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Baris 23:
| Aux2 = Daisuke Hiramaki, Chao Nekotomi, Asami Nakatani
| OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2023|4|12}}
| ShortSummary = Dokter Gorou Amamiya merupakan fans berat dari Ai Hoshino, seorang idol. Gorou menjadi fans berat karena pasien dia, Sarina Tendouji yang meninggal di umur 12 tahun karena penyakit kronis, juga menyukai Ai Hoshino. Gorou terkejut ketika Ai menjadi pasiennya di rumah sakit pedesaan karena telah hamil anak kembar dengan umur kandungan 20 minggu, walau Ai enggan memberitahukan siapa ayah dari anak kembar tersebut. Ai bercerita pada Gorou bahwa dirinya anak yatim piatu, ia ingin merasakan kehabagiaan membesarkan keluarga, tetapi disisi lain tidak ingin meninggalkan kariernya sebagai idol, sehingga ia berniat untuk membesarkan anaknya diam-diam tanpa diketahui fansnya. Gorou bersumpah agar Ai dapat melahirkan anaknya dengan sehat. Gorou merawat Ai selama kehamilannya. Namun, menjelang persalinan Ai, Gorou berhadapan dengan fans fanatik yang menguntit Ai dan berakhir dengan menjerumuskan Gorou ke jurang dan akhirnya meninggal bertepatan saat Ai melahirkan. Gorou kemudian menyadari bahwa ia terlahir kembali sebagai anak Ai, Aquamarine, dan kemudian hidup bersama dengan Ai dan saudara kembarnya, Ruby. Ruby sendiri adalah reinkarnasi dari Sarina, tetapi Ruby tidak memberitahu pada Aqua mengenai identitas dia sebelumnya. Manajer Ai, Ichigo Saitou, mulai mempersiapkan kembalinya Ai ke panggung. Sementara itu, Ichigo meminta istrinya, Miyako, untuk merawat Aqua dan Ruby ketika Ai sedang pentas. Ketika Miyako mulai berpikir bahwa dirinya hanya menjadi pengasuh bayi dan tersingkir dari panggung, ia mulai mempertimbangkan membocorkan rahasia kehamilan Ai. Kemudian Aqua dan Ruby mengelabui Miyako dengan mengaku bahwa mereka adalah titisan dewa, sehingga akhirnya Miyako batal membocorkan rahasia tersebut dan tetap merawat mereka.
| ShortSummary = Doctor Gorou Amamiya is an avid fan of the idol Ai Hoshino, spurred on partly due her being the favorite idol of Sarina Tendouji, a previous patient of his who died at the age of 12 from a terminal illness. Gorou is shocked when Ai quietly arrives at his rural hospital 20 weeks pregnant with twins, though she refuses to divulge who the father is. Ai confides in Gorou that as an orphan, she wanted to experience the happiness of raising her own family, but at the same time does not want to give up her idol career so she intends to raise her children in secret. Gorou swears to make sure Ai gives birth to healthy babies and takes care of her for the rest of her pregnancy. However, on Ai's due date, Gorou is confronted by a man stalking Ai and ends up being pushed off a cliff, dying at the same moment Ai goes into labor. He then wakes up and discovers he has been reborn as Ai's son Aquamarine and lives together with her and his twin sister Ruby. Ruby herself is the reincarnation of Sarina, but she does not tell Aqua her previous identity. Ai's manager Ichigo Saitou then begins making plans for Ai's comeback, arranging for his wife Miyako to take care of the twins while Ai is performing. When Miyako begins to get anxious about being relegated to the role of babysitter and considers blowing the whistle on Ai's secret pregnancy, the twins use their intelligence to trick Miyako into thinking they are gods in human form, securing her cooperation.
As time passes, the twins steadily learn more and more about the intricacies and realities of the idol and entertainment industries. One year later, Aqua becomes acquainted with a film director, who offers to secure Ai a role in one of his films if Aqua stars in it as well. During filming, Aqua meets child actress Kana Arima who is skeptical of Ai's acting ability. Aqua is able to play his part flawlessly, which frustrates Kana who forms a one sided rivalry. Two years later, the film ends up being a modest success which helps propel Ai's career upward. However, on the day of her first major [[Tokyo Dome]] performance, the same stalker who killed Gorou tracks down Ai and fatally stabs her before fleeing in regret. In her final moments, Ai comforts the twins, telling them that she loves them and is reassured that her love for them is genuine. Afterwards, the stalker is found to have committed suicide and a memorial is held for Ai, but she is quickly forgotten by the public. The twins are formally adopted by the Saitous. Ruby decides she wants to follow in Ai's footsteps and become an idol, while Aqua deduces that their biological father leaked Ai's address to the stalker with the intent of getting her killed. Aqua reasons that his father is also a figure in the entertainment industry and decides to train as an actor, finding a new purpose in life by tracking down his own father and killing him in revenge for Ai's death. Many years later, the twins head out to their first day of high school, and Aqua sets his revenge plan in motion.