cite news | title = Human rights group concerned over journalists’ arrests at Occupy protests | date = 2011-11-17 | publisher = Huffington Post | url = http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/human-rights-group-concerned-over-journalists-arrests-at-occupy-wall-street/2011/11/17/gIQAZ0kNVN_story.html | agency = Associated Press | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archivedate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63HyxJz54?url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/human-rights-group-concerned-over-journalists-arrests-at-occupy-wall-street/2011/11/17/gIQAZ0kNVN_story.html|dead-url = no}}</ref><ref name='RSF 2011-11-16'>{{cite news | title = Journalists arrested and obstructed again during Occupy Wall Street camp eviction | date = 2011-11-16 | url = http://en.rsf.org/united-states-absurd-charges-brought-against-09-11-2011,41370.html | work = Reporters Without Borders | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63HdyEWIx?url=http://en.rsf.org/united-states-absurd-charges-brought-against-09-11-2011,41370.html|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref> [[OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression]] mengeluarkan sebuah pernyataan bahwa "pembatasan akses yang tidak proporsional menuju tempat kejadian, penahanan, serta tuduhan kriminal akibat pelaksanaan tugas profesi oleh para reporter melanggar hak kebebasan berekspresi."<ref name='OAS 2011-11-17'>{{cite press release| url = http://cidh.org/relatoria/showarticle.asp?artID=875&lID=1 | title = Office of the Special Rappoteur Expresses Concern over Arrests and Assaults on Journalists Covering Protests in the United States | accessdate = 2011-11-18 | date = 2011-11-17 | publisher = [[Organization of American States]] | archiveurl = http://www.webcitation.org/63Hc6A1i4 | archivedate = 2011-11-18}}</ref>
Pada tanggal 21 November, [[New York Daily News]], [[New York Post]], [[Associated Press]], [[Dow Jones]], [[NBC Universal]] dan [[WNBC-TV]] bergabung dalam sebuah surat yang ditulis oleh Dewan Umum ''New York Times'' George Freeman yang mengkritik penanganan media oleh Departemen Polisi New York selama serbuan tersebut. <br /><ref>{{cite web |author=11/21/11 |url=http://www.amny.com/urbanite-1.812039/media-upset-at-nypd-for-treatment-of-reporters-at-ows-1.3338559 |title=Media upset at NYPD for treatment of reporters at OWS&nbsp;— am New York |publisher=Amny.com |date= |accessdate=2011-11-24 |archive-date=2012-01-28 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120128194514/http://www.amny.com/urbanite-1.812039/media-upset-at-nypd-for-treatment-of-reporters-at-ows-1.3338559 |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
Setengah jam setelah pengosongan oleh polisi, Occupy Wall Street Media Team mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi di bawah judul, "Anda tidak bisa mengusir ide yang sudah saatnya untuk dikeluarkan." Pernyataan tersebut berisi, "Sejumlah politisi mungkin secara fisik bisa mengusir kami dari ruang publik&nbsp;— ruang kami&nbsp;— dan, secara fisik, mereka mungkin berhasil. Tetapi kami terlibat dalam pertempuran mempertahankan ide tersebut."<ref name=evict-idea>[http://occupywallst.org/article/you-cant-evict-idea-whose-time-has-come "You can't evict an idea whose time has come."]- official statement of Occupy Wall Street Media Team, posted November 15, 2011, 1:36 a.m. EST</ref>
Tenda dan dampak personal terhadap demonstran, dan lima ribu buku di [[The People's Library]]<ref>Al Jazeera, 16 Nov. 2011, "The People's Library and the Future of OWS: The Massive Library Carted Away by Authorities at Zuccotti Park is a Formidable Weapon in Occupy Wall Street's Arsenal," http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2011/11/2011111681642279467.html</ref> diletakkan di truk sampah oleh petugas polisi dan disita.<ref>Democracy Now, 15 Nov. 2011, "Inside Occupy Wall Street Raid: Eyewitnesses Describe Arrests, Beatings as Police Dismantle Camp," http://www.democracynow.org/2011/11/15/inside_occupy_wall_street_raid_eyewitnesses</ref> Di acara [[The Rachel Maddow Show]] tanggal 15 November, rekaman serbuan tersebut diperlihatkan dengan komentar berikut:
