The depicted structure situated in or visible from public space (e.g. a building, a bridge, a signage) in Morocco is ineligible for copyright as it is a simple or ordinary work with no architectural or artistic properties that would have made it a copyrighted structure. It may also be a work of an engineer (like an infrastructure), not of an architect. In several countries like South Korea and the United States, bridges are not among their copyrightable works.
Different jurisdictions have different levels of originality with regards to works of art or architecture: see Threshold of originality for more details.
In a few countries like France and Thailand, bridges may be among their copyrightable works.
A building or a bridge is eligible for copyright if it is a true architectural work; images of such buildings or bridges are not allowed on Wikimedia Commons unless there is an applicable freedom of panorama (that allows commercial uses) in the jurisdiction where the building or the bridge is located; see Commons:Freedom of panorama for more details.
Orang yang mengaitkan suatu karya dengan dokumen ini telah mendedikasikan karyanya sebagai domain publik dengan mengabaikan semua hak ciptanya di seluruh dunia menurut hukum hak cipta, termasuk semua hak yang terkait dan berhubungan, sejauh yang diakui hukum. Anda dapat menyalin, menyebarkan, dan mempertunjukkan karya, bahkan untuk tujuan komersial, tanpa meminta izin. Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedicationfalsefalse
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