Czesława Kwoka (15 Agustus 1928 – 12 Maret 1943) adalah seorang gadis Katolik Polandia yang dibunuh dalam usia 14 tahun di Auschwitz. Salah satu dari ribuan korban anak-anak dari kejahatan Jerman terhadap orang Polandia pada masa Perang Dunia II di Polandia pada masa pendudukan Jerman, ia adalah salah satu orang yang dikenang dalam pameran Museum Negara Auschwitz-Birkenau, "Block no. 6: Exhibition: The Life of the Prisoners".[1][2]

Czesława Kwoka
Sebagai seorang tahanan di kamp konsentrasi Auschwitz pada akhir 1942 atau awal 1943
Lahir(1928-08-15)15 Agustus 1928
Wólka Złojecka, Polandia
Meninggal12 Maret 1943(1943-03-12) (umur 14)
Auschwitz, Polandia pada masa pendudukan Jerman
Orang tuaKatarzyna Kwoka [1]
Informasi pribadi
AgamaGereja Katolik


  1. ^ Lompat ke: a b "Kwoka: Czesława Kwoka". Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, Poland. Diakses tanggal 2008-08-29. Kwoka, Czeslawa: Wolka Zlojecka b.1928-08-15 (Wolka Zlojecka), died 1943-03-12, denomination:katholisch. ... Kwoka, Katarzyna: Wolka b.1896-04-01 (Wolka), died 1943-02-18, denomination:katholisch. [From the data contained in the so-called Death Books of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp.]  [pranala nonaktif]
  2. ^ "Block no. 6: Exhibition: The Life of the Prisoners". Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, Poland. 2006-10-05. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (Web) tanggal October 18, 2007. Diakses tanggal 2008-09-03. Part of the exhibition in Block 6. In this block, there is a presentation of the conditions under which people became concentration camp prisoners and died as a result of inhumanly hard labor, starvation, disease, and experiments, as well as executions and various types of torture and punishment. There are photographs here of prisoners who died in the camp, documents, and works of art illustrating camp life. [Auschwitz I. Exhibition department. Photograph by Ryszard Domasik.] Copyright ©1999-2008 Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, Poland. 



Pranala luar

  • Archives. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). (Description of all its archives, including: "A combined catalog of published materials available in the Museum's Library, and unpublished archival materials available in the Museum's Archives. The published materials include books, serials, videos, CDs and other media. The unpublished archival materials include microfilm and microfiche, paper collections, photographs, music, and video and audio tapes." Among "unpublished" photographs in the USHMM searchable online Photo Archives are some of Wilhelm Brasse's "identification photographs", featured online with identification of Brasse as the photographer, credit to the "National Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum", identification of individual donors, and/or USHMM copyright notices. Those who download any of its archived photographs are directed to write to the USHMM for terms and conditions of use.)
  • Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, Poland. English version. (Includes Centre for Education About Auschwitz and the Holocaust.) Further reference: "Technical page", with credits and copyright notice, pertaining to the official Website and official publications of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.
  • "Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum Publications: Albums, Catalogues". (English version; also available in Polish and German.)
  • International Tracing Service – "The International Tracing Service (ITS) in Bad Arolsen serves victims of Nazi persecutions and their families by documenting their fate through the archives it manages. The ITS preserves these historic records and makes them available for research." (Opened to the public in November 2007.)
  • "Portraitist" ("Portrecista") – Official Webpage of Rekontrplan Film Group (Distributor). Adobe Flash content, including video clip. (Access: >Productions>Documentaries>Portraitist). Television documentary film produced for TVP1, "a television channel owned by TVP (Telewizja Polska S.A.)" [Updated "Events/News" re: screenings at Polish film festivals and awards also on site.] (English and Polish options.) (Original language of film: Polish. With English subtitles.)
  • "Resources & Collections: About the Photo Archive" at Yad Vashem.