:"Pejabat polisi New York City berseragam lengkap untuk menghadapi kerusuhan, menyebarkan pemberitahuan tertulis kepada demonstran yang memberitahu mereka tempat pengembalian barang-barang pribadi mereka, yang terdengar indah sampai Anda melihat apa yang mereka lakukan terhadap barang-barang pribadi milik demonstran. Ada beberapa laporan bahwa polisi menggunakan pisau untuk memotong tenda militer yang merupakan harapan terbaik untuk bertahan hidup dari musim dingin di sana. Anda bisa melihat polisi sedang memotong tonggak tenda demonstran dengan gergaji tangan dan gergaji paku."<ref>{{cite web |url=http://supermomwannabe.com/2011/11/16/occupy-is-here-to-stay/ |title=Occupy is here to stay |publisher=SuperMomWannabe.com |date=2011-11-16 |accessdate=2011-11-28 |archive-date=2011-11-21 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111121121446/http://supermomwannabe.com/2011/11/16/occupy-is-here-to-stay/ |dead-url=yes }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45322520/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/#.Ts-wQBzN4pI |title=Tuesday, November 15 - msnbc tv&nbsp;— Rachel Maddow show&nbsp;— msnbc.com |publisher=MSNBC |date=2011-11-16 |accessdate=2011-11-28}}</ref>
Komputer yang disita setelah serbuan tersebut dihancurkan.<ref>http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/11/18/1037890/-Irony-of-What-Bloomberg’s-Done,-Threw-out-Fahrenheit-451</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=Submit |url=http://www.motherboard.tv/2011/11/18/who-smashed-the-laptops-from-occupy-wall-street-inside-the-nypd-s-lost-and-found |title=Who Smashed the Laptops from Occupy Wall Street? Inside the NYPD's Lost and Found &#124; Motherboard |publisher=Motherboard.tv |date= |accessdate=2011-11-28}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|last=Jardin |first=Xeni |url=http://boingboing.net/2011/11/18/the-irony-of-what-bloomberg.html |title=One week after attending NY Public Library gala, Bloomberg destroys #OWS library containing honorees' books (and his own) |publisher=Boing Boing |date= |accessdate=2011-11-28}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |last=Gabbatt |first=Adam |url=http://www.guardiannews.com/world/blog/2011/nov/16/occupy-wall-street-live-protesters-eviction |title=Occupy Wall Street: protesters regroup after eviction&nbsp;— Wednesday 16 November &#124; World news &#124; guardian.co.uk |publisher=Guardiannews.com |date= |accessdate=2011-11-28 |archive-date=2011-11-28 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111128010514/http://www.guardiannews.com/world/blog/2011/nov/16/occupy-wall-street-live-protesters-eviction |dead-url=yes }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |author=Christopher Robbins |url=http://gothamist.com/2011/11/19/did_the_nypd_purposefully_destroy_o.php |title=Did The City Purposefully Destroy Occupy Wall Street's Property? |publisher=Gothamist |date=2011-11-19 |accessdate=2011-11-28 |archive-date=2017-11-07 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171107020210/http://gothamist.com/2011/11/19/did_the_nypd_purposefully_destroy_o.php |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
Setelah pengosongan tersebut, pejabat New York City memerintahkan polisi untuk menutup seluruh taman dan mencegah kembalinya demonstran, sambil menunggu hasil dengar pendapat di pengadilan mengenai apakah dan atas alasan apa para demonstran kembali; seorang hakim mengeluarkan putusan pengendalian sementara agar demonstran boleh kembali ke taman dengan tenda mereka, yang menurut penulis opini ''Washington Post'' James Downie diabaikan oleh WalikotaWali kota Bloomberg.<ref>''The Washington Post'', 2011 Nov. 15, "Bloomberg’s Disgraceful Eviction of Occupy Wall Street," http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/post/bloombergs-disgraceful-eviction-of-occupy-wall-street/2011/11/15/gIQASRiqON_blog.html</ref><ref>{{cite news|last=Newman |first=Andy |url=http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/15/updates-on-the-clearing-of-zuccotti-park/?src=twt&twt=cityroom#judge-says-protesters-can-return-to-park-for-now |title=Updates on the Clearing of Zuccotti Park&nbsp;— NYTimes.com |location=New York City;Zuccotti Park (NYC) |publisher=Cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com |date= November 15, 2011|accessdate=2011-11-17}}</ref> Seorang hakim pada sore hari memutuskan bahwa perintah sementara tersebut tidak diperpanjang, karena AmandemenAmendemen Pertama tidak memberikan demonstran hak untuk mengisi taman dengan "tenda, struktur, generator, dan instalasi lain selain dari hak dan tugas pemilik untuk mengelola Zuccotti Park."<ref name=RestrainingOrderVacated>{{cite news |url=http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/15/us/new-york-occupy-eviction/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 |title=New York court upholds eviction of "Occupy" protesters |author=CNN Wire Staff |date=November 15, 2011 |publisher=www.cnn.com |accessdate=November 15, 2011 |quote= A New York Supreme Court has ruled not to extend a temporary restraining order that prevented the eviction of "Occupy" protesters who were encamped at Zuccotti Park, considered a home-base for demonstrators.
