You may reuse and distribute this illustration ONLY IF you comply with all the terms of the "License", your kind support is essential to me. You are required to credit me ("Baycrest - Wikipedia user - CC-BY-SA-2.5 / Baycrest - 維基百科用戶 - CC-BY-SA-2.5") as the author, preferably, in the immediate vicinity of the illustration, with web address (URL), and release derivative works (which may include your entire works) with the same "License". All rights not expressly granted by "License" are reserved. If you have any doubt regarding the "License" of this illustration, please ask me for clarification before reusing.
Original version (up to 6000 x 4000 pixel with full metadata) and less restrictive terms are available when request, in case you cannot comply with the above "License".
You may contact me at (baycrest "AT" gmail "dot" com) or at my talk page if you have further questions or need other photographs. More photographs in my personal gallery.
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untuk menggubah – untuk mengadaptasi karya ini
Berdasarkan ketentuan berikut:
atribusi – Anda harus mencantumkan atribusi yang sesuai, memberikan pranala ke lisensi, dan memberi tahu bila ada perubahan. Anda dapat melakukannya melalui cara yang Anda inginkan, namun tidak menyatakan bahwa pemberi lisensi mendukung Anda atau penggunaan Anda.
berbagi serupa – Apabila Anda menggubah, mengubah, atau membuat turunan dari materi ini, Anda harus menyebarluaskan kontribusi Anda di bawah lisensi yang sama atau kompatibel dengan lisensi pada materi asli.
{{Information |Description=莘庄站-1號線月台 Line 1 Platform of Xinzhuang Station |Source=Own work |Date=Feb 2005 |Author=me ([ Baycrest]) |Permission={{self|cc-by-sa-2.5}} |other_versions= }} [[Category:Shm
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