Text Appearing Before Image: es,such as leather, cotton, copper, rubberand coal, tho whether this shortage isso great as to interfere with the con-tinuance of the campaign cannot betold. In a recent speech in the PrussianDiet urging the Government to makefull use of the U-boats against Britishcommerce regardless of American pro-tests, Dr. Heydebrand said: The town population are suffering griev-ously. It is sad to see bow long women haveto wait for a couple of potatoes and how they must pay absolutely exorbitant pricesfor Lhe .simplestof necessities. Germany was carried thru last yearon her potatoes, but this summer thecrop was a failure. Instead of the fiftymillion tons of potatoes usually raisedthe harvest only yielded twenty milliontons. Consequently, the Governmenthas reduced the daily potato rationfrom one and a half pounds to three-quarters of a pound per person. Thebutter allowance is two ounces a weekand hard to get. The allowance of war 174 THE INDEPENDENT January 29, 1917 ■*&£%$£-J$££&?%-\ Text Appearing After Image: Harding in Brooklyn Daily Eagle A LEAK IN THE BRITISH BLOCKADE? Kirov in New York World READY TO BE TAPPED SPEAKING OF LEAKS Harding in Brooklyn Daily Eagle IN SPITE OF THE EMBARGO bread (wheat mixt with other grains orpotatoes) is four pounds a week. In-fants in most places are kept suppliedwith milk, but there is little left forothers. The city of Mainz, which usedto consume 40,000 quarts of milk aday, now has only 4000. Meat and eggswhen obtainable are four times the or-dinary price. Imported foods, such asrice, coffee and tea, are limited andexpensive. Sugar is scarce, and in placeof it coffee is sweetened with sac-charine, a coal-tar product severalhundred times sweeter than sugar, butof no nutritive value. The expectation that the appoint-ment last fall of Herr von Batocki asfood dictator with almost unlimitedpowers would settle the difficulty hasnot been realized. His plan for the con-trol of the food supply of the empireas a whole in order to secure an equit-able distribution
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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