Police in riot gear cleared out the protesters early Tuesday morning, a move that attorneys for the loosely defined group say was unlawful.
But Justice Michael Stallman later ruled in favor of New York city officials and Brookfield properties, owners and developers of the privately-owned park in Lower Manhattan.
The order does not prevent protesters from gathering in the park, but says their First Amendment rights not do include remaining there, "along with their tents, structures, generators, and other installations to the exclusion of the owner's reasonable rights and duties to maintain Zuccotti Park."}}</ref><ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/16/nyregion/police-begin-clearing-zuccotti-park-of-protesters.html?pagewanted=3&_r=1 Police Clear Zuccotti Park of Protesters] ''The New York Times''. 15 Nov 2011. Last accessed 16 Nov 2011.</ref>
Pada tanggal 17 Desember, jurnalis yang mewakili Indypendent Reader, [[Independent Media Center|IMC]] dan [[In These Times]] ditahan.<ref name='Voorhees 2011-11-17'>{{cite news | first = Josh | last = Voorhees | coauthors = Abby Ohlheiser | title = Re-Energized OWS Protesters Stage Nationwide "Day of Action" | date = 2011-11-17 | url = http://slatest.slate.com/posts/2011/11/17/ows_day_of_action_protesters_head_to_the_new_york_stock_exchange.html | work = Slate | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63Ho0vY6o?url=http://slatest.slate.com/posts/2011/11/17/ows_day_of_action_protesters_head_to_the_new_york_stock_exchange.html|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref><ref name='Mirkinson 2011-11-17'>{{cite news | first = Jack | last = Mirkinson | title = Occupy Wall Street November 17: Journalists Arrested, Beaten By Police | date = 2011-11-17 | url = http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/17/occupy-wall-street-nov-17-journalists-arrested-beaten_n_1099661.html | work = The Huffington Post | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63Ho2zdh5?url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/17/occupy-wall-street-nov-17-journalists-arrested-beaten_n_1099661.html|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref> Dua wartawan [[The Daily Caller|Daily Caller]] dan seorang wartawan [[RT (jaringan TV)|RT]] dilaporkan dipukul dengan [[Tongkat (penegakan hukum)|tongkat polisi]].<ref name='Mirkinson 2011-11-17' /><ref name='Jilani 2011-11-17'>{{cite news | first = Zaid | last = Jilani | title = Reporters For Right-Wing Publication Daily Caller Beaten By NYPD, Helped By Protesters | date = 2011-11-17 | url = http://thinkprogress.org/special/2011/11/17/371349/reporters-for-right-wing-publication-daily-caller-beaten-by-nypd-helped-by-protesters/ | work = ThinkProgress | accessdate = 2011-11-18|archiveurl =http https://www.webcitation.org/63HpihHOr?url=http://thinkprogress.org/special/2011/11/17/371349/reporters-for-right-wing-publication-daily-caller-beaten-by-nypd-helped-by-protesters/|archivedate = 2011-11-18|dead-url = no}}</ref>
Pada tanggal 6 Desember, [[Occupy Our Homes]], protes sampingan Occupy Wall Street, bergabung dengan "hari aksi nasional" untuk memprotes penyalahtanganan pemilik rumah oleh bank-bank besar, yang menghasilkan miliaran dolar dari gelembung perumahan dengan memberikan pinjaman predator dan terlibat dalam praktik yang merugikan konsumen. Di lebih dari 24 kota di seluruh AS, gerakan ini mengambil tema krisis perumahan dengan menduduki kembali rumah yang ditutup awal, mengganggu lelang bank dan mencegah pengusiran.<ref name="Les-2011">{{cite news |url=http://money.cnn.com/2011/12/06/real_estate/occupy_movement_spreads/index.htm |title=Occupy protesters take over foreclosed homes |author=Les Christie |date=December 6, 2011 |work= |publisher=CNNMoney |accessdate=December 7, 2011}}</ref>
Pada tanggal 14 Desember, protes sampingan OWS lainnya, yaitu Occupy DOE (Department of Education), berganung dengan para guru dan orang tua untuk memrotes pertemuan dewan sekolah di distrik Queens, New York City. Kelompok ini mengklaim bahwa Panel on Educational Policy (PEP), sebagian besar ditunjuk oleh Mayor Bloomberg, tidak sah, tidak demokratis, dan merupakan "parodi dewan sekolah". PEP dijadwalkan melakukan pengambilan suara atas rencana pembukaan dua sekolah sewa baru di Brooklyn yang dijalankan jaringan Success, sebuah organisasi yang dioperasikan oleh mantan anggota dewan yang dekat dengan wali kota dan administrasinya. Hampir semua orang di dewan Success terlibat dengan industri pengelola investasi global atau ekuitas pribadi. Persepsi bahwa "satu persen" mampu membuka sekolah di daerah Brooklyn, meski ada tentangan dari publik dan para pejabat terpilih, telah menuai kecaman besar.<ref>{{cite web|author=Get your FREE! Nation User Name |url=http://www.thenation.com/article/165238/occupy-education |title=Occupy Education |publisher=The Nation |date= |accessdate=2011-12-25}}</ref>
Baris 135 ⟶ 132:
{{cite web|url=http://www.c4chaos.com/2011/11/why-ravi-batra-is-my-kind-of-kick-ass-economist-for-the-99/ |title=Why Ravi Batra is My Kind of Kick-Ass Economist for the 99%!|publisher=C4CHAOS blog|date=November 14, 2011 |author= |accessdate=November 20, 2011}}</ref>
{{cite web|url=http://www.closingthegap.org.nz/site-map/research-material/ravi-batra-usa-prof-economics-on-economic-chaos-kim-hill-interview/ |title=Ravi Batra-USA Prof Economics on Economic Chaos|author= Kim Hill |publisher=Closing the gap|date=November 14, 2011 |accessdate=November 20, 2011}}</ref>
{{cite web|url=http://archive.fwweekly.com/content.asp?article=7369 |title= Prophet of Boom (and Bust) Now will they listen to Ravi Batra? |newspaper=Fort Worth Weekly |author=Kendall Anderson|date=December 17, 2008 |accessdate=October 26, 2011}}</ref>
{{cite web|url=http://www.fwweekly.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5095:rising-up&catid=30:cover-story&Itemid=375|title=Uprising|date=October 19, 2011|newspaper=Ft. Worth Weekly|accessdate=October 22, 2011}}</ref>
Baris 145 ⟶ 142:
<!--<ref name="The Christian Science Monitor"/>-->
<!-- <ref name="Dems Co-Opt Occupy Wall St.">{{cite web|author=om een reactie te plaatsen! |url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn6Np_5S7vM |title=Dems Co-Opt Occupy Wall St. |publisher=YouTube |date=October 3, 2011 |accessdate=October 13, 2011}}</ref> -->>
<!--<ref name="From Tahrir Square to...Wall Street?">{{cite news|last=Rapoza|first=Kenneth|title=From Tahrir Square to...Wall Street?|url=http://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2011/07/15/from-tahrir-square-to-wall-street/|newspaper=Forbes|date=July 15, 2011}}</ref>-->
Baris 155 ⟶ 152:
<!--<ref name=hill2011>Hill, A. (October 4, 2011) [http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2011/10/04/am-campaign-finance-lobbying-major-roadblocks-to-effective-government/ "Campaign finance, lobbying major roadblocks to effective government"] ''Marketplace Morning Report'' (American Public Media)</ref>-->
<ref name="Hundreds freed after New York Wall Street protest">{{cite news|url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15143509|title=Hundreds freed after New York Wall Street protest|date=October 2, 2011|work=BBC News |publisher=BBC |accessdate=October 2, 2011}}</ref>
<!--<ref name=lessigbook>Lessig, L. (2011) [http://www.twelvebooks.com/books/republic_lost.asp ''Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress&nbsp;– and a Plan to Stop It''] (New York City: Hachette/Twelve) [http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/national-affairs/lawrence-lessig-on-how-we-lost-our-democracy-20111005 excerpt]</ref>-->
<ref name="NYPD Arrest Seven Wall Street Protesters">{{cite web|last=Marcinek|first=Laura|url=http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-09-19/new-york-city-police-arrest-seven-wall-street-protesters.html|title=NYPD Arrest Seven Wall Street Protesters|publisher=Bloomberg |date=September 19, 2011|accessdate=September 21, 2011}}</ref>
<!--<ref name="New York Times">[http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/09/opinion/sunday/protesters-against-wall-street.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss], NewYorkTimes.com, Oct. 8, 2011; accessed September 29, 2011.</ref>-->
<!--<ref name="OWSproposedDemands">{{cite web |author=anonymous |coauthors=Hart, Lloyd J. |title=Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement! (User Submitted) |publisher=occupywallstreet.org |url=http://occupywallst.org/forum/proposed-list-of-demands-for-occupy-wall-st-moveme/ |accessdate=October 10, 2011}}</ref>-->
<ref name="Occupy Wall Street protests: Police make arrests, use pepper spray as some activists storm barricade">{{cite news|url=http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/10/05/2011-10-05_occupy_wall_street_protests_unions_join_epic_march_in_downtown_manhattan.html |title=Occupy Wall Street protests: Police make arrests, use pepper spray as some activists storm barricade |work=Daily News |location=New York |accessdate=October 13, 2011}}</ref>
<!-- <ref name="On way to Wall Street, confronting a protest">{{cite news |last=Condon |first=Bernard |last2=Matthews |first2=Karen |title=On way to Wall Street, confronting a protest |url=http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/10/03/ap/business/main20114915.shtml |accessdate=October 5, 2011 |publisher=CBS News |date=October 3, 2011 |agency=Associated Press}}</ref> -->
<ref name="Police Arrest More Than 400 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge">{{cite news|last=Baker|first=Al|title=Police Arrest More Than 400 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge|url=http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/01/police-arresting-protesters-on-brooklyn-bridge/|accessdate=October 1, 2011|newspaper=The New York Times|date=October 1, 2011}}</ref>
<ref name="Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge">{{cite news |url=http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/01/police-arresting-protesters-on-brooklyn-bridge/ |title=Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge |author=Al Baker, Colin Moynihan and Sarah Maslin Nir |date=October 1, 2011 |newspaper=New York Times }}</ref>
<!-- <ref name="Read Demands of 'Occupy Wall Street' ... and Try Not to Laugh&nbsp;– Occupy Wall Street&nbsp;– Fox Nation">{{cite news |url=http://nation.foxnews.com/occupy-wall-street/2011/10/04/read-demands-occupy-wall-street-and-try-not-laugh |title=Read Demands of 'Occupy Wall Street' ... and Try Not to Laugh&nbsp;– Occupy Wall Street&nbsp;– Fox Nation |publisher=nation.foxnews.com |date=October 3, 2011 |accessdate=October 7, 2011}}</ref> -->
<!--<ref name="The Warning Occupy Wall Street Has for President Obama">{{cite web|last=Engelhardt |first=Tom |url=http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/10/10-2 |title=The Warning Occupy Wall Street Has for President Obama |publisher=Common Dreams |accessdate=October 13, 2011}}</ref>-->
<ref name="Wall Street protests go global; riots in Rome">{{cite news|url=http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/15/us-protests-idUSTRE79E0FC20111015|title=Wall Street protests go global; riots in Rome|first=Phillip|last=Pullella|date=October 15, 2011 |work=Reuters|access-date=2011-12-30|archive-date=2012-04-20|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120420120640/http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/15/us-protests-idUSTRE79E0FC20111015|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
<ref name="adbusters1">{{cite web|url=http://www.adbusters.org/campaigns/occupywallstreet |title=Occupy Wall Street &#124; September 17th |publisher=Adbusters.org |accessdate=October 6, 2011}}</ref> -->
<ref name="arrests">{{cite web|last=Smith|first=Candice|title=Occupy Wall Street Movement Reports 80 Arrested Today in Protests|url=http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2011/09/occupy-wall-street-movement-reports-80-arrested-today-in-protests/|publisher=abc|accessdate=September 25, 2011}}</ref>
<ref name="businessweek1">{{cite web|first=Laura|last=Marcinek|url=http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-09-19/wall-street-areas-blocked-as-police-arrest-seven-in-protest.html|title=Wall Street Areas Blocked as Police Arrest Seven in Protest|work=Businessweek |date=September 19, 2011|accessdate=September 21, 2011}}</ref>
<!--<ref name="coupmedia1">{{cite web|url=http://coupmedia.org/the-sovereign-peoples-movement.html |title=The Sovereign People's Movement @ #Occupy Wall Street|work=Select Below and Vote to Include in the Official Demands for #Occupy Wall Street |publisher=Coup Media Group |accessdate=October 6, 2011}}</ref>-->
<ref name="crackdown">{{cite news|title=Police Arrest 80 During 'Occupy Wall Street' Protest|url=http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/09/24/police-arrest-80-during-occupy-wall-street-protest/|publisher=Fox New.com|accessdate=September 25, 2011|date=September 24, 2011}}</ref>
<ref name="dailynews0929">{{cite news|author=Christina Boyle and John Doyle|url=http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2011/09/29/2011-09-29_probe_nypd_bigs_nasty_peppering_of_protesters_spray_it_aint_so.html|title=Pepper-spray videos spark furor as NYPD launches probe of Wall Street protest incidents|work=[[The Daily News]]|accessdate=October 11, 2011|location=New York|deadurl=yes}} {{Dead link|archive-date=November 2011-10-09|botarchive-url=RjwilmsiBothttps://web.archive.org/web/20111009042327/http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2011/09/29/2011-09-29_probe_nypd_bigs_nasty_peppering_of_protesters_spray_it_aint_so.html}}</ref>
<ref name="five38">{{cite news|author=[[Nate Silver]]|url=http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/07/police-clashes-spur-coverage-of-wall-street-protests/|title=Police Clashes Spur Coverage of Wall Street Protests|work=The New York Times|accessdate=October 11, 2011|date=October 7, 2011}}</ref>
<!--<ref name="guardian0927">{{cite news|author=Karen McVeigh|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/sep/27/occupy-wall-street-anthony-bologna?INTCMP=SRCH|title=Occupy Wall Street: 'Pepper-spray' officer named in Bush protest claim|work=The Guardian |location=UK|accessdate=October 11, 2011|date=September 27, 2011}}</ref>-->
<ref name="guardian13">{{cite news|author=Matt Wells and Karen McVeigh |url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/05/occupy-wall-street-new-york-march?newsfeed=true |title=Occupy Wall Street: thousands march in New York &#124; World news &#124; guardian.co.uk |work=The Guardian |location=UK |accessdate=October 7, 2011 |date=October 5, 2011}}</ref>
{{cite web |last=Kane |first=Muriel |title=Chris Hedges: Occupy Wall Street is ‘where the hope of America lies’ |publisher=The Raw Story |date=September 25, 2011 |url=http://www.rawstory.com/rawreplay/2011/09/chris-hedges-occupy-wall-street-is-where-the-hope-of-america-lies/ |accessdate=October 12, 2011 |archive-date=2011-10-09|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111009141149/http://www.rawstory.com/rawreplay/2011/09/chris-hedges-occupy-wall-street-is-where-the-hope-of-america-lies/|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
<!--<ref name="marcinek">{{Cite news|publisher=Bloomberg |last=Marcinek|first=Laura|title=Protesters Converge on Lower Manhattan, Plan ‘Occupation’|url=http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-09-16/wall-street-protesters-vow-to-occupy-lower-manhattan-for-months.html|date=September 17, 2011|accessdate=September 17, 2011}}</ref>-->
[http://www.ny1.com/content/top_stories/148557/kelly--nypd-presence-at-wall-street-protests-costly/ "Kelly: NYPD Presence At Wall Street Protests Costly" ]. ''NY1.com''. October 7, 2011.</ref>
Baris 212 ⟶ 209:
<ref name="nyt1012">[http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/13/overtime-solidarity-and-complaints-in-wall-st-protests// Overtime, Solidarity and Complaints in Wall St. Protests]. ''New York Times''. October 13, 2011.</ref>
<!--<ref name="occupywallst1">{{cite web|url=https://occupywallst.org/forum/proposed-list-of-demands-please-help-editadd-so-th/ |title=PROPOSED LIST OF DEMANDS |publisher=OccupyWallSt.org Forum |date=September 28, 2011 |accessdate=October 6, 2011}}</ref>-->
<!--<ref name="thenation">[http://www.thenation.com/blog/163626/abysmal-occupy-wall-street-coverage-rubbernecking-new-york-times Correcting the Abysmal 'New York Times' Coverage of Occupy Wall Street], Allison Killkenny, ''The Nation'', September 26, 2011; accessed September 29, 2011</ref>-->
Baris 226 ⟶ 223:
[http://www.wnyc.org/blogs/wnyc-news-blog/2011/oct/11/occupying-wall-street-and-trying-be-good-neighbor/ Occupying Wall Street and Trying to Be a Good Neighbor], Bob Hennelly, WNYC, October 11, 2011; accessed October 14, 2011</ref>
<!--<ref name="wordpress">{{cite web|url=http://peopleslibrary.wordpress.com/ |title=Occupy Wall Street Library &#124; The People's Library at Liberty Plaza |publisher=Peopleslibrary.wordpress.com |date=October 12, 2011 |accessdate=October 16, 2011}}</ref>==>
<ref name="yahoo">{{cite web|url=http://news.yahoo.com/democrats-seek-own-occupy-wall-street-movement-222048239.html |title=Democrats Seek to Own 'Occupy Wall Street' Movement&nbsp;– Yahoo! News |publisher=News.yahoo.com |accessdate=October 13, 2011}}</ref>
<!---<ref name="youtube">[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWBlLvYCx3U&feature=related "Michael Moore Live • Occupy Wall Street Interview • MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell"] (video). YouTube. September 28, 2011. Retrieved October 2, 2011.</ref>-->
<!--<ref name="Best Sellers From 1987's Book Crop">{{cite news|url=http://www.nytimes.com/1988/01/06/books/best-sellers-from-1987-s-book-crop.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm|title=Best Sellers From 1987's Book Crop |accessdate=October 13, 2011|work=New York Times|first=Edwin|last=McDowell|date=January 6, 1988}}</ref>-->
<!--<ref name=callaconvention>{{cite web|url=http://callaconvention.org |title=CallAConvention.org |publisher=CallAConvention.org |accessdate=October 19, 2011}}</ref>-->
<!--<ref name=conconcon>[http://conconcon.org Conference on the Constitutional Convention], Harvard University, September 24-5, 2011</ref>-->
Baris 246 ⟶ 243:
;Situs web Occupy
* [http://nycga.cc/ NYC General Assembly]{{ndash}} The official website of the General Assembly at #OccupyWallStreet
* [http://occupywallst.org Occupy Wall Street . org]{{ndash}} unofficial website produced by affinity group within #OWS
* [http://www.adbusters.org/campaigns/occupywallstreet ''Adbusters'' page] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111104044956/http://www.adbusters.org/campaigns/occupywallstreet |date=2011-11-04 }}{{ndash}} A listing of websites and updates
* [http://occupytogether.org Occupy Together]{{ndash}} A hub for events occurring across the U.S.
** [http://www.meetup.com/occupytogether Occupy Together Meetups Everywhere]{{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130723013930/http://www.meetup.com/occupytogether/ |date=2013-07-23 }}{{ndash}} ([[Meetup]])
* [http://www.youtube.com/occupytv OccupyTV's YouTube Channel] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111011222029/http://www.youtube.com/occupytv |date=2011-10-11 }}
;Situs web terkait
* [http://www.occupywiki.info OccupyWiki.info] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190828091528/http://occupywiki.info/ |date=2019-08-28 }}{{ndash}} Wiki mengenai [[gerakan Occupy]]
* [http://wiki.shop.tm/ wiki.shop.tm]{{ndash}} Wiki mengenai [[gerakan Occupy]]
* [http://occupywiki.org OccupyWiki.org] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150905234904/http://www.occupywiki.org/ |date=2015-09-05 }}{{ndash}} Directory and information
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjnECehlgV69dHdzUUJVV19nYkM4NjFubHV3bjI1Snc&hl=en_US#gid=0 Occupy Directory]{{ndash}} Google Documents spreadsheet
* [http://american-rattlesnake.org/?s=Zuccotti+Park American Rattlesnake]{{ndash}} Archive Of Photo Essays Relating to Occupy Wall Street
* [http://www.businessinsider.com/what-wall-street-protesters-are-so-angry-about-2011-10?op=1 Charts: Here's What The Wall Street Protesters Are So Angry About...]{{ndash}} from [[Business Insider]]
* [http://www.gvu.tv Occupy Wall Street Videos] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120115131335/http://www.gvu.tv/ |date=2012-01-15 }}{{ndash}} The growing and expanding movement captured on video
* [http://photos.denverpost.com/mediacenter/2011/10/photos-wall-street-protests-around-the-nation/ "Occupy" photographs from around the nation] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20111019162911/http://photos.denverpost.com/mediacenter/2011/10/photos-wall-street-protests-around-the-nation/ |date=2011-10-19 }}{{ndash}} from the ''Denver Post''
* [http://inequality.org/ Inequality.org]{{ndash}} from [http://inequality.org/program-inequality-common-good/ Program on Inequality and the Common Good] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120204134110/http://inequality.org/program-inequality-common-good/ |date=2012-02-04 }}, an [http://www.ips-dc.org/ Institute for Policy Studies] project
* [http://equalitytrust.org.uk/ The Equality Trust] (UK){{ndash}} An organization for reducing income inequality in the United Kingdom
* [http://nlgnyc.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Order-re-Liberty-Park.pdf ''In Re Waller'' Order to Show Cause and Temporary Restraining Order of November 15, 2011]{{Pranala mati|date=Mei 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} from the [[National Lawyer's Guild]] website
* [http://www.courts.state.ny.us/press/OWS111511.pdf Decision of November 15, 2011 overturning the TRO in ''Matter of Waller v City of New York''] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131027004405/http://www.courts.state.ny.us/press/OWS111511.pdf |date=2013-10-27 }} from the [[New York State Unified Court System]] website
{{Gerakan Occupy}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Occupy Wall Street}}
[[Kategori:Occupy Wall Street| ]]
[[Kategori:Wall Street]]
[[ar:احتلوا وول ستريت]]
[[be:Захапі Уол-стрыт]]
[[bg:Окупирай Уол Стрийт]]
[[bs:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[cs:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[cy:Occupy Wall Street]]
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[[de:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[en:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[eo:Okupu Wall Street]]
[[es:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[et:Okupeerige Wall Street]]
[[fa:جنبش اشغال وال استریت]]
[[fi:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[fr:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[he:כיבוש וול סטריט]]
[[hi:वॉल स्ट्रीट पर कब्जा करो]]
[[hr:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[it:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[kk:Уолл-стритті басып ал]]
[[ko:월 가를 점거하라]]
[[la:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[ml:വാൾ സ്ട്രീറ്റ് കയ്യടക്കൽ സമരം]]
[[ms:Protes Wall Street 2011]]
[[nl:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[no:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[pl:Okupuj Wall Street]]
[[pt:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[ru:Захвати Уолл-стрит]]
[[sh:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[simple:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[sr:Окупирајте Волстрит]]
[[sv:Occupy Wall Street]]
[[ta:வோல் வீதி ஆக்கிரமிப்பு]]
[[tr:Wall Street'i İşgal Et]]
[[uk:Захопи Волл-стріт]]
[[ur:قبضہ وال سٹریٹ]]
[[vi:Chiếm lấy Phố Wall